
class HttpStatus(val code: Int) extends PackSupport
trait PackSupport
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object Accepted_202.type
object BadGateway_502.type
object BadRequest_400.type
object Conflict_409.type
object Continue_100.type
object Created_201.type
object Forbidden_403.type
object Found_302.type
object GatewayTimeout_504.type
object Gone_410.type
object LengthRequired_411.type
object Locked_423.type
object MultiStatus_207.type
object NoContent_204.type
object NotAcceptable_406.type
object NotExtended_510.type
object NotFound_404.type
object NotImplemented_501.type
object NotModified_304.type
object Ok_200.type
object PartialContent_206.type
object Processing_102.type
object RequestTimeout_408.type
object ResetContent_205.type
object SeeOther_303.type
object Unauthorized_401.type
object Unknown_000.type
object UseProxy_305.type

Value members

Concrete methods

def isClientError: Boolean
def isInformational: Boolean
def isRedirection: Boolean
def isServerError: Boolean
def isSuccessful: Boolean
def isUnknownState: Boolean
override def pack(p: Packer): Unit
Definition Classes
def reason: String
override def toString: String

Returns a string representation of the object.

Returns a string representation of the object.

The default representation is platform dependent.


a string representation of the object.

Definition Classes

Concrete fields

val code: Int