
@native @JSType
trait MessagePort extends EventTarget

The MessagePort interface of the Channel Messaging API represents one of the two ports of a MessageChannel, allowing sending of messages from one port and listening out for them arriving at the other.

class Object
trait Any
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def close(): Unit

Disconnects the port,so it is no longer active. This stops the flow of messages to that port.

Disconnects the port,so it is no longer active. This stops the flow of messages to that port.

def postMessage(message: Any, transferList: UndefOr[Array[Transferable]]): Unit

Sends a message from the port, and optionally, transfers ownership of objects to other browsing contexts.

Sends a message from the port, and optionally, transfers ownership of objects to other browsing contexts.

Value parameters:

Transferable objects to be transferred — these objects have their ownership transferred to the receiving browsing context, so are no longer usable by the sending browsing context.

def start(): Unit

Inherited methods

def addEventListener[T <: Event](`type`: String, listener: Function1[T, _], options: EventListenerOptions): Unit

The EventTarget.addEventListener() method registers the specified listener on the EventTarget it's called on. The event target may be an Element in a document, the Document itself, a Window, or any other object that supports events (such as XMLHttpRequest).

The EventTarget.addEventListener() method registers the specified listener on the EventTarget it's called on. The event target may be an Element in a document, the Document itself, a Window, or any other object that supports events (such as XMLHttpRequest).

This implementation accepts a settings object of type EventListenerOptions.

Inherited from:
def addEventListener[T <: Event](`type`: String, listener: Function1[T, _], useCapture: Boolean): Unit

The EventTarget.addEventListener() method registers the specified listener on the EventTarget it's called on. The event target may be an Element in a document, the Document itself, a Window, or any other object that supports events (such as XMLHttpRequest).

The EventTarget.addEventListener() method registers the specified listener on the EventTarget it's called on. The event target may be an Element in a document, the Document itself, a Window, or any other object that supports events (such as XMLHttpRequest).

Inherited from:
def dispatchEvent(evt: Event): Boolean

Dispatches an Event at the specified EventTarget, invoking the affected EventListeners in the appropriate order. The normal event processing rules (including the capturing and optional bubbling phase) apply to events dispatched manually with dispatchEvent().

Dispatches an Event at the specified EventTarget, invoking the affected EventListeners in the appropriate order. The normal event processing rules (including the capturing and optional bubbling phase) apply to events dispatched manually with dispatchEvent().

Inherited from:
def hasOwnProperty(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from:
def isPrototypeOf(v: Object): Boolean
Inherited from:
def propertyIsEnumerable(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from:
def removeEventListener[T <: Event](`type`: String, listener: Function1[T, _], options: EventListenerOptions): Unit

Removes the event listener previously registered with EventTarget.addEventListener.

Removes the event listener previously registered with EventTarget.addEventListener.

This implementation accepts a settings object of type EventListenerOptions.

Inherited from:
def removeEventListener[T <: Event](`type`: String, listener: Function1[T, _], useCapture: Boolean): Unit

Removes the event listener previously registered with EventTarget.addEventListener.

Removes the event listener previously registered with EventTarget.addEventListener.

Inherited from:
def toLocaleString(): String
Inherited from:
def valueOf(): Any
Inherited from:

Concrete fields

var onmessage: Function1[MessageEvent, _]

An EventListener, called whenever an MessageEvent of type message is fired on the port — that is, when the port receives a message.

An EventListener, called whenever an MessageEvent of type message is fired on the port — that is, when the port receives a message.