



package graph

Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CyclicException extends Exception

    An exception that is raised when an assumed DAG has a cycle

  2. class DiGraph[T] extends AnyRef

    Represents common behavior of all directed graphs

  3. class EulerTour[T] extends AnyRef

    A class that represents an Euler Tour of a directed graph from a given root.

    A class that represents an Euler Tour of a directed graph from a given root. This requires O(n) preprocessing time to generate the initial Euler Tour.

  4. class MutableDiGraph[T] extends DiGraph[T]
  5. class PathNotFoundException extends Exception

    An exception that is raised when attempting to find an unreachable node

  6. class RenderDiGraph[T] extends AnyRef

    Implement a really simple graphviz dot renderer for a digraph There are three main renderers currently -

    Implement a really simple graphviz dot renderer for a digraph There are three main renderers currently -


    The type of the Node.

Value Members

  1. object DiGraph

    A companion to create DiGraphs from mutable data

  2. object EulerTour

    Euler Tour companion object
