
object BoardEpic
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def author[A](innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[UserCore, A]): SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, A]

Author of the epic.

Author of the epic.

def awardEmoji[A](after: Option[String], before: Option[String], first: Option[Int], last: Option[Int])(innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[AwardEmojiConnection, A]): SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[A]]

A list of award emojis associated with the epic.

A list of award emojis associated with the epic.

def children[A](timeframe: Option[Timeframe], iid: Option[String], iids: Option[List[String]], state: Option[EpicState], search: Option[String], sort: Option[EpicSort], authorUsername: Option[String], labelName: Option[List[String]], milestoneTitle: Option[String], iidStartsWith: Option[String], includeDescendantGroups: Option[Boolean], confidential: Option[Boolean], myReactionEmoji: Option[String], not: Option[NegatedEpicFilterInput], after: Option[String], before: Option[String], first: Option[Int], last: Option[Int])(innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[EpicConnection, A]): SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[A]]

Children (sub-epics) of the epic.

Children (sub-epics) of the epic.

def closedAt: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[Time]]

Timestamp of when the epic was closed.

Timestamp of when the epic was closed.

def confidential: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[Boolean]]

Indicates if the epic is confidential.

Indicates if the epic is confidential.

def createdAt: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[Time]]

Timestamp of when the epic was created.

Timestamp of when the epic was created.

def currentUserTodos[A](after: Option[String], before: Option[String], first: Option[Int], last: Option[Int], state: Option[TodoStateEnum])(innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[TodoConnection, A]): SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, A]

To-do items for the current user.

To-do items for the current user.

def descendantCounts[A](innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[EpicDescendantCount, A]): SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[A]]

Number of open and closed descendant epics and issues.

Number of open and closed descendant epics and issues.

def descendantWeightSum[A](innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[EpicDescendantWeights, A]): SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[A]]

Total weight of open and closed issues in the epic and its descendants.

Total weight of open and closed issues in the epic and its descendants.

def description: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[String]]

Description of the epic.

Description of the epic.

def descriptionHtml: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[String]]

The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description

The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of description

def discussions[A](after: Option[String], before: Option[String], first: Option[Int], last: Option[Int])(innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[DiscussionConnection, A]): SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, A]

All discussions on this noteable.

All discussions on this noteable.

def downvotes: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Int]

Number of downvotes the epic has received.

Number of downvotes the epic has received.

def dueDate: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[Time]]

Due date of the epic.

Due date of the epic.

def dueDateFixed: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[Time]]

Fixed due date of the epic.

Fixed due date of the epic.

def dueDateFromMilestones: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[Time]]

Inherited due date of the epic from milestones.

Inherited due date of the epic from milestones.

def dueDateIsFixed: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[Boolean]]

Indicates if the due date has been manually set.

Indicates if the due date has been manually set.

def events[A](after: Option[String], before: Option[String], first: Option[Int], last: Option[Int])(innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[EventConnection, A]): SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[A]]

A list of events associated with the object.

A list of events associated with the object.

def group[A](innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[Group, A]): SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, A]

Group to which the epic belongs.

Group to which the epic belongs.

def hasChildren: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Boolean]

Indicates if the epic has children.

Indicates if the epic has children.

def hasIssues: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Boolean]

Indicates if the epic has direct issues.

Indicates if the epic has direct issues.

def hasParent: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Boolean]

Indicates if the epic has a parent epic.

Indicates if the epic has a parent epic.

def healthStatus[A](innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[EpicHealthStatus, A]): SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[A]]

Current health status of the epic.

Current health status of the epic.

def id: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, String]

ID of the epic.

ID of the epic.

def iid: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, String]

Internal ID of the epic.

Internal ID of the epic.

def issues[A](after: Option[String], before: Option[String], first: Option[Int], last: Option[Int])(innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[EpicIssueConnection, A]): SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[A]]

A list of issues associated with the epic.

A list of issues associated with the epic.

def labels[A](after: Option[String], before: Option[String], first: Option[Int], last: Option[Int])(innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[LabelConnection, A]): SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[A]]

Labels assigned to the epic.

Labels assigned to the epic.

def notes[A](after: Option[String], before: Option[String], first: Option[Int], last: Option[Int])(innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[NoteConnection, A]): SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, A]

All notes on this noteable.

All notes on this noteable.

def parent[A](innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[Epic, A]): SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[A]]

Parent epic of the epic.

Parent epic of the epic.

def participants[A](after: Option[String], before: Option[String], first: Option[Int], last: Option[Int])(innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[UserCoreConnection, A]): SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[A]]

List of participants for the epic.

List of participants for the epic.

def reference(full: Option[Boolean]): SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, String]

Internal reference of the epic. Returned in shortened format by default.

Internal reference of the epic. Returned in shortened format by default.

def relationPath: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[String]]

URI path of the epic-issue relationship.

URI path of the epic-issue relationship.

def relativePosition: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[Int]]

The relative position of the epic in the epic tree.

The relative position of the epic in the epic tree.

def startDate: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[Time]]

Start date of the epic.

Start date of the epic.

def startDateFixed: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[Time]]

Fixed start date of the epic.

Fixed start date of the epic.

def startDateFromMilestones: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[Time]]

Inherited start date of the epic from milestones.

Inherited start date of the epic from milestones.

def startDateIsFixed: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[Boolean]]

Indicates if the start date has been manually set.

Indicates if the start date has been manually set.

def state: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, EpicState]

State of the epic.

State of the epic.

def subscribed: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Boolean]

Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the epic.

Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the epic.

def title: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[String]]

Title of the epic.

Title of the epic.

def titleHtml: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[String]]

The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of title

The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of title

def updatedAt: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[Time]]

Timestamp of when the epic was updated.

Timestamp of when the epic was updated.

def upvotes: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Int]

Number of upvotes the epic has received.

Number of upvotes the epic has received.

def userDiscussionsCount: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Int]

Number of user discussions in the epic.

Number of user discussions in the epic.

def userNotesCount: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Int]

Number of user notes of the epic.

Number of user notes of the epic.

def userPermissions[A](innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[EpicPermissions, A]): SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, A]

Permissions for the current user on the resource

Permissions for the current user on the resource

def userPreferences[A](innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpicUserPreferences, A]): SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, Option[A]]

User preferences for the epic on the issue board.

User preferences for the epic on the issue board.

def webPath: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, String]

Web path of the epic.

Web path of the epic.

def webUrl: SelectionBuilder[BoardEpic, String]

Web URL of the epic.

Web URL of the epic.