
object Step
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any


final def cont[F[_], E, A](onInput: NonEmptyList[E] => F[Step[F, E, A]], onEnd: F[A])(F: Applicative[F]): Step[F, E, A]

Create an incomplete Step that will use the given functions to process the next input.

Create an incomplete Step that will use the given functions to process the next input.

final def done[F[_], E, A](value: A)(`evidence$2`: Applicative[F]): Step[F, E, A]

Create a new completed Step with the given result.

Create a new completed Step with the given result.

final def doneWithLeftovers[F[_], E, A](value: A, remaining: Seq[E])(`evidence$3`: Applicative[F]): Step[F, E, A]

Create a new completed Step with the given result and leftover input.

Create a new completed Step with the given result and leftover input.

final def liftM[F[_], E, A](fa: F[A])(F: Monad[F]): F[Step[F, E, A]]

Lift an effectful value into a Step.

Lift an effectful value into a Step.

final def liftMEval[F[_], E, A](fa: Eval[F[A]])(F: Monad[F]): F[Step[F, E, A]]

Lift an effectful value in a cats.Eval into a Step.

Lift an effectful value in a cats.Eval into a Step.

final def joinI[F[_], A, B, C](step: Step[F, A, Step[F, B, C]])(F: Monad[F]): F[Step[F, A, C]]

Collapse a nested Step into one layer.

Collapse a nested Step into one layer.

final def fold[F[_], E, A](init: A)(f: (A, E) => A)(F: Applicative[F]): Step[F, E, A]

A Step that folds a stream using an initial value and an accumulation function.

A Step that folds a stream using an initial value and an accumulation function.

final def foldM[F[_], E, A](init: A)(f: (A, E) => F[A])(F: Monad[F]): Step[F, E, A]

A Step that folds a stream using an initial value and a monadic accumulation function.

A Step that folds a stream using an initial value and a monadic accumulation function.

final def consume[F[_], A](`evidence$4`: Applicative[F]): Step[F, A, Vector[A]]

A Step that collects all the elements in a stream in a vector.

A Step that collects all the elements in a stream in a vector.

final def consumeIn[F[_], E, C[_]](F: Applicative[F], M: MonoidK[C], C: Applicative[C]): Step[F, E, C[E]]

A Step that collects all the elements in a stream in a given collection type.

A Step that collects all the elements in a stream in a given collection type.

final def head[F[_], E](F: Applicative[F]): Step[F, E, Option[E]]

A Step that returns the first value in a stream.

A Step that returns the first value in a stream.

final def peek[F[_], E](F: Applicative[F]): Step[F, E, Option[E]]

A Step that returns the first value in a stream without consuming it.

A Step that returns the first value in a stream without consuming it.

final def last[F[_], E](F: Applicative[F]): Step[F, E, Option[E]]

A Step that returns the first value in a stream.

A Step that returns the first value in a stream.

final def length[F[_], A](`evidence$5`: Applicative[F]): Step[F, A, Long]

A Step that counts the number of values in a stream.

A Step that counts the number of values in a stream.

final def sum[F[_], E](F: Applicative[F], M: Monoid[E]): Step[F, E, E]

A Step that sums of values in a stream.

A Step that sums of values in a stream.

final def foldMap[F[_], E, A](f: E => A)(F: Applicative[F], M: Monoid[A]): Step[F, E, A]

A Step that transforms and sums values in a stream.

A Step that transforms and sums values in a stream.

final def foldMapM[F[_], E, A](f: E => F[A])(F: Applicative[F], M: Monoid[A]): Step[F, E, A]

A Step that transforms and sums values in a stream.

A Step that transforms and sums values in a stream.

final def take[F[_], E](n: Int)(`evidence$6`: Applicative[F]): Step[F, E, Vector[E]]

A Step that returns a given number of the first values in a stream.

A Step that returns a given number of the first values in a stream.

final def takeWhile[F[_], E](p: E => Boolean)(`evidence$7`: Applicative[F]): Step[F, E, Vector[E]]

A Step that returns values from a stream as long as they satisfy the given predicate.

A Step that returns values from a stream as long as they satisfy the given predicate.

final def drop[F[_], E](n: Int)(F: Applicative[F]): Step[F, E, Unit]

A Step that drops a given number of the values from a stream.

A Step that drops a given number of the values from a stream.

final def dropWhile[F[_], E](p: E => Boolean)(`evidence$8`: Applicative[F]): Step[F, E, Unit]

A Step that drops values from a stream as long as they satisfy the given predicate.

A Step that drops values from a stream as long as they satisfy the given predicate.

Type members


abstract class Cont[F[_], E, A](F: Applicative[F]) extends BaseCont[F, E, A]
object Cont

Value members

Concrete methods

final def isEnd[F[_], E](F: Applicative[F]): Step[F, E, Boolean]
final def tailRecM[F[_], E, A, B](a: A)(f: A => F[Step[F, E, Either[A, B]]])(`evidence$9`: Monad[F]): Step[F, E, B]