
class EditEvent[T](val delegate: EditEvent[T]) extends Event with SFXDelegate[EditEvent[T]]

An Event subclass used specifically in TreeTableView for representing edit-related events. It provides additional API to easily access the TreeItem that the edit event took place on, as well as the input provided by the end user.

An Event subclass used specifically in TreeTableView for representing edit-related events. It provides additional API to easily access the TreeItem that the edit event took place on, as well as the input provided by the end user.

Wraps a JavaFX http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/control/TreeTableView.EditEvent.html

Value Params

JavaFX EditEvent to be wrapped.


Creates a new ScalaFX EditEvent from its JavaFX counterpart.

class Event
trait SFXDelegate[EditEvent[T]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


type Delegate = EditEvent[T]

Value members


def this(source: TreeTableView[T], eventType: EventType[_ <: EditEvent[T]], treeTableItem: TreeItem[T], oldValue: T, newValue: T)

Creates a new EditEvent instance to represent an edit event. This event is used for TreeTableView.EDIT_START_EVENT, TreeTableView.EDIT_COMMIT_EVENT and TreeTableView.EDIT_CANCEL_EVENT types.

Creates a new EditEvent instance to represent an edit event. This event is used for TreeTableView.EDIT_START_EVENT, TreeTableView.EDIT_COMMIT_EVENT and TreeTableView.EDIT_CANCEL_EVENT types.

Concrete methods

def newValue: T

Returns the new value input into the TreeItem by the end user.

Returns the new value input into the TreeItem by the end user.

def oldValue: T

Returns the old value that existed in the TreeItem prior to the current edit event.

Returns the old value that existed in the TreeItem prior to the current edit event.

override def source: TreeTableView[T]

Returns the TreeView upon which the edit took place.

Returns the TreeView upon which the edit took place.

Definition Classes

Returns the TreeItem upon which the edit took place.

Returns the TreeItem upon which the edit took place.

Inherited methods

def consume(): Unit

Marks this Event as consumed. This stops its further propagation.

Marks this Event as consumed. This stops its further propagation.

Inherited from
def consumed: Boolean

Indicates whether this Event has been consumed by any filter or handler.

Indicates whether this Event has been consumed by any filter or handler.

Inherited from
def copyFor(newSource: AnyRef, newTarget: EventTarget): Event

Creates and returns a copy of this event with the specified event source and target.

Creates and returns a copy of this event with the specified event source and target.

Inherited from
override def equals(ref: Any): Boolean

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Value Params

Object to be compared.


if the other object is equals to this delegate or not.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
def eventType: EventType[_ <: Event]

Gets the event type of this event.

Gets the event type of this event.

Inherited from
override def hashCode: Int

The delegate hashcode

Definition Classes
Inherited from
def target: EventTarget

Returns the event target of this event.

Returns the event target of this event.

Inherited from
override def toString: String

Returns the original delegate's toString() adding a [SFX] prefix.

Definition Classes
Inherited from

Concrete fields

override val delegate: EditEvent[T]