

Defines all supported standard text roles of the reStructuredText reference parser.

The following text roles are fully supported:

  • emphasis
  • strong
  • literal
  • subscript (and sub alias)
  • superscript (and sup alias)
  • title-reference (and title alias) - the default role
  • raw (+ format option) (needs to be enabled explicitly through ReStructuredText.withRawElements)

The following text role is supported with some limitation:

  • code does currently not support syntax highlighting (it allows to set the language so client-side highlighters can be integrated if required)

The following text roles are not supported:

  • math
  • pep-reference
  • rfc-reference

In contrast to the reference parser the default-role directive cannot be supported in Laika as the parser is not stateful. Therefore it is not possible to change the default role half-way through a parsing process. However the default role can be specified through the API when creating a parser instance:

object RstExtensions extends RstExtensionRegistry {
  val blockDirectives = Nil
  val spanDirectives = Nil
  val textRoles = Nil
  override val defaultTextRole = "my-role-name"

val transformer = Transformer.from(ReStructuredText).to(HTML).using(RstExtensions)

See for details.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete fields

lazy val allRoles: List[TextRole]

All standard text roles currently supported by Laika, except for the raw text role which needs to be enabled explicitly.

All standard text roles currently supported by Laika, except for the raw text role which needs to be enabled explicitly.


lazy val codeSpan: TextRole

The standard code text role. The current implementation does not support syntax highlighting.

The standard code text role. The current implementation does not support syntax highlighting.


lazy val emphasis: TextRole

The standard emphasis text role.

The standard emphasis text role.


lazy val literal: TextRole

The standard literal text role.

The standard literal text role.


The raw text role, which is not enabled by default, see for details. It can be enabled with Transformer.from(ReStructuredText).to(HTML).withRawContent.

The raw text role, which is not enabled by default, see for details. It can be enabled with Transformer.from(ReStructuredText).to(HTML).withRawContent.


lazy val strong: TextRole

The standard strong text role.

The standard strong text role.


lazy val sub: TextRole

The sub text role, an alias for the subscript role.

The sub text role, an alias for the subscript role.


The standard subscript text role.

The standard subscript text role.


lazy val sup: TextRole

The sup text role, an alias for the superscript role.

The sup text role, an alias for the superscript role.


The standard superscript text role.

The standard superscript text role.


lazy val title: TextRole

The title text role, an alias for the title-reference role.

The title text role, an alias for the title-reference role.


lazy val titleRef: TextRole

The standard title-reference text role, the default text role in reStructuredText unless overridden with RstExtensionRegistry.defaultTextRole.

The standard title-reference text role, the default text role in reStructuredText unless overridden with RstExtensionRegistry.defaultTextRole.
