
See theEndpointMiddleware companion object
sealed trait EndpointMiddleware

A description of endpoint middleware, in terms of what the middleware requires from the request, and what it appends to the response.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
object None.type
class Spec[In0, Err0, Out0]
Self type

Members list

Type members


type Err
type In
type Out

Value members

Abstract methods

def doc: Doc

Concrete methods

def ++(that: EndpointMiddleware)(implicit inCombiner: Combiner[In, In], outCombiner: Combiner[Out, Out], errAlternator: Alternator[Err, Err]): Typed[Out, Out, Out]
def ??(doc: Doc): Typed[In, Err, Out]
def implement[R, S](incoming: In => ZIO[R, Err, S])(outgoing: S => ZIO[R, Err, Out])(implicit trace: Trace): HandlerAspect[R, S]
def mapBoth[MiddlewareIn2, MiddlewareOut2](f: HttpCodec[Header & Query & Method, In] => HttpCodec[Header & Query & Method, MiddlewareIn2], g: HttpCodec[Header, Out] => HttpCodec[Header, MiddlewareOut2]): Typed[MiddlewareIn2, Err, MiddlewareOut2]
def mapIn[MiddlewareIn2](f: HttpCodec[Header & Query & Method, In] => HttpCodec[Header & Query & Method, MiddlewareIn2]): Typed[MiddlewareIn2, Err, Out]
def mapOut[MiddlewareOut2](f: HttpCodec[Header, Out] => HttpCodec[Header, MiddlewareOut2]): Typed[In, Err, MiddlewareOut2]
def optional: Typed[Option[In], Err, Option[Out]]
def optionalIn: Typed[Option[In], Err, Out]
def optionalOut: Typed[In, Err, Option[Out]]