
@JSImport("inspector", "Session") @native @JSType class Session() extends StObject

The inspector.Session is used for dispatching messages to the V8 inspector back-end and receiving message responses and notifications.

trait StObject
class Object
trait Any
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def addListener(event: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Session

Issued when new console message is added.

Issued when new console message is added.


Fired when breakpoint is resolved to an actual script and location.

Fired when breakpoint is resolved to an actual script and location.


Fired when the virtual machine stopped on breakpoint or exception or any other stop criteria.

Fired when the virtual machine stopped on breakpoint or exception or any other stop criteria.

def addListener_Debuggerresumed(event: DebuggerDotresumed, listener: Function0[Unit]): Session

Fired when the virtual machine resumed execution.

Fired when the virtual machine resumed execution.


Fired when virtual machine fails to parse the script.

Fired when virtual machine fails to parse the script.


Fired when virtual machine parses script. This event is also fired for all known and uncollected scripts upon enabling debugger.

Fired when virtual machine parses script. This event is also fired for all known and uncollected scripts upon enabling debugger.


If heap objects tracking has been started then backend may send update for one or more fragments

If heap objects tracking has been started then backend may send update for one or more fragments


If heap objects tracking has been started then backend regularly sends a current value for last seen object id and corresponding timestamp. If the were changes in the heap since last event then one or more heapStatsUpdate events will be sent before a new lastSeenObjectId event.

If heap objects tracking has been started then backend regularly sends a current value for last seen object id and corresponding timestamp. If the were changes in the heap since last event then one or more heapStatsUpdate events will be sent before a new lastSeenObjectId event.


Sent when new profile recording is started using console.profile() call.

Sent when new profile recording is started using console.profile() call.


Issued when console API was called.

Issued when console API was called.


Issued when unhandled exception was revoked.

Issued when unhandled exception was revoked.


Issued when exception was thrown and unhandled.

Issued when exception was thrown and unhandled.


Issued when new execution context is created.

Issued when new execution context is created.


Issued when execution context is destroyed.

Issued when execution context is destroyed.


Issued when all executionContexts were cleared in browser

Issued when all executionContexts were cleared in browser


Issued when object should be inspected (for example, as a result of inspect() command line API call).

Issued when object should be inspected (for example, as a result of inspect() command line API call).


Emitted when any notification from the V8 Inspector is received.

Emitted when any notification from the V8 Inspector is received.

def connect(): Unit

Connects a session to the inspector back-end. An exception will be thrown if there is already a connected session established either through the API or by a front-end connected to the Inspector WebSocket port.

Connects a session to the inspector back-end. An exception will be thrown if there is already a connected session established either through the API or by a front-end connected to the Inspector WebSocket port.

def disconnect(): Unit

Immediately close the session. All pending message callbacks will be called with an error. session.connect() will need to be called to be able to send messages again. Reconnected session will lose all inspector state, such as enabled agents or configured breakpoints.

Immediately close the session. All pending message callbacks will be called with an error. session.connect() will need to be called to be able to send messages again. Reconnected session will lose all inspector state, such as enabled agents or configured breakpoints.

def emit(event: String, args: Any*): Boolean
def emit(event: Symbol, args: Any*): Boolean
def on(event: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Session

Issued when new console message is added.

Issued when new console message is added.


Fired when breakpoint is resolved to an actual script and location.

Fired when breakpoint is resolved to an actual script and location.


Fired when the virtual machine stopped on breakpoint or exception or any other stop criteria.

Fired when the virtual machine stopped on breakpoint or exception or any other stop criteria.

def on_Debuggerresumed(event: DebuggerDotresumed, listener: Function0[Unit]): Session

Fired when the virtual machine resumed execution.

Fired when the virtual machine resumed execution.


Fired when virtual machine fails to parse the script.

Fired when virtual machine fails to parse the script.


Fired when virtual machine parses script. This event is also fired for all known and uncollected scripts upon enabling debugger.

Fired when virtual machine parses script. This event is also fired for all known and uncollected scripts upon enabling debugger.


If heap objects tracking has been started then backend may send update for one or more fragments

If heap objects tracking has been started then backend may send update for one or more fragments


If heap objects tracking has been started then backend regularly sends a current value for last seen object id and corresponding timestamp. If the were changes in the heap since last event then one or more heapStatsUpdate events will be sent before a new lastSeenObjectId event.

If heap objects tracking has been started then backend regularly sends a current value for last seen object id and corresponding timestamp. If the were changes in the heap since last event then one or more heapStatsUpdate events will be sent before a new lastSeenObjectId event.

def on_HeapProfilerresetProfiles(event: HeapProfilerDotresetProfiles, listener: Function0[Unit]): Session

Sent when new profile recording is started using console.profile() call.

Sent when new profile recording is started using console.profile() call.


Issued when console API was called.

Issued when console API was called.


Issued when unhandled exception was revoked.

Issued when unhandled exception was revoked.


Issued when exception was thrown and unhandled.

Issued when exception was thrown and unhandled.


Issued when new execution context is created.

Issued when new execution context is created.


Issued when execution context is destroyed.

Issued when execution context is destroyed.


Issued when all executionContexts were cleared in browser

Issued when all executionContexts were cleared in browser


Issued when object should be inspected (for example, as a result of inspect() command line API call).

Issued when object should be inspected (for example, as a result of inspect() command line API call).

def on_inspectorNotification(event: inspectorNotification, listener: Function1[InspectorNotification[Object], Unit]): Session

Emitted when any notification from the V8 Inspector is received.

Emitted when any notification from the V8 Inspector is received.

def once(event: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Session

Issued when new console message is added.

Issued when new console message is added.


Fired when breakpoint is resolved to an actual script and location.

Fired when breakpoint is resolved to an actual script and location.


Fired when the virtual machine stopped on breakpoint or exception or any other stop criteria.

Fired when the virtual machine stopped on breakpoint or exception or any other stop criteria.

def once_Debuggerresumed(event: DebuggerDotresumed, listener: Function0[Unit]): Session

Fired when the virtual machine resumed execution.

Fired when the virtual machine resumed execution.


Fired when virtual machine fails to parse the script.

Fired when virtual machine fails to parse the script.


Fired when virtual machine parses script. This event is also fired for all known and uncollected scripts upon enabling debugger.

Fired when virtual machine parses script. This event is also fired for all known and uncollected scripts upon enabling debugger.


If heap objects tracking has been started then backend may send update for one or more fragments

If heap objects tracking has been started then backend may send update for one or more fragments


If heap objects tracking has been started then backend regularly sends a current value for last seen object id and corresponding timestamp. If the were changes in the heap since last event then one or more heapStatsUpdate events will be sent before a new lastSeenObjectId event.

If heap objects tracking has been started then backend regularly sends a current value for last seen object id and corresponding timestamp. If the were changes in the heap since last event then one or more heapStatsUpdate events will be sent before a new lastSeenObjectId event.


Sent when new profile recording is started using console.profile() call.

Sent when new profile recording is started using console.profile() call.


Issued when console API was called.

Issued when console API was called.


Issued when unhandled exception was revoked.

Issued when unhandled exception was revoked.


Issued when exception was thrown and unhandled.

Issued when exception was thrown and unhandled.


Issued when new execution context is created.

Issued when new execution context is created.


Issued when execution context is destroyed.

Issued when execution context is destroyed.


Issued when all executionContexts were cleared in browser

Issued when all executionContexts were cleared in browser


Issued when object should be inspected (for example, as a result of inspect() command line API call).

Issued when object should be inspected (for example, as a result of inspect() command line API call).

def once_inspectorNotification(event: inspectorNotification, listener: Function1[InspectorNotification[Object], Unit]): Session

Emitted when any notification from the V8 Inspector is received.

Emitted when any notification from the V8 Inspector is received.

def post(method: String): Unit

Posts a message to the inspector back-end. callback will be notified when a response is received. callback is a function that accepts two optional arguments - error and message-specific result.

Posts a message to the inspector back-end. callback will be notified when a response is received. callback is a function that accepts two optional arguments - error and message-specific result.

def post(method: String, callback: Function2[Error | Null, UndefOr[Object], Unit]): Unit
def post(method: String, params: Object): Unit
def post(method: String, params: Object, callback: Function2[Error | Null, UndefOr[Object], Unit]): Unit
def post(method: String, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, UndefOr[Object], Unit]): Unit

Does nothing.

Does nothing.

def post_ConsoleclearMessages(method: ConsoleDotclearMessages, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Disables console domain, prevents further console messages from being reported to the client.

Disables console domain, prevents further console messages from being reported to the client.

def post_Consoledisable(method: ConsoleDotdisable, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Enables console domain, sends the messages collected so far to the client by means of the <code>messageAdded</code> notification.

Enables console domain, sends the messages collected so far to the client by means of the <code>messageAdded</code> notification.

def post_Consoleenable(method: ConsoleDotenable, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Continues execution until specific location is reached.

Continues execution until specific location is reached.

def post_DebuggercontinueToLocation(method: DebuggerDotcontinueToLocation, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggercontinueToLocation(method: DebuggerDotcontinueToLocation, params: ContinueToLocationParameterType, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggercontinueToLocation(method: DebuggerDotcontinueToLocation, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Disables debugger for given page.

Disables debugger for given page.

def post_Debuggerdisable(method: DebuggerDotdisable, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Enables debugger for the given page. Clients should not assume that the debugging has been enabled until the result for this command is received.

Enables debugger for the given page. Clients should not assume that the debugging has been enabled until the result for this command is received.

def post_Debuggerenable(method: DebuggerDotenable, callback: Function2[Error | Null, EnableReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Evaluates expression on a given call frame.

Evaluates expression on a given call frame.

def post_DebuggerevaluateOnCallFrame(method: DebuggerDotevaluateOnCallFrame, callback: Function2[Error | Null, EvaluateOnCallFrameReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggerevaluateOnCallFrame(method: DebuggerDotevaluateOnCallFrame, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, EvaluateOnCallFrameReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Returns possible locations for breakpoint. scriptId in start and end range locations should be the same.

Returns possible locations for breakpoint. scriptId in start and end range locations should be the same.

def post_DebuggergetPossibleBreakpoints(method: DebuggerDotgetPossibleBreakpoints, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, GetPossibleBreakpointsReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Returns source for the script with given id.

Returns source for the script with given id.

def post_DebuggergetScriptSource(method: DebuggerDotgetScriptSource, callback: Function2[Error | Null, GetScriptSourceReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggergetScriptSource(method: DebuggerDotgetScriptSource, params: GetScriptSourceParameterType, callback: Function2[Error | Null, GetScriptSourceReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggergetScriptSource(method: DebuggerDotgetScriptSource, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, GetScriptSourceReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Returns stack trace with given <code>stackTraceId</code>.

Returns stack trace with given <code>stackTraceId</code>.

def post_DebuggergetStackTrace(method: DebuggerDotgetStackTrace, callback: Function2[Error | Null, GetStackTraceReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggergetStackTrace(method: DebuggerDotgetStackTrace, params: GetStackTraceParameterType, callback: Function2[Error | Null, GetStackTraceReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggergetStackTrace(method: DebuggerDotgetStackTrace, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, GetStackTraceReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Stops on the next JavaScript statement.

Stops on the next JavaScript statement.

def post_Debuggerpause(method: DebuggerDotpause, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggerpauseOnAsyncCall(method: DebuggerDotpauseOnAsyncCall, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggerpauseOnAsyncCall(method: DebuggerDotpauseOnAsyncCall, params: PauseOnAsyncCallParameterType, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggerpauseOnAsyncCall(method: DebuggerDotpauseOnAsyncCall, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Removes JavaScript breakpoint.

Removes JavaScript breakpoint.

def post_DebuggerremoveBreakpoint(method: DebuggerDotremoveBreakpoint, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggerremoveBreakpoint(method: DebuggerDotremoveBreakpoint, params: RemoveBreakpointParameterType, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggerremoveBreakpoint(method: DebuggerDotremoveBreakpoint, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Restarts particular call frame from the beginning.

Restarts particular call frame from the beginning.

def post_DebuggerrestartFrame(method: DebuggerDotrestartFrame, callback: Function2[Error | Null, RestartFrameReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggerrestartFrame(method: DebuggerDotrestartFrame, params: RestartFrameParameterType, callback: Function2[Error | Null, RestartFrameReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggerrestartFrame(method: DebuggerDotrestartFrame, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, RestartFrameReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Resumes JavaScript execution.

Resumes JavaScript execution.

def post_Debuggerresume(method: DebuggerDotresume, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

This method is deprecated - use Debugger.stepInto with breakOnAsyncCall and Debugger.pauseOnAsyncTask instead. Steps into next scheduled async task if any is scheduled before next pause. Returns success when async task is actually scheduled, returns error if no task were scheduled or another scheduleStepIntoAsync was called.

This method is deprecated - use Debugger.stepInto with breakOnAsyncCall and Debugger.pauseOnAsyncTask instead. Steps into next scheduled async task if any is scheduled before next pause. Returns success when async task is actually scheduled, returns error if no task were scheduled or another scheduleStepIntoAsync was called.

def post_DebuggerscheduleStepIntoAsync(method: DebuggerDotscheduleStepIntoAsync, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Searches for given string in script content.

Searches for given string in script content.

def post_DebuggersearchInContent(method: DebuggerDotsearchInContent, callback: Function2[Error | Null, SearchInContentReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersearchInContent(method: DebuggerDotsearchInContent, params: SearchInContentParameterType, callback: Function2[Error | Null, SearchInContentReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersearchInContent(method: DebuggerDotsearchInContent, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, SearchInContentReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Enables or disables async call stacks tracking.

Enables or disables async call stacks tracking.

def post_DebuggersetAsyncCallStackDepth(method: DebuggerDotsetAsyncCallStackDepth, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetAsyncCallStackDepth(method: DebuggerDotsetAsyncCallStackDepth, params: SetAsyncCallStackDepthParameterType, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetAsyncCallStackDepth(method: DebuggerDotsetAsyncCallStackDepth, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Replace previous blackbox patterns with passed ones. Forces backend to skip stepping/pausing in scripts with url matching one of the patterns. VM will try to leave blackboxed script by performing 'step in' several times, finally resorting to 'step out' if unsuccessful.

Replace previous blackbox patterns with passed ones. Forces backend to skip stepping/pausing in scripts with url matching one of the patterns. VM will try to leave blackboxed script by performing 'step in' several times, finally resorting to 'step out' if unsuccessful.

def post_DebuggersetBlackboxPatterns(method: DebuggerDotsetBlackboxPatterns, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetBlackboxPatterns(method: DebuggerDotsetBlackboxPatterns, params: SetBlackboxPatternsParameterType, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetBlackboxPatterns(method: DebuggerDotsetBlackboxPatterns, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Makes backend skip steps in the script in blackboxed ranges. VM will try leave blacklisted scripts by performing 'step in' several times, finally resorting to 'step out' if unsuccessful. Positions array contains positions where blackbox state is changed. First interval isn't blackboxed. Array should be sorted.

Makes backend skip steps in the script in blackboxed ranges. VM will try leave blacklisted scripts by performing 'step in' several times, finally resorting to 'step out' if unsuccessful. Positions array contains positions where blackbox state is changed. First interval isn't blackboxed. Array should be sorted.

def post_DebuggersetBlackboxedRanges(method: DebuggerDotsetBlackboxedRanges, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetBlackboxedRanges(method: DebuggerDotsetBlackboxedRanges, params: SetBlackboxedRangesParameterType, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetBlackboxedRanges(method: DebuggerDotsetBlackboxedRanges, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Sets JavaScript breakpoint at a given location.

Sets JavaScript breakpoint at a given location.

def post_DebuggersetBreakpoint(method: DebuggerDotsetBreakpoint, callback: Function2[Error | Null, SetBreakpointReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetBreakpoint(method: DebuggerDotsetBreakpoint, params: SetBreakpointParameterType, callback: Function2[Error | Null, SetBreakpointReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetBreakpoint(method: DebuggerDotsetBreakpoint, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, SetBreakpointReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Sets JavaScript breakpoint at given location specified either by URL or URL regex. Once this command is issued, all existing parsed scripts will have breakpoints resolved and returned in <code>locations</code> property. Further matching script parsing will result in subsequent <code>breakpointResolved</code> events issued. This logical breakpoint will survive page reloads.

Sets JavaScript breakpoint at given location specified either by URL or URL regex. Once this command is issued, all existing parsed scripts will have breakpoints resolved and returned in <code>locations</code> property. Further matching script parsing will result in subsequent <code>breakpointResolved</code> events issued. This logical breakpoint will survive page reloads.

def post_DebuggersetBreakpointByUrl(method: DebuggerDotsetBreakpointByUrl, callback: Function2[Error | Null, SetBreakpointByUrlReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetBreakpointByUrl(method: DebuggerDotsetBreakpointByUrl, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, SetBreakpointByUrlReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Activates / deactivates all breakpoints on the page.

Activates / deactivates all breakpoints on the page.

def post_DebuggersetBreakpointsActive(method: DebuggerDotsetBreakpointsActive, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetBreakpointsActive(method: DebuggerDotsetBreakpointsActive, params: SetBreakpointsActiveParameterType, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetBreakpointsActive(method: DebuggerDotsetBreakpointsActive, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Defines pause on exceptions state. Can be set to stop on all exceptions, uncaught exceptions or no exceptions. Initial pause on exceptions state is <code>none</code>.

Defines pause on exceptions state. Can be set to stop on all exceptions, uncaught exceptions or no exceptions. Initial pause on exceptions state is <code>none</code>.

def post_DebuggersetPauseOnExceptions(method: DebuggerDotsetPauseOnExceptions, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetPauseOnExceptions(method: DebuggerDotsetPauseOnExceptions, params: SetPauseOnExceptionsParameterType, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetPauseOnExceptions(method: DebuggerDotsetPauseOnExceptions, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Changes return value in top frame. Available only at return break position.

Changes return value in top frame. Available only at return break position.

def post_DebuggersetReturnValue(method: DebuggerDotsetReturnValue, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetReturnValue(method: DebuggerDotsetReturnValue, params: SetReturnValueParameterType, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetReturnValue(method: DebuggerDotsetReturnValue, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Edits JavaScript source live.

Edits JavaScript source live.

def post_DebuggersetScriptSource(method: DebuggerDotsetScriptSource, callback: Function2[Error | Null, SetScriptSourceReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetScriptSource(method: DebuggerDotsetScriptSource, params: SetScriptSourceParameterType, callback: Function2[Error | Null, SetScriptSourceReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetScriptSource(method: DebuggerDotsetScriptSource, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, SetScriptSourceReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Makes page not interrupt on any pauses (breakpoint, exception, dom exception etc).

Makes page not interrupt on any pauses (breakpoint, exception, dom exception etc).

def post_DebuggersetSkipAllPauses(method: DebuggerDotsetSkipAllPauses, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetSkipAllPauses(method: DebuggerDotsetSkipAllPauses, params: SetSkipAllPausesParameterType, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetSkipAllPauses(method: DebuggerDotsetSkipAllPauses, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Changes value of variable in a callframe. Object-based scopes are not supported and must be mutated manually.

Changes value of variable in a callframe. Object-based scopes are not supported and must be mutated manually.

def post_DebuggersetVariableValue(method: DebuggerDotsetVariableValue, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetVariableValue(method: DebuggerDotsetVariableValue, params: SetVariableValueParameterType, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggersetVariableValue(method: DebuggerDotsetVariableValue, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Steps into the function call.

Steps into the function call.

def post_DebuggerstepInto(method: DebuggerDotstepInto, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggerstepInto(method: DebuggerDotstepInto, params: StepIntoParameterType, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_DebuggerstepInto(method: DebuggerDotstepInto, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Steps out of the function call.

Steps out of the function call.

def post_DebuggerstepOut(method: DebuggerDotstepOut, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Steps over the statement.

Steps over the statement.

def post_DebuggerstepOver(method: DebuggerDotstepOver, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Enables console to refer to the node with given id via $x (see Command Line API for more details $x functions).

Enables console to refer to the node with given id via $x (see Command Line API for more details $x functions).

def post_HeapProfileraddInspectedHeapObject(method: HeapProfilerDotaddInspectedHeapObject, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfileraddInspectedHeapObject(method: HeapProfilerDotaddInspectedHeapObject, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfilercollectGarbage(method: HeapProfilerDotcollectGarbage, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfilerdisable(method: HeapProfilerDotdisable, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfilerenable(method: HeapProfilerDotenable, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfilergetHeapObjectId(method: HeapProfilerDotgetHeapObjectId, callback: Function2[Error | Null, GetHeapObjectIdReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfilergetHeapObjectId(method: HeapProfilerDotgetHeapObjectId, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, GetHeapObjectIdReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfilergetObjectByHeapObjectId(method: HeapProfilerDotgetObjectByHeapObjectId, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, GetObjectByHeapObjectIdReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfilergetSamplingProfile(method: HeapProfilerDotgetSamplingProfile, callback: Function2[Error | Null, GetSamplingProfileReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfilerstartSampling(method: HeapProfilerDotstartSampling, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfilerstartSampling(method: HeapProfilerDotstartSampling, params: StartSamplingParameterType, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfilerstartSampling(method: HeapProfilerDotstartSampling, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfilerstartTrackingHeapObjects(method: HeapProfilerDotstartTrackingHeapObjects, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfilerstartTrackingHeapObjects(method: HeapProfilerDotstartTrackingHeapObjects, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfilerstopSampling(method: HeapProfilerDotstopSampling, callback: Function2[Error | Null, StopSamplingReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfilerstopTrackingHeapObjects(method: HeapProfilerDotstopTrackingHeapObjects, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfilerstopTrackingHeapObjects(method: HeapProfilerDotstopTrackingHeapObjects, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfilertakeHeapSnapshot(method: HeapProfilerDottakeHeapSnapshot, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfilertakeHeapSnapshot(method: HeapProfilerDottakeHeapSnapshot, params: TakeHeapSnapshotParameterType, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_HeapProfilertakeHeapSnapshot(method: HeapProfilerDottakeHeapSnapshot, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_Profilerdisable(method: ProfilerDotdisable, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_Profilerenable(method: ProfilerDotenable, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Collect coverage data for the current isolate. The coverage data may be incomplete due to garbage collection.

Collect coverage data for the current isolate. The coverage data may be incomplete due to garbage collection.


Changes CPU profiler sampling interval. Must be called before CPU profiles recording started.

Changes CPU profiler sampling interval. Must be called before CPU profiles recording started.

def post_ProfilersetSamplingInterval(method: ProfilerDotsetSamplingInterval, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_ProfilersetSamplingInterval(method: ProfilerDotsetSamplingInterval, params: SetSamplingIntervalParameterType, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_ProfilersetSamplingInterval(method: ProfilerDotsetSamplingInterval, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_Profilerstart(method: ProfilerDotstart, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Enable precise code coverage. Coverage data for JavaScript executed before enabling precise code coverage may be incomplete. Enabling prevents running optimized code and resets execution counters.

Enable precise code coverage. Coverage data for JavaScript executed before enabling precise code coverage may be incomplete. Enabling prevents running optimized code and resets execution counters.

def post_ProfilerstartPreciseCoverage(method: ProfilerDotstartPreciseCoverage, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_ProfilerstartPreciseCoverage(method: ProfilerDotstartPreciseCoverage, params: StartPreciseCoverageParameterType, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_ProfilerstartPreciseCoverage(method: ProfilerDotstartPreciseCoverage, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Enable type profile.

Enable type profile.

def post_ProfilerstartTypeProfile(method: ProfilerDotstartTypeProfile, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_Profilerstop(method: ProfilerDotstop, callback: Function2[Error | Null, StopReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Disable precise code coverage. Disabling releases unnecessary execution count records and allows executing optimized code.

Disable precise code coverage. Disabling releases unnecessary execution count records and allows executing optimized code.

def post_ProfilerstopPreciseCoverage(method: ProfilerDotstopPreciseCoverage, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Disable type profile. Disabling releases type profile data collected so far.

Disable type profile. Disabling releases type profile data collected so far.

def post_ProfilerstopTypeProfile(method: ProfilerDotstopTypeProfile, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Collect coverage data for the current isolate, and resets execution counters. Precise code coverage needs to have started.

Collect coverage data for the current isolate, and resets execution counters. Precise code coverage needs to have started.

def post_ProfilertakePreciseCoverage(method: ProfilerDottakePreciseCoverage, callback: Function2[Error | Null, TakePreciseCoverageReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Collect type profile.

Collect type profile.

def post_ProfilertakeTypeProfile(method: ProfilerDottakeTypeProfile, callback: Function2[Error | Null, TakeTypeProfileReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Add handler to promise with given promise object id.

Add handler to promise with given promise object id.

def post_RuntimeawaitPromise(method: RuntimeDotawaitPromise, callback: Function2[Error | Null, AwaitPromiseReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimeawaitPromise(method: RuntimeDotawaitPromise, params: AwaitPromiseParameterType, callback: Function2[Error | Null, AwaitPromiseReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimeawaitPromise(method: RuntimeDotawaitPromise, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, AwaitPromiseReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Calls function with given declaration on the given object. Object group of the result is inherited from the target object.

Calls function with given declaration on the given object. Object group of the result is inherited from the target object.

def post_RuntimecallFunctionOn(method: RuntimeDotcallFunctionOn, callback: Function2[Error | Null, CallFunctionOnReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimecallFunctionOn(method: RuntimeDotcallFunctionOn, params: CallFunctionOnParameterType, callback: Function2[Error | Null, CallFunctionOnReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimecallFunctionOn(method: RuntimeDotcallFunctionOn, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, CallFunctionOnReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Compiles expression.

Compiles expression.

def post_RuntimecompileScript(method: RuntimeDotcompileScript, callback: Function2[Error | Null, CompileScriptReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimecompileScript(method: RuntimeDotcompileScript, params: CompileScriptParameterType, callback: Function2[Error | Null, CompileScriptReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimecompileScript(method: RuntimeDotcompileScript, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, CompileScriptReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Disables reporting of execution contexts creation.

Disables reporting of execution contexts creation.

def post_Runtimedisable(method: RuntimeDotdisable, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Discards collected exceptions and console API calls.

Discards collected exceptions and console API calls.

def post_RuntimediscardConsoleEntries(method: RuntimeDotdiscardConsoleEntries, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Enables reporting of execution contexts creation by means of <code>executionContextCreated</code> event. When the reporting gets enabled the event will be sent immediately for each existing execution context.

Enables reporting of execution contexts creation by means of <code>executionContextCreated</code> event. When the reporting gets enabled the event will be sent immediately for each existing execution context.

def post_Runtimeenable(method: RuntimeDotenable, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Evaluates expression on global object.

Evaluates expression on global object.

def post_Runtimeevaluate(method: RuntimeDotevaluate, callback: Function2[Error | Null, EvaluateReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_Runtimeevaluate(method: RuntimeDotevaluate, params: EvaluateParameterType, callback: Function2[Error | Null, EvaluateReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_Runtimeevaluate(method: RuntimeDotevaluate, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, EvaluateReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Returns properties of a given object. Object group of the result is inherited from the target object.

Returns properties of a given object. Object group of the result is inherited from the target object.

def post_RuntimegetProperties(method: RuntimeDotgetProperties, callback: Function2[Error | Null, GetPropertiesReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimegetProperties(method: RuntimeDotgetProperties, params: GetPropertiesParameterType, callback: Function2[Error | Null, GetPropertiesReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimegetProperties(method: RuntimeDotgetProperties, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, GetPropertiesReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Returns all let, const and class variables from global scope.

Returns all let, const and class variables from global scope.

def post_RuntimeglobalLexicalScopeNames(method: RuntimeDotglobalLexicalScopeNames, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, GlobalLexicalScopeNamesReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimequeryObjects(method: RuntimeDotqueryObjects, callback: Function2[Error | Null, QueryObjectsReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimequeryObjects(method: RuntimeDotqueryObjects, params: QueryObjectsParameterType, callback: Function2[Error | Null, QueryObjectsReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimequeryObjects(method: RuntimeDotqueryObjects, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, QueryObjectsReturnType, Unit]): Unit

Releases remote object with given id.

Releases remote object with given id.

def post_RuntimereleaseObject(method: RuntimeDotreleaseObject, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimereleaseObject(method: RuntimeDotreleaseObject, params: ReleaseObjectParameterType, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimereleaseObject(method: RuntimeDotreleaseObject, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Releases all remote objects that belong to a given group.

Releases all remote objects that belong to a given group.

def post_RuntimereleaseObjectGroup(method: RuntimeDotreleaseObjectGroup, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimereleaseObjectGroup(method: RuntimeDotreleaseObjectGroup, params: ReleaseObjectGroupParameterType, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimereleaseObjectGroup(method: RuntimeDotreleaseObjectGroup, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Tells inspected instance to run if it was waiting for debugger to attach.

Tells inspected instance to run if it was waiting for debugger to attach.

def post_RuntimerunIfWaitingForDebugger(method: RuntimeDotrunIfWaitingForDebugger, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Runs script with given id in a given context.

Runs script with given id in a given context.

def post_RuntimerunScript(method: RuntimeDotrunScript, callback: Function2[Error | Null, RunScriptReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimerunScript(method: RuntimeDotrunScript, params: RunScriptParameterType, callback: Function2[Error | Null, RunScriptReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimerunScript(method: RuntimeDotrunScript, params: Unit, callback: Function2[Error | Null, RunScriptReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimesetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled(method: RuntimeDotsetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit
def post_RuntimesetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled(method: RuntimeDotsetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled, params: Unit, callback: Function1[Error | Null, Unit]): Unit

Returns supported domains.

Returns supported domains.

def post_SchemagetDomains(method: SchemaDotgetDomains, callback: Function2[Error | Null, GetDomainsReturnType, Unit]): Unit
def prependListener(event: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Session

Issued when new console message is added.

Issued when new console message is added.


Fired when breakpoint is resolved to an actual script and location.

Fired when breakpoint is resolved to an actual script and location.


Fired when the virtual machine stopped on breakpoint or exception or any other stop criteria.

Fired when the virtual machine stopped on breakpoint or exception or any other stop criteria.

def prependListener_Debuggerresumed(event: DebuggerDotresumed, listener: Function0[Unit]): Session

Fired when the virtual machine resumed execution.

Fired when the virtual machine resumed execution.


Fired when virtual machine fails to parse the script.

Fired when virtual machine fails to parse the script.


Fired when virtual machine parses script. This event is also fired for all known and uncollected scripts upon enabling debugger.

Fired when virtual machine parses script. This event is also fired for all known and uncollected scripts upon enabling debugger.


If heap objects tracking has been started then backend may send update for one or more fragments

If heap objects tracking has been started then backend may send update for one or more fragments


If heap objects tracking has been started then backend regularly sends a current value for last seen object id and corresponding timestamp. If the were changes in the heap since last event then one or more heapStatsUpdate events will be sent before a new lastSeenObjectId event.

If heap objects tracking has been started then backend regularly sends a current value for last seen object id and corresponding timestamp. If the were changes in the heap since last event then one or more heapStatsUpdate events will be sent before a new lastSeenObjectId event.


Sent when new profile recording is started using console.profile() call.

Sent when new profile recording is started using console.profile() call.


Issued when console API was called.

Issued when console API was called.


Issued when unhandled exception was revoked.

Issued when unhandled exception was revoked.


Issued when exception was thrown and unhandled.

Issued when exception was thrown and unhandled.


Issued when new execution context is created.

Issued when new execution context is created.


Issued when execution context is destroyed.

Issued when execution context is destroyed.


Issued when all executionContexts were cleared in browser

Issued when all executionContexts were cleared in browser


Issued when object should be inspected (for example, as a result of inspect() command line API call).

Issued when object should be inspected (for example, as a result of inspect() command line API call).


Emitted when any notification from the V8 Inspector is received.

Emitted when any notification from the V8 Inspector is received.

def prependOnceListener(event: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Session

Issued when new console message is added.

Issued when new console message is added.


Fired when breakpoint is resolved to an actual script and location.

Fired when breakpoint is resolved to an actual script and location.


Fired when the virtual machine stopped on breakpoint or exception or any other stop criteria.

Fired when the virtual machine stopped on breakpoint or exception or any other stop criteria.

def prependOnceListener_Debuggerresumed(event: DebuggerDotresumed, listener: Function0[Unit]): Session

Fired when the virtual machine resumed execution.

Fired when the virtual machine resumed execution.


Fired when virtual machine fails to parse the script.

Fired when virtual machine fails to parse the script.


Fired when virtual machine parses script. This event is also fired for all known and uncollected scripts upon enabling debugger.

Fired when virtual machine parses script. This event is also fired for all known and uncollected scripts upon enabling debugger.


If heap objects tracking has been started then backend may send update for one or more fragments

If heap objects tracking has been started then backend may send update for one or more fragments


If heap objects tracking has been started then backend regularly sends a current value for last seen object id and corresponding timestamp. If the were changes in the heap since last event then one or more heapStatsUpdate events will be sent before a new lastSeenObjectId event.

If heap objects tracking has been started then backend regularly sends a current value for last seen object id and corresponding timestamp. If the were changes in the heap since last event then one or more heapStatsUpdate events will be sent before a new lastSeenObjectId event.


Sent when new profile recording is started using console.profile() call.

Sent when new profile recording is started using console.profile() call.


Issued when console API was called.

Issued when console API was called.


Issued when unhandled exception was revoked.

Issued when unhandled exception was revoked.


Issued when exception was thrown and unhandled.

Issued when exception was thrown and unhandled.


Issued when new execution context is created.

Issued when new execution context is created.


Issued when execution context is destroyed.

Issued when execution context is destroyed.


Issued when all executionContexts were cleared in browser

Issued when all executionContexts were cleared in browser


Issued when object should be inspected (for example, as a result of inspect() command line API call).

Issued when object should be inspected (for example, as a result of inspect() command line API call).


Emitted when any notification from the V8 Inspector is received.

Emitted when any notification from the V8 Inspector is received.

Inherited methods

def hasOwnProperty(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from
def isPrototypeOf(v: Object): Boolean
Inherited from
def propertyIsEnumerable(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from
def toLocaleString(): String
Inherited from
def valueOf(): Any
Inherited from