
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

Type of integration.

Type of integration.

def active: SelectionBuilder[AlertManagementHttpIntegration, Option[Boolean]]

Whether the endpoint is currently accepting alerts.

Whether the endpoint is currently accepting alerts.

def apiUrl: SelectionBuilder[AlertManagementHttpIntegration, Option[String]]

URL at which Prometheus metrics can be queried to populate the metrics dashboard.

URL at which Prometheus metrics can be queried to populate the metrics dashboard.

def id: SelectionBuilder[AlertManagementHttpIntegration, String]

ID of the integration.

ID of the integration.

def name: SelectionBuilder[AlertManagementHttpIntegration, Option[String]]

Name of the integration.

Name of the integration.

def payloadAlertFields[A](innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[AlertManagementPayloadAlertField, A]): SelectionBuilder[AlertManagementHttpIntegration, Option[List[A]]]

Extract alert fields from payload example for custom mapping.

Extract alert fields from payload example for custom mapping.

def payloadAttributeMappings[A](innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[AlertManagementPayloadAlertMappingField, A]): SelectionBuilder[AlertManagementHttpIntegration, Option[List[A]]]

The custom mapping of GitLab alert attributes to fields from the payload_example.

The custom mapping of GitLab alert attributes to fields from the payload_example.

The example of an alert payload.

The example of an alert payload.

def token: SelectionBuilder[AlertManagementHttpIntegration, Option[String]]

Token used to authenticate alert notification requests.

Token used to authenticate alert notification requests.

def url: SelectionBuilder[AlertManagementHttpIntegration, Option[String]]

Endpoint which accepts alert notifications.

Endpoint which accepts alert notifications.