
object nodeTlsMod
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


@JSImport("node:tls", "Server") @native @JSType
class Server() extends StObject
@JSImport("node:tls", "TLSSocket") @native @JSType
class TLSSocket extends StObject

Value members

Concrete methods

@JSImport("node:tls", "DEFAULT_ECDH_CURVE") @native

The default curve name to use for ECDH key agreement in a tls server. The default value is 'auto'. See tls.createSecureContext() for further information.

The default curve name to use for ECDH key agreement in a tls server. The default value is 'auto'. See tls.createSecureContext() for further information.

def DEFAULT_ECDH_CURVE_=(x: String): Unit
@JSImport("node:tls", "DEFAULT_MAX_VERSION") @native

The default value of the maxVersion option of tls.createSecureContext(). It can be assigned any of the supported TLS protocol versions, 'TLSv1.3', 'TLSv1.2', 'TLSv1.1', or 'TLSv1'. Default: 'TLSv1.3', unless changed using CLI options. Using --tls-max-v1.2 sets the default to 'TLSv1.2'. Using --tls-max-v1.3 sets the default to 'TLSv1.3'. If multiple of the options are provided, the highest maximum is used.

The default value of the maxVersion option of tls.createSecureContext(). It can be assigned any of the supported TLS protocol versions, 'TLSv1.3', 'TLSv1.2', 'TLSv1.1', or 'TLSv1'. Default: 'TLSv1.3', unless changed using CLI options. Using --tls-max-v1.2 sets the default to 'TLSv1.2'. Using --tls-max-v1.3 sets the default to 'TLSv1.3'. If multiple of the options are provided, the highest maximum is used.

@JSImport("node:tls", "DEFAULT_MIN_VERSION") @native

The default value of the minVersion option of tls.createSecureContext(). It can be assigned any of the supported TLS protocol versions, 'TLSv1.3', 'TLSv1.2', 'TLSv1.1', or 'TLSv1'. Default: 'TLSv1.2', unless changed using CLI options. Using --tls-min-v1.0 sets the default to 'TLSv1'. Using --tls-min-v1.1 sets the default to 'TLSv1.1'. Using --tls-min-v1.3 sets the default to 'TLSv1.3'. If multiple of the options are provided, the lowest minimum is used.

The default value of the minVersion option of tls.createSecureContext(). It can be assigned any of the supported TLS protocol versions, 'TLSv1.3', 'TLSv1.2', 'TLSv1.1', or 'TLSv1'. Default: 'TLSv1.2', unless changed using CLI options. Using --tls-min-v1.0 sets the default to 'TLSv1'. Using --tls-min-v1.1 sets the default to 'TLSv1.1'. Using --tls-min-v1.3 sets the default to 'TLSv1.3'. If multiple of the options are provided, the lowest minimum is used.

def checkServerIdentity(host: String, cert: PeerCertificate): UndefOr[Error]
def connect(options: ConnectionOptions, secureConnectListener: Function0[Unit]): TLSSocket
def connect(port: Double): TLSSocket
def connect(port: Double, host: String): TLSSocket
def connect(port: Double, host: String, options: ConnectionOptions): TLSSocket
def connect(port: Double, host: String, options: ConnectionOptions, secureConnectListener: Function0[Unit]): TLSSocket
def connect(port: Double, host: String, options: Unit, secureConnectListener: Function0[Unit]): TLSSocket
def connect(port: Double, host: Unit, options: ConnectionOptions): TLSSocket
def connect(port: Double, host: Unit, options: ConnectionOptions, secureConnectListener: Function0[Unit]): TLSSocket
def connect(port: Double, host: Unit, options: Unit, secureConnectListener: Function0[Unit]): TLSSocket
def connect(port: Double, options: ConnectionOptions): TLSSocket
def connect(port: Double, options: ConnectionOptions, secureConnectListener: Function0[Unit]): TLSSocket
def connect(port: Double, options: Unit, secureConnectListener: Function0[Unit]): TLSSocket
def createSecurePair(credentials: SecureContext, isServer: Boolean): SecurePair
def createSecurePair(credentials: SecureContext, isServer: Boolean, requestCert: Boolean): SecurePair
def createSecurePair(credentials: SecureContext, isServer: Boolean, requestCert: Boolean, rejectUnauthorized: Boolean): SecurePair
def createSecurePair(credentials: SecureContext, isServer: Boolean, requestCert: Unit, rejectUnauthorized: Boolean): SecurePair
def createSecurePair(credentials: SecureContext, isServer: Unit, requestCert: Boolean): SecurePair
def createSecurePair(credentials: SecureContext, isServer: Unit, requestCert: Boolean, rejectUnauthorized: Boolean): SecurePair
def createSecurePair(credentials: SecureContext, isServer: Unit, requestCert: Unit, rejectUnauthorized: Boolean): SecurePair
def createSecurePair(credentials: Unit, isServer: Boolean): SecurePair
def createSecurePair(credentials: Unit, isServer: Boolean, requestCert: Boolean): SecurePair
def createSecurePair(credentials: Unit, isServer: Boolean, requestCert: Boolean, rejectUnauthorized: Boolean): SecurePair
def createSecurePair(credentials: Unit, isServer: Boolean, requestCert: Unit, rejectUnauthorized: Boolean): SecurePair
def createSecurePair(credentials: Unit, isServer: Unit, requestCert: Boolean): SecurePair
def createSecurePair(credentials: Unit, isServer: Unit, requestCert: Boolean, rejectUnauthorized: Boolean): SecurePair
def createSecurePair(credentials: Unit, isServer: Unit, requestCert: Unit, rejectUnauthorized: Boolean): SecurePair
def createServer(options: TlsOptions, secureConnectionListener: Function1[TLSSocket, Unit]): Server
def createServer(secureConnectionListener: Function1[TLSSocket, Unit]): Server
def getCiphers(): Array[String]

Concrete fields

@JSImport("node:tls", "CLIENT_RENEG_LIMIT") @native
@JSImport("node:tls", "CLIENT_RENEG_WINDOW") @native
@JSImport("node:tls") @native
val ^: Any
@JSImport("node:tls", "rootCertificates") @native
val rootCertificates: Array[String]

An immutable array of strings representing the root certificates (in PEM format) used for verifying peer certificates. This is the default value of the ca option to tls.createSecureContext().

An immutable array of strings representing the root certificates (in PEM format) used for verifying peer certificates. This is the default value of the ca option to tls.createSecureContext().