
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


@JSImport("node:assert", "AssertionError") @native @JSType
@JSImport("node:assert", "CallTracker") @native @JSType
class CallTracker() extends CallTracker

Value members

Concrete methods

def `match`(value: String, regExp: RegExp): Unit
def `match`(value: String, regExp: RegExp, message: String): Unit
def `match`(value: String, regExp: RegExp, message: Error): Unit
def apply(value: Any): Boolean

An alias of assert.ok().

An alias of assert.ok().

def apply(value: Any, message: String): Boolean
def apply(value: Any, message: Error): Boolean
def deepEqual(actual: Any, expected: Any): Unit
def deepEqual(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: String): Unit
def deepEqual(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: Error): Unit
def deepStrictEqual[T](actual: Any, expected: T): Boolean
def deepStrictEqual[T](actual: Any, expected: T, message: String): Boolean
def deepStrictEqual[T](actual: Any, expected: T, message: Error): Boolean
def doesNotMatch(value: String, regExp: RegExp): Unit
def doesNotMatch(value: String, regExp: RegExp, message: String): Unit
def doesNotMatch(value: String, regExp: RegExp, message: Error): Unit
def doesNotReject(block: Function0[Promise[Any]]): Promise[Unit]
def doesNotReject(block: Function0[Promise[Any]], error: AssertPredicate): Promise[Unit]
def doesNotReject(block: Function0[Promise[Any]], error: AssertPredicate, message: String): Promise[Unit]
def doesNotReject(block: Function0[Promise[Any]], error: AssertPredicate, message: Error): Promise[Unit]
def doesNotReject(block: Function0[Promise[Any]], message: String): Promise[Unit]
def doesNotReject(block: Function0[Promise[Any]], message: Error): Promise[Unit]
def doesNotReject(block: Promise[Any]): Promise[Unit]
def doesNotReject(block: Promise[Any], error: AssertPredicate): Promise[Unit]
def doesNotReject(block: Promise[Any], error: AssertPredicate, message: String): Promise[Unit]
def doesNotReject(block: Promise[Any], error: AssertPredicate, message: Error): Promise[Unit]
def doesNotReject(block: Promise[Any], message: String): Promise[Unit]
def doesNotReject(block: Promise[Any], message: Error): Promise[Unit]
def doesNotThrow(block: Function0[Any]): Unit
def doesNotThrow(block: Function0[Any], error: AssertPredicate): Unit
def doesNotThrow(block: Function0[Any], error: AssertPredicate, message: String): Unit
def doesNotThrow(block: Function0[Any], error: AssertPredicate, message: Error): Unit
def doesNotThrow(block: Function0[Any], message: String): Unit
def doesNotThrow(block: Function0[Any], message: Error): Unit
def equal(actual: Any, expected: Any): Unit
def equal(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: String): Unit
def equal(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: Error): Unit
def fail(): Nothing
def fail(actual: Any, expected: Any): Nothing
def fail(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: String): Nothing
def fail(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: String, operator: String): Nothing
def fail(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: String, operator: String, stackStartFn: Function): Nothing
def fail(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: String, operator: Unit, stackStartFn: Function): Nothing
def fail(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: Error): Nothing
def fail(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: Error, operator: String): Nothing
def fail(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: Error, operator: String, stackStartFn: Function): Nothing
def fail(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: Error, operator: Unit, stackStartFn: Function): Nothing
def fail(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: Unit, operator: String): Nothing
def fail(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: Unit, operator: String, stackStartFn: Function): Nothing
def fail(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: Unit, operator: Unit, stackStartFn: Function): Nothing
def fail(message: String): Nothing
def fail(message: Error): Nothing
def ifError(value: Any): UndefOr[Boolean]
def notDeepEqual(actual: Any, expected: Any): Unit
def notDeepEqual(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: String): Unit
def notDeepEqual(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: Error): Unit
def notDeepStrictEqual(actual: Any, expected: Any): Unit
def notDeepStrictEqual(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: String): Unit
def notDeepStrictEqual(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: Error): Unit
def notEqual(actual: Any, expected: Any): Unit
def notEqual(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: String): Unit
def notEqual(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: Error): Unit
def notStrictEqual(actual: Any, expected: Any): Unit
def notStrictEqual(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: String): Unit
def notStrictEqual(actual: Any, expected: Any, message: Error): Unit
def ok(value: Any): Boolean
def ok(value: Any, message: String): Boolean
def ok(value: Any, message: Error): Boolean
def rejects(block: Function0[Promise[Any]]): Promise[Unit]
def rejects(block: Function0[Promise[Any]], error: AssertPredicate): Promise[Unit]
def rejects(block: Function0[Promise[Any]], error: AssertPredicate, message: String): Promise[Unit]
def rejects(block: Function0[Promise[Any]], error: AssertPredicate, message: Error): Promise[Unit]
def rejects(block: Function0[Promise[Any]], message: String): Promise[Unit]
def rejects(block: Function0[Promise[Any]], message: Error): Promise[Unit]
def rejects(block: Promise[Any]): Promise[Unit]
def rejects(block: Promise[Any], error: AssertPredicate): Promise[Unit]
def rejects(block: Promise[Any], error: AssertPredicate, message: String): Promise[Unit]
def rejects(block: Promise[Any], error: AssertPredicate, message: Error): Promise[Unit]
def rejects(block: Promise[Any], message: String): Promise[Unit]
def rejects(block: Promise[Any], message: Error): Promise[Unit]
def strictEqual[T](actual: Any, expected: T): Boolean
def strictEqual[T](actual: Any, expected: T, message: String): Boolean
def strictEqual[T](actual: Any, expected: T, message: Error): Boolean
def throws(block: Function0[Any]): Unit
def throws(block: Function0[Any], error: AssertPredicate): Unit
def throws(block: Function0[Any], error: AssertPredicate, message: String): Unit
def throws(block: Function0[Any], error: AssertPredicate, message: Error): Unit
def throws(block: Function0[Any], message: String): Unit
def throws(block: Function0[Any], message: Error): Unit

Concrete fields

@JSImport("node:assert") @native
val ^: Any
@JSImport("node:assert", "strict") @native