
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def createdAt: SelectionBuilder[SnippetRepositoryRegistry, Option[Time]]

Timestamp when the SnippetRepositoryRegistry was created

Timestamp when the SnippetRepositoryRegistry was created

def id: SelectionBuilder[SnippetRepositoryRegistry, String]

ID of the SnippetRepositoryRegistry

ID of the SnippetRepositoryRegistry

def lastSyncFailure: SelectionBuilder[SnippetRepositoryRegistry, Option[String]]

Error message during sync of the SnippetRepositoryRegistry

Error message during sync of the SnippetRepositoryRegistry

def lastSyncedAt: SelectionBuilder[SnippetRepositoryRegistry, Option[Time]]

Timestamp of the most recent successful sync of the SnippetRepositoryRegistry

Timestamp of the most recent successful sync of the SnippetRepositoryRegistry

def retryAt: SelectionBuilder[SnippetRepositoryRegistry, Option[Time]]

Timestamp after which the SnippetRepositoryRegistry should be resynced

Timestamp after which the SnippetRepositoryRegistry should be resynced

def retryCount: SelectionBuilder[SnippetRepositoryRegistry, Option[Int]]

Number of consecutive failed sync attempts of the SnippetRepositoryRegistry

Number of consecutive failed sync attempts of the SnippetRepositoryRegistry

def snippetRepositoryId: SelectionBuilder[SnippetRepositoryRegistry, String]

ID of the Snippet Repository.

ID of the Snippet Repository.

def state: SelectionBuilder[SnippetRepositoryRegistry, Option[RegistryState]]

Sync state of the SnippetRepositoryRegistry

Sync state of the SnippetRepositoryRegistry