
abstract class Context extends HttpContext[Request, Response, Future]
trait HttpContext[Request, Response, Future]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override protected def backend: HttpBackend[Request, Response, Future]
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def apply(request: Request): F[Resp]

Process the preceding filters and get the resulting Future[Response]

Process the preceding filters and get the resulting Future[Response]

Inherited from:
def getThreadLocal[A](key: String): Option[A]

Get a thread local parameter

Get a thread local parameter

Inherited from:
def setThreadLocal[A](key: String, value: A): Unit

Set a thread local parameter

Set a thread local parameter

Inherited from:
def withThreadLocalStore(body: => Future[Response]): F[Resp]
Inherited from: