
See theHandler companion trait


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Type members


final class ContraFlatMap[-R, +Err, -In, +Out, In1](val self: Handler[R, Err, In, Out]) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class FromFunction[In](val self: Unit) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class FromFunctionExit[In](val self: Unit) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class FromFunctionHandler[In](val self: Unit) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class FromFunctionZIO[In](val self: Unit) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
object IsRequest


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
sealed trait IsRequest[-A]


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
final class ParamExtractorBuilder[A](val unit: Unit) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final implicit class RequestHandlerSyntax[-R, +Err](val self: RequestHandler[R, Err]) extends HeaderModifier[RequestHandler[R, Err]]


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
final implicit class ResponseOutputSyntax[-R, +Err, -In](val self: Handler[R, Err, In, Response]) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def asChunkBounded(request: Request, limit: Int)(implicit trace: Trace): Handler[Any, Throwable, Any, Chunk[Byte]]
def attempt[Out](out: => Out): Handler[Any, Throwable, Any, Out]

Attempts to create a Handler that succeeds with the provided value, capturing all exceptions on it's way.

Attempts to create a Handler that succeeds with the provided value, capturing all exceptions on it's way.


def badRequest: Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]

Creates a handler which always responds with a 400 status code.

Creates a handler which always responds with a 400 status code.


def badRequest(message: => String): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]

Creates a handler which always responds with a 400 status code.

Creates a handler which always responds with a 400 status code.


def die(failure: => Throwable): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Nothing]

Returns a handler that dies with the specified Throwable. This method can be used for terminating an handler because a defect has been detected in the code. Terminating a handler leads to aborting handling of an HTTP request and responding with 500 Internal Server Error.

Returns a handler that dies with the specified Throwable. This method can be used for terminating an handler because a defect has been detected in the code. Terminating a handler leads to aborting handling of an HTTP request and responding with 500 Internal Server Error.


def dieMessage(message: => String): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Nothing]

Returns an handler that dies with a RuntimeException having the specified text message. This method can be used for terminating a HTTP request because a defect has been detected in the code.

Returns an handler that dies with a RuntimeException having the specified text message. This method can be used for terminating a HTTP request because a defect has been detected in the code.


def error(status: => Error): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]

Creates a handler with an error and the default error message.

Creates a handler with an error and the default error message.


def error(status: => Error, message: => String): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]

Creates a handler with an error and the specified error message.

Creates a handler with an error and the specified error message.


def fail[Err](err: => Err): Handler[Any, Err, Any, Nothing]

Creates a Handler that always fails

Creates a Handler that always fails


def failCause[Err](cause: => Cause[Err]): Handler[Any, Err, Any, Nothing]
def firstSuccessOf[R, Err, In, Out](handlers: NonEmptyChunk[Handler[R, Err, In, Out]], isRecoverable: Cause[Err] => Boolean)(implicit trace: Trace): Handler[R, Err, In, Out]
def forbidden: Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]

Creates a handler that responds with 403 - Forbidden status code

Creates a handler that responds with 403 - Forbidden status code


def forbidden(message: => String): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]

Creates a handler that responds with 403 - Forbidden status code

Creates a handler that responds with 403 - Forbidden status code


def from[H](handler: => H)(implicit h: ToHandler[H]): Handler[Env, Err, In, Out]
def fromBody(body: => Body): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]

Creates a handler which always responds the provided data and a 200 status code

Creates a handler which always responds the provided data and a 200 status code


def fromEither[Err, Out](either: => Either[Err, Out]): Handler[Any, Err, Any, Out]

Lifts an Either into a Handler alue.

Lifts an Either into a Handler alue.


def fromExit[Err, Out](exit: => Exit[Err, Out]): Handler[Any, Err, Any, Out]
def fromFile[R](makeFile: => File)(implicit trace: Trace): Handler[R, Throwable, Any, Response]
def fromFileZIO[R](getFile: ZIO[R, Throwable, File])(implicit trace: Trace): Handler[R, Throwable, Any, Response]
def fromFunction[In]: FromFunction[In]

Creates a Handler from a pure function

Creates a Handler from a pure function


Creates a Handler from an pure function from A to HExit[R,E,B]

Creates a Handler from an pure function from A to HExit[R,E,B]


Creates a Handler from an effectful pure function

Creates a Handler from an effectful pure function


def fromResponse(response: => Response): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]

Creates a handler which always responds with the same value.

Creates a handler which always responds with the same value.


def fromResponseZIO[R, Err](getResponse: ZIO[R, Err, Response]): Handler[R, Err, Any, Response]

Converts a ZIO to a handler type

Converts a ZIO to a handler type


def fromStream[R](stream: ZStream[R, Throwable, String], contentLength: Long, charset: Charset)(implicit trace: Trace): Handler[R, Throwable, Any, Response]

Creates a Handler that always succeeds with a 200 status code and the provided ZStream with a known content length as the body

Creates a Handler that always succeeds with a 200 status code and the provided ZStream with a known content length as the body


def fromStream[R](stream: ZStream[R, Throwable, Byte], contentLength: Long)(implicit trace: Trace): Handler[R, Throwable, Any, Response]

Creates a Handler that always succeeds with a 200 status code and the provided ZStream with a known content length as the body

Creates a Handler that always succeeds with a 200 status code and the provided ZStream with a known content length as the body


def fromStreamChunked[R](stream: ZStream[R, Throwable, String], charset: Charset)(implicit trace: Trace): Handler[R, Throwable, Any, Response]

Creates a Handler that always succeeds with a 200 status code and the provided ZStream as the body using chunked transfer encoding

Creates a Handler that always succeeds with a 200 status code and the provided ZStream as the body using chunked transfer encoding


def fromStreamChunked[R](stream: ZStream[R, Throwable, Byte])(implicit trace: Trace): Handler[R, Throwable, Any, Response]

Creates a Handler that always succeeds with a 200 status code and the provided ZStream as the body using chunked transfer encoding

Creates a Handler that always succeeds with a 200 status code and the provided ZStream as the body using chunked transfer encoding


def fromZIO[R, Err, Out](zio: => ZIO[R, Err, Out]): Handler[R, Err, Any, Out]

Converts a ZIO to a Handler type

Converts a ZIO to a Handler type


def html(view: => Html): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]

Creates a handler which always responds with the provided Html page.

Creates a handler which always responds with the provided Html page.


def identity[A]: Handler[Any, Nothing, A, A]

Creates a pass thru Handler instance

Creates a pass thru Handler instance


def internalServerError: Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]
def internalServerError(message: => String): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]
def methodNotAllowed: Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]

Creates a handler which always responds with a 405 status code.

Creates a handler which always responds with a 405 status code.


def methodNotAllowed(message: => String): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]

Creates a handler which always responds with a 405 status code.

Creates a handler which always responds with a 405 status code.


def notFound: Handler[Any, Nothing, Request, Response]

Creates a handler that fails with a NotFound exception.

Creates a handler that fails with a NotFound exception.


def notFound(message: => String): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]
def ok: Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]

Creates a handler which always responds with a 200 status code.

Creates a handler which always responds with a 200 status code.


Creates a builder that can be used to create a handler that projects some component from its input. This is useful when created nested or monadic handlers, which require the input to all handlers be unified. By created extractors, the "smaller" handlers can extract what they need from the input to the "biggest" handler.

Creates a builder that can be used to create a handler that projects some component from its input. This is useful when created nested or monadic handlers, which require the input to all handlers be unified. By created extractors, the "smaller" handlers can extract what they need from the input to the "biggest" handler.


def stackTrace(implicit trace: Trace): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, StackTrace]
def status(code: => Status): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]

Creates a handler which always responds with the same status code and empty data.

Creates a handler which always responds with the same status code and empty data.


def succeed[Out](out: => Out): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Out]

Creates a Handler that always returns the same response and never fails.

Creates a Handler that always returns the same response and never fails.


def template(heading: => CharSequence)(view: Html): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]

Creates a handler which responds with an Html page using the built-in template.

Creates a handler which responds with an Html page using the built-in template.


def text(text: => CharSequence): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]

Creates a handler which always responds with the same plain text.

Creates a handler which always responds with the same plain text.


def timeout(duration: Duration)(implicit trace: Trace): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]

Creates a handler that responds with a 408 status code after the provided time duration

Creates a handler that responds with a 408 status code after the provided time duration


def tooLarge: Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response]

Creates a handler which always responds with a 413 status code.

Creates a handler which always responds with a 413 status code.


final def webSocket[Env](f: WebSocketChannel => ZIO[Env, Throwable, Any]): WebSocketApp[Env]

Constructs a handler from a function that uses a web socket.

Constructs a handler from a function that uses a web socket.


Inherited methods

def fromResource(path: String)(implicit trace: Trace): Handler[Any, Throwable, Any, Response]

Creates a handler from a resource path

Creates a handler from a resource path


Inherited from:
def getResource(path: String)(implicit trace: Trace): Handler[Any, Throwable, Any, URL]

Attempts to retrieve files from the classpath.

Attempts to retrieve files from the classpath.


Inherited from:
def getResourceAsFile(path: String)(implicit trace: Trace): Handler[Any, Throwable, Any, File]

Attempts to retrieve files from the classpath.

Attempts to retrieve files from the classpath.


Inherited from:

Concrete fields

val unit: Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Unit]



final implicit def RequestHandlerSyntax[R, Err](self: RequestHandler[R, Err]): RequestHandlerSyntax[R, Err]
final implicit def ResponseOutputSyntax[R, Err, In](self: Handler[R, Err, In, Response]): ResponseOutputSyntax[R, Err, In]