
See theBody companion object
trait Body

Represents the body of a request or response. The body can be a fixed chunk of bytes, a stream of bytes, or form data, or any type that can be encoded into such representations (such as textual data using some character encoding, the contents of files, JSON, etc.).


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def asArray(implicit trace: Trace): Task[Array[Byte]]

Returns an effect that decodes the content of the body as array of bytes. Note that attempting to decode a large stream of bytes into an array could result in an out of memory error.

Returns an effect that decodes the content of the body as array of bytes. Note that attempting to decode a large stream of bytes into an array could result in an out of memory error.


def asChunk(implicit trace: Trace): Task[Chunk[Byte]]

Returns an effect that decodes the content of the body as a chunk of bytes. Note that attempting to decode a large stream of bytes into a chunk could result in an out of memory error.

Returns an effect that decodes the content of the body as a chunk of bytes. Note that attempting to decode a large stream of bytes into a chunk could result in an out of memory error.


def asStream(implicit trace: Trace): ZStream[Any, Throwable, Byte]

Returns a stream that contains the bytes of the body. This method is safe to use with large bodies, because the elements of the returned stream are lazily produced from the body.

Returns a stream that contains the bytes of the body. This method is safe to use with large bodies, because the elements of the returned stream are lazily produced from the body.


def contentType(newMediaType: MediaType): Body

Updates the media type attached to this body, returning a new Body with the updated media type

Updates the media type attached to this body, returning a new Body with the updated media type


def contentType(newMediaType: MediaType, newBoundary: Boundary): Body
def isComplete: Boolean

Returns whether or not the bytes of the body have been fully read.

Returns whether or not the bytes of the body have been fully read.


def isEmpty: Boolean

Returns whether or not the body is known to be empty. Note that some bodies may not be known to be empty until an attempt is made to consume them.

Returns whether or not the body is known to be empty. Note that some bodies may not be known to be empty until an attempt is made to consume them.


def knownContentLength: Option[Long]

Returns whether or not the content length is known

Returns whether or not the content length is known


def mediaType: Option[MediaType]

Returns the media type for this Body

Returns the media type for this Body


Concrete methods

def ++(that: Body): Body

A right-biased way of combining two bodies. If either body is empty, the other will be returned. Otherwise, the right body will be returned.

A right-biased way of combining two bodies. If either body is empty, the other will be returned. Otherwise, the right body will be returned.


def asMultipartForm(implicit trace: Trace): Task[Form]

Returns an effect that decodes the content of the body as a multipart form. Note that attempting to decode a large stream of bytes into a form could result in an out of memory error.

Returns an effect that decodes the content of the body as a multipart form. Note that attempting to decode a large stream of bytes into a form could result in an out of memory error.


Returns an effect that decodes the streaming body as a multipart form.

Returns an effect that decodes the streaming body as a multipart form.

The result is a stream of FormField objects, where each FormField may be a StreamingBinary or a Text object. The StreamingBinary object contains a stream of bytes, which has to be consumed asynchronously by the user to get the next FormField from the stream.


final def asString(implicit trace: Trace): Task[String]

Decodes the content of the body as a string with the default charset. Note that attempting to decode a large stream of bytes into a string could result in an out of memory error.

Decodes the content of the body as a string with the default charset. Note that attempting to decode a large stream of bytes into a string could result in an out of memory error.


final def asString(charset: Charset)(implicit trace: Trace): Task[String]

Decodes the content of the body as a string with the provided charset. Note that attempting to decode a large stream of bytes into a string could result in an out of memory error.

Decodes the content of the body as a string with the provided charset. Note that attempting to decode a large stream of bytes into a string could result in an out of memory error.


def asURLEncodedForm(implicit trace: Trace): Task[Form]

Returns an effect that decodes the content of the body as form data.

Returns an effect that decodes the content of the body as form data.


def to[A](implicit codec: BinaryCodec[A], trace: Trace): Task[A]

Decodes the content of the body as a value based on a zio-schema zio.schema.codec.BinaryCodec.

Decodes the content of the body as a value based on a zio-schema zio.schema.codec.BinaryCodec.

Example for json:

import zio.schema.json.codec._
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
implicit val schema: Schema[Person] = DeriveSchema.gen[Person]
val person = Person("John", 42)
val body = Body.from(person)
val decodedPerson =[Person]
