
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


@native @JSType
trait FileHandle extends StObject with _TransferListItem

Value members

Concrete methods

def access(path: PathLike): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronously tests a user's permissions for the file specified by path.

Asynchronously tests a user's permissions for the file specified by path.

Value Params

A path to a file or directory. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol. URL support is experimental.

def access(path: PathLike, mode: Double): Promise[Unit]
def appendFile(path: PathLike, data: String): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronously append data to a file, creating the file if it does not exist.

Asynchronously append data to a file, creating the file if it does not exist.

Value Params

The data to write. If something other than a Buffer or Uint8Array is provided, the value is coerced to a string.


A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol. URL support is experimental. If a FileHandle is provided, the underlying file will not be closed automatically.


Either the encoding for the file, or an object optionally specifying the encoding, file mode, and flag. If encoding is not supplied, the default of 'utf8' is used. If mode is not supplied, the default of 0o666 is used. If mode is a string, it is parsed as an octal integer. If flag is not supplied, the default of 'a' is used.

def appendFile(path: PathLike, data: String, options: BaseEncodingOptionsmodeMoEncoding): Promise[Unit]
def appendFile(path: PathLike, data: String, options: BufferEncoding): Promise[Unit]
def appendFile(path: PathLike, data: Uint8Array): Promise[Unit]
def appendFile(path: PathLike, data: Uint8Array, options: BaseEncodingOptionsmodeMoEncoding): Promise[Unit]
def appendFile(path: PathLike, data: Uint8Array, options: BufferEncoding): Promise[Unit]
def appendFile(path: FileHandle, data: String): Promise[Unit]
def appendFile(path: FileHandle, data: String, options: BaseEncodingOptionsmodeMoEncoding): Promise[Unit]
def appendFile(path: FileHandle, data: String, options: BufferEncoding): Promise[Unit]
def appendFile(path: FileHandle, data: Uint8Array): Promise[Unit]
def appendFile(path: FileHandle, data: Uint8Array, options: BaseEncodingOptionsmodeMoEncoding): Promise[Unit]
def appendFile(path: FileHandle, data: Uint8Array, options: BufferEncoding): Promise[Unit]
def chmod(path: PathLike, mode: Mode): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronous chmod(2) - Change permissions of a file.

Asynchronous chmod(2) - Change permissions of a file.

Value Params

A file mode. If a string is passed, it is parsed as an octal integer.


A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

def chown(path: PathLike, uid: Double, gid: Double): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronous chown(2) - Change ownership of a file.

Asynchronous chown(2) - Change ownership of a file.

Value Params

A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

def copyFile(src: PathLike, dest: PathLike): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronously copies src to dest. By default, dest is overwritten if it already exists. Node.js makes no guarantees about the atomicity of the copy operation. If an error occurs after the destination file has been opened for writing, Node.js will attempt to remove the destination.

Asynchronously copies src to dest. By default, dest is overwritten if it already exists. Node.js makes no guarantees about the atomicity of the copy operation. If an error occurs after the destination file has been opened for writing, Node.js will attempt to remove the destination.

Value Params

A path to the destination file.


An optional integer that specifies the behavior of the copy operation. The only supported flag is fs.constants.COPYFILE_EXCL, which causes the copy operation to fail if dest already exists.


A path to the source file.

def copyFile(src: PathLike, dest: PathLike, flags: Double): Promise[Unit]
def fchmod(handle: FileHandle, mode: Mode): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronous fchmod(2) - Change permissions of a file.

Asynchronous fchmod(2) - Change permissions of a file.

Value Params

A FileHandle.


A file mode. If a string is passed, it is parsed as an octal integer.

def fchown(handle: FileHandle, uid: Double, gid: Double): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronous fchown(2) - Change ownership of a file.

Asynchronous fchown(2) - Change ownership of a file.

Value Params

A FileHandle.

def fdatasync(handle: FileHandle): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronous fdatasync(2) - synchronize a file's in-core state with storage device.

Asynchronous fdatasync(2) - synchronize a file's in-core state with storage device.

Value Params

A FileHandle.

def fsync(handle: FileHandle): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronous fsync(2) - synchronize a file's in-core state with the underlying storage device.

Asynchronous fsync(2) - synchronize a file's in-core state with the underlying storage device.

Value Params

A FileHandle.

def ftruncate(handle: FileHandle): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronous ftruncate(2) - Truncate a file to a specified length.

Asynchronous ftruncate(2) - Truncate a file to a specified length.

Value Params

A FileHandle.


If not specified, defaults to 0.

def ftruncate(handle: FileHandle, len: Double): Promise[Unit]
def futimes(handle: FileHandle, atime: String, mtime: String): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronously change file timestamps of the file referenced by the supplied FileHandle.

Asynchronously change file timestamps of the file referenced by the supplied FileHandle.

Value Params

The last access time. If a string is provided, it will be coerced to number.


A FileHandle.


The last modified time. If a string is provided, it will be coerced to number.

def futimes(handle: FileHandle, atime: String, mtime: Date): Promise[Unit]
def futimes(handle: FileHandle, atime: String, mtime: Double): Promise[Unit]
def futimes(handle: FileHandle, atime: Date, mtime: String): Promise[Unit]
def futimes(handle: FileHandle, atime: Date, mtime: Date): Promise[Unit]
def futimes(handle: FileHandle, atime: Date, mtime: Double): Promise[Unit]
def futimes(handle: FileHandle, atime: Double, mtime: String): Promise[Unit]
def futimes(handle: FileHandle, atime: Double, mtime: Date): Promise[Unit]
def futimes(handle: FileHandle, atime: Double, mtime: Double): Promise[Unit]
def lchmod(path: PathLike, mode: Mode): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronous lchmod(2) - Change permissions of a file. Does not dereference symbolic links.

Asynchronous lchmod(2) - Change permissions of a file. Does not dereference symbolic links.

Value Params

A file mode. If a string is passed, it is parsed as an octal integer.


A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

def lchown(path: PathLike, uid: Double, gid: Double): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronous lchown(2) - Change ownership of a file. Does not dereference symbolic links.

Asynchronous lchown(2) - Change ownership of a file. Does not dereference symbolic links.

Value Params

A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

def lstat(path: PathLike): Promise[Stats]

Asynchronous lstat(2) - Get file status. Does not dereference symbolic links.

Asynchronous lstat(2) - Get file status. Does not dereference symbolic links.

Value Params

A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

def lstat(path: PathLike, opts: StatOptionsbigintfalseund): Promise[Stats]
def lstat(path: PathLike, opts: StatOptionsbiginttrue): Promise[BigIntStats]
def lstat(path: PathLike, opts: StatOptions): Promise[Stats | BigIntStats]
def lutimes(path: PathLike, atime: String, mtime: String): Promise[Unit]

Changes the access and modification times of a file in the same way as fsPromises.utimes(), with the difference that if the path refers to a symbolic link, then the link is not dereferenced: instead, the timestamps of the symbolic link itself are changed.

Changes the access and modification times of a file in the same way as fsPromises.utimes(), with the difference that if the path refers to a symbolic link, then the link is not dereferenced: instead, the timestamps of the symbolic link itself are changed.

Value Params

The last access time. If a string is provided, it will be coerced to number.


The last modified time. If a string is provided, it will be coerced to number.


A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

def lutimes(path: PathLike, atime: String, mtime: Date): Promise[Unit]
def lutimes(path: PathLike, atime: String, mtime: Double): Promise[Unit]
def lutimes(path: PathLike, atime: Date, mtime: String): Promise[Unit]
def lutimes(path: PathLike, atime: Date, mtime: Date): Promise[Unit]
def lutimes(path: PathLike, atime: Date, mtime: Double): Promise[Unit]
def lutimes(path: PathLike, atime: Double, mtime: String): Promise[Unit]
def lutimes(path: PathLike, atime: Double, mtime: Date): Promise[Unit]
def lutimes(path: PathLike, atime: Double, mtime: Double): Promise[Unit]
def mkdir(path: PathLike): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronous mkdir(2) - create a directory.

Asynchronous mkdir(2) - create a directory.

Value Params

Either the file mode, or an object optionally specifying the file mode and whether parent folders should be created. If a string is passed, it is parsed as an octal integer. If not specified, defaults to 0o777.


A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

def mkdir(path: PathLike, options: MakeDirectoryOptionsrecur): Promise[UndefOr[String]]

Asynchronous mkdir(2) - create a directory.

Asynchronous mkdir(2) - create a directory.

Value Params

Either the file mode, or an object optionally specifying the file mode and whether parent folders should be created. If a string is passed, it is parsed as an octal integer. If not specified, defaults to 0o777.


A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

def mkdir(path: PathLike, options: MakeDirectoryOptionsrecurMode): Promise[Unit]
def mkdir(path: PathLike, options: MakeDirectoryOptions): Promise[UndefOr[String]]
def mkdir(path: PathLike, options: Mode): Promise[Unit]
def mkdtemp(prefix: String): Promise[String]

Asynchronously creates a unique temporary directory. Generates six random characters to be appended behind a required prefix to create a unique temporary directory.

Asynchronously creates a unique temporary directory. Generates six random characters to be appended behind a required prefix to create a unique temporary directory.

Value Params

The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, 'utf8' is used.

def mkdtemp(prefix: String, options: BufferEncoding): Promise[String]
def mkdtemp(prefix: String, options: BaseEncodingOptions): Promise[String]
def mkdtemp(prefix: String, options: BufferEncodingOption): Promise[Buffer]

Asynchronously creates a unique temporary directory. Generates six random characters to be appended behind a required prefix to create a unique temporary directory.

Asynchronously creates a unique temporary directory. Generates six random characters to be appended behind a required prefix to create a unique temporary directory.

Value Params

The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, 'utf8' is used.

def open(path: PathLike, flags: String): Promise[FileHandle]

Asynchronous open(2) - open and possibly create a file.

Asynchronous open(2) - open and possibly create a file.

Value Params

A file mode. If a string is passed, it is parsed as an octal integer. If not supplied, defaults to 0o666.


A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

def open(path: PathLike, flags: String, mode: Mode): Promise[FileHandle]
def open(path: PathLike, flags: Double): Promise[FileHandle]
def open(path: PathLike, flags: Double, mode: Mode): Promise[FileHandle]
def opendir(path: String): Promise[Dir]
def opendir(path: String, options: OpenDirOptions): Promise[Dir]
def read[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer): Promise[Buffer[TBuffer]]

Asynchronously reads data from the file referenced by the supplied FileHandle.

Asynchronously reads data from the file referenced by the supplied FileHandle.

Value Params

The buffer that the data will be written to.


A FileHandle.


The number of bytes to read.


The offset in the buffer at which to start writing.


The offset from the beginning of the file from which data should be read. If null, data will be read from the current position.

def read[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Double): Promise[Buffer[TBuffer]]
def read[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Double, length: Double): Promise[Buffer[TBuffer]]
def read[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Double, length: Double, position: Double): Promise[Buffer[TBuffer]]
def read[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Double, length: Null, position: Double): Promise[Buffer[TBuffer]]
def read[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Double, length: Unit, position: Double): Promise[Buffer[TBuffer]]
def read[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Null, length: Double): Promise[Buffer[TBuffer]]
def read[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Null, length: Double, position: Double): Promise[Buffer[TBuffer]]
def read[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Null, length: Null, position: Double): Promise[Buffer[TBuffer]]
def read[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Null, length: Unit, position: Double): Promise[Buffer[TBuffer]]
def read[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Unit, length: Double): Promise[Buffer[TBuffer]]
def read[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Unit, length: Double, position: Double): Promise[Buffer[TBuffer]]
def read[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Unit, length: Null, position: Double): Promise[Buffer[TBuffer]]
def read[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Unit, length: Unit, position: Double): Promise[Buffer[TBuffer]]
def readFile(path: PathLike): Promise[Buffer]

Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file.

Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file.

Value Params

An object that may contain an optional flag. If a flag is not provided, it defaults to 'r'.


A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol. If a FileHandle is provided, the underlying file will not be closed automatically.

def readFile(path: PathLike, options: BaseEncodingOptionsAborta): Promise[String | Buffer]
def readFile(path: PathLike, options: encodingBufferEncodingfla): Promise[String]

Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file.

Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file.

Value Params

An object that may contain an optional flag. If a flag is not provided, it defaults to 'r'.


A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol. If a FileHandle is provided, the underlying file will not be closed automatically.

def readFile(path: PathLike, options: encodingnullundefinedflag): Promise[Buffer]
def readFile(path: PathLike, options: BufferEncoding): Promise[String]
def readFile(path: FileHandle): Promise[Buffer]
def readFile(path: FileHandle, options: BaseEncodingOptionsAborta): Promise[String | Buffer]
def readFile(path: FileHandle, options: encodingBufferEncodingfla): Promise[String]
def readFile(path: FileHandle, options: encodingnullundefinedflag): Promise[Buffer]
def readFile(path: FileHandle, options: BufferEncoding): Promise[String]
def readdir(path: PathLike): Promise[Array[String]]

Asynchronous readdir(3) - read a directory.

Asynchronous readdir(3) - read a directory.

Value Params

The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, 'utf8' is used.


A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

def readdir(path: PathLike, options: BaseEncodingOptionswithFi): Promise[Array[String]]
def readdir(path: PathLike, options: BaseEncodingOptionswithFiEncoding): Promise[Array[Dirent]]

Asynchronous readdir(3) - read a directory.

Asynchronous readdir(3) - read a directory.

Value Params

If called with withFileTypes: true the result data will be an array of Dirent.


A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

def readdir(path: PathLike, options: Encoding): Promise[Array[Buffer]]

Asynchronous readdir(3) - read a directory.

Asynchronous readdir(3) - read a directory.

Value Params

The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, 'utf8' is used.


A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

def readdir(path: PathLike, options: BufferEncoding): Promise[Array[String]]
def readdir_buffer(path: PathLike, options: buffer_): Promise[Array[Buffer]]
def realpath(path: PathLike): Promise[String]

Asynchronous realpath(3) - return the canonicalized absolute pathname.

Asynchronous realpath(3) - return the canonicalized absolute pathname.

Value Params

The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, 'utf8' is used.


A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

def realpath(path: PathLike, options: BufferEncoding): Promise[String]
def realpath(path: PathLike, options: BaseEncodingOptions): Promise[String]
def realpath(path: PathLike, options: BufferEncodingOption): Promise[Buffer]

Asynchronous realpath(3) - return the canonicalized absolute pathname.

Asynchronous realpath(3) - return the canonicalized absolute pathname.

Value Params

The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, 'utf8' is used.


A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

def rename(oldPath: PathLike, newPath: PathLike): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronous rename(2) - Change the name or location of a file or directory.

Asynchronous rename(2) - Change the name or location of a file or directory.

Value Params

A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol. URL support is experimental.


A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol. URL support is experimental.

def rm(path: PathLike): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronously removes files and directories (modeled on the standard POSIX rm utility).

Asynchronously removes files and directories (modeled on the standard POSIX rm utility).

def rm(path: PathLike, options: RmOptions): Promise[Unit]
def rmdir(path: PathLike): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronous rmdir(2) - delete a directory.

Asynchronous rmdir(2) - delete a directory.

Value Params

A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

def rmdir(path: PathLike, options: RmDirOptions): Promise[Unit]
def stat(path: PathLike): Promise[Stats]

Asynchronous stat(2) - Get file status.

Asynchronous stat(2) - Get file status.

Value Params

A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

def stat(path: PathLike, opts: StatOptionsbigintfalseund): Promise[Stats]
def stat(path: PathLike, opts: StatOptionsbiginttrue): Promise[BigIntStats]
def stat(path: PathLike, opts: StatOptions): Promise[Stats | BigIntStats]
def truncate(path: PathLike): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronous truncate(2) - Truncate a file to a specified length.

Asynchronous truncate(2) - Truncate a file to a specified length.

Value Params

If not specified, defaults to 0.


A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

def truncate(path: PathLike, len: Double): Promise[Unit]
def utimes(path: PathLike, atime: String, mtime: String): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronously change file timestamps of the file referenced by the supplied path.

Asynchronously change file timestamps of the file referenced by the supplied path.

Value Params

The last access time. If a string is provided, it will be coerced to number.


The last modified time. If a string is provided, it will be coerced to number.


A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

def utimes(path: PathLike, atime: String, mtime: Date): Promise[Unit]
def utimes(path: PathLike, atime: String, mtime: Double): Promise[Unit]
def utimes(path: PathLike, atime: Date, mtime: String): Promise[Unit]
def utimes(path: PathLike, atime: Date, mtime: Date): Promise[Unit]
def utimes(path: PathLike, atime: Date, mtime: Double): Promise[Unit]
def utimes(path: PathLike, atime: Double, mtime: String): Promise[Unit]
def utimes(path: PathLike, atime: Double, mtime: Date): Promise[Unit]
def utimes(path: PathLike, atime: Double, mtime: Double): Promise[Unit]
def watch(filename: PathLike): AsyncIterable[String]

Watch for changes on filename, where filename is either a file or a directory, returning an FSWatcher.

Watch for changes on filename, where filename is either a file or a directory, returning an FSWatcher.

Value Params

A path to a file or directory. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.


Either the encoding for the filename provided to the listener, or an object optionally specifying encoding, persistent, and recursive options. If encoding is not supplied, the default of 'utf8' is used. If persistent is not supplied, the default of true is used. If recursive is not supplied, the default of false is used.


Watch for changes on filename, where filename is either a file or a directory, returning an FSWatcher.

Watch for changes on filename, where filename is either a file or a directory, returning an FSWatcher.

Value Params

A path to a file or directory. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.


Either the encoding for the filename provided to the listener, or an object optionally specifying encoding, persistent, and recursive options. If encoding is not supplied, the default of 'utf8' is used. If persistent is not supplied, the default of true is used. If recursive is not supplied, the default of false is used.

def watch(filename: PathLike, options: BufferEncoding): AsyncIterable[String]
def watch(filename: PathLike, options: WatchOptions): AsyncIterable[String]

Watch for changes on filename, where filename is either a file or a directory, returning an FSWatcher.

Watch for changes on filename, where filename is either a file or a directory, returning an FSWatcher.

Value Params

A path to a file or directory. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.


Either the encoding for the filename provided to the listener, or an object optionally specifying encoding, persistent, and recursive options. If encoding is not supplied, the default of 'utf8' is used. If persistent is not supplied, the default of true is used. If recursive is not supplied, the default of false is used.

def watch(filename: PathLike, options: String): AsyncIterable[Buffer | String]
def watch_buffer(filename: PathLike, options: buffer_): AsyncIterable[Buffer]
def write(handle: FileHandle, string: String): Promise[BufferBytesWritten]

Asynchronously writes string to the file referenced by the supplied FileHandle. It is unsafe to call fsPromises.write() multiple times on the same file without waiting for the Promise to be resolved (or rejected). For this scenario, fs.createWriteStream is strongly recommended.

Asynchronously writes string to the file referenced by the supplied FileHandle. It is unsafe to call fsPromises.write() multiple times on the same file without waiting for the Promise to be resolved (or rejected). For this scenario, fs.createWriteStream is strongly recommended.

Value Params

The expected string encoding.


A FileHandle.


The offset from the beginning of the file where this data should be written. If not supplied, defaults to the current position.


A string to write.

def write(handle: FileHandle, string: String, position: Double): Promise[BufferBytesWritten]
def write(handle: FileHandle, string: String, position: Double, encoding: BufferEncoding): Promise[BufferBytesWritten]
def write(handle: FileHandle, string: String, position: Null, encoding: BufferEncoding): Promise[BufferBytesWritten]
def write(handle: FileHandle, string: String, position: Unit, encoding: BufferEncoding): Promise[BufferBytesWritten]
def write[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer): Promise[BytesWritten[TBuffer]]

Asynchronously writes buffer to the file referenced by the supplied FileHandle. It is unsafe to call fsPromises.write() multiple times on the same file without waiting for the Promise to be resolved (or rejected). For this scenario, fs.createWriteStream is strongly recommended.

Asynchronously writes buffer to the file referenced by the supplied FileHandle. It is unsafe to call fsPromises.write() multiple times on the same file without waiting for the Promise to be resolved (or rejected). For this scenario, fs.createWriteStream is strongly recommended.

Value Params

The buffer that the data will be written to.


A FileHandle.


The number of bytes to write. If not supplied, defaults to buffer.length - offset.


The part of the buffer to be written. If not supplied, defaults to 0.


The offset from the beginning of the file where this data should be written. If not supplied, defaults to the current position.

def write[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Double): Promise[BytesWritten[TBuffer]]
def write[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Double, length: Double): Promise[BytesWritten[TBuffer]]
def write[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Double, length: Double, position: Double): Promise[BytesWritten[TBuffer]]
def write[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Double, length: Null, position: Double): Promise[BytesWritten[TBuffer]]
def write[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Double, length: Unit, position: Double): Promise[BytesWritten[TBuffer]]
def write[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Null, length: Double): Promise[BytesWritten[TBuffer]]
def write[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Null, length: Double, position: Double): Promise[BytesWritten[TBuffer]]
def write[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Null, length: Null, position: Double): Promise[BytesWritten[TBuffer]]
def write[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Null, length: Unit, position: Double): Promise[BytesWritten[TBuffer]]
def write[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Unit, length: Double): Promise[BytesWritten[TBuffer]]
def write[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Unit, length: Double, position: Double): Promise[BytesWritten[TBuffer]]
def write[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Unit, length: Null, position: Double): Promise[BytesWritten[TBuffer]]
def write[TBuffer](handle: FileHandle, buffer: TBuffer, offset: Unit, length: Unit, position: Double): Promise[BytesWritten[TBuffer]]
def writeFile(path: PathLike, data: ArrayBufferView): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: PathLike, data: ArrayBufferView, options: BaseEncodingOptionsmodeMo): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: PathLike, data: ArrayBufferView, options: BufferEncoding): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: PathLike, data: Stream): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: PathLike, data: Stream, options: BaseEncodingOptionsmodeMo): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: PathLike, data: Stream, options: BufferEncoding): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: PathLike, data: AsyncIterable[ArrayBufferView | String]): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: PathLike, data: AsyncIterable[String | ArrayBufferView], options: BaseEncodingOptionsmodeMo): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: PathLike, data: AsyncIterable[String | ArrayBufferView], options: BufferEncoding): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: PathLike, data: String): Promise[Unit]

Asynchronously writes data to a file, replacing the file if it already exists. It is unsafe to call fsPromises.writeFile() multiple times on the same file without waiting for the Promise to be resolved (or rejected).

Asynchronously writes data to a file, replacing the file if it already exists. It is unsafe to call fsPromises.writeFile() multiple times on the same file without waiting for the Promise to be resolved (or rejected).

Value Params

The data to write. If something other than a Buffer or Uint8Array is provided, the value is coerced to a string.


Either the encoding for the file, or an object optionally specifying the encoding, file mode, and flag. If encoding is not supplied, the default of 'utf8' is used. If mode is not supplied, the default of 0o666 is used. If mode is a string, it is parsed as an octal integer. If flag is not supplied, the default of 'w' is used.


A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol. URL support is experimental. If a FileHandle is provided, the underlying file will not be closed automatically.

def writeFile(path: PathLike, data: String, options: BaseEncodingOptionsmodeMo): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: PathLike, data: String, options: BufferEncoding): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: PathLike, data: Iterable[ArrayBufferView | String]): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: PathLike, data: Iterable[String | ArrayBufferView], options: BaseEncodingOptionsmodeMo): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: PathLike, data: Iterable[String | ArrayBufferView], options: BufferEncoding): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: FileHandle, data: ArrayBufferView): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: FileHandle, data: ArrayBufferView, options: BaseEncodingOptionsmodeMo): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: FileHandle, data: ArrayBufferView, options: BufferEncoding): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: FileHandle, data: Stream): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: FileHandle, data: Stream, options: BaseEncodingOptionsmodeMo): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: FileHandle, data: Stream, options: BufferEncoding): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: FileHandle, data: AsyncIterable[ArrayBufferView | String]): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: FileHandle, data: AsyncIterable[String | ArrayBufferView], options: BaseEncodingOptionsmodeMo): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: FileHandle, data: AsyncIterable[String | ArrayBufferView], options: BufferEncoding): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: FileHandle, data: String): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: FileHandle, data: String, options: BaseEncodingOptionsmodeMo): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: FileHandle, data: String, options: BufferEncoding): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: FileHandle, data: Iterable[ArrayBufferView | String]): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: FileHandle, data: Iterable[String | ArrayBufferView], options: BaseEncodingOptionsmodeMo): Promise[Unit]
def writeFile(path: FileHandle, data: Iterable[String | ArrayBufferView], options: BufferEncoding): Promise[Unit]

Concrete fields

@JSImport("fs/promises") @native
val ^: Any