
sealed class Iteratee[F[_], E, A] extends Serializable

An iteratee processes a stream of elements of type E and returns a value of type F[A].

An iteratee processes a stream of elements of type E and returns a value of type F[A].

Type Params

The type of the calculated result


The type of the input data


A type constructor representing a context for effects

See also
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

final def apply(enumerator: Enumerator[F, E])(F: Monad[F]): Iteratee[F, E, A]

Advance this Iteratee with the given Enumerator.

Advance this Iteratee with the given Enumerator.

final def as[B](b: B)(F: Functor[F]): Iteratee[F, E, B]

Replace the result of this Iteratee.

Replace the result of this Iteratee.

final def contramap[E2](f: E2 => E)(F: Functor[F]): Iteratee[F, E2, A]

Transform the inputs to this Iteratee.

Transform the inputs to this Iteratee.

final def discard(F: Functor[F]): Iteratee[F, E, Unit]

Create a new Iteratee that throws away the value this one returns.

Create a new Iteratee that throws away the value this one returns.

final def ensure[T](action: F[Unit])(F: MonadError[F, T]): Iteratee[F, E, A]

Ensure that an action will be performed when this iteratee is done, whether or not it succeeds.

Ensure that an action will be performed when this iteratee is done, whether or not it succeeds.

final def ensureEval[T](action: Eval[F[Unit]])(F: MonadError[F, T]): Iteratee[F, E, A]

Ensure that an action will be performed when this iteratee is done, whether or not it succeeds.

Ensure that an action will be performed when this iteratee is done, whether or not it succeeds.

final def flatMap[B](f: A => Iteratee[F, E, B])(F: Monad[F]): Iteratee[F, E, B]

Map a function returning an Iteratee over the result.

Map a function returning an Iteratee over the result.

final def flatMapM[B](f: A => F[B])(F: Monad[F]): Iteratee[F, E, B]

Map a monadic function over the result of this Iteratee.

Map a monadic function over the result of this Iteratee.

final def fold[Z](ifCont: NonEmptyList[E] => Iteratee[F, E, A] => Z, ifDone: (A, List[E]) => Z)(F: Functor[F]): F[Z]

Reduce this Iteratee to an effectful value using the given functions.

Reduce this Iteratee to an effectful value using the given functions.

final def handleErrorWith[T](f: T => Iteratee[F, E, A])(F: MonadError[F, T]): Iteratee[F, E, A]

If this Iteratee has failed, use the provided function to recover.

If this Iteratee has failed, use the provided function to recover.

final def map[B](f: A => B)(F: Functor[F]): Iteratee[F, E, B]

Map a function over the result of this Iteratee.

Map a function over the result of this Iteratee.

final def mapI[G[_]](f: FunctionK[F, G])(`evidence$1`: Applicative[G], F: Applicative[F]): Iteratee[G, E, A]

Transform the context of this Iteratee.

Transform the context of this Iteratee.

final def run(F: Monad[F]): F[A]

Run this iteratee and close the stream so that it must produce an effectful value.

Run this iteratee and close the stream so that it must produce an effectful value.

final def through[O](enumeratee: Enumeratee[F, O, E])(F: Monad[F]): Iteratee[F, O, A]

Create a new Iteratee that first processes values with the given Enumeratee.

Create a new Iteratee that first processes values with the given Enumeratee.

final def up[G[_]](G: Applicative[G], F: Comonad[F], F0: Applicative[F]): Iteratee[G, E, A]

Lift this Iteratee into a different context.

Lift this Iteratee into a different context.

final def zip[B](other: Iteratee[F, E, B])(F: Applicative[F]): Iteratee[F, E, (A, B)]

Zip this Iteratee with another to create an iteratee that returns a pair of their results.

Zip this Iteratee with another to create an iteratee that returns a pair of their results.

Concrete fields

final val state: F[Step[F, E, A]]