
@JSImport("repl", "REPLServer") @native @JSType class REPLServer extends StObject

Provides a customizable Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL).

Instances of repl.REPLServer will accept individual lines of user input, evaluate those according to a user-defined evaluation function, then output the result. Input and output may be from stdin and stdout, respectively, or may be connected to any Node.js stream.

Instances of repl.REPLServer support automatic completion of inputs, simplistic Emacs-style line editing, multi-line inputs, ANSI-styled output, saving and restoring current REPL session state, error recovery, and customizable evaluation functions.

Instances of repl.REPLServer are created using the repl.start() method and should not be created directly using the JavaScript new keyword.

See also
trait StObject
class Object
trait Any
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def addListener(event: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): REPLServer



  1. close - inherited from readline.Interface
  2. line - inherited from readline.Interface
  3. pause - inherited from readline.Interface
  4. resume - inherited from readline.Interface
  5. SIGCONT - inherited from readline.Interface
  6. SIGINT - inherited from readline.Interface
  7. SIGTSTP - inherited from readline.Interface
  8. exit
  9. reset
def addListener_SIGCONT(event: SIGCONT, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def addListener_SIGINT(event: SIGINT, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def addListener_SIGTSTP(event: SIGTSTP, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def addListener_close(event: close, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def addListener_exit(event: exit, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def addListener_line(event: line, listener: Function1[String, Unit]): REPLServer
def addListener_pause(event: pause, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def addListener_reset(event: reset, listener: Function1[Context, Unit]): REPLServer
def addListener_resume(event: resume, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer

Clears any command that has been buffered but not yet executed.

Clears any command that has been buffered but not yet executed.

This method is primarily intended to be called from within the action function for commands registered using the replServer.defineCommand() method.



def defineCommand(keyword: String, cmd: REPLCommand): Unit
def defineCommand(keyword: String, cmd: REPLCommandAction): Unit

Used to add new .-prefixed commands to the REPL instance. Such commands are invoked by typing a . followed by the keyword.

Used to add new .-prefixed commands to the REPL instance. Such commands are invoked by typing a . followed by the keyword.

Value Params

The function to invoke when the command is processed.


The command keyword (without a leading . character).

See also
def displayPrompt(): Unit

Readies the REPL instance for input from the user, printing the configured prompt to a new line in the output and resuming the input to accept new input.

Readies the REPL instance for input from the user, printing the configured prompt to a new line in the output and resuming the input to accept new input.

When multi-line input is being entered, an ellipsis is printed rather than the 'prompt'.

This method is primarily intended to be called from within the action function for commands registered using the replServer.defineCommand() method.

Value Params

When true, the cursor placement will not be reset to 0.

def displayPrompt(preserveCursor: Boolean): Unit
def emit(event: String, args: Any*): Boolean
def emit(event: Symbol, args: Any*): Boolean
def emit_SIGCONT(event: SIGCONT): Boolean
def emit_SIGINT(event: SIGINT): Boolean
def emit_SIGTSTP(event: SIGTSTP): Boolean
def emit_close(event: close): Boolean
def emit_exit(event: exit): Boolean
def emit_line(event: line, input: String): Boolean
def emit_pause(event: pause): Boolean
def emit_reset(event: reset, context: Context): Boolean
def emit_resume(event: resume): Boolean
def eval(evalCmd: String, context: Context, file: String, cb: Function2[Error | Null, Any, Unit]): Unit

Specified in the REPL options, this is the function to be used when evaluating each given line of input. If not specified in the REPL options, this is an async wrapper for the JavaScript eval() function.

Specified in the REPL options, this is the function to be used when evaluating each given line of input. If not specified in the REPL options, this is an async wrapper for the JavaScript eval() function.

def on(event: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): REPLServer
def on_SIGCONT(event: SIGCONT, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def on_SIGINT(event: SIGINT, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def on_SIGTSTP(event: SIGTSTP, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def on_close(event: close, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def on_exit(event: exit, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def on_line(event: line, listener: Function1[String, Unit]): REPLServer
def on_pause(event: pause, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def on_reset(event: reset, listener: Function1[Context, Unit]): REPLServer
def on_resume(event: resume, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def once(event: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): REPLServer
def once_SIGCONT(event: SIGCONT, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def once_SIGINT(event: SIGINT, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def once_SIGTSTP(event: SIGTSTP, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def once_close(event: close, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def once_exit(event: exit, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def once_line(event: line, listener: Function1[String, Unit]): REPLServer
def once_pause(event: pause, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def once_reset(event: reset, listener: Function1[Context, Unit]): REPLServer
def once_resume(event: resume, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def prependListener(event: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): REPLServer
def prependListener_SIGCONT(event: SIGCONT, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def prependListener_SIGINT(event: SIGINT, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def prependListener_SIGTSTP(event: SIGTSTP, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def prependListener_close(event: close, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def prependListener_exit(event: exit, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def prependListener_line(event: line, listener: Function1[String, Unit]): REPLServer
def prependListener_pause(event: pause, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def prependListener_reset(event: reset, listener: Function1[Context, Unit]): REPLServer
def prependListener_resume(event: resume, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def prependOnceListener(event: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): REPLServer
def prependOnceListener_SIGCONT(event: SIGCONT, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def prependOnceListener_SIGINT(event: SIGINT, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def prependOnceListener_SIGTSTP(event: SIGTSTP, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def prependOnceListener_close(event: close, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def prependOnceListener_exit(event: exit, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def prependOnceListener_line(event: line, listener: Function1[String, Unit]): REPLServer
def prependOnceListener_pause(event: pause, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def prependOnceListener_reset(event: reset, listener: Function1[Context, Unit]): REPLServer
def prependOnceListener_resume(event: resume, listener: Function0[Unit]): REPLServer
def setupHistory(path: String, cb: Function2[Error | Null, REPLServer, Unit]): Unit

Initializes a history log file for the REPL instance. When executing the Node.js binary and using the command line REPL, a history file is initialized by default. However, this is not the case when creating a REPL programmatically. Use this method to initialize a history log file when working with REPL instances programmatically.

Initializes a history log file for the REPL instance. When executing the Node.js binary and using the command line REPL, a history file is initialized by default. However, this is not the case when creating a REPL programmatically. Use this method to initialize a history log file when working with REPL instances programmatically.

Value Params

The path to the history file

def writer(obj: Any): String

Specified in the REPL options, this is the function to invoke to format the output of each command before writing to outputStream. If not specified in the REPL options, this will be a wrapper for util.inspect.

Specified in the REPL options, this is the function to invoke to format the output of each command before writing to outputStream. If not specified in the REPL options, this will be a wrapper for util.inspect.

Inherited methods

def hasOwnProperty(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from
def isPrototypeOf(v: Object): Boolean
Inherited from
def propertyIsEnumerable(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from
def toLocaleString(): String
Inherited from
def valueOf(): Any
Inherited from

Concrete fields

The commands registered via replServer.defineCommand().

The commands registered via replServer.defineCommand().

Specified in the REPL options, this is the function to use for custom Tab auto-completion.

Specified in the REPL options, this is the function to use for custom Tab auto-completion.

The vm.Context provided to the eval function to be used for JavaScript evaluation.

The vm.Context provided to the eval function to be used for JavaScript evaluation.

val editorMode: Boolean

A value indicating whether the REPL is currently in "editor mode".

A value indicating whether the REPL is currently in "editor mode".

See also
val ignoreUndefined: Boolean

Specified in the REPL options, this is a value indicating whether the default writer function should output the result of a command if it evaluates to undefined.

Specified in the REPL options, this is a value indicating whether the default writer function should output the result of a command if it evaluates to undefined.

The Readable stream from which REPL input will be read.

The Readable stream from which REPL input will be read.

val last: Any

The last evaluation result from the REPL (assigned to the _ variable inside of the REPL).

The last evaluation result from the REPL (assigned to the _ variable inside of the REPL).

See also
val lastError: Any

The last error raised inside the REPL (assigned to the _error variable inside of the REPL).

The last error raised inside the REPL (assigned to the _error variable inside of the REPL).

See also


The Writable stream to which REPL output will be written.

The Writable stream to which REPL output will be written.

val replMode: Symbol

Specified in the REPL options, this is a flag that specifies whether the default eval function should execute all JavaScript commands in strict mode or default (sloppy) mode. Possible values are:

Specified in the REPL options, this is a flag that specifies whether the default eval function should execute all JavaScript commands in strict mode or default (sloppy) mode. Possible values are:

  • repl.REPL_MODE_SLOPPY - evaluates expressions in sloppy mode.
  • repl.REPL_MODE_STRICT - evaluates expressions in strict mode. This is equivalent to prefacing every repl statement with 'use strict'.
val underscoreAssigned: Boolean

A value indicating whether the _ variable has been assigned.

A value indicating whether the _ variable has been assigned.

See also
val underscoreErrAssigned: Boolean

A value indicating whether the _error variable has been assigned.

A value indicating whether the _error variable has been assigned.

See also


val useColors: Boolean

Specified in the REPL options, this is a value indicating whether the default writer function should include ANSI color styling to REPL output.

Specified in the REPL options, this is a value indicating whether the default writer function should include ANSI color styling to REPL output.

val useGlobal: Boolean

Specified in the REPL options, this is a value indicating whether the default eval function will use the JavaScript global as the context as opposed to creating a new separate context for the REPL instance.

Specified in the REPL options, this is a value indicating whether the default eval function will use the JavaScript global as the context as opposed to creating a new separate context for the REPL instance.