
See theConfigBuilder companion object
class ConfigBuilder(fields: Seq[Field], origin: Origin, fallback: Config)

A builder for creating a Config instance programmatically.

While it's most common in Laika that Config instances are obtained by parsing HOCON, instances can also be created entirely programmatically, or by a combination of HOCON and programmatic values if an existing fallback is used with builder.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

Resolves all specified values and returns a new Config instance.

Resolves all specified values and returns a new Config instance.


def build(newFallback: Config): Config

Resolves all specified values, using the specified fallback, and returns a new Config instance.

Resolves all specified values, using the specified fallback, and returns a new Config instance.


def withFallback(newFallback: Config): ConfigBuilder

Creates a builder with the specified fallback which will be used for resolving keys which are not present in the configuration created by this builder.

Creates a builder with the specified fallback which will be used for resolving keys which are not present in the configuration created by this builder.

If an entire object is requested in the resulting Config instance, the keys will be merged from this builder with those present in the fallback. Simple values on the other hand will always override values with the same key in the fallback.


def withValue[T](key: String, value: T)(implicit encoder: ConfigEncoder[T]): ConfigBuilder

Returns a new builder instance adding the specified value to the existing set of values.

Returns a new builder instance adding the specified value to the existing set of values.


def withValue[T](key: Key, value: T)(implicit encoder: ConfigEncoder[T]): ConfigBuilder

Returns a new builder instance adding the specified value to the existing set of values.

Returns a new builder instance adding the specified value to the existing set of values.


def withValue[T](value: T)(implicit encoder: ConfigEncoder[T], defaultKey: DefaultKey[T]): ConfigBuilder

Returns a new builder instance adding the specified value to the existing set of values.

Returns a new builder instance adding the specified value to the existing set of values.


def withValue[T](key: String, value: Option[T])(implicit encoder: ConfigEncoder[T]): ConfigBuilder

Returns a new builder instance adding the specified value to the existing set of values if it is non-empty.

Returns a new builder instance adding the specified value to the existing set of values if it is non-empty.


def withValue[T](key: Key, value: Option[T])(implicit encoder: ConfigEncoder[T]): ConfigBuilder

Returns a new builder instance adding the specified value to the existing set of values if it is non-empty.

Returns a new builder instance adding the specified value to the existing set of values if it is non-empty.
