
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


object Certificate
@JSImport("node:crypto", "Certificate") @native @JSType
class CertificateCls() extends StObject with Certificate
@JSImport("node:crypto", "Cipher") @native @JSType
class Cipher extends StObject
@JSImport("node:crypto", "Decipher") @native @JSType
class Decipher extends StObject
@JSImport("node:crypto", "DiffieHellman") @native @JSType
@JSImport("node:crypto", "ECDH") @native @JSType
class ECDH extends ECDH
object ECDH
@JSImport("node:crypto", "Hash") @native @JSType
class Hash extends StObject
@JSImport("node:crypto", "Hmac") @native @JSType
class Hmac extends StObject
@JSImport("node:crypto", "KeyObject") @native @JSType
class KeyObject extends KeyObject
@JSImport("node:crypto", "Signer") @native @JSType
class Signer extends StObject
@JSImport("node:crypto", "Verify") @native @JSType
class Verify_ extends StObject
@JSImport("node:crypto", "X509Certificate") @native @JSType
object constants

Value members

Concrete methods

def checkPrime(value: LargeNumberLike, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Boolean, Unit]): Unit

Checks the primality of the candidate.

Checks the primality of the candidate.

def checkPrime(value: LargeNumberLike, options: CheckPrimeOptions, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Boolean, Unit]): Unit
def checkPrimeSync(value: LargeNumberLike): Boolean

Checks the primality of the candidate.

Checks the primality of the candidate.

def checkPrimeSync(value: LargeNumberLike, options: CheckPrimeOptions): Boolean
def createCipher(algorithm: CipherCCMTypes, password: BinaryLike, options: CipherCCMOptions): CipherCCM
def createCipher(algorithm: CipherGCMTypes, password: BinaryLike): CipherGCM
def createCipher(algorithm: CipherGCMTypes, password: BinaryLike, options: CipherGCMOptions): CipherGCM
def createCipher(algorithm: String, password: BinaryLike): Cipher
def createCipher(algorithm: String, password: BinaryLike, options: TransformOptions): Cipher
def createCipheriv(algorithm: CipherCCMTypes, key: CipherKey, iv: Null, options: CipherCCMOptions): CipherCCM
def createCipheriv(algorithm: CipherGCMTypes, key: CipherKey, iv: Null, options: CipherGCMOptions): CipherGCM
def createCipheriv(algorithm: String, key: CipherKey): Cipher
def createCipheriv(algorithm: String, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike): Cipher
def createCipheriv(algorithm: String, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike, options: TransformOptions): Cipher
def createCipheriv(algorithm: String, key: CipherKey, iv: Null, options: TransformOptions): Cipher
def createDecipher(algorithm: String, password: BinaryLike): Decipher
def createDecipher(algorithm: String, password: BinaryLike, options: TransformOptions): Decipher
def createDecipheriv(algorithm: CipherCCMTypes, key: CipherKey, iv: Null, options: CipherCCMOptions): DecipherCCM
def createDecipheriv(algorithm: CipherGCMTypes, key: CipherKey, iv: Null, options: CipherGCMOptions): DecipherGCM
def createDecipheriv(algorithm: String, key: CipherKey): Decipher
def createDecipheriv(algorithm: String, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike): Decipher
def createDecipheriv(algorithm: String, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike, options: TransformOptions): Decipher
def createDecipheriv(algorithm: String, key: CipherKey, iv: Null, options: TransformOptions): Decipher
def createDiffieHellman(prime_length: Double): DiffieHellman_
def createDiffieHellman(prime_length: Double, generator: ArrayBufferView): DiffieHellman_
def createDiffieHellman(prime_length: Double, generator: Double): DiffieHellman_
def createDiffieHellman(prime: String, prime_encoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): DiffieHellman_
def createDiffieHellman(prime: String, prime_encoding: BinaryToTextEncoding, generator: ArrayBufferView): DiffieHellman_
def createDiffieHellman(prime: String, prime_encoding: BinaryToTextEncoding, generator: String, generator_encoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): DiffieHellman_
def createDiffieHellman(prime: String, prime_encoding: BinaryToTextEncoding, generator: Double): DiffieHellman_
def createECDH(curve_name: String): ECDH
def createHash(algorithm: String): Hash
def createHash(algorithm: String, options: HashOptions): Hash
def createHmac(algorithm: String, key: BinaryLike): Hmac
def createHmac(algorithm: String, key: BinaryLike, options: TransformOptions): Hmac
def createHmac(algorithm: String, key: KeyObject): Hmac
def createHmac(algorithm: String, key: KeyObject, options: TransformOptions): Hmac
def createPrivateKey(key: String): KeyObject
def createPublicKey(key: String): KeyObject
def createSign(algorithm: String): Signer
def createSign(algorithm: String, options: WritableOptions): Signer
def createVerify(algorithm: String): Verify_
def createVerify(algorithm: String, options: WritableOptions): Verify_

Computes the Diffie-Hellman secret based on a privateKey and a publicKey. Both keys must have the same asymmetricKeyType, which must be one of 'dh' (for Diffie-Hellman), 'ec' (for ECDH), 'x448', or 'x25519' (for ECDH-ES).

Computes the Diffie-Hellman secret based on a privateKey and a publicKey. Both keys must have the same asymmetricKeyType, which must be one of 'dh' (for Diffie-Hellman), 'ec' (for ECDH), 'x448', or 'x25519' (for ECDH-ES).

def generateKeyPair(`type`: dsa, options: DSAKeyPairKeyObjectOptions, callback: Function3[Error | Null, KeyObject, KeyObject, Unit]): Unit
def generateKeyPair(`type`: dsa, options: DSAKeyPairOptions[der | pem, der | pem], callback: Function3[Error | Null, Buffer | String, Buffer | String, Unit]): Unit
def generateKeyPair(`type`: ec, options: ECKeyPairKeyObjectOptions, callback: Function3[Error | Null, KeyObject, KeyObject, Unit]): Unit
def generateKeyPair(`type`: ec, options: ECKeyPairOptions[der | pem, der | pem], callback: Function3[Error | Null, Buffer | String, Buffer | String, Unit]): Unit
def generateKeyPair(`type`: ed25519, options: ED25519KeyPairKeyObjectOptions, callback: Function3[Error | Null, KeyObject, KeyObject, Unit]): Unit
def generateKeyPair(`type`: ed25519, options: ED25519KeyPairOptions[der | pem, der | pem], callback: Function3[Error | Null, Buffer | String, Buffer | String, Unit]): Unit
def generateKeyPair(`type`: ed25519, options: Unit, callback: Function3[Error | Null, KeyObject, KeyObject, Unit]): Unit
def generateKeyPair(`type`: ed448, options: ED448KeyPairKeyObjectOptions, callback: Function3[Error | Null, KeyObject, KeyObject, Unit]): Unit
def generateKeyPair(`type`: ed448, options: ED448KeyPairOptions[der | pem, der | pem], callback: Function3[Error | Null, Buffer | String, Buffer | String, Unit]): Unit
def generateKeyPair(`type`: ed448, options: Unit, callback: Function3[Error | Null, KeyObject, KeyObject, Unit]): Unit
def generateKeyPair(`type`: rsa, options: RSAKeyPairKeyObjectOptions, callback: Function3[Error | Null, KeyObject, KeyObject, Unit]): Unit
def generateKeyPair(`type`: rsa, options: RSAKeyPairOptions[der | pem, der | pem], callback: Function3[Error | Null, Buffer | String, Buffer | String, Unit]): Unit
def generateKeyPair(`type`: x25519, options: X25519KeyPairKeyObjectOptions, callback: Function3[Error | Null, KeyObject, KeyObject, Unit]): Unit
def generateKeyPair(`type`: x25519, options: X25519KeyPairOptions[der | pem, der | pem], callback: Function3[Error | Null, Buffer | String, Buffer | String, Unit]): Unit
def generateKeyPair(`type`: x25519, options: Unit, callback: Function3[Error | Null, KeyObject, KeyObject, Unit]): Unit
def generateKeyPair(`type`: x448, options: X448KeyPairKeyObjectOptions, callback: Function3[Error | Null, KeyObject, KeyObject, Unit]): Unit
def generateKeyPair(`type`: x448, options: X448KeyPairOptions[der | pem, der | pem], callback: Function3[Error | Null, Buffer | String, Buffer | String, Unit]): Unit
def generateKeyPair(`type`: x448, options: Unit, callback: Function3[Error | Null, KeyObject, KeyObject, Unit]): Unit
def generateKeyPairSync(`type`: dsa, options: DSAKeyPairOptions[der | pem, der | pem]): KeyPairSyncResult[String, String]
def generateKeyPairSync(`type`: ec, options: ECKeyPairOptions[der | pem, der | pem]): KeyPairSyncResult[String, String]
def generateKeyPairSync(`type`: ed25519, options: ED25519KeyPairOptions[der | pem, der | pem]): KeyPairSyncResult[String, String]
def generateKeyPairSync(`type`: ed448, options: ED448KeyPairOptions[der | pem, der | pem]): KeyPairSyncResult[String, String]
def generateKeyPairSync(`type`: rsa, options: RSAKeyPairOptions[der | pem, der | pem]): KeyPairSyncResult[String, String]
def generateKeyPairSync(`type`: x25519, options: X25519KeyPairOptions[der | pem, der | pem]): KeyPairSyncResult[String, String]
def generateKeyPairSync(`type`: x448, options: X448KeyPairOptions[der | pem, der | pem]): KeyPairSyncResult[String, String]
def generateKey_aes(`type`: aes, options: Length, callback: Function2[Error | Null, KeyObject, Unit]): Unit
def generateKey_hmac(`type`: hmac, options: Length, callback: Function2[Error | Null, KeyObject, Unit]): Unit
def generatePrime(size: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, ArrayBuffer, Unit]): Unit
def generatePrime(size: Double, options: GeneratePrimeOptionsArrayBuffer, callback: Function2[Error | Null, ArrayBuffer, Unit]): Unit
def generatePrime(size: Double, options: GeneratePrimeOptionsBigInt, callback: Function2[Error | Null, BigInt, Unit]): Unit
def generatePrime(size: Double, options: GeneratePrimeOptions, callback: Function2[Error | Null, ArrayBuffer | BigInt, Unit]): Unit
def generatePrimeSync(size: Double): ArrayBuffer
def generatePrimeSync(size: Double, options: GeneratePrimeOptions): ArrayBuffer | BigInt
def generatePrimeSync(size: Double, options: GeneratePrimeOptionsArrayBuffer): ArrayBuffer
def generatePrimeSync(size: Double, options: GeneratePrimeOptionsBigInt): BigInt
def getCipherInfo(nameOrNid: String): UndefOr[CipherInfo]

Returns information about a given cipher.

Returns information about a given cipher.

Some ciphers accept variable length keys and initialization vectors. By default, the crypto.getCipherInfo() method will return the default values for these ciphers. To test if a given key length or iv length is acceptable for given cipher, use the keyLenth and ivLenth options. If the given values are unacceptable, undefined will be returned.

Value Params

The name or nid of the cipher to query.

def getCipherInfo(nameOrNid: String, options: CipherInfoOptions): UndefOr[CipherInfo]
def getCipherInfo(nameOrNid: Double): UndefOr[CipherInfo]
def getCipherInfo(nameOrNid: Double, options: CipherInfoOptions): UndefOr[CipherInfo]
def getCiphers(): Array[String]
def getCurves(): Array[String]
def getDiffieHellman(group_name: String): DiffieHellman_
def getFips(): 1 | 0
def getHashes(): Array[String]
def hkdf(digest: String, key: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, info: BinaryLike, keylen: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, ArrayBuffer, Unit]): Unit

HKDF is a simple key derivation function defined in RFC 5869. The given key, salt and info are used with the digest to derive a key of keylen bytes.

HKDF is a simple key derivation function defined in RFC 5869. The given key, salt and info are used with the digest to derive a key of keylen bytes.

The supplied callback function is called with two arguments: err and derivedKey. If an errors occurs while deriving the key, err will be set; otherwise err will be null. The successfully generated derivedKey will be passed to the callback as an ArrayBuffer. An error will be thrown if any of the input aguments specify invalid values or types.

def hkdf(digest: String, key: KeyObject, salt: BinaryLike, info: BinaryLike, keylen: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, ArrayBuffer, Unit]): Unit
def hkdfSync(digest: String, key: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, info: BinaryLike, keylen: Double): ArrayBuffer

Provides a synchronous HKDF key derivation function as defined in RFC 5869. The given key, salt and info are used with the digest to derive a key of keylen bytes.

Provides a synchronous HKDF key derivation function as defined in RFC 5869. The given key, salt and info are used with the digest to derive a key of keylen bytes.

The successfully generated derivedKey will be returned as an ArrayBuffer. An error will be thrown if any of the input aguments specify invalid values or types, or if the derived key cannot be generated.

def hkdfSync(digest: String, key: KeyObject, salt: BinaryLike, info: BinaryLike, keylen: Double): ArrayBuffer
def pbkdf2(password: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, iterations: Double, keylen: Double, digest: String, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Buffer, Unit]): Unit
def pbkdf2Sync(password: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, iterations: Double, keylen: Double, digest: String): Buffer
def privateDecrypt(private_key: KeyLike, buffer: ArrayBufferView): Buffer
def privateDecrypt(private_key: RsaPrivateKey, buffer: ArrayBufferView): Buffer
def privateEncrypt(private_key: KeyLike, buffer: ArrayBufferView): Buffer
def privateEncrypt(private_key: RsaPrivateKey, buffer: ArrayBufferView): Buffer
def pseudoRandomBytes(size: Double): Buffer
def pseudoRandomBytes(size: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Buffer, Unit]): Unit
def randomBytes(size: Double): Buffer
def randomBytes(size: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Buffer, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: BigInt64Array, callback: Function2[Error | Null, BigInt64Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: BigInt64Array, offset: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, BigInt64Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: BigInt64Array, offset: Double, size: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, BigInt64Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: BigUint64Array, callback: Function2[Error | Null, BigUint64Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: BigUint64Array, offset: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, BigUint64Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: BigUint64Array, offset: Double, size: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, BigUint64Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: DataView, callback: Function2[Error | Null, DataView, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: DataView, offset: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, DataView, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: DataView, offset: Double, size: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, DataView, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Float32Array, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Float32Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Float32Array, offset: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Float32Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Float32Array, offset: Double, size: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Float32Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Float64Array, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Float64Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Float64Array, offset: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Float64Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Float64Array, offset: Double, size: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Float64Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Int16Array, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Int16Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Int16Array, offset: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Int16Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Int16Array, offset: Double, size: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Int16Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Int32Array, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Int32Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Int32Array, offset: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Int32Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Int32Array, offset: Double, size: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Int32Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Int8Array, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Int8Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Int8Array, offset: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Int8Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Int8Array, offset: Double, size: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Int8Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Uint16Array, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Uint16Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Uint16Array, offset: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Uint16Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Uint16Array, offset: Double, size: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Uint16Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Uint32Array, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Uint32Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Uint32Array, offset: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Uint32Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Uint32Array, offset: Double, size: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Uint32Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Uint8Array, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Uint8Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Uint8Array, offset: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Uint8Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Uint8Array, offset: Double, size: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Uint8Array, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Uint8ClampedArray, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Uint8ClampedArray, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Uint8ClampedArray, offset: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Uint8ClampedArray, Unit]): Unit
def randomFill(buffer: Uint8ClampedArray, offset: Double, size: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Uint8ClampedArray, Unit]): Unit
def randomFillSync(buffer: BigInt64Array, offset: Double): BigInt64Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: BigInt64Array, offset: Double, size: Double): BigInt64Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: BigInt64Array, offset: Unit, size: Double): BigInt64Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: BigUint64Array, offset: Double): BigUint64Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: BigUint64Array, offset: Double, size: Double): BigUint64Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: BigUint64Array, offset: Unit, size: Double): BigUint64Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: DataView): DataView
def randomFillSync(buffer: DataView, offset: Double): DataView
def randomFillSync(buffer: DataView, offset: Double, size: Double): DataView
def randomFillSync(buffer: DataView, offset: Unit, size: Double): DataView
def randomFillSync(buffer: Float32Array): Float32Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Float32Array, offset: Double): Float32Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Float32Array, offset: Double, size: Double): Float32Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Float32Array, offset: Unit, size: Double): Float32Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Float64Array): Float64Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Float64Array, offset: Double): Float64Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Float64Array, offset: Double, size: Double): Float64Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Float64Array, offset: Unit, size: Double): Float64Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Int16Array): Int16Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Int16Array, offset: Double): Int16Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Int16Array, offset: Double, size: Double): Int16Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Int16Array, offset: Unit, size: Double): Int16Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Int32Array): Int32Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Int32Array, offset: Double): Int32Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Int32Array, offset: Double, size: Double): Int32Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Int32Array, offset: Unit, size: Double): Int32Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Int8Array): Int8Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Int8Array, offset: Double): Int8Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Int8Array, offset: Double, size: Double): Int8Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Int8Array, offset: Unit, size: Double): Int8Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Uint16Array): Uint16Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Uint16Array, offset: Double): Uint16Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Uint16Array, offset: Double, size: Double): Uint16Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Uint16Array, offset: Unit, size: Double): Uint16Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Uint32Array): Uint32Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Uint32Array, offset: Double): Uint32Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Uint32Array, offset: Double, size: Double): Uint32Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Uint32Array, offset: Unit, size: Double): Uint32Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Uint8Array, offset: Double): Uint8Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Uint8Array, offset: Double, size: Double): Uint8Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Uint8Array, offset: Unit, size: Double): Uint8Array
def randomFillSync(buffer: Uint8ClampedArray): Uint8ClampedArray
def randomFillSync(buffer: Uint8ClampedArray, offset: Double): Uint8ClampedArray
def randomFillSync(buffer: Uint8ClampedArray, offset: Double, size: Double): Uint8ClampedArray
def randomFillSync(buffer: Uint8ClampedArray, offset: Unit, size: Double): Uint8ClampedArray
def randomInt(max: Double): Double
def randomInt(max: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Double, Unit]): Unit
def randomInt(min: Double, max: Double): Double
def randomInt(min: Double, max: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Double, Unit]): Unit
def randomUUID(): String
def randomUUID(options: RandomUUIDOptions): String
def scrypt(password: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, keylen: Double, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Buffer, Unit]): Unit
def scrypt(password: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, keylen: Double, options: ScryptOptions, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Buffer, Unit]): Unit
def scryptSync(password: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, keylen: Double): Buffer
def scryptSync(password: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, keylen: Double, options: ScryptOptions): Buffer
def sign(algorithm: String, data: ArrayBufferView, key: KeyLike): Buffer

Calculates and returns the signature for data using the given private key and algorithm. If algorithm is null or undefined, then the algorithm is dependent upon the key type (especially Ed25519 and Ed448).

Calculates and returns the signature for data using the given private key and algorithm. If algorithm is null or undefined, then the algorithm is dependent upon the key type (especially Ed25519 and Ed448).

If key is not a KeyObject, this function behaves as if key had been passed to `crypto.createPrivateKey().

def sign(algorithm: String, data: ArrayBufferView, key: KeyLike, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Buffer, Unit]): Unit
def sign(algorithm: String, data: ArrayBufferView, key: SignKeyObjectInput): Buffer
def sign(algorithm: String, data: ArrayBufferView, key: SignKeyObjectInput, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Buffer, Unit]): Unit
def sign(algorithm: String, data: ArrayBufferView, key: SignPrivateKeyInput): Buffer
def sign(algorithm: String, data: ArrayBufferView, key: SignPrivateKeyInput, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Buffer, Unit]): Unit
def sign(algorithm: Null, data: ArrayBufferView, key: KeyLike): Buffer
def sign(algorithm: Null, data: ArrayBufferView, key: KeyLike, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Buffer, Unit]): Unit
def sign(algorithm: Null, data: ArrayBufferView, key: SignKeyObjectInput): Buffer
def sign(algorithm: Null, data: ArrayBufferView, key: SignKeyObjectInput, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Buffer, Unit]): Unit
def sign(algorithm: Null, data: ArrayBufferView, key: SignPrivateKeyInput): Buffer
def sign(algorithm: Null, data: ArrayBufferView, key: SignPrivateKeyInput, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Buffer, Unit]): Unit
def sign(algorithm: Unit, data: ArrayBufferView, key: KeyLike): Buffer
def sign(algorithm: Unit, data: ArrayBufferView, key: KeyLike, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Buffer, Unit]): Unit
def sign(algorithm: Unit, data: ArrayBufferView, key: SignKeyObjectInput): Buffer
def sign(algorithm: Unit, data: ArrayBufferView, key: SignKeyObjectInput, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Buffer, Unit]): Unit
def sign(algorithm: Unit, data: ArrayBufferView, key: SignPrivateKeyInput): Buffer
def sign(algorithm: Unit, data: ArrayBufferView, key: SignPrivateKeyInput, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Buffer, Unit]): Unit
def verify(algorithm: String, data: ArrayBufferView, key: KeyLike, signature: ArrayBufferView): Boolean

Calculates and returns the signature for data using the given private key and algorithm. If algorithm is null or undefined, then the algorithm is dependent upon the key type (especially Ed25519 and Ed448).

Calculates and returns the signature for data using the given private key and algorithm. If algorithm is null or undefined, then the algorithm is dependent upon the key type (especially Ed25519 and Ed448).

If key is not a KeyObject, this function behaves as if key had been passed to crypto.createPublicKey().

def verify(algorithm: String, data: ArrayBufferView, key: KeyLike, signature: ArrayBufferView, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Boolean, Unit]): Unit
def verify(algorithm: String, data: ArrayBufferView, key: VerifyKeyObjectInput, signature: ArrayBufferView): Boolean
def verify(algorithm: String, data: ArrayBufferView, key: VerifyKeyObjectInput, signature: ArrayBufferView, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Boolean, Unit]): Unit
def verify(algorithm: String, data: ArrayBufferView, key: VerifyPublicKeyInput, signature: ArrayBufferView): Boolean
def verify(algorithm: String, data: ArrayBufferView, key: VerifyPublicKeyInput, signature: ArrayBufferView, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Boolean, Unit]): Unit
def verify(algorithm: Null, data: ArrayBufferView, key: KeyLike, signature: ArrayBufferView): Boolean
def verify(algorithm: Null, data: ArrayBufferView, key: KeyLike, signature: ArrayBufferView, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Boolean, Unit]): Unit
def verify(algorithm: Null, data: ArrayBufferView, key: VerifyKeyObjectInput, signature: ArrayBufferView): Boolean
def verify(algorithm: Null, data: ArrayBufferView, key: VerifyKeyObjectInput, signature: ArrayBufferView, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Boolean, Unit]): Unit
def verify(algorithm: Null, data: ArrayBufferView, key: VerifyPublicKeyInput, signature: ArrayBufferView): Boolean
def verify(algorithm: Null, data: ArrayBufferView, key: VerifyPublicKeyInput, signature: ArrayBufferView, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Boolean, Unit]): Unit
def verify(algorithm: Unit, data: ArrayBufferView, key: KeyLike, signature: ArrayBufferView): Boolean
def verify(algorithm: Unit, data: ArrayBufferView, key: KeyLike, signature: ArrayBufferView, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Boolean, Unit]): Unit
def verify(algorithm: Unit, data: ArrayBufferView, key: VerifyKeyObjectInput, signature: ArrayBufferView): Boolean
def verify(algorithm: Unit, data: ArrayBufferView, key: VerifyKeyObjectInput, signature: ArrayBufferView, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Boolean, Unit]): Unit
def verify(algorithm: Unit, data: ArrayBufferView, key: VerifyPublicKeyInput, signature: ArrayBufferView): Boolean
def verify(algorithm: Unit, data: ArrayBufferView, key: VerifyPublicKeyInput, signature: ArrayBufferView, callback: Function2[Error | Null, Boolean, Unit]): Unit

Concrete fields

@JSImport("node:crypto", "DEFAULT_ENCODING") @native
@JSImport("node:crypto") @native
val ^: Any
@JSImport("node:crypto", "fips") @native
val fips: Boolean