
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait Control

Value members

Abstract methods

def createTempURI(): URI

Creates a temporary file. The caller is responsible for deleting the file after it is not needed any longer. (The file will still be marked deleteOnExit)

Creates a temporary file. The caller is responsible for deleting the file after it is not needed any longer. (The file will still be marked deleteOnExit)

Deprecated methods

@deprecated("Only supported on JVM. Use platform neutral createTempURI instead", since = "3.6.0")
def createTempFile(): File

Creates a temporary file. The caller is responsible for deleting the file after it is not needed any longer. (The file will still be marked deleteOnExit)

Creates a temporary file. The caller is responsible for deleting the file after it is not needed any longer. (The file will still be marked deleteOnExit)

[Since version 3.6.0]