
object Perm
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(mapping: Map[Int, Int]): Perm

A Perm given a Map[Int, Int] from preimage to image.

A Perm given a Map[Int, Int] from preimage to image.

def apply(pairs: (Int, Int)*): Perm

A Perm given a collection of preimage/image pairs.

A Perm given a collection of preimage/image pairs.

def apply(n0: Int, n1: Int, ns: Int*): Perm

A Perm constructed by cycling args so each n,,i,, maps to n,,i+1,,.

A Perm constructed by cycling args so each n,,i,, maps to n,,i+1,,.

Perm#apply can be called subsequently to express any Perm as the product of cycles rather than explicit preimage/image pairs. This is provided as a convenience for constructing permutations. eg., Perm(1,3)(2,4) is shorthand for Perm(1 -> 3, 2 -> 4, 3 -> 1, 4 -> 2). At least two args are required in each parameter list.



implicit val PermEq: Eq[Perm]
implicit val PermGroup: Group[Perm]
implicit val PermIntAction: Action[Int, Perm]
implicit def PermSeqPartialAction[A, CC <: (SeqOps)](implicit cbf: Factory[A, CC[A]]): PartialAction[CC[A], Perm]