
@native @JSGlobal @JSType

An object implementing the CSSStyleSheet interface represents a single CSS style sheet.

class Object
trait Any
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def addImport(bstrURL: String, lIndex: Int): Int
def addPageRule(bstrSelector: String, bstrStyle: String, lIndex: Int): Int
def addRule(bstrSelector: String, bstrStyle: String, lIndex: Int): Int
def deleteRule(index: Int): Unit

Deletes a rule from the style sheet.

Deletes a rule from the style sheet.

def insertRule(rule: String, index: Int): Int

The CSSStyleSheet.insertRule() method inserts a new style rule into the current style sheet.

The CSSStyleSheet.insertRule() method inserts a new style rule into the current style sheet.

def removeImport(lIndex: Int): Unit
def removeRule(lIndex: Int): Unit

Inherited methods

def `type`: String

Returns a DOMString representing the style sheet language for this style sheet.

Returns a DOMString representing the style sheet language for this style sheet.

Inherited from:
def disabled: Boolean

Is a Boolean representing whether the current stylesheet has been applied or not.

Is a Boolean representing whether the current stylesheet has been applied or not.

Inherited from:
def hasOwnProperty(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from:
def href: String

Returns a DOMString representing the location of the stylesheet.

Returns a DOMString representing the location of the stylesheet.

Inherited from:
def isPrototypeOf(v: Object): Boolean
Inherited from:

Returns a MediaList representing the intended destination medium for style information.

Returns a MediaList representing the intended destination medium for style information.

Inherited from:

ownerNode returns the node that associates this style sheet with the document.

ownerNode returns the node that associates this style sheet with the document.

Inherited from:

Returns a StyleSheet including this one, if any; returns null if there aren't any.

Returns a StyleSheet including this one, if any; returns null if there aren't any.

Inherited from:
def propertyIsEnumerable(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from:
def title: String

Returns a DOMString representing the advisory title of the current style sheet.

Returns a DOMString representing the advisory title of the current style sheet.

Inherited from:
def toLocaleString(): String
Inherited from:
def valueOf(): Any
Inherited from:

Concrete fields

Returns a CSSRuleList of the CSS rules in the style sheet.

Returns a CSSRuleList of the CSS rules in the style sheet.

var cssText: String
var id: String
var isAlternate: Boolean
var isPrefAlternate: Boolean

If this style sheet is imported into the document using an @import rule, the ownerRule property will return that CSSImportRule, otherwise it returns null.

If this style sheet is imported into the document using an @import rule, the ownerRule property will return that CSSImportRule, otherwise it returns null.

var readOnly: Boolean