
sealed abstract class Step[F[_], E, A] extends Serializable

Represents the current state of an io.iteratee.Iteratee.

Represents the current state of an io.iteratee.Iteratee.

Type Params

The type of the result calculated by the io.iteratee.Iteratee


The type of the input data


The effect type constructor

trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def as[B](b: B): Step[F, E, B]

Replace the value of this Step.

Replace the value of this Step.

def bind[B](f: A => F[Step[F, E, B]])(M: Monad[F]): F[Step[F, E, B]]

Map a function returning a Step in a monadic context over the value of this Step and flatten the result.

Map a function returning a Step in a monadic context over the value of this Step and flatten the result.

def contramap[E2](f: E2 => E): Step[F, E2, A]

Map a function over the inputs of this Step.

Map a function over the inputs of this Step.

def feed(chunk: Seq[E]): F[Step[F, E, A]]

Feed a chunk (possibly empty) to this Step.

Feed a chunk (possibly empty) to this Step.

def feedEl(e: E): F[Step[F, E, A]]

Feed a single element to this Step.

Feed a single element to this Step.

Must be consistent with feed and feedNonEmpty.

def fold[Z](ifCont: NonEmptyList[E] => F[Step[F, E, A]] => Z, ifDone: (A, List[E]) => Z): Z

Reduce this Step to a value using the given functions.

Reduce this Step to a value using the given functions.

def isDone: Boolean
def map[B](f: A => B): Step[F, E, B]

Map a function over the value of this Step.

Map a function over the value of this Step.

def mapI[G[_]](f: FunctionK[F, G])(`evidence$1`: Applicative[G]): Step[G, E, A]

Transform the context of this Step.

Transform the context of this Step.

def run: F[A]

Run this Step so that it produces a value in an effectful context.

Run this Step so that it produces a value in an effectful context.

def zip[B](other: Step[F, E, B]): Step[F, E, (A, B)]

Zip this Step with another.

Zip this Step with another.