
@native @JSType trait Process extends StObject with EventEmitter
trait StObject
class Object
trait Any
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def abort(): Nothing
def addListener(event: Signals, listener: SignalsListener): Process
def addListener_exit(event: exit, listener: ExitListener): Process
def chdir(directory: String): Unit
def cpuUsage(previousValue: CpuUsage): CpuUsage
def cwd(): String
def disconnect(): Unit
def emit(event: Signals, signal: Signals): Boolean
def emitWarning(warning: String): Unit

The process.emitWarning() method can be used to emit custom or application specific process warnings.

The process.emitWarning() method can be used to emit custom or application specific process warnings.

These can be listened for by adding a handler to the 'warning' event.

Value Params

A unique identifier for the warning instance being emitted.


When warning is a string, ctor is an optional function used to limit the generated stack trace. Default: process.emitWarning.


When warning is a string, type is the name to use for the type of warning being emitted. Default: 'Warning'.


The warning to emit.

def emitWarning(warning: String, ctor: Function): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: String, options: EmitWarningOptions): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: String, `type`: String): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: String, `type`: String, code: String): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: String, `type`: String, code: String, ctor: Function): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: String, `type`: String, code: Unit, ctor: Function): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: String, `type`: String, ctor: Function): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: String, `type`: Unit, code: String): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: String, `type`: Unit, code: String, ctor: Function): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: String, `type`: Unit, code: Unit, ctor: Function): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: String, `type`: Unit, ctor: Function): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: Error): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: Error, ctor: Function): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: Error, options: EmitWarningOptions): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: Error, `type`: String): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: Error, `type`: String, code: String): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: Error, `type`: String, code: String, ctor: Function): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: Error, `type`: String, code: Unit, ctor: Function): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: Error, `type`: String, ctor: Function): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: Error, `type`: Unit, code: String): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: Error, `type`: Unit, code: String, ctor: Function): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: Error, `type`: Unit, code: Unit, ctor: Function): Unit
def emitWarning(warning: Error, `type`: Unit, ctor: Function): Unit
def emit_beforeExit(event: beforeExit, code: Double): Boolean
def emit_disconnect(event: disconnect): Boolean
def emit_exit(event: exit, code: Double): Boolean
def emit_message(event: message, message: Any, sendHandle: Any): Process
def emit_newListener(event: newListener, eventName: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Process
def emit_newListener(event: newListener, eventName: Symbol, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Process
def emit_rejectionHandled(event: rejectionHandled, promise: Promise[Any]): Boolean
def emit_removeListener(event: removeListener, eventName: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Process
def emit_uncaughtException(event: uncaughtException, error: Error): Boolean
def emit_uncaughtExceptionMonitor(event: uncaughtExceptionMonitor, error: Error): Boolean
def emit_unhandledRejection(event: unhandledRejection, reason: Any, promise: Promise[Any]): Boolean
def emit_warning(event: warning, warning: Error): Boolean
def exit(): Nothing
def exit(code: Double): Nothing
def getegid(): Double
def geteuid(): Double
def getgid(): Double
def getgroups(): Array[Double]
def getuid(): Double
def hrtime(): Tuple2[Double, Double]
def hrtime(time: Tuple2[Double, Double]): Tuple2[Double, Double]
def kill(pid: Double): `true`
def kill(pid: Double, signal: String): `true`
def kill(pid: Double, signal: Double): `true`
def listeners(event: Signals): Array[SignalsListener]
def listeners_exit(event: exit): Array[ExitListener]

The process.memoryUsage() method iterate over each page to gather informations about memory usage which can be slow depending on the program memory allocations.

The process.memoryUsage() method iterate over each page to gather informations about memory usage which can be slow depending on the program memory allocations.

def nextTick(callback: Function, args: Any*): Unit
def on(event: Signals, listener: SignalsListener): Process
def on_exit(event: exit, listener: ExitListener): Process
def on_message(event: message, listener: MessageListener): Process
def on_warning(event: warning, listener: WarningListener): Process
def once(event: Signals, listener: SignalsListener): Process
def once_exit(event: exit, listener: ExitListener): Process
def once_message(event: message, listener: MessageListener): Process
def once_warning(event: warning, listener: WarningListener): Process
def setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback(cb: Function1[Error, Unit]): Unit
def setegid(id: String): Unit
def setegid(id: Double): Unit
def seteuid(id: String): Unit
def seteuid(id: Double): Unit
def setgid(id: String): Unit
def setgid(id: Double): Unit
def setgroups(groups: Array[String | Double]): Unit
def setuid(id: String): Unit
def setuid(id: Double): Unit
def umask(): Double
def umask(mask: String): Double

Can only be set if not in worker thread.

Can only be set if not in worker thread.

def umask(mask: Double): Double
def uptime(): Double

Inherited methods

def addListener(event: Symbol, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Process
Inherited from
def addListener(event: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Process
Inherited from
def emit(event: Symbol, args: Any*): Boolean
Inherited from
def emit(event: String, args: Any*): Boolean
Inherited from
def eventNames(): Array[String | Symbol]
Inherited from
def getMaxListeners(): Double
Inherited from
def hasOwnProperty(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from
def isPrototypeOf(v: Object): Boolean
Inherited from
def listenerCount(event: Symbol): Double
Inherited from
def listenerCount(event: String): Double
Inherited from
def listeners(event: Symbol): Array[Function]
Inherited from
def listeners(event: String): Array[Function]
Inherited from
def off(event: Symbol, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Process
Inherited from
def off(event: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Process
Inherited from
def on(event: Symbol, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Process
Inherited from
def on(event: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Process
Inherited from
def once(event: Symbol, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Process
Inherited from
def once(event: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Process
Inherited from
def prependListener(event: Symbol, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Process
Inherited from
def prependListener(event: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Process
Inherited from
def prependOnceListener(event: Symbol, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Process
Inherited from
def prependOnceListener(event: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Process
Inherited from
def propertyIsEnumerable(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from
def rawListeners(event: Symbol): Array[Function]
Inherited from
def rawListeners(event: String): Array[Function]
Inherited from
def removeAllListeners(event: Symbol): Process
Inherited from
def removeAllListeners(event: String): Process
Inherited from
def removeListener(event: Symbol, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Process
Inherited from
def removeListener(event: String, listener: Function1[Any, Unit]): Process
Inherited from
def setMaxListeners(n: Double): Process
Inherited from
def toLocaleString(): String
Inherited from
def valueOf(): Any
Inherited from

Concrete fields

The process.allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags property is a special, read-only Set of flags allowable within the NODE_OPTIONS environment variable.

The process.allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags property is a special, read-only Set of flags allowable within the NODE_OPTIONS environment variable.

val arch: String
var argv: Array[String]
var argv0: String
var connected: Boolean
var debugPort: Double
var execArgv: Array[String]
var execPath: String
var exitCode: UndefOr[Double]
var mainModule: UndefOr[Module]
val pid: Double
val ppid: Double
var report: UndefOr[ProcessReport]

Only available with --experimental-report

Only available with --experimental-report

var send: UndefOr[Function4[Any, UndefOr[Any], UndefOr[SwallowErrors], UndefOr[Function1[Error | Null, Unit]], Boolean]]

Can also be a tty.WriteStream, not typed due to limitations.

Can also be a tty.WriteStream, not typed due to limitations.

Can also be a tty.WriteStream, not typed due to limitations.

Can also be a tty.WriteStream, not typed due to limitations.

var title: String
var traceDeprecation: Boolean
val version: String