
trait HttpMessage[Raw] extends HttpMessageBase[Raw]
trait HttpMessageBase[Raw]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Request
class Response

Value members

Abstract methods

Concrete methods

def accept: Seq[String]
def acceptsJson: Boolean
def acceptsMsgPack: Boolean
def addHeader(key: String, value: String): Raw
def allow: Option[String]
def authorization: Option[String]
def cacheControl: Option[String]
def contentBytes: Array[Byte]
def contentEncoding: Option[String]
def contentLength: Option[Long]
def contentString: String
def contentType: Option[String]
def date: Option[String]
def expires: Option[String]
def getAllHeader(key: String): Seq[String]
def getHeader(key: String): Option[String]
def host: Option[String]
def isContentTypeJson: Boolean
def lastModified: Option[String]
def referer: Option[String]
def removeHeader(key: String): Raw
def userAgent: Option[String]
def withAccept(acceptType: String): Raw
def withAllow(allow: String): Raw
def withAuthorization(authorization: String): Raw
def withCacheControl(cacheControl: String): Raw
def withContent(content: Message): Raw
def withContent(content: String): Raw
def withContent(content: Array[Byte]): Raw
def withContentLength(length: Long): Raw
def withContentType(contentType: String): Raw
def withDate(date: String): Raw
def withDate(date: Instant): Raw
def withExpires(expires: String): Raw
def withHeader(key: String, value: String): Raw
def withHeader(newHeader: HttpMultiMap): Raw
def withHost(host: String): Raw
def withJson(json: String): Raw
def withJson(json: Array[Byte]): Raw
def withLastModified(lastModified: String): Raw
def withMsgPack(msgPack: MsgPack): Raw
def withReferer(referer: String): Raw
def withUserAgent(userAgent: String): Raw
def withXForwardedFor(xForwardedFor: String): Raw
def withXForwardedProto(xForwardedProto: String): Raw
def xForwardedFor: Option[String]
def xForwardedProto: Option[String]

Inherited methods

inline def withContentOf[A](a: A, codecFactory: MessageCodecFactory): Raw

Set the content body using a given object and codec factory. Encoding can be JSON or MsgPack based on Content-Type header.

Set the content body using a given object and codec factory. Encoding can be JSON or MsgPack based on Content-Type header.

Inherited from:
inline def withContentOf[A](a: A): Raw

Set the content body using a given object. Encoding can be JSON or MsgPack based on Content-Type header.

Set the content body using a given object. Encoding can be JSON or MsgPack based on Content-Type header.

Inherited from:
inline def withJsonOf[A](a: A, codecFactory: MessageCodecFactory): Raw
Inherited from:
inline def withJsonOf[A](a: A): Raw
Inherited from:
inline def withMsgPackOf[A](a: A, codecFactory: MessageCodecFactory): Raw
Inherited from:
inline def withMsgPackOf[A](a: A): Raw
Inherited from: