
final class Flags(val bits: Int) extends AnyVal

A set of flags for algebraic expressions, so we can quickly determine some properties, like whether the expression is rational, radical, what types of leaf nodes it has, etc. This is used to help guide algorithmic choices, such as what separation bound to use.

class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

Returns true iff this expression contains a ConstantBigDecimal leaf node.

Returns true iff this expression contains a ConstantBigDecimal leaf node.

Returns true iff this expression contains a ConstantDouble leaf node.

Returns true iff this expression contains a ConstantDouble leaf node.

Returns true iff this expression contains a ConstantRational leaf node.

Returns true iff this expression contains a ConstantRational leaf node.

Returns true iff this expression contains an n-th root operation.

Returns true iff this expression contains an n-th root operation.

Returns true iff this expression is composed only of rational operations.

Returns true iff this expression is composed only of rational operations.

def |(that: Flags): Flags

Returns the union of flags this and that.

Returns the union of flags this and that.

Concrete fields

val bits: Int