
Type members


final case class Aseprite(frames: List[AsepriteFrame], meta: AsepriteMeta)
object Aseprite
final case class AsepriteFrame(filename: String, frame: AsepriteRectangle, rotated: Boolean, trimmed: Boolean, spriteSourceSize: AsepriteRectangle, sourceSize: AsepriteSize, duration: Int)
final case class AsepriteFrameTag(name: String, from: Int, to: Int, direction: String)
final case class AsepriteMeta(app: String, version: String, format: String, size: AsepriteSize, scale: String, frameTags: List[AsepriteFrameTag])
final case class AsepriteRectangle(x: Int, y: Int, w: Int, h: Int)
final case class AsepriteSize(w: Int, h: Int)
final case class ClipData(label: CycleLabel, size: Size, sheet: ClipSheet)
final case class SpriteAndAnimations(sprite: Sprite[Bitmap], animations: Animation)
final case class TileSet(columns: Option[Int], firstgid: Int, image: Option[String], imageheight: Option[Int], imagewidth: Option[Int], margin: Option[Int], name: Option[String], spacing: Option[Int], terrains: Option[List[TiledTerrain]], tilecount: Option[Int], tileheight: Option[Int], tiles: Option[Map[String, TiledTerrainCorner]], tilewidth: Option[Int], source: Option[String])
final case class TileSheet(assetName: AssetName, imageSize: Size, tileSize: Size, margin: Int)

Utility for working with generic sprite sheets. The sheet must be uniform, with each sprite having the same width and height, and a (possibly zero-pixel) inner margin.

Utility for working with generic sprite sheets. The sheet must be uniform, with each sprite having the same width and height, and a (possibly zero-pixel) inner margin.

object TileSheet
final case class TiledGridCell[A](column: Int, row: Int, tile: A)
final case class TiledGridLayer[A](grid: List[TiledGridCell[A]], columnCount: Int, rowCount: Int)
final case class TiledGridMap[A](layers: NonEmptyList[TiledGridLayer[A]])
final case class TiledLayer(name: String, data: List[Int], x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int, opacity: Double, `type`: String, visible: Boolean)
final case class TiledMap(width: Int, height: Int, infinite: Boolean, layers: List[TiledLayer], nextobjectid: Int, orientation: String, renderorder: String, tiledversion: String, tilewidth: Int, tileheight: Int, tilesets: List[TileSet], `type`: String, hexsidelength: Option[Int], staggeraxis: Option[String], staggerindex: Option[String], backgroundcolor: Option[String])
object TiledMap
final case class TiledTerrain(name: String, tile: Int)
final case class TiledTerrainCorner(terrain: List[Int])