
See theHttpCodec companion object
sealed trait HttpCodec[-AtomTypes, Value]

A zio.http.codec.HttpCodec represents a codec for a part of an HTTP request. HttpCodec the HTTP protocol, these parts may be the unconsumed portion of the HTTP path (a route codec), the query string parameters (a query codec), the request headers (a header codec), or the request body (a body codec).

A HttpCodec is a purely declarative description of an input, and therefore, it can be used to generate documentation, clients, and client libraries.

HttpCodecs are a bit like invertible multi-channel parsers.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value]

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

final def &[Value2](that: QueryCodec[Value2])(implicit combiner: Combiner[Value, Value2], ev: Query <:< AtomTypes): HttpCodec[Query, Out]

Append more query parameters to either a query codec, or to a pathQuery codec which is a combination of path and query

Append more query parameters to either a query codec, or to a pathQuery codec which is a combination of path and query


final def ++[AtomTypes1 <: AtomTypes, Value2](that: HttpCodec[AtomTypes1, Value2])(implicit combiner: Combiner[Value, Value2]): HttpCodec[AtomTypes1, Out]

Returns a new codec that is the composition of this codec and the specified codec. For codecs that include route codecs, the routes will be decoded sequentially from left to right.

Returns a new codec that is the composition of this codec and the specified codec. For codecs that include route codecs, the routes will be decoded sequentially from left to right.


final def ??(doc: Doc): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value]

Returns a new codec that is the same as this one, but has attached docs, which will render whenever docs are generated from the codec.

Returns a new codec that is the same as this one, but has attached docs, which will render whenever docs are generated from the codec.


final def ^?[Value2](that: QueryCodec[Value2])(implicit combiner: Combiner[Value, Value2], ev: Path <:< AtomTypes): HttpCodec[PathQuery, Out]

To end the route codec and begin with query codec, and re-interprets as PathQueryCodec

To end the route codec and begin with query codec, and re-interprets as PathQueryCodec

GET /ab/c :? paramStr("") &


final def alternatives: Chunk[(HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value], Condition)]

Produces a flattened collection of alternatives. Once flattened, each codec inside the returned collection is guaranteed to contain no nested alternatives.

Produces a flattened collection of alternatives. Once flattened, each codec inside the returned collection is guaranteed to contain no nested alternatives.


def annotate(metadata: Metadata[Value]): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value]

Returns a new codec that is the same as this one, but has attached metadata, such as docs.

Returns a new codec that is the same as this one, but has attached metadata, such as docs.


final def asQuery(implicit ev: Query <:< AtomTypes): QueryCodec[Value]

Reinterprets this codec as a query codec assuming evidence that this interpretation is sound.

Reinterprets this codec as a query codec assuming evidence that this interpretation is sound.


final def const(canonical: => Value): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Unit]

Transforms the type parameter to Unit by specifying that all possible values that can be decoded from this HttpCodec are in fact equivalent to the provided canonical value.

Transforms the type parameter to Unit by specifying that all possible values that can be decoded from this HttpCodec are in fact equivalent to the provided canonical value.

Note: You should NOT use this method on any codec which can decode semantically distinct values.


final def const[Value2](value2: => Value2)(implicit ev: Unit <:< Value): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value2]
final def decodeRequest(request: Request)(implicit trace: Trace): Task[Value]

Uses this codec to decode the Scala value from a request.

Uses this codec to decode the Scala value from a request.


final def decodeResponse(response: Response)(implicit trace: Trace): Task[Value]

Uses this codec to decode the Scala value from a response.

Uses this codec to decode the Scala value from a response.


def doc: Option[Doc]
final def encodeRequest(value: Value): Request

Uses this codec to encode the Scala value into a request.

Uses this codec to encode the Scala value into a request.


final def encodeRequestPatch(value: Value): Patch

Uses this codec to encode the Scala value as a patch to a request.

Uses this codec to encode the Scala value as a patch to a request.


final def encodeResponse[Z](value: Value, outputTypes: Chunk[MediaTypeWithQFactor]): Response

Uses this codec to encode the Scala value as a response.

Uses this codec to encode the Scala value as a response.


final def encodeResponsePatch[Z](value: Value, outputTypes: Chunk[MediaTypeWithQFactor]): Patch

Uses this codec to encode the Scala value as a response patch.

Uses this codec to encode the Scala value as a response patch.


def examples(examples: Iterable[(String, Value)]): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value]
def examples(example1: (String, Value), examples: (String, Value)*): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value]
def examples: Map[String, Value]
def expect(expected: Value): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Unit]

Returns a new codec that will expect the value to be equal to the specified value.

Returns a new codec that will expect the value to be equal to the specified value.


def named(name: String): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value]
def named(named: Named[Value]): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value]

Returns a new codec that is the same as this one, but has attached a name. This name is used for documentation generation.

Returns a new codec that is the same as this one, but has attached a name. This name is used for documentation generation.


final def optional: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Option[Value]]

Returns a new codec, where the value produced by this one is optional.

Returns a new codec, where the value produced by this one is optional.


final def orElseEither[AtomTypes1 <: AtomTypes, Value2](that: HttpCodec[AtomTypes1, Value2])(implicit alternator: Alternator[Value, Value2]): HttpCodec[AtomTypes1, Out]
final def toLeft[R]: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Either[Value, R]]
final def toRight[L]: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Either[L, Value]]
final def transform[Value2](f: Value => Value2)(g: Value2 => Value): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value2]

Transforms the type parameter of this HttpCodec from Value to Value2. Due to the fact that HttpCodec is invariant in its type parameter, the transformation requires not just a function from Value to Value2, but also, a function from Value2 to Value.

Transforms the type parameter of this HttpCodec from Value to Value2. Due to the fact that HttpCodec is invariant in its type parameter, the transformation requires not just a function from Value to Value2, but also, a function from Value2 to Value.

One of these functions will be used in decoding, for example, when the endpoint is invoked on the server. The other of these functions will be used in encoding, for example, when a client calls the endpoint on the server.


final def transformOrFail[Value2](f: Value => Either[String, Value2])(g: Value2 => Either[String, Value]): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value2]
final def transformOrFailLeft[Value2](f: Value => Either[String, Value2])(g: Value2 => Value): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value2]
final def transformOrFailRight[Value2](f: Value => Value2)(g: Value2 => Either[String, Value]): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value2]
final def |[AtomTypes1 <: AtomTypes, Value2](that: HttpCodec[AtomTypes1, Value2])(implicit alternator: Alternator[Value, Value2]): HttpCodec[AtomTypes1, Out]