
@native @JSType
trait NonDocumentTypeChildNode extends Object

The NonDocumentTypeChildNode interface contains methods that are particular to Node objects that can have a parent, but not suitable for DocumentType.

NonDocumentTypeChildNode is a raw interface and no object of this type can be created; it is implemented by Element, and CharacterData objects.

class Object
trait Any
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Comment
class Text
class Element
class Image
class Audio

Value members

Concrete methods

The nextElementSibling read-only property returns the element immediately following the specified one in its parent's children list, or null if the specified element is the last one in the list.

The nextElementSibling read-only property returns the element immediately following the specified one in its parent's children list, or null if the specified element is the last one in the list.

The previousElementSibling read-only property returns the Element immediately prior to the specified one in its parent's children list, or null if the specified element is the first one in the list.

The previousElementSibling read-only property returns the Element immediately prior to the specified one in its parent's children list, or null if the specified element is the first one in the list.

Inherited methods

def hasOwnProperty(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from:
def isPrototypeOf(v: Object): Boolean
Inherited from:
def propertyIsEnumerable(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from:
def toLocaleString(): String
Inherited from:
def valueOf(): Any
Inherited from: