
object Status extends SFXEnumDelegateCompanion[Status, Status]
trait Sum
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case object Disposed extends Status

State of the player after dispose() method is invoked.

State of the player after dispose() method is invoked.

This state indicates player is disposed, all resources are free and player SHOULD NOT be used again. Media and MediaView objects associated with disposed player can be reused.

case object Halted extends Status

State of the player when a critical error has occurred.

State of the player when a critical error has occurred.

case object Paused extends Status

State of the player when playback is paused.

State of the player when playback is paused.

case object Playing extends Status

State of the player when it is currently playing.

State of the player when it is currently playing.

case object Ready extends Status

State of the player once it is prepared to play.

State of the player once it is prepared to play.

case object Stalled extends Status

State of the player when data coming into the buffer has slowed or stopped and the playback buffer does not have enough data to continue playing.

State of the player when data coming into the buffer has slowed or stopped and the playback buffer does not have enough data to continue playing.

case object Stopped extends Status

State of the player when playback has stopped.

State of the player when playback has stopped.

case object Unknown extends Status

State of the player immediately after creation.

State of the player immediately after creation.

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from

Value members

Inherited methods

def apply(e: Status): Status

Converts a JavaFX enum to its respective SFXEnumDelegate.

Converts a JavaFX enum to its respective SFXEnumDelegate.

Value Params

JavaFX enum


[[scalafx.delegate.SFXEnumDelegate]] equivalent to argument.

Inherited from
def apply(name: String): Status

Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.

Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.

Value Params

the name of the constant to return


If the specified enum type has no constant with the specified name, or the specified class object does not represent an enum type.

Inherited from
def jfxEnum2sfx(e: Status): Status

Converts a JavaFX enum to its respective SFXEnumDelegate.

Converts a JavaFX enum to its respective SFXEnumDelegate.

Value Params

JavaFX enum


[[scalafx.delegate.SFXEnumDelegate]] equivalent to argument.

Inherited from

Deprecated fields

@deprecated("Use Disposed; DISPOSED will be removed in a future release", "8.0.60-R10")
@deprecated("Use Halted; HALTED will be removed in a future release", "8.0.60-R10")
@deprecated("Use Paused; PAUSED will be removed in a future release", "8.0.60-R10")
@deprecated("Use Playing; PLAYING will be removed in a future release", "8.0.60-R10")
@deprecated("Use Ready; READY will be removed in a future release", "8.0.60-R10")
@deprecated("Use Stalled; STALLED will be removed in a future release", "8.0.60-R10")
@deprecated("Use Stopped; STOPPED will be removed in a future release", "8.0.60-R10")
@deprecated("Use Unknown; UNKNOWN will be removed in a future release", "8.0.60-R10")

Inherited fields

lazy val values: List[Status]

Returns a List containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Returns a List containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Inherited from


Inherited implicits

implicit def sfxEnum2jfx(s: Status): Status

Converts a SFXEnumDelegate to its respective JavaFX Enum.

Converts a SFXEnumDelegate to its respective JavaFX Enum.

Value Params

SFXEnumDelegate instance


Delegated enum

Inherited from