
trait EnumeratorModule[F[_]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object either
object eitherT
trait TryModule
object try_
object eval
trait IdModule
object id
object option


final def liftToEnumerator[E](fe: F[E]): Enumerator[F, E]

Lift an effectful value into an enumerator.

Lift an effectful value into an enumerator.

final def enumerate[E](xs: E*): Enumerator[F, E]

An enumerator that produces the given values.

An enumerator that produces the given values.

final def empty[E]: Enumerator[F, E]

An empty enumerator.

An empty enumerator.

sealed class PerformPartiallyApplied[E]

An enumerator that forces the evaluation of an effect when it is consumed.

An enumerator that forces the evaluation of an effect when it is consumed.

final def enumOne[E](e: E): Enumerator[F, E]

An enumerator that produces a single value.

An enumerator that produces a single value.

final def enumIterable[E](es: Iterable[E], chunkSize: Int): Enumerator[F, E]

An enumerator that produces values from an iterable collection.

An enumerator that produces values from an iterable collection.

final def enumStream[E](es: Stream[E], chunkSize: Int): Enumerator[F, E]

An enumerator that produces values from a stream.

An enumerator that produces values from a stream.

final def enumList[E](es: List[E]): Enumerator[F, E]

An enumerator that produces values from a list.

An enumerator that produces values from a list.

final def enumVector[E](es: Vector[E]): Enumerator[F, E]

An enumerator that produces values from a vector.

An enumerator that produces values from a vector.

final def enumIndexedSeq[E](es: IndexedSeq[E], min: Int, max: Int): Enumerator[F, E]

An enumerator that produces values from a slice of an indexed sequence.

An enumerator that produces values from a slice of an indexed sequence.

final def repeat[E](e: E): Enumerator[F, E]

An enumerator that repeats the given value indefinitely.

An enumerator that repeats the given value indefinitely.

final def iterate[E](init: E)(f: E => E): Enumerator[F, E]

An enumerator that iteratively performs an operation and returns the results.

An enumerator that iteratively performs an operation and returns the results.

final def iterateM[E](init: E)(f: E => F[E]): Enumerator[F, E]

An enumerator that iteratively performs an effectful operation and returns the results.

An enumerator that iteratively performs an effectful operation and returns the results.

final def iterateUntil[E](init: E)(f: E => Option[E]): Enumerator[F, E]

An enumerator that iteratively performs an operation until None is produced and returns the results.

An enumerator that iteratively performs an operation until None is produced and returns the results.

final def iterateUntilM[E](init: E)(f: E => F[Option[E]]): Enumerator[F, E]

An enumerator that iteratively performs an effectful operation until None is produced and returns the results.

An enumerator that iteratively performs an effectful operation until None is produced and returns the results.

final def generateM[E](f: F[Option[E]]): Enumerator[F, E]

An enumerator that returns the result of an effectful operation until None is generated.

An enumerator that returns the result of an effectful operation until None is generated.