
sealed trait ValMatcher[-U >: V, V, A, R]

Utility to construct a Libretto program that branches based on a Scala value inside a Val.

Utility to construct a Libretto program that branches based on a Scala value inside a Val.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def get: Val[V] |*| A -⚬ R
def typeTest: TypeTest[U, V]

Concrete methods

def &[W >: V <: U, V2 <: W, B](that: ValMatcher[W, V2, B, R]): ValMatcher[W, V | V2, A |&| B, R]
def contramap[Z](f: Z -⚬ A): ValMatcher[U, V, Z, R]
def contramapVal[W](f: W => V): ValMatcher[W, W, A, R]
def map[S](f: R -⚬ S): ValMatcher[U, V, A, S]
def otherwise[W >: V <: U](f: Val[W] |*| A -⚬ R): ValMatcher[W, W, A, R]
def |[W >: V <: U, V2 <: W](that: ValMatcher[W, V2, A, R]): ValMatcher[W, V | V2, A, R]