
trait LeftPartialAction[P, G]

A left partial action of a semigroupoid G on P is the implementation of a method partialActl(g, p), or g ?|+|> p returning Opt[P], such that:

1. for all `g`, `h` in `G`, `p` in `P` such that `g |+|? h` and `h ?|+|> p` are defined,
   `((g |+|? h).get ?|+|> p).get === (g ?|+|> (h ?|+|> p).get).get` with all operations defined.

In addition, if `G` is a partial monoid, the following relation holds:

2. for all `g` in `G` and `p` in `P` such that `g ?|+|> p` is defined:
   `(g.rightId ?|+|> p).get === p`, the operation `?|+|>` being defined.
class Any
trait PartialAction[P, G]

Value members

Abstract methods

def partialActl(g: G, p: P): Opt[P]

Concrete methods

def actlIsDefined(g: G, p: P): Boolean