
object nodeVmMod
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


@JSImport("node:vm", "Script") @native @JSType
class Script extends Script

Value members

Concrete methods

def compileFunction(code: String): Function
def compileFunction(code: String, params: Array[String]): Function
def compileFunction(code: String, params: Array[String], options: CompileFunctionOptions): Function
def compileFunction(code: String, params: Unit, options: CompileFunctionOptions): Function
def createContext(sandbox: Context): Context
def createContext(sandbox: Unit, options: CreateContextOptions): Context
def isContext(sandbox: Context): Boolean

Measure the memory known to V8 and used by the current execution context or a specified context.

Measure the memory known to V8 and used by the current execution context or a specified context.

The format of the object that the returned Promise may resolve with is specific to the V8 engine and may change from one version of V8 to the next.

The returned result is different from the statistics returned by v8.getHeapSpaceStatistics() in that vm.measureMemory() measures the memory reachable by V8 from a specific context, while v8.getHeapSpaceStatistics() measures the memory used by an instance of V8 engine, which can switch among multiple contexts that reference objects in the heap of one engine.

def runInContext(code: String, contextifiedSandbox: Context): Any
def runInContext(code: String, contextifiedSandbox: Context, options: RunningScriptOptions): Any
def runInContext(code: String, contextifiedSandbox: Context, options: String): Any
def runInNewContext(code: String): Any
def runInNewContext(code: String, sandbox: Context): Any
def runInNewContext(code: String, sandbox: Context, options: RunningScriptOptions): Any
def runInNewContext(code: String, sandbox: Context, options: String): Any
def runInNewContext(code: String, sandbox: Unit, options: RunningScriptOptions): Any
def runInNewContext(code: String, sandbox: Unit, options: String): Any
def runInThisContext(code: String): Any
def runInThisContext(code: String, options: RunningScriptOptions): Any
def runInThisContext(code: String, options: String): Any

Concrete fields

@JSImport("node:vm") @native
val ^: Any