
@native @JSGlobal @JSType
class SVGAngle extends Object

The SVGAngle interface correspond to the <angle> basic data type.

class Object
trait Any
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def convertToSpecifiedUnits(unitType: Int): Unit

Preserve the same underlying stored value, but reset the stored unit identifier to the given unitType. Object attributes unitType, valueInSpecifiedUnits and valueAsString might be modified as a result of this method.

Preserve the same underlying stored value, but reset the stored unit identifier to the given unitType. Object attributes unitType, valueInSpecifiedUnits and valueAsString might be modified as a result of this method.

def newValueSpecifiedUnits(unitType: Int, valueInSpecifiedUnits: Double): Unit

Reset the value as a number with an associated unitType, thereby replacing the values for all of the attributes on the object. Exceptions: a DOMException with code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR is raised if unitType is SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN or not a valid unit type constant (one of the other SVG_ANGLETYPE_* constants defined on this interface). a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when the length corresponds to a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.

Reset the value as a number with an associated unitType, thereby replacing the values for all of the attributes on the object. Exceptions: a DOMException with code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR is raised if unitType is SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN or not a valid unit type constant (one of the other SVG_ANGLETYPE_* constants defined on this interface). a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when the length corresponds to a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.

def unitType: Int

The type of the value as specified by one of the SVG_ANGLETYPE_* constants defined on this interface.

The type of the value as specified by one of the SVG_ANGLETYPE_* constants defined on this interface.

Inherited methods

def hasOwnProperty(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from:
def isPrototypeOf(v: Object): Boolean
Inherited from:
def propertyIsEnumerable(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from:
def toLocaleString(): String
Inherited from:
def valueOf(): Any
Inherited from:

Concrete fields

var value: Double

The value as a floating point value, in user units. Setting this attribute will cause valueInSpecifiedUnits and valueAsString to be updated automatically to reflect this setting. Exceptions on setting: a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when the length corresponds to a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.

The value as a floating point value, in user units. Setting this attribute will cause valueInSpecifiedUnits and valueAsString to be updated automatically to reflect this setting. Exceptions on setting: a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when the length corresponds to a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.

var valueAsString: String

The value as a string value, in the units expressed by unitType. Setting this attribute will cause value, valueInSpecifiedUnits and unitType to be updated automatically to reflect this setting. Exceptions on setting: a DOMException with code SYNTAX_ERR is raised if the assigned string cannot be parsed as a valid <angle>. a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when the length corresponds to a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.

The value as a string value, in the units expressed by unitType. Setting this attribute will cause value, valueInSpecifiedUnits and unitType to be updated automatically to reflect this setting. Exceptions on setting: a DOMException with code SYNTAX_ERR is raised if the assigned string cannot be parsed as a valid <angle>. a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when the length corresponds to a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.

The value as a floating point value, in the units expressed by unitType. Setting this attribute will cause value and valueAsString to be updated automatically to reflect this setting. Exceptions on setting: a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when the length corresponds to a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.

The value as a floating point value, in the units expressed by unitType. Setting this attribute will cause value and valueAsString to be updated automatically to reflect this setting. Exceptions on setting: a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when the length corresponds to a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.