
class FocusedContra[F[_], B](f: F[B])(F: ContraExternalizer[F])

Focused on B in the output F[B] of linear function A -⚬ F[B], where B is in a contravariant position.

Focused on B in the output F[B] of linear function A -⚬ F[B], where B is in a contravariant position.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[A](g: A -⚬ B): F[A]

Alias for contramap.

Alias for contramap.

def co[G[_]](G: Functor[G], U: Unapply[B, G]): FocusedContra[[x] =>> F[G[x]], A]
def contra[G[_]](G: ContraFunctor[G], U: Unapply[B, G]): FocusedCo[[x] =>> F[G[x]], A]
def contramap[A](g: A -⚬ B): F[A]
def subst[C](ev: B =:= C): F[C]
def unsubst[C](ev: C =:= B): F[C]
def zoomCo[G[_], C](G: Functor[G])(ev: B =:= G[C]): FocusedContra[[x] =>> F[G[x]], C]
def zoomContra[G[_], C](G: ContraFunctor[G])(ev: B =:= G[C]): FocusedCo[[x] =>> F[G[x]], C]