
@native @JSGlobal @JSType
class TouchEvent(typeArg: String, init: UndefOr[TouchEventInit]) extends UIEvent with ModifierKeyEvent

A TouchEvent represents an event sent when the state of contacts with a touch-sensitive surface changes. This surface can be a touch screen or trackpad, for example. The event can describe one or more points of contact with the screen and includes support for detecting movement, addition and removal of contact points, and so forth.

Touches are represented by the Touch object; each touch is described by a position, size and shape, amount of pressure, and target element. Lists of touches are represented by TouchList objects.

class UIEvent
class Event
class Object
trait Any
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

A TouchList of all the Touch objects representing individual points of contact whose states changed between the previous touch event and this one. Read only.

A TouchList of all the Touch objects representing individual points of contact whose states changed between the previous touch event and this one. Read only.

override def target: EventTarget

The target of the touches associated with this event. This target corresponds to the target of all the touches in the targetTouches attribute, but note that other touches in this event may have a different target. To be careful, you should use the target associated with individual touches.

The target of the touches associated with this event. This target corresponds to the target of all the touches in the targetTouches attribute, but note that other touches in this event may have a different target. To be careful, you should use the target associated with individual touches.

Definition Classes

A TouchList listing all the Touch objects for touch points that are still in contact with the touch surface and whose touchstart event occurred inside the same target element as the current target element.

A TouchList listing all the Touch objects for touch points that are still in contact with the touch surface and whose touchstart event occurred inside the same target element as the current target element.

A TouchList listing all the Touch objects for touch points that are still in contact with the touch surface, regardless of whether or not they've changed or what their target was at touchstart time.

A TouchList listing all the Touch objects for touch points that are still in contact with the touch surface, regardless of whether or not they've changed or what their target was at touchstart time.

Inherited methods

def `type`: String
Inherited from:
def altKey: Boolean

The altKey property indicates if the alt key was pressed (true) or not (false) when the event occurred.

The altKey property indicates if the alt key was pressed (true) or not (false) when the event occurred.

Inherited from:
def bubbles: Boolean

A boolean indicating whether the event bubbles up through the DOM or not.

A boolean indicating whether the event bubbles up through the DOM or not.

Inherited from:
def cancelBubble: Boolean

A boolean indicating whether the bubbling of the event has been canceled or not.

A boolean indicating whether the bubbling of the event has been canceled or not.

Inherited from:
def cancelable: Boolean

A boolean indicating whether the event is cancelable.

A boolean indicating whether the event is cancelable.

Inherited from:
def composed: Boolean

Indicates whether or not the event will propagate across the shadow DOM boundary into the standard DOM.

Indicates whether or not the event will propagate across the shadow DOM boundary into the standard DOM.

Inherited from:
def ctrlKey: Boolean

A Boolean value indicating whether or not the control key was down when the touch event was fired. Read only.

A Boolean value indicating whether or not the control key was down when the touch event was fired. Read only.

Inherited from:

Identifies the current target for the event, as the event traverses the DOM. It always refers to the element the event handler has been attached to as opposed to which identifies the element on which the event occurred.

Identifies the current target for the event, as the event traverses the DOM. It always refers to the element the event handler has been attached to as opposed to which identifies the element on which the event occurred.

Inherited from:
def defaultPrevented: Boolean

Returns a boolean indicating whether or not event.preventDefault() was called on the event.

Returns a boolean indicating whether or not event.preventDefault() was called on the event.

Inherited from:
def detail: Int

Detail about the event, depending on the type of event. Read only.

Detail about the event, depending on the type of event. Read only.

Inherited from:
def eventPhase: Int

Indicates which phase of the event flow is currently being evaluated.

Indicates which phase of the event flow is currently being evaluated.

Inherited from:
def hasOwnProperty(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from:
def isPrototypeOf(v: Object): Boolean
Inherited from:
def isTrusted: Boolean

Indicates whether or not the event was initiated by the browser (after a user click for instance) or by a script (using an event creation method, like event.initEvent)

Indicates whether or not the event was initiated by the browser (after a user click for instance) or by a script (using an event creation method, like event.initEvent)

Inherited from:
def metaKey: Boolean

The metaKey property indicates if the meta key was pressed (true) or not (false) when the event occurred.

The metaKey property indicates if the meta key was pressed (true) or not (false) when the event occurred.

Inherited from:
def preventDefault(): Unit

Cancels the event if it is cancelable, without stopping further propagation of the event.

Cancels the event if it is cancelable, without stopping further propagation of the event.

Inherited from:
def propertyIsEnumerable(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from:
def shiftKey: Boolean

A Boolean value indicating whether or not the shift key was down when the touch event was fired. Read only.

A Boolean value indicating whether or not the shift key was down when the touch event was fired. Read only.

Inherited from:

For this particular event, no other listener will be called. Neither those attached on the same element, nor those attached on elements which will be traversed later (in capture phase, for instance)

For this particular event, no other listener will be called. Neither those attached on the same element, nor those attached on elements which will be traversed later (in capture phase, for instance)

Inherited from:
def stopPropagation(): Unit

Stops the propagation of events further along in the DOM.

Stops the propagation of events further along in the DOM.

Inherited from:
def timeStamp: Double

Returns the time (in milliseconds since the epoch) at which the event was created.

Returns the time (in milliseconds since the epoch) at which the event was created.

Inherited from:
def toLocaleString(): String
Inherited from:
def valueOf(): Any
Inherited from:

A view which generated the event. Read only.

A view which generated the event. Read only.

Inherited from: