
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def forTreeView(): TreeView[String] => TreeCell[String]

Provides a `TextField that allows editing of the cell content when the cell is double-clicked, or when TreeView.edit(javafx.scene.control.TreeItem) is called.

Provides a `TextField that allows editing of the cell content when the cell is double-clicked, or when TreeView.edit(javafx.scene.control.TreeItem) is called.


A Function that can be inserted into the cell factory property of a TreeView, that enables textual editing of the content.

def forTreeView[T](converter: StringConverter[T]): TreeView[T] => TreeCell[T]

Provides a `TextField that allows editing of the cell content when the cell is double-clicked, or when TreeView.edit(javafx.scene.control.TreeItem) is called.

Provides a `TextField that allows editing of the cell content when the cell is double-clicked, or when TreeView.edit(javafx.scene.control.TreeItem) is called.

Value Params

A StringConverter that can convert the given String (from what the user typed in) into an instance of type T.


A Function that can be inserted into the cell factory property of a TreeView, that enables textual editing of the content.

Deprecated methods

@deprecated(message = "Use forTreeView[T](StringConverter[T])", since = "1.0")
def forTreeView[T](converter: StringConverter[T]): Callback[TreeView[T], TreeCell[T]]

Added to satisfy Spec tests.

Added to satisfy Spec tests.

[Since version 1.0] Use forTreeView[T](StringConverter[T])



implicit def sfxTextFieldTreeCell2jfx[T](cell: TextFieldTreeCell[T]): TextFieldTreeCell[T]

Converts a ScalaFX TextFieldTreeCell to its JavaFX counterpart.

Converts a ScalaFX TextFieldTreeCell to its JavaFX counterpart.

Type Params

The type of the elements contained within the ListView.

Value Params

ScalaFX TextFieldTreeCell


JavaFX TextFieldTreeCell