
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def design[A](innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[Design, A]): SelectionBuilder[DesignAtVersion, A]

The underlying design.

The underlying design.

def diffRefs[A](innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[DiffRefs, A]): SelectionBuilder[DesignAtVersion, A]

The diff refs for this design.

The diff refs for this design.

def event: SelectionBuilder[DesignAtVersion, DesignVersionEvent]

How this design was changed in the current version.

How this design was changed in the current version.

def filename: SelectionBuilder[DesignAtVersion, String]

The filename of the design.

The filename of the design.

def fullPath: SelectionBuilder[DesignAtVersion, String]

The full path to the design file.

The full path to the design file.

def id: SelectionBuilder[DesignAtVersion, String]

The ID of this design.

The ID of this design.

def image: SelectionBuilder[DesignAtVersion, String]

The URL of the full-sized image.

The URL of the full-sized image.

def imageV432x230: SelectionBuilder[DesignAtVersion, Option[String]]

The URL of the design resized to fit within the bounds of 432x230. This will be null if the image has not been generated

The URL of the design resized to fit within the bounds of 432x230. This will be null if the image has not been generated

def issue[A](innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[Issue, A]): SelectionBuilder[DesignAtVersion, A]

The issue the design belongs to.

The issue the design belongs to.

def notesCount: SelectionBuilder[DesignAtVersion, Int]

The total count of user-created notes for this design.

The total count of user-created notes for this design.

def project[A](innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[Project, A]): SelectionBuilder[DesignAtVersion, A]

The project the design belongs to.

The project the design belongs to.

def version[A](innerSelection: SelectionBuilder[DesignVersion, A]): SelectionBuilder[DesignAtVersion, A]

The version this design-at-versions is pinned to.

The version this design-at-versions is pinned to.