
@native @JSGlobal @JSType
class ImageData extends Object

The ImageData interface represents the underlying pixel data of an area of a <canvas> element. It is created using creators on the CanvasRenderingContext2D object associated with the canvas createImageData() and getImageData()). It can also be used to set a part of the canvas (like with putImageData()).

class Object
trait Any
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def data: Array[Int]

Is a Uint8ClampedArray representing a one-dimensional array containing the data in the RGBA order, with integer values between 0 and 255 (included).

Is a Uint8ClampedArray representing a one-dimensional array containing the data in the RGBA order, with integer values between 0 and 255 (included).

def height: Int

Is an unsigned long representing the actual height, in pixels, of the ImageData.

Is an unsigned long representing the actual height, in pixels, of the ImageData.

def width: Int

Is an unsigned long representing the actual width, in pixels, of the ImageData.

Is an unsigned long representing the actual width, in pixels, of the ImageData.

Inherited methods

def hasOwnProperty(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from:
def isPrototypeOf(v: Object): Boolean
Inherited from:
def propertyIsEnumerable(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from:
def toLocaleString(): String
Inherited from:
def valueOf(): Any
Inherited from: