
class BinarySearchTree[DSL <: ScalaDSL, CLib <: CoreLib[DSL], SLib <: ScalaLib[DSL, CLib]](val dsl: DSL, val coreLib: CLib & CoreLib[DSL], val scalaLib: SLib & ScalaLib[DSL, CLib & CoreLib[DSL]])
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


object Branch
object BranchF
object NonEmptyTree
object Singleton
object Summary


type Branch[K, V] = BranchF[K, NonEmptyTree[K, V]]
type NonEmptyTree[K, V] = Rec[[_] =>> NonEmptyTreeF[K, V, _$3]]
type NonEmptyTreeF[K, V, X] = Singleton[K, V] |+| BranchF[K, X]
type Tree[K, V] = Done |+| NonEmptyTree[K, V]

Value members

Concrete methods

def clear[K, V](f: V -⚬ Done): Tree[K, V] -⚬ Done
def delete[K, V](`evidence$4`: Ordering[K]): Val[K] |*| Tree[K, V] -⚬ Maybe[V] |*| Tree[K, V]
def empty[K, V]: Done -⚬ Tree[K, V]
def insert[K, V](`evidence$2`: Ordering[K]): Val[K] |*| V |*| Tree[K, V] -⚬ Maybe[V] |*| Tree[K, V]
def insertOrUpdate[K, V](update: V |*| V -⚬ V)(`evidence$3`: Ordering[K]): Val[K] |*| V |*| Tree[K, V] -⚬ Tree[K, V]
Value Params

function used to update the current value under the given key, if any. The first argument of update is the new value, the second argument is the current value stored in the tree.

def singleton[K, V]: Val[K] |*| V -⚬ Tree[K, V]
def update[K, V, A](f: A |*| V -⚬ PMaybe[V])(`evidence$5`: Ordering[K]): Val[K] |*| A |*| Tree[K, V] -⚬ PMaybe[A] |*| Tree[K, V]
def update[K, V, A](f: A |*| V -⚬ PMaybe[V], ifAbsent: A -⚬ Done)(`evidence$6`: Ordering[K]): Val[K] |*| A |*| Tree[K, V] -⚬ Tree[K, V]

Concrete fields

val coreLib: CLib & CoreLib[DSL]
val dsl: DSL
val scalaLib: SLib & ScalaLib[DSL, CLib & CoreLib[DSL]]