
final class FloatComplex(val u: Long) extends AnyVal

Value class which encodes two floating point values in a Long.

We get (basically) unboxed complex numbers using this hack. The underlying implementation lives in the FastComplex object.

class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

final def *(b: FloatComplex): FloatComplex
final def **(b: Int): FloatComplex
final def +(b: FloatComplex): FloatComplex
final def -(b: FloatComplex): FloatComplex
final def /(b: FloatComplex): FloatComplex
final def abs: Float
final def angle: Float
final def imag: Float
final def isWhole: Boolean
final def negate: FloatComplex
final def pow(b: Int): FloatComplex
final def real: Float
final def repr: String
final def signum: Int
final override def toString: String
Definition Classes

Concrete fields

val u: Long