
object inspect
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


object styles

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(`object`: Any): String
def apply(`object`: Any, options: InspectOptions): String
def apply(`object`: Any, showHidden: Boolean): String
def apply(`object`: Any, showHidden: Boolean, depth: Double): String
def apply(`object`: Any, showHidden: Boolean, depth: Double, color: Boolean): String
def apply(`object`: Any, showHidden: Boolean, depth: Null, color: Boolean): String
def apply(`object`: Any, showHidden: Boolean, depth: Unit, color: Boolean): String
def apply(`object`: Any, showHidden: Unit, depth: Double): String
def apply(`object`: Any, showHidden: Unit, depth: Double, color: Boolean): String
def apply(`object`: Any, showHidden: Unit, depth: Null, color: Boolean): String
def apply(`object`: Any, showHidden: Unit, depth: Unit, color: Boolean): String
@JSImport("util", "inspect.colors") @native
def colors: Dict[Tuple2[Double, Double]]
def colors_=(x: Dict[Tuple2[Double, Double]]): Unit
@JSImport("util", "inspect.defaultOptions") @native
@JSImport("util", "inspect.replDefaults") @native

Allows changing inspect settings from the repl.

Allows changing inspect settings from the repl.


Concrete fields

@JSImport("util", "inspect") @native
val ^: Any
@JSImport("util", "inspect.custom") @native
val custom: Symbol