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aabb - Variable in class AxisAlignedBounds
The local coordinates AABB
AABB - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Implementation of an Axis-Align Bounding Box.
AABB(double) - Constructor for class AABB
Full constructor.
AABB(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class AABB
Full constructor.
AABB(AABB) - Constructor for class AABB
Copy constructor.
AABB(Vector2, double) - Constructor for class AABB
Full constructor.
AABB(Vector2, Vector2) - Constructor for class AABB
Full constructor.
AABB_REDUCTION_RATIO - Static variable in class AbstractBroadphaseDetector
A multiplier used when determining if we should update an AABB regardless if it fits within the existing AABB
aabbExpansionMethod - Variable in class AbstractBroadphaseDetector
The AABB expansion method
AABBExpansionMethod<T> - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
Represents a rule used to expand an AABB based on the given type T.
aabbProducer - Variable in class AbstractBroadphaseDetector
The AABB producer
AABBProducer<T> - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
Represents a way to generate an AABB from a given object.
AbstractBounds - Class in org.dyn4j.collision
Abstract implementation of the Bounds interface.
AbstractBounds() - Constructor for class AbstractBounds
Default constructor.
AbstractBounds(double, double) - Constructor for class AbstractBounds
Optional constructor.
AbstractBounds(Vector2) - Constructor for class AbstractBounds
Optional constructor.
AbstractBroadphaseDetector<T> - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
Abstract implementation of a BroadphaseDetector.
AbstractBroadphaseDetector(BroadphaseFilter<T>, AABBProducer<T>, AABBExpansionMethod<T>) - Constructor for class AbstractBroadphaseDetector
Minimal constructor.
AbstractCollisionBody<T extends Fixture> - Class in org.dyn4j.collision
A base implementation of the CollisionBody interface.
AbstractCollisionBody() - Constructor for class AbstractCollisionBody
Default constructor.
AbstractCollisionBody(int) - Constructor for class AbstractCollisionBody
Optional constructor.
AbstractCollisionItem<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Class in org.dyn4j.collision
Abstract implementation of the CollisionItem interface.
AbstractCollisionItem() - Constructor for class AbstractCollisionItem
AbstractCollisionPair<T> - Class in org.dyn4j.collision
Abstract implementation of the CollisionPair interface.
AbstractCollisionPair() - Constructor for class AbstractCollisionPair
AbstractCollisionWorld<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture,​V extends CollisionData<T,​E>> - Class in org.dyn4j.world
Abstract implementation of the CollisionWorld interface.
AbstractCollisionWorld() - Constructor for class AbstractCollisionWorld
Default constructor.
AbstractCollisionWorld(int) - Constructor for class AbstractCollisionWorld
Optional constructor.
AbstractDecomposer - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry.decompose
Abstract implementation of the Decomposer interface.
AbstractDecomposer() - Constructor for class AbstractDecomposer
AbstractFallbackCondition - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Abstract implementation of the FallbackCondition interface.
AbstractFallbackCondition(int) - Constructor for class AbstractFallbackCondition
Minimal constructor.
AbstractHullGenerator - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry.hull
Abstract implementation of the HullGenerator interface.
AbstractHullGenerator() - Constructor for class AbstractHullGenerator
AbstractJoint<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Represents an abstract implementation of constrained motion between PhysicsBodys.
AbstractJoint(List<T>) - Constructor for class AbstractJoint
Default constructor.
AbstractPairedBodyJoint<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Represents an abstract implementation of constrained motion between two PhysicsBodys.
AbstractPairedBodyJoint(T, T) - Constructor for class AbstractPairedBodyJoint
Optional constructor.
AbstractPhysicsBody - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics
Abstract implementation of the PhysicsBody interface.
AbstractPhysicsBody() - Constructor for class AbstractPhysicsBody
Default constructor.
AbstractPhysicsBody(int) - Constructor for class AbstractPhysicsBody
Optional constructor.
AbstractPhysicsWorld<T extends PhysicsBody,​V extends ContactCollisionData<T>> - Class in org.dyn4j.world
Abstract implementation of the PhysicsWorld interface.
AbstractPhysicsWorld() - Constructor for class AbstractPhysicsWorld
Default constructor.
AbstractPhysicsWorld(int, int) - Constructor for class AbstractPhysicsWorld
Optional constructor.
AbstractShape - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Base implementation of the Shape interface.
AbstractShape(double) - Constructor for class AbstractShape
Minimal constructor.
AbstractShape(Vector2, double) - Constructor for class AbstractShape
Full constructor.
AbstractSimplifier - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry.simplify
Abstract simplifier providing some shared logic for all simplifiers.
AbstractSimplifier() - Constructor for class AbstractSimplifier
AbstractSingleBodyJoint<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Represents an abstract implementation of constrained motion with a single PhysicsBody.
AbstractSingleBodyJoint(T) - Constructor for class AbstractSingleBodyJoint
Default constructor.
accumulate(double) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
Accumulates the forces and torques.
aContainedInB - Variable in class Containment
True if A is contained in B
add(double, double) - Method in class Vector2
Adds the given Vector2 to this Vector2.
add(double, double, double) - Method in class Vector3
Adds the given Vector3 to this Vector3.
add(ContactConstraint<T>) - Method in class Island
Adds the given ContactConstraint to the ContactConstraint list.
add(Joint<T>) - Method in class Island
Adds the given Joint to the Joint list.
add(Matrix22) - Method in class Matrix22
Adds the given Matrix22 to this Matrix22 returning this Matrix22.
add(Matrix33) - Method in class Matrix33
Adds the given Matrix33 to this Matrix33 returning this Matrix33.
add(Vector2) - Method in class Vector2
Adds the given Vector2 to this Vector2.
add(Vector3) - Method in class Vector3
Adds the given Vector3 to this Vector3.
add(T) - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Adds a new object to this broad-phase.
add(T) - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
add(T) - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
add(T) - Method in interface CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector
Adds a new CollisionBody to the broad-phase.
add(T) - Method in class CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter
add(T) - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
add(T) - Method in class Sap
add(T) - Method in class Island
Adds the given PhysicsBody to the PhysicsBody list.
add(T, E) - Method in interface CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector
Adds a new Fixture for the given CollisionBody to the broad-phase.
add(T, E) - Method in class CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter
addBody(T) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
addBody(T) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
addBody(T) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Adds the given CollisionBody to this CollisionWorld.
addBody(T) - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Adds an interaction graph node for the given body.
addBoundsListener(BoundsListener<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
addBoundsListener(BoundsListener<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Adds the given BoundsListener to this world.
addCollisionListener(CollisionListener<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
addCollisionListener(CollisionListener<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Adds the given CollisionListener to this world.
addCondition(FallbackCondition) - Method in class FallbackNarrowphaseDetector
Adds the given condition to the list of fallback conditions.
addContactConstraint(ContactConstraint<T>) - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Adds an interaction graph edge for the given ContactConstraint.
addContactListener(ContactListener<T>) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
addContactListener(ContactListener<T>) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Adds the given ContactListener to this world.
addDestructionListener(DestructionListener<T>) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
addDestructionListener(DestructionListener<T>) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Adds the given DestructionListener to this world.
addFixture(Convex) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Creates a Fixture for the given Convex Shape, adds it to this CollisionBody, and returns it.
addFixture(Convex) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
addFixture(Convex, double) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
addFixture(Convex, double) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Creates a BodyFixture for the given Convex Shape, adds it to the PhysicsBody, and returns it for configuration.
addFixture(Convex, double, double, double) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
addFixture(Convex, double, double, double) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Creates a BodyFixture for the given Convex Shape, adds it to the PhysicsBody, and returns it for configuration.
addFixture(T) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
addFixture(T) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Adds the given Fixture to this CollisionBody.
addJoint(Joint<T>) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
addJoint(Joint<T>) - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Adds an interaction graph edge for the given Joint.
addJoint(Joint<T>) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Adds the given Joint to the World.
addStepListener(StepListener<T>) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
addStepListener(StepListener<T>) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Adds the given StepListener to this world.
addTimeOfImpactListener(TimeOfImpactListener<T>) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
addTimeOfImpactListener(TimeOfImpactListener<T>) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Adds the given TimeOfImpactListener to this world.
ALL - ContinuousDetectionMode
CCD is performed on all bodies against static bodies.
AngleJoint<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Implementation of an angle joint.
AngleJoint(T, T) - Constructor for class AngleJoint
Minimal constructor.
angularDamping - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsBody
The AbstractPhysicsBody's angular damping
AngularLimitsJoint - Interface in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Represents a joint with a single set of angular limits.
AngularMotorJoint - Interface in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Represents a joint with an angular motor.
AngularSpringJoint - Interface in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Represents a joint that has an angular spring at the pivot point.
angularTarget - Variable in class MotorJoint
The target angle between the two body's angles
angularVelocity - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsBody
The current angular velocity
applyForce(Force) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
applyForce(Force) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Applies the given Force to this PhysicsBody.
applyForce(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
applyForce(Vector2) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Applies the given force to this PhysicsBody.
applyForce(Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
applyForce(Vector2, Vector2) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Applies the given force to this PhysicsBody at the given point (torque).
applyImpulse(double) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
applyImpulse(double) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Applies an angular impulse to this PhysicsBody about its center of mass.
applyImpulse(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
applyImpulse(Vector2) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Applies a linear impulse to this PhysicsBody at its center of mass.
applyImpulse(Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
applyImpulse(Vector2, Vector2) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Applies an impulse to this PhysicsBody at the given point.
applyTorque(double) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
applyTorque(double) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Applies the given torque about the center of this PhysicsBody.
applyTorque(Torque) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
applyTorque(Torque) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Applies the given Torque to this PhysicsBody.
ArgumentNullException - Exception in org.dyn4j.exception
Represents an exception when an method or constuctor argument is null.
ArgumentNullException(String) - Constructor for exception ArgumentNullException
Minimal constructor.
atRest - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsBody
True if the body is at-rest
atRestDetectionEnabled - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsBody
True if at-rest detection is enabled
atRestTime - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsBody
The time that the PhysicsBody has been at-rest
AxisAlignedBounds - Class in org.dyn4j.collision
Represents a bounding region that is an Axis-Aligned bounding box.
AxisAlignedBounds(double, double) - Constructor for class AxisAlignedBounds
Minimal constructor.


balanceTree() - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Re-balances the entire tree.
BasicCollisionItem<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Class in org.dyn4j.collision
Represents a basic, immutable implementation of the CollisionItem interface.
BasicCollisionItem(T, E) - Constructor for class BasicCollisionItem
Minimal constructor.
BasicCollisionPair<T> - Class in org.dyn4j.collision
Represents a basic, immutable implementation of the CollisionPair interface.
BasicCollisionPair(T, T) - Constructor for class BasicCollisionPair
Minimal constructor.
Bayazit - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry.decompose
Implementation of the Bayazit convex decomposition algorithm for simple polygons.
Bayazit() - Constructor for class Bayazit
bContainedInA - Variable in class Containment
True if B is contained in A
begin(Contact) - Method in interface ContactUpdateHandler
Called when the given contact is a new contact.
begin(TimeStep, PhysicsWorld<T, ?>) - Method in interface StepListener
Called before a simulation step is performed.
begin(TimeStep, PhysicsWorld<T, ?>) - Method in class StepListenerAdapter
begin(ContactCollisionData<T>, Contact) - Method in interface ContactListener
Called when two BodyFixtures begin to overlap, generating a contact point.
begin(ContactCollisionData<T>, Contact) - Method in class ContactListenerAdapter
BinarySearchTree<E extends Comparable<E>> - Class in org.dyn4j
Represents an (optionally balanced) Binary Search Tree.
BinarySearchTree() - Constructor for class BinarySearchTree
Creates a new binary search tree with automatic balancing off.
BinarySearchTree(boolean) - Constructor for class BinarySearchTree
Creates a new binary search tree.
BinarySearchTree(BinarySearchTree<E>) - Constructor for class BinarySearchTree
Copy constructor.
BinarySearchTree(BinarySearchTree<E>, boolean) - Constructor for class BinarySearchTree
Copy constructor.
BinarySearchTreeSearchCriteria<E extends Comparable<E>> - Interface in org.dyn4j
Represents criteria for performing a binary search on a BinarySearchTree.
bodies - Variable in class AbstractJoint
An unmodifiable list of the bodies
bodies - Variable in class AbstractCollisionWorld
The list of all bodies in the world
bodiesUnmodifiable - Variable in class AbstractCollisionWorld
An unmodifiable view of the bodies
body - Variable in class AbstractSingleBodyJoint
The body
body - Variable in class ConstraintGraphNode
The body
body - Variable in class DetectResult
The body
Body - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics
Full implementation of the CollisionBody and PhysicsBody interfaces.
Body() - Constructor for class Body
body1 - Variable in class AbstractPairedBodyJoint
The first linked body
body2 - Variable in class AbstractPairedBodyJoint
The second linked body
BodyFixture - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics
Represents a piece of a PhysicsBody.
BodyFixture(Convex) - Constructor for class BodyFixture
Minimal constructor.
bounds - Variable in class AbstractCollisionWorld
The world Bounds
Bounds - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision
Represents the Bounds of a simulation.
BoundsListener<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Interface in org.dyn4j.world.listener
Represents an object that is notified when a CollisionBody goes out of Bounds.
BoundsListenerAdapter<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Class in org.dyn4j.world.listener
Convenience class for implementing the BoundsListener interface.
BoundsListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class BoundsListenerAdapter
boundsListeners - Variable in class AbstractCollisionWorld
The bounds listeners
boundsListenersUnmodifiable - Variable in class AbstractCollisionWorld
The bounds listeners (unmodifiable view)
BroadphaseCollisionData<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Interface in org.dyn4j.world
Represents a broadphase collision.
BroadphaseCollisionDataFilter<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Interface in org.dyn4j.world
Represents a class that defines rules to ignore results from BroadphaseDetector.
BroadphaseCollisionDataFilterAdapter<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Class in org.dyn4j.world
Helper class to avoid having to override all the methods of the BroadphaseCollisionDataFilter interface.
BroadphaseCollisionDataFilterAdapter() - Constructor for class BroadphaseCollisionDataFilterAdapter
broadphaseDetector - Variable in class AbstractCollisionWorld
BroadphaseDetector<T> - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
Represents a broad-phase collision detection algorithm.
BroadphaseDetectorDecorator<T> - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
Represents a wrapper around a BroadphaseDetector.
BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter<T> - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
A default implementation of the the BroadphaseDetectorDecorator interface.
BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter(BroadphaseDetector<T>) - Constructor for class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
Minimal constructor.
broadphaseFilter - Variable in class AbstractBroadphaseDetector
The broadphase filter to cull pairs
broadphaseFilter - Variable in class AbstractCollisionWorld
BroadphaseFilter<T> - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
Represents a filter used during a BroadphaseDetector's pair detection process.
BruteForceBroadphase<T> - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
This class implements the simplest possible broad-phase detector, a brute-force algorithm for finding all pairs of collisions (and similar queries).
BruteForceBroadphase(BroadphaseFilter<T>, AABBProducer<T>) - Constructor for class BruteForceBroadphase
Default constructor.
buildResult(SimplePolygonVertex) - Method in class AbstractSimplifier
Builds a polygon from the remaining vertices in the queue.
buildSegmentTree(SimplePolygonVertex) - Method in class AbstractSimplifier
Builds a SegmentTree used to prevent self-intersection during simplification.
buildVertexList(List<Vector2>) - Method in class VertexClusterReduction
Builds a list of vertices without nulls.
bullet - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsBody
True if the body is fast, small or both
BULLETS_ONLY - ContinuousDetectionMode
CCD is performed on bodies flagged as bullets only.


Capsule - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Implementation of a Capsule Convex Shape.
Capsule(double, double) - Constructor for class Capsule
Minimal constructor.
category - Variable in class CategoryFilter
The category this object is in
CategoryFilter - Class in org.dyn4j.collision
A Filter for categorized fixtures.
CategoryFilter() - Constructor for class CategoryFilter
Default constructor.
CategoryFilter(long, long) - Constructor for class CategoryFilter
Full constructor.
ccdBroadphase - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
ccdCollisionData - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
The full set of tracked CCD collision data
center - Variable in class AbstractShape
The center of this Shape
checkSimplex(List<Vector2>, Vector2) - Method in class Gjk
Determines whether the given simplex contains the origin.
Circle - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Implementation of a Circle Convex Shape.
Circle(double) - Constructor for class Circle
Full constructor.
CircleDetector - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Class devoted to Circle detection queries.
clamp(double) - Method in class Interval
If the value is within this Interval, inclusive, then return the value, else return either the max or minimum value.
clamp(double, double, double) - Static method in class Interval
Returns a number clamped between two other numbers.
cleanse(List<Vector2>) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns a new list containing the 'cleansed' version of the given listing of polygon points.
cleanse(Vector2...) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns a new array containing the 'cleansed' version of the given array of polygon points.
clear() - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Empties this tree.
clear() - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Clear all the internal state of this broad-phase.
clear() - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
clear() - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
clear() - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
clear() - Method in class Sap
clear() - Method in class Manifold
Clears the Manifold information.
clear() - Method in class Containment
Clears the separation information.
clear() - Method in class Penetration
Clears the penetration information.
clear() - Method in class Raycast
Clears this object setting all values to their default values.
clear() - Method in class Separation
Clears the separation information.
clear() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
Helper method to clear the world of bodies and joints.
clear() - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Clears the graph of all nodes and edges.
clear() - Method in class Island
Clears the island.
clearAccumulatedForce() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
clearAccumulatedForce() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Clears the forces stored in the force accumulator.
clearAccumulatedTorque() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
clearAccumulatedTorque() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Clears the torques stored in the torque accumulator.
clearForce() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
clearForce() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Clears the last time step's force on the PhysicsBody.
clearTorque() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
clearTorque() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Clears the last time step's torque on the PhysicsBody.
clearUpdates() - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Clears internal state that tracks what objects have been updated.
clearUpdates() - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
clearUpdates() - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
clearUpdates() - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
clearUpdates() - Method in class Sap
clip(PointFeature, PointFeature, Vector2, double) - Method in class ClippingManifoldSolver
Clips the segment given by s1 and s2 by n.
ClippingManifoldSolver - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.manifold
Implementation of a Sutherland-Hodgman clipping ManifoldSolver algorithm.
ClippingManifoldSolver() - Constructor for class ClippingManifoldSolver
collision(BroadphaseCollisionData<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionListener
Called when two Fixtures are colliding as determined by the BroadphaseDetector.
collision(BroadphaseCollisionData<T, E>) - Method in class CollisionListenerAdapter
collision(ContactCollisionData<T>) - Method in interface ContactListener
Called after the ContactConstraint has been updated after collision detection, but before it's added to the solver to be solved.
collision(ContactCollisionData<T>) - Method in class ContactListenerAdapter
collision(ManifoldCollisionData<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionListener
Called when two Fixtures are colliding and a contact Manifold has been found.
collision(ManifoldCollisionData<T, E>) - Method in class CollisionListenerAdapter
collision(NarrowphaseCollisionData<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionListener
Called when two Fixtures are colliding as determined by the NarrowphaseDetector.
collision(NarrowphaseCollisionData<T, E>) - Method in class CollisionListenerAdapter
collision(T, BodyFixture, T, BodyFixture) - Method in interface TimeOfImpactListener
Called before the PhysicsBodys and BodyFixtures are tested for a time of impact collision.
collision(T, BodyFixture, T, BodyFixture) - Method in class TimeOfImpactListenerAdapter
collision(T, BodyFixture, T, BodyFixture, TimeOfImpact) - Method in interface TimeOfImpactListener
Called when a time of impact has been detected between two bodies.
collision(T, BodyFixture, T, BodyFixture, TimeOfImpact) - Method in class TimeOfImpactListenerAdapter
collision(T, T) - Method in interface TimeOfImpactListener
Called when a time of impact has been detected between two bodies during the broad-phase.
collision(T, T) - Method in class TimeOfImpactListenerAdapter
collision(T, T, TimeOfImpact) - Method in interface TimeOfImpactListener
Called when the minimum time of impact has been found for the first body.
collision(T, T, TimeOfImpact) - Method in class TimeOfImpactListenerAdapter
collisionAllowed - Variable in class AbstractJoint
Whether the pair of bodies joined together can collide with each other
CollisionBody<T extends Fixture> - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision
Represents an object that can collide with other objects.
CollisionBodyAABBProducer<T extends CollisionBody<?>> - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
An AABBProducer for CollisionBody's which produces a tight fitting AABB based of the current state of the body.
CollisionBodyAABBProducer() - Constructor for class CollisionBodyAABBProducer
CollisionBodyBroadphaseCollisionDataFilter<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Class in org.dyn4j.world
The default filter for CollisionWorlds that filters Fixtures by their Filters and their enable flags.
CollisionBodyBroadphaseCollisionDataFilter() - Constructor for class CollisionBodyBroadphaseCollisionDataFilter
CollisionBodyBroadphaseFilter<T extends CollisionBody<?>> - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
A BroadphaseFilter that ensures CollisionBodys are not compared to themselves.
CollisionBodyBroadphaseFilter() - Constructor for class CollisionBodyBroadphaseFilter
collisionData - Variable in class AbstractCollisionWorld
The full set of tracked collision data
CollisionData<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Interface in org.dyn4j.world
Represents a container for all the collision information between a CollisionPair.
CollisionItem<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision
Represents a grouping of a CollisionBody and Fixture.
CollisionItemAABBProducer<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
CollisionItemAABBProducer() - Constructor for class CollisionItemAABBProducer
CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
Represents a BroadphaseDetector specifically used with CollisionBody-Fixture CollisionItem pairs.
CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter(BroadphaseDetector<CollisionItem<T, E>>) - Constructor for class CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter
Minimal constructor.
CollisionItemBroadphaseFilter<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
A BroadphaseFilter that ensures CollisionItems of the same body are not compared.
CollisionItemBroadphaseFilter() - Constructor for class CollisionItemBroadphaseFilter
CollisionListener<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Interface in org.dyn4j.world.listener
Interface to listen for collision events.
CollisionListenerAdapter<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Class in org.dyn4j.world.listener
Convenience class for implementing the CollisionListener interface.
CollisionListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class CollisionListenerAdapter
collisionListeners - Variable in class AbstractCollisionWorld
The collision listeners
collisionListenersUnmodifiable - Variable in class AbstractCollisionWorld
The collision listeners (unmodifiable view)
CollisionPair<T> - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision
Represents a collision between two CollisionBody's Fixtures.
Collisions - Class in org.dyn4j.collision
Class used to estimate collision counts and other one-off collision methods and values.
CollisionWorld<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture,​V extends CollisionData<T,​E>> - Interface in org.dyn4j.world
Represents a world where CollisionBodys are added to participate in collision detection.
compare(Rotation) - Method in class Rotation
Compares this Rotation with another one, based on the angle between them (The one with -π ≤ θ ≤ π) Returns 1 if θ > 0, -1 if θ < 0 and 0 otherwise
compare(Vector2) - Method in class Rotation
Compares this Rotation with a Vector2, based on the angle between them (The one with -π ≤ θ ≤ π) Returns 1 if θ > 0, -1 if θ < 0 and 0 otherwise
compareTo(FallbackCondition) - Method in class AbstractFallbackCondition
compareTo(ConvexCastResult<T, E>) - Method in class ConvexCastResult
compareTo(RaycastResult<T, E>) - Method in class RaycastResult
compute() - Static method in class Epsilon
Computes an approximation of machine epsilon.
compute(CollisionItem<T, E>) - Method in class CollisionItemAABBProducer
compute(CollisionItem<T, E>, AABB) - Method in class CollisionItemAABBProducer
compute(T) - Method in interface AABBProducer
Returns a new AABB for the given object.
compute(T) - Method in class CollisionBodyAABBProducer
compute(T) - Method in class PhysicsBodySweptAABBProducer
compute(T, AABB) - Method in interface AABBProducer
Updates the given AABB with the AABB for the given object.
compute(T, AABB) - Method in class CollisionBodyAABBProducer
compute(T, AABB) - Method in class PhysicsBodySweptAABBProducer
computeAABB(AABB) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
computeAABB(AABB) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Computes an AABB from this CollisionBody's attached Fixtures and places the result in the given AABB.
computeAABB(AABB) - Method in class AbstractShape
computeAABB(AABB) - Method in interface Shape
Computes the AABB from this Shape and places the result in the given AABB.
computeAABB(Transform, AABB) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
computeAABB(Transform, AABB) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Computes an AABB from this CollisionBody's attached Fixtures using the given world space Transform and places the result in the given AABB.
computeAABB(Transform, AABB) - Method in class Capsule
computeAABB(Transform, AABB) - Method in class Circle
computeAABB(Transform, AABB) - Method in class Ellipse
computeAABB(Transform, AABB) - Method in class HalfEllipse
computeAABB(Transform, AABB) - Method in class Polygon
computeAABB(Transform, AABB) - Method in class Rectangle
computeAABB(Transform, AABB) - Method in class Segment
computeAABB(Transform, AABB) - Method in interface Shape
Computes the AABB from this Shape after applying the given transformation and places the result in the given AABB.
computeAABB(Transform, AABB) - Method in class Slice
computeSweptAABB(AABB) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
computeSweptAABB(AABB) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Computes a swept AABB that contains the maximal space in which the PhysicsBody exists from the initial transform to the final transform and places the result in the given AABB.
computeSweptAABB(Transform, Transform, AABB) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
computeSweptAABB(Transform, Transform, AABB) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Computes a swept AABB from the given start and end Transforms using the fixtures on this PhysicsBody and places the result in the given AABB.
ConservativeAdvancement - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.continuous
Implements the Conservative Advancement technique to solve for the time of impact.
ConservativeAdvancement() - Constructor for class ConservativeAdvancement
Default constructor.
ConservativeAdvancement(DistanceDetector) - Constructor for class ConservativeAdvancement
Optional constructor.
constraintGraph - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
The constraint graph between bodies
ConstraintGraph<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.world
Represents an undirected graph of constraints involving PhysicsBodys with the desire to split the simulation into smaller, solvable chunks.
ConstraintGraph() - Constructor for class ConstraintGraph
Minimal constructor.
ConstraintGraph(int, int) - Constructor for class ConstraintGraph
Full constructor.
ConstraintGraphNode<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.world
Represents a node in the constraint graph.
ConstraintGraphNode(T) - Constructor for class ConstraintGraphNode
Minimal constructor.
Contact - Interface in org.dyn4j.dynamics.contact
Represents a contact of a ContactConstraint.
ContactCollisionData<T extends PhysicsBody> - Interface in org.dyn4j.world
Interaface for collision data that contains a ContactConstraint.
contactCollisions - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
A temporary list of only the ContactConstraint collisions from the last detection; cleared and refilled each step
ContactConstraint<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics.contact
Represents a SolvableContact constraint for each PhysicsBody pair.
ContactConstraint(CollisionPair<CollisionItem<T, BodyFixture>>) - Constructor for class ContactConstraint
Full constructor.
contactConstraints - Variable in class ConstraintGraphNode
The contact constraints connecting this body and other bodies
contactConstraintSolver - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
ContactConstraintSolver<T extends PhysicsBody> - Interface in org.dyn4j.dynamics.contact
Represents an impulse/velocity based rigid PhysicsBody collision resolver.
contactConstraintsUnmodifiable - Variable in class ConstraintGraphNode
An unmodifiable view of the contacts list
ContactListener<T extends PhysicsBody> - Interface in org.dyn4j.world.listener
Represents an object that is notified of contact events.
ContactListenerAdapter<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.world.listener
Convenience class for implementing the ContactListener interface.
ContactListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class ContactListenerAdapter
contactListeners - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
The list of ContactListeners
contactListenersUnmodifiable - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
The unmodifiable list of ContactListeners
contacts - Variable in class ContactConstraint
The Contacts
contactsUnmodifiable - Variable in class ContactConstraint
An unmodifiable view of the Contacts
ContactUpdateHandler - Interface in org.dyn4j.dynamics.contact
This interface defines the mechanism to report begin, persist, and end events and the method of mixing the friction and restitution coefficients.
Containment - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Represents the Containment of one Convex shape in another.
Containment() - Constructor for class Containment
Default constructor.
Containment(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class Containment
Full constructor.
ContainmentDetector - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Interface representing an algorithm to detect if a Convex Shape contains another.
contains(double, double) - Method in class AABB
Returns true if the given point's coordinates are contained within this AABB.
contains(E) - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Attempts to find the given comparable object within the tree.
contains(AABB) - Method in class AABB
Returns true if the given AABB is contained within this AABB.
contains(Circle, Transform, Circle, Transform, Containment) - Static method in class CircleDetector
Fast method for determining whether one circle is contained in another Circles.
contains(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform, Containment) - Method in interface ContainmentDetector
Returns true if one of the Convex Shapes are contained in the other.4
contains(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform, Containment) - Method in class Sat
contains(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
contains(Vector2) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns true if the given world space point is contained in this CollisionBody.
contains(Vector2) - Method in class AABB
Returns true if the given point is contained within this AABB.
contains(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractShape
contains(Vector2) - Method in interface Shape
Returns true if the given point is inside this Shape.
contains(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class AbstractShape
contains(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Rectangle
contains(Vector2, Transform) - Method in interface Shape
Returns true if the given point is inside this Shape.
contains(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Triangle
Returns true if the point is inside the Triangle.
contains(Vector2, Transform, boolean) - Method in class Capsule
contains(Vector2, Transform, boolean) - Method in class Circle
contains(Vector2, Transform, boolean) - Method in class Ellipse
contains(Vector2, Transform, boolean) - Method in class HalfEllipse
contains(Vector2, Transform, boolean) - Method in class Polygon
contains(Vector2, Transform, boolean) - Method in class Segment
Returns true if the given point is inside this Shape.
contains(Vector2, Transform, boolean) - Method in interface Shape
Returns true if the given point is inside this Shape.
contains(Vector2, Transform, boolean) - Method in class Slice
contains(Vector2, Transform, double) - Method in class Segment
Returns true if the given point is inside this Shape.
contains(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class EarClipping
Returns true if the given point, p, is contained in the triangle created by a, b, and c.
contains(T) - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Returns true if the given object exists in this broad-phase.
contains(T) - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
contains(T) - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
contains(T) - Method in interface CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector
Returns true if all the Fixtures on the given CollisionBody have been added to this broad-phase.
contains(T) - Method in class CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter
contains(T) - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
contains(T) - Method in class Sap
contains(T, E) - Method in interface CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector
Returns true if the given Fixture on the given CollisionBody has been added to this broad-phase.
contains(T, E) - Method in class CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter
containsBody(T) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
containsBody(T) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns true if this world contains the given body.
containsBody(T) - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Returns true if the given body is part of the interaction graph.
containsCondition(FallbackCondition) - Method in class FallbackNarrowphaseDetector
Returns true if the given condition is contained in this detector.
containsContactConstraint(ContactConstraint<T>) - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Returns true if the given contact constraint exists in this interaction graph.
containsExclusive(Interval) - Method in class Interval
Returns true if the given Interval is contained in this Interval exclusively.
containsFixture(T) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
containsFixture(T) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns true if this CollisionBody contains the given Fixture.
containsInclusive(Interval) - Method in class Interval
Returns true if the given Interval is contained in this Interval inclusively.
containsInclusiveMax(Interval) - Method in class Interval
Returns true if the given Interval is contained in this Interval max-inclusively.
containsInclusiveMin(Interval) - Method in class Interval
Returns true if the given Interval is contained in this Interval min-inclusively.
containsJoint(Joint<T>) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
containsJoint(Joint<T>) - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Returns true if the given joint exists in this interaction graph.
containsJoint(Joint<T>) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns true if this world contains the given joint.
containsOrigin(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class Gjk
Returns true if the origin is within the triangle given by a, b, and c.
ContinuousDetectionMode - Enum in org.dyn4j.dynamics
Enumeration of Continuous Collision Detection modes.
Convex - Interface in org.dyn4j.geometry
Represents a Convex Shape.
convexCast(Convex, Transform, Vector2, double, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
convexCast(Convex, Transform, Vector2, double, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns a list of ConvexCastResults containing all the body-fixtures that overlap with the given Convex over the given deltaPosition and deltaAngle using the current state of the BroadphaseDetector.
convexCastClosest(Convex, Transform, Vector2, double, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
convexCastClosest(Convex, Transform, Vector2, double, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns the closest ConvexCastResult that overlaps with the given Convex over the given deltaPosition and deltaAngle using the current state of the BroadphaseDetector.
convexCastClosest(Convex, Transform, Vector2, double, T, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
convexCastClosest(Convex, Transform, Vector2, double, T, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns the closest ConvexCastResult that overlaps with the given Convex over the given deltaPosition and deltaAngle only testing against the given CollisionBody.
convexCastIterator(Convex, Transform, Vector2, double, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
convexCastIterator(Convex, Transform, Vector2, double, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns an iterator of ConvexCastResults containing all the body-fixtures that overlap with the given Convex over the given deltaPosition and deltaAngle using the current state of the BroadphaseDetector.
ConvexCastResult<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Class in org.dyn4j.world.result
Represents a reusable DetectResult for convex casting.
ConvexCastResult() - Constructor for class ConvexCastResult
Default constructor.
ConvexCastResult(T, E, TimeOfImpact) - Constructor for class ConvexCastResult
Full constructor.
ConvexDetectResult<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Class in org.dyn4j.world.result
Represents a reusable DetectResult for convex shape detection.
ConvexDetectResult() - Constructor for class ConvexDetectResult
Default constructor.
ConvexDetectResult(T, E, Penetration) - Constructor for class ConvexDetectResult
Full constructor.
copy() - Method in class BasicCollisionItem
copy() - Method in class BasicCollisionPair
copy() - Method in class TimeOfImpact
copy() - Method in class Manifold
copy() - Method in class ManifoldPoint
copy() - Method in class Containment
copy() - Method in class Penetration
copy() - Method in class Raycast
copy() - Method in class Separation
copy() - Method in interface Copyable
Returns a deep copy of this object.
copy() - Method in class Settings
Creates a deep copy of this settings object.
copy() - Method in class AABB
copy() - Method in class Mass
copy() - Method in class Matrix22
copy() - Method in class Matrix33
copy() - Method in class Rotation
copy() - Method in class Transform
copy() - Method in class Vector2
copy() - Method in class Vector3
copy() - Method in class ConvexCastResult
copy() - Method in class ConvexDetectResult
copy() - Method in class DetectResult
copy() - Method in class RaycastResult
copy(TimeOfImpact) - Method in class TimeOfImpact
Copies (deep) the given TimeOfImpact to this TimeOfImpact.
copy(Manifold) - Method in class Manifold
Copies (deep) the given Manifold to this Manifold.
copy(ManifoldPoint) - Method in class ManifoldPoint
Copies (deep) the given ManifoldPoint to this ManifoldPoint.
copy(Containment) - Method in class Containment
Copies (deep) the given Containment information to this Containment.
copy(Penetration) - Method in class Penetration
Copies (deep) the given Penetration information to this Penetration.
copy(Raycast) - Method in class Raycast
Copies (deep) the given Raycast information to this Raycast.
copy(Separation) - Method in class Separation
Copies (deep) the given Separation information to this Separation.
copy(Settings) - Method in class Settings
Copies all the settings from the given settings to this settings.
copy(ConvexCastResult<T, E>) - Method in class ConvexCastResult
Copies (deep) the given result to this result.
copy(ConvexDetectResult<T, E>) - Method in class ConvexDetectResult
Copies (deep) the given result data to this result.
copy(DetectResult<T, E>) - Method in class DetectResult
Copies (deep) the given result to this result.
copy(RaycastResult<T, E>) - Method in class RaycastResult
Copies (deep) the given result to this result.
Copyable<T extends Copyable<? extends T>> - Interface in org.dyn4j
Simple interface to support deep copying of objects.
correctionFactor - Variable in class MotorJoint
The correction factor in the range [0, 1]
correctionFactor - Variable in class PinJoint
The correction factor in the range [0, 1]
correctionMaximumForce - Variable in class PinJoint
The maximum force the constraint can apply
cost - Variable in class Rotation
The cosine of the angle described by this Rotation
cost - Variable in class Transform
the cosine of the rotation angle
create(double, double) - Static method in class Vector2
Returns a new Vector2 given the magnitude and direction.
create(List<Mass>) - Static method in class Mass
Creates a Mass object from the given array of masses.
createAABB() - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
createAABB() - Method in interface CollisionBody
Creates an AABB from this CollisionBody's attached Fixtures.
createAABB() - Method in class AbstractShape
createAABB() - Method in interface Shape
Creates an AABB from this Shape.
createAABB(Transform) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
createAABB(Transform) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Creates an AABB from this CollisionBody's attached Fixtures using the given world space Transform.
createAABB(Transform) - Method in class AbstractShape
createAABB(Transform) - Method in class Segment
Creates an AABB from this Shape after applying the given transformation to the shape.
createAABB(Transform) - Method in interface Shape
Creates an AABB from this Shape after applying the given transformation to the shape.
createCapsule(double, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Capsule bounded by the given rectangle width and height.
createCircle(double) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns a new Circle with the given radius centered on the origin.
createCollisionData(CollisionPair<CollisionItem<T, E>>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
Creates a new CollisionData instance for the given pair.
createCollisionData(CollisionPair<CollisionItem<T, BodyFixture>>) - Method in class World
createEllipse(double, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Ellipse bounded by the given rectangle width and height.
createEquilateralTriangle(double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates an equilateral Triangle with the center at the origin.
createFromPoints(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class AABB
Method to create the valid AABB defined by the two points A(point1x, point1y) and B(point2x, point2y).
createFromPoints(Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class AABB
Method to create the valid AABB defined by the two points point1 and point2.
createHalfEllipse(double, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new HalfEllipse bounded by the given rectangle width and height.
createHalfEllipseAtOrigin(double, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new HalfEllipse bounded by the given rectangle width and height.
createHorizontalSegment(double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Segment with the given length with the center at the origin.
createIsoscelesTriangle(double, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates an isosceles Triangle with the center at the origin.
createLinks(List<Vector2>, boolean) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a list of Links for the given vertices.
createLinks(Vector2[], boolean) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a Link chain for the given vertices.
createMass() - Method in class BodyFixture
Creates a new Mass object using the set density and shape.
createMass(double) - Method in class Capsule
createMass(double) - Method in class Circle
Creates a Mass object using the geometric properties of this Shape and the given density.
createMass(double) - Method in class Ellipse
createMass(double) - Method in class HalfEllipse
createMass(double) - Method in class Polygon
Creates a Mass object using the geometric properties of this Polygon and the given density.
createMass(double) - Method in class Rectangle
Creates a Mass object using the geometric properties of this Rectangle and the given density.
createMass(double) - Method in class Segment
Creates a Mass object using the geometric properties of this Segment and the given density.
createMass(double) - Method in interface Shape
Creates a Mass object using the geometric properties of this Shape and the given density.
createMass(double) - Method in class Slice
createPolygon(Vector2...) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns a new Polygon with the given vertices.
createPolygonalCapsule(int, double, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Polygon in the shape of a capsule using count number of vertices on each cap, centered on the origin.
createPolygonalCircle(int, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Polygon in the shape of a circle with count number of vertices centered on the origin.
createPolygonalCircle(int, double, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Polygon in the shape of a circle with count number of vertices centered on the origin.
createPolygonalEllipse(int, double, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Polygon in the shape of an ellipse with count number of vertices centered on the origin.
createPolygonalHalfEllipse(int, double, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Polygon in the shape of a half ellipse with count number of vertices with the base at the origin.
createPolygonalHalfEllipseAtOrigin(int, double, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Polygon in the shape of a half ellipse with count number of vertices centered on the origin.
createPolygonalSlice(int, double, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Polygon in the shape of a Slice with count number of vertices with the circle center centered on the origin.
createPolygonalSliceAtOrigin(int, double, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Polygon in the shape of a Slice with count number of vertices centered on the origin.
createPolygonAtOrigin(Vector2...) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns a new Polygon, using the given vertices, centered at the origin.
createRectangle(double, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Rectangle with the given width and height centered at the origin.
createRightTriangle(double, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a right angle Triangle with the center at the origin.
createRightTriangle(double, double, boolean) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a right angle Triangle with the center at the origin.
createSegment(Vector2) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Segment from the origin to the given end point
createSegment(Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Segment with the given points.
createSegmentAtOrigin(Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Segment with the given points.
createSlice(double, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Slice with the given circle radius and arc length theta.
createSliceAtOrigin(double, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Slice with the given circle radius and arc length theta.
createSquare(double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a square (equal height and width Rectangle) with the given size centered at the origin.
createSweptAABB() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
createSweptAABB() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns a swept AABB that contains the maximal space in which the PhysicsBody exists from the initial transform to the final transform.
createSweptAABB(Transform, Transform) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
createSweptAABB(Transform, Transform) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Creates a swept AABB from the given start and end Transforms using the fixtures on this PhysicsBody.
createTriangle(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Triangle, using the given points.
createTriangleAtOrigin(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Triangle with the given points centered at the origin.
createUnitCirclePolygon(int, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns a new Polygon with count number of points, where the points are evenly distributed around the unit circle.
createUnitCirclePolygon(int, double, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns a new Polygon with count number of points, where the points are evenly distributed around the unit circle.
createVerticalSegment(double) - Static method in class Geometry
Creates a new Segment with the given length with the center at the origin.
cross(double) - Method in class Vector2
Returns the cross product of this Vector2 and the z value of the right Vector2.
cross(double, double) - Method in class Vector2
Returns the cross product of the this Vector2 and the given Vector2.
cross(double, double, double) - Method in class Vector3
Returns the cross product of the this Vector3 and the given Vector3.
cross(Rotation) - Method in class Rotation
Returns the cross product of the this Rotation and the given Rotation which is essentially the sine of the angle between those rotations.
cross(Vector2) - Method in class Vector2
Returns the cross product of the this Vector2 and the given Vector2.
cross(Vector3) - Method in class Vector3
Returns the cross product of the this Vector3 and the given Vector3.


DataContainer - Interface in org.dyn4j
Represents an object that can store an arbitrary user data object.
decompose(List<Vector2>) - Method in class AbstractDecomposer
decompose(List<Vector2>) - Method in interface Decomposer
Performs the decomposition on the given polygon returning a list of Convex shapes.
decompose(Vector2...) - Method in class Bayazit
decompose(Vector2...) - Method in interface Decomposer
Performs the decomposition on the given polygon returning a list of Convex shapes.
decompose(Vector2...) - Method in class EarClipping
decompose(Vector2...) - Method in class SweepLine
decomposePolygon(List<Vector2>, List<Convex>) - Method in class Bayazit
Internal recursive method to decompose the given polygon into convex sub-polygons.
Decomposer - Interface in org.dyn4j.geometry.decompose
Represents an algorithm to decompose a given polygon (as a list of points) into Convex pieces.
DEFAULT_ANGULAR_DAMPING - Static variable in interface PhysicsBody
The default angular damping; value = PhysicsBody.DEFAULT_ANGULAR_DAMPING
DEFAULT_ANGULAR_TOLERANCE - Static variable in class Settings
The default angular tolerance; in radians
DEFAULT_BAUMGARTE - Static variable in class Settings
The default baumgarte
DEFAULT_DENSITY - Static variable in class BodyFixture
The default density in kg/m2; value = BodyFixture.DEFAULT_DENSITY
DEFAULT_DETECT_EPSILON - Static variable in class Gjk
The default epsilon in meters for collision detection
DEFAULT_DISTANCE_EPSILON - Static variable in class ConservativeAdvancement
The default distance epsilon
DEFAULT_DISTANCE_EPSILON - Static variable in class Epa
The default Epa distance epsilon in meters; near 1E-8
DEFAULT_DISTANCE_EPSILON - Static variable in class Gjk
The default epsilon in meters for distance checks
DEFAULT_FILTER - Static variable in interface Filter
The default filter which always returns true
DEFAULT_FRICTION - Static variable in class BodyFixture
The default coefficient of friction; value = BodyFixture.DEFAULT_FRICTION
DEFAULT_INITIAL_BODY_CAPACITY - Static variable in interface CollisionWorld
The default CollisionBody count
DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY - Static variable in interface BroadphaseDetector
The default initial capacity of fixtures
DEFAULT_INITIAL_JOINT_CAPACITY - Static variable in interface PhysicsWorld
The default CollisionBody count
DEFAULT_LINEAR_DAMPING - Static variable in interface PhysicsBody
The default linear damping; value = PhysicsBody.DEFAULT_LINEAR_DAMPING
DEFAULT_LINEAR_TOLERANCE - Static variable in class Settings
The default linear tolerance; in meters
DEFAULT_MAX_ITERATIONS - Static variable in class ConservativeAdvancement
The default maximum number of iterations
DEFAULT_MAX_ITERATIONS - Static variable in class Epa
The default Epa maximum iterations
DEFAULT_MAX_ITERATIONS - Static variable in class Gjk
The default Gjk maximum iterations
DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_ANGULAR_CORRECTION - Static variable in class Settings
The default maximum angular correction; in radians
DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_AT_REST_ANGULAR_VELOCITY - Static variable in class Settings
The default maximum angular velocity for a PhysicsBody to be flagged as at-rest; in radians/second
DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_AT_REST_LINEAR_VELOCITY - Static variable in class Settings
The default maximum velocity for a PhysicsBody to be flagged as at-rest; in meters/second
DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_LINEAR_CORRECTION - Static variable in class Settings
The default maximum linear correction; in meters
DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_ROTATION - Static variable in class Settings
The default maximum rotation a PhysicsBody can have in one time step; in radians
DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_TRANSLATION - Static variable in class Settings
The default maximum translation a PhysicsBody can have in one time step; in meters
DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_WARM_START_DISTANCE - Static variable in class Settings
The default warm starting distance; in meters2
DEFAULT_MINIMUM_AT_REST_TIME - Static variable in class Settings
The default required time a PhysicsBody must maintain small motion to be flagged as at-rest; in seconds
DEFAULT_MIXER - Static variable in interface ValueMixer
The default dynamics mixer
DEFAULT_RAYCAST_EPSILON - Static variable in class Gjk
The default epsilon in meters for raycast checks
DEFAULT_RESTITUTION - Static variable in class BodyFixture
The default coefficient of restitution; value = BodyFixture.DEFAULT_RESTITUTION
DEFAULT_RESTITUTION_VELOCITY - Static variable in class BodyFixture
The default restitution velocity; in meters/second
DEFAULT_SOLVER_ITERATIONS - Static variable in class Settings
The default number of solver iterations
DEFAULT_STEP_FREQUENCY - Static variable in class Settings
The default step frequency of the dynamics engine; in seconds
density - Variable in class BodyFixture
The density in kg/m2
depth - Variable in class ManifoldPoint
The penetration depth
depth - Variable in class Penetration
The penetration amount on this axis
destroyContacts(ConstraintGraphNode<T>, BodyFixture, boolean) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
Destroys the contacts for the given graph node.
destroyed(ContactConstraint<T>) - Method in interface DestructionListener
Called when implicit destruction of a ContactConstraint has occurred.
destroyed(ContactConstraint<T>) - Method in class DestructionListenerAdapter
destroyed(Joint<T>) - Method in interface DestructionListener
Called when implicit destruction of a Joint has occurred.
destroyed(Joint<T>) - Method in class DestructionListenerAdapter
destroyed(ContactCollisionData<T>, Contact) - Method in interface ContactListener
Called when a body or fixture is removed from the world that had existing contacts.
destroyed(ContactCollisionData<T>, Contact) - Method in class ContactListenerAdapter
destroyed(T) - Method in interface DestructionListener
Called when implicit destruction of a PhysicsBody has occurred.
destroyed(T) - Method in class DestructionListenerAdapter
destroyJoints(ConstraintGraphNode<T>, boolean) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
Destroys all joints associated with the given constraint graph node.
DestructionListener<T extends PhysicsBody> - Interface in org.dyn4j.world.listener
Interface to listen for implicit destruction events.
DestructionListenerAdapter<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.world.listener
Convenience class for implementing the DestructionListener interface.
DestructionListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class DestructionListenerAdapter
destructionListeners - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
The list of DestructionListeners
destructionListenersUnmodifiable - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
The unmodifiable list of DestructionListeners
detect() - Method in class AbstractBroadphaseDetector
detect() - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Performs collision detection on all objects that have been added to this BroadphaseDetector and returns the list of potential collision pairs (i.e.
detect() - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
detect() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
Performs collision detection on the world.
detect(boolean) - Method in class AbstractBroadphaseDetector
detect(boolean) - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Performs collision detection on all objects that have been added to this BroadphaseDetector and returns the list of potential collision pairs (i.e.
detect(boolean) - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
detect(MinkowskiSum, List<Vector2>, Vector2) - Method in class Gjk
The main Gjk algorithm loop.
detect(AABB) - Method in class AbstractBroadphaseDetector
detect(AABB) - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Performs a broad-phase collision test using the given AABB and returns the items that overlap.
detect(AABB) - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
detect(AABB, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
detect(AABB, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns a list of DetectResults containing all the body-fixtures that overlap with the given AABB using the current state of the BroadphaseDetector.
detect(AABB, T, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
detect(AABB, T, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns a list of DetectResults containing all the body-fixtures that overlap with the given AABB using the current state of the BroadphaseDetector, only testing against the given CollisionBody.
detect(Circle, Transform, Circle, Transform) - Static method in class CircleDetector
Fast method for determining a collision between two Circles.
detect(Circle, Transform, Circle, Transform, Penetration) - Static method in class CircleDetector
Fast method for determining a collision between two Circles.
detect(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform) - Method in class AbstractBroadphaseDetector
detect(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform) - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Returns true if this broad-phase detector considers the given Convex Shapes to be in collision.
detect(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform) - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
detect(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform) - Method in class FallbackNarrowphaseDetector
detect(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform) - Method in class Gjk
detect(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform) - Method in interface NarrowphaseDetector
Returns true if the two Convex Shapes intersect.
detect(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform) - Method in class Sat
detect(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform, Penetration) - Method in class FallbackNarrowphaseDetector
detect(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform, Penetration) - Method in class Gjk
detect(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform, Penetration) - Method in interface NarrowphaseDetector
Returns true if the two Convex Shapes intersect and fills the Penetration object with the penetration vector and depth.
detect(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform, Penetration) - Method in class Sat
detect(Convex, Transform, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
detect(Convex, Transform, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns a list of ConvexDetectResults containing all the body-fixtures that overlap with the given Convex using the current state of the BroadphaseDetector.
detect(Convex, Transform, T, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
detect(Convex, Transform, T, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns a list of ConvexDetectResults containing all the body-fixtures that overlapped with the given Convex using the current state of the BroadphaseDetector, only testing against the given CollisionBody.
detect(T, E, T, E) - Method in interface CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector
Returns true if the given body-fixture pairs overlap using their broad-phase representation.
detect(T, E, T, E) - Method in class CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter
detect(T, T) - Method in class AbstractBroadphaseDetector
detect(T, T) - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Returns true if this broad-phase detector considers the given objects to be in collision.
detect(T, T) - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
detect(T, T) - Method in interface CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector
Returns true if the given bodies overlap using their broad-phase representation.
detect(T, T) - Method in class CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter
detectEpsilon - Variable in class Gjk
The collision detection epsilon in meters
DetectFilter<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Class in org.dyn4j.world
Represents the filters for queries against a CollisionWorld.
DetectFilter(boolean, boolean, Filter) - Constructor for class DetectFilter
Minimal constructor.
detectIterator() - Method in class AbstractBroadphaseDetector
detectIterator() - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Performs collision detection on all objects that have been added to this BroadphaseDetector and returns an iterator of potential collision pairs (i.e.
detectIterator() - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
detectIterator(boolean) - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Performs collision detection on all objects that have been added to this BroadphaseDetector and returns an iterator of potential collision pairs (i.e.
detectIterator(boolean) - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
detectIterator(boolean) - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
detectIterator(boolean) - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
detectIterator(boolean) - Method in class Sap
detectIterator(AABB) - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Performs a broad-phase collision test using the given AABB and returns the items that overlap.
detectIterator(AABB) - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
detectIterator(AABB) - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
detectIterator(AABB) - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
detectIterator(AABB) - Method in class Sap
detectIterator(AABB, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
detectIterator(AABB, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns an iterator of DetectResults containing all the body-fixtures that overlap with the given AABB using the current state of the BroadphaseDetector.
detectIterator(AABB, T, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
detectIterator(AABB, T, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns an iterator of DetectResults containing all the body-fixtures that overlap with the given AABB using the current state of the BroadphaseDetector, only testing against the given CollisionBody.
detectIterator(Convex, Transform, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
detectIterator(Convex, Transform, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns an iterator of ConvexDetectResults containing all the body-fixtures that overlapped with the given Convex using the current state of the BroadphaseDetector.
detectIterator(Convex, Transform, T, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
detectIterator(Convex, Transform, T, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns an iterator of ConvexDetectResults containing all the body-fixtures that overlapped with the given Convex using the current state of the BroadphaseDetector, only testing against the given CollisionBody.
detector - Variable in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
The wrapped detector
DetectResult<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Class in org.dyn4j.world.result
Represents a reusable result for query-based collision detection.
DetectResult() - Constructor for class DetectResult
Default constructor.
DetectResult(T, E) - Constructor for class DetectResult
Full constructor.
determinant() - Method in class Matrix22
Returns the determinant of this Matrix22.
determinant() - Method in class Matrix33
Returns the determinant of this Matrix33.
difference(double, double) - Method in class Vector2
Subtracts the given Vector2 from this Vector2 returning a new Vector2 containing the result.
difference(double, double, double) - Method in class Vector3
Subtracts the given Vector3 from this Vector3 returning a new Vector3 containing the result.
difference(Matrix22) - Method in class Matrix22
Returns a new Matrix22 that is the difference of this Matrix22 and the given Matrix22.
difference(Matrix33) - Method in class Matrix33
Returns a new Matrix33 that is the difference of this Matrix33 and the given Matrix33.
difference(Vector2) - Method in class Vector2
Subtracts the given Vector2 from this Vector2 returning a new Vector2 containing the result.
difference(Vector3) - Method in class Vector3
Subtracts the given Vector3 from this Vector3 returning a new Vector3 containing the result.
direction - Variable in class Ray
The direction
distance - Variable in class Raycast
The distance from the start of the Ray to the hit point
distance - Variable in class Separation
The separating distance along the axis
distance(double, double) - Method in class Vector2
Returns the distance from this point to the given point.
distance(double, double, double) - Method in class Vector3
Returns the distance from this point to the given point.
distance(Circle, Transform, Circle, Transform, Separation) - Static method in class CircleDetector
Fast method for determining the distance between two Circles.
distance(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform, Separation) - Method in interface DistanceDetector
Returns true if the two Convex Shapes are separated and fills the given Separation object with the minimum distance vector, distance, and closest points.
distance(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform, Separation) - Method in class Gjk
distance(Interval) - Method in class Interval
Returns the distance between the two Intervals.
distance(Vector2) - Method in class Vector2
Returns the distance from this point to the given point.
distance(Vector3) - Method in class Vector3
Returns the distance from this point to the given point.
DISTANCE - Static variable in interface ManifoldPointId
The default ManifoldPointId.
distanceDetector - Variable in class ConservativeAdvancement
The distance detector
DistanceDetector - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Interface representing an algorithm to detect the distance between two Convex Shapes.
distanceEpsilon - Variable in class ConservativeAdvancement
The tolerance
distanceEpsilon - Variable in class Epa
The Epa distance epsilon in meters
distanceEpsilon - Variable in class Gjk
The distance check epsilon in meters
DistanceJoint<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Implementation of a fixed length distance joint with optional, spring-damper and limits.
DistanceJoint(T, T, Vector2, Vector2) - Constructor for class DistanceJoint
Minimal constructor.
distanceSquared(double, double) - Method in class Vector2
Returns the distance from this point to the given point squared.
distanceSquared(double, double, double) - Method in class Vector3
Returns the distance from this point to the given point squared.
distanceSquared(Vector2) - Method in class Vector2
Returns the distance from this point to the given point squared.
distanceSquared(Vector3) - Method in class Vector3
Returns the distance from this point to the given point squared.
divide(double) - Method in class Vector2
Divides this Vector2 by the given scalar.
DivideAndConquer - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry.hull
Implementation of the Divide and Conquer convex hull algorithm.
DivideAndConquer() - Constructor for class DivideAndConquer
dot(double, double) - Method in class Vector2
Returns the dot product of the given Vector2 and this Vector2.
dot(double, double, double) - Method in class Vector3
Returns the dot product of the given Vector3 and this Vector3.
dot(Rotation) - Method in class Rotation
Returns the dot product of the this Rotation and the given Rotation which is essentially the sine of the angle between those rotations.
dot(Vector2) - Method in class Vector2
Returns the dot product of the given Vector2 and this Vector2.
dot(Vector3) - Method in class Vector3
Returns the dot product of the given Vector3 and this Vector3.
DouglasPeucker - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry.simplify
Simple polygon (without holes) simplifier that reduces the number of vertices by removing points that are less than epsilon distance away from a guide line.
DouglasPeucker(double, double) - Constructor for class DouglasPeucker
Minimal constructor.
dt - Variable in class TimeStep
The elapsed time
dt0 - Variable in class TimeStep
The last elapsed time
dtRatio - Variable in class TimeStep
The elapsed time ratio from the last to the current
DynamicAABBTree<T> - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
Implementation of a self-balancing axis-aligned bounding box tree broad-phase collision detection algorithm.
DynamicAABBTree(BroadphaseFilter<T>, AABBProducer<T>, AABBExpansionMethod<T>) - Constructor for class DynamicAABBTree
Default constructor.
DynamicAABBTree(BroadphaseFilter<T>, AABBProducer<T>, AABBExpansionMethod<T>, int) - Constructor for class DynamicAABBTree
Optional constructor.


E - Static variable in class Epsilon
The double precision floating point machine epsilon approximation
EarClipping - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry.decompose
Implementation of the Ear Clipping convex decomposition algorithm for simple polygons.
EarClipping() - Constructor for class EarClipping
EARTH_GRAVITY - Static variable in interface PhysicsWorld
Earths gravity constant
EDGE_FEATURE_EXPANSION_FACTOR - Static variable in class Capsule
Because we are selecting an edge even when the farthest feature should be a vertex, when the edges are clipped against each other (in the ClippingManifoldSolver) they will not overlap.
EDGE_FEATURE_SELECTION_CRITERIA - Static variable in class Capsule
The Capsule shape has two edge features which could be returned from the Capsule.getFarthestFeature(Vector2, Transform) method.
EdgeFeature - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Implementation of an edge Feature of a Shape.
EdgeFeature(PointFeature, PointFeature, PointFeature, Vector2, int) - Constructor for class EdgeFeature
Creates an edge feature.
Ellipse - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Implementation of an Ellipse Convex Shape.
Ellipse(double, double) - Constructor for class Ellipse
Minimal constructor.
EmptyCollectionException - Exception in org.dyn4j.exception
Represents an exception when a collection was supplied with zero elements.
EmptyCollectionException(String) - Constructor for exception EmptyCollectionException
Minimal constructor.
enabled - Variable in class AbstractCollisionBody
True if the body is enabled
enabled - Variable in class ContactConstraint
True if the contact should be evaluated
end(Contact) - Method in interface ContactUpdateHandler
Called when the given contact was ended.
end(TimeStep, PhysicsWorld<T, ?>) - Method in interface StepListener
Called after a simulation step has been performed.
end(TimeStep, PhysicsWorld<T, ?>) - Method in class StepListenerAdapter
end(ContactCollisionData<T>, Contact) - Method in interface ContactListener
Called when two BodyFixtures begin to separate and the contact point is no longer valid.
end(ContactCollisionData<T>, Contact) - Method in class ContactListenerAdapter
Epa - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Epa, or Expanding Polytope Algorithm, is used to find the penetration depth and vector given the final simplex of Gjk.
Epa() - Constructor for class Epa
Epsilon - Class in org.dyn4j
Class containing an approximation of machine epsilon.
equals(double) - Method in class Rotation
Returns true if the cos and sin components of this Rotation are the same as the given angle
equals(double, double) - Method in class Rotation
Returns true if the cos and sin components of this Rotation are the same as the given angle given the specified error.
equals(double, double) - Method in class Vector2
Returns true if the x and y components of this Vector2 are the same as the given x and y components.
equals(double, double, double) - Method in class Vector3
Returns true if the x, y and z components of this Vector3 are the same as the given x, y and z components.
equals(Object) - Method in class BasicCollisionItem
equals(Object) - Method in class BasicCollisionPair
equals(Object) - Method in class CategoryFilter
equals(Object) - Method in class IndexedManifoldPointId
equals(Object) - Method in class AABB
equals(Object) - Method in class Mass
equals(Object) - Method in class Matrix22
equals(Object) - Method in class Matrix33
equals(Object) - Method in class Rotation
equals(Object) - Method in class Vector2
equals(Object) - Method in class Vector3
equals(Object) - Method in class Reference
equals(CollisionItem<?, ?>, Object) - Static method in class AbstractCollisionItem
Returns true if the given item and object are equal.
equals(CollisionPair<?>, Object) - Static method in class AbstractCollisionPair
Returns true if the given pair and object are equal.
equals(Rotation) - Method in class Rotation
Returns true if the cos and sin components of this Rotation are the same as the given Rotation.
equals(Rotation, double) - Method in class Rotation
Returns true if the cos and sin components of this Rotation are the same as the given Rotation given the specified error.
equals(Vector2) - Method in class Vector2
Returns true if the x and y components of this Vector2 are the same as the given Vector2.
equals(Vector3) - Method in class Vector3
Returns true if the x and y components of this Vector3 are the same as the given Vector3.
evaluate(E) - Method in interface BinarySearchTreeSearchCriteria
Evaluates the current comparable determining which child to navigate to next.
ExceptionMessageFactory - Class in org.dyn4j
Class used to generate exception messages common to the library.
ExceptionMessageFactory() - Constructor for class ExceptionMessageFactory
expand(double) - Method in class AABB
Expands this AABB by half the given expansion in each direction and then returns this AABB.
expand(double) - Method in class Interval
Expands this Interval by half the given amount in both directions.
expand(T, AABB) - Method in interface AABBExpansionMethod
Expands the given AABB.
expand(T, AABB) - Method in class NullAABBExpansionMethod
expand(T, AABB) - Method in class StaticValueAABBExpansionMethod


FallbackCondition - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Represents a condition that returns true to indicate a fallback NarrowphaseDetector should be used instead of the primary.
fallbackConditions - Variable in class FallbackNarrowphaseDetector
The conditions for when to use the fallback NarrowphaseDetector
fallbackNarrowphaseDetector - Variable in class FallbackNarrowphaseDetector
The fallback NarrowphaseDetector
FallbackNarrowphaseDetector - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Represents a delegating NarrowphaseDetector that uses a primary NarrowphaseDetector and fallback NarrowphaseDetector.
FallbackNarrowphaseDetector(NarrowphaseDetector, NarrowphaseDetector) - Constructor for class FallbackNarrowphaseDetector
Minimal constructor.
FallbackNarrowphaseDetector(NarrowphaseDetector, NarrowphaseDetector, List<FallbackCondition>) - Constructor for class FallbackNarrowphaseDetector
Full constructor.
Feature - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Represents an indexed feature of a Shape.
Feature(int) - Constructor for class Feature
Minimal constructor.
feetPerSecondToMetersPerSecond(double) - Static method in class UnitConversion
Converts feet per second to meters per second.
feetToMeters(double) - Static method in class UnitConversion
Converts feet to meters.
filter - Variable in class Fixture
The collision filter
Filter - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision
Interface representing a filter for collision detection.
findClosestPoints(MinkowskiSumPoint, MinkowskiSumPoint, Separation) - Method in class Gjk
Finds the closest points on A and B given the termination simplex and places them into point1 and point2 of the given Separation object.
Indicates that the mass's rate of rotation should not change
Indicates that the mass's rate of translation should not change
fixture - Variable in class DetectResult
The fixture
Fixture - Class in org.dyn4j.collision
Represents a geometric piece of a CollisionBody.
Fixture(Convex) - Constructor for class Fixture
Minimal constructor.
fixtureModificationHandler - Variable in class AbstractCollisionBody
Used for notifcation of fixture modification events
FixtureModificationHandler<T extends Fixture> - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision
Represents a hook into a CollisionBody to be notified of Fixture modification events.
fixtures - Variable in class AbstractCollisionBody
The Fixture list
fixturesUnmodifiable - Variable in class AbstractCollisionBody
An unmodifiable view of the fixtures on this body
flip(Polygon, Vector2) - Static method in class Geometry
Flips the given polygon about the given line and returns the result as a new polygon.
flip(Polygon, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class Geometry
Flips the given polygon about the given line and returns the result as a new polygon.
flipAlongTheXAxis(Polygon) - Static method in class Geometry
Flips the given polygon about its center along the x-axis and returns the result as a new polygon.
flipAlongTheXAxis(Polygon, Vector2) - Static method in class Geometry
Flips the given polygon about the given point along the x-axis and returns the result as a new polygon.
flipAlongTheYAxis(Polygon) - Static method in class Geometry
Flips the given polygon about its center along the y-axis and returns the result as a new polygon.
flipAlongTheYAxis(Polygon, Vector2) - Static method in class Geometry
Flips the given polygon about the given point along the y-axis and returns the result as a new polygon.
flipped - Variable in class IndexedManifoldPointId
Whether the reference and incident features flipped
FOOT_POUND_TO_NEWTON_METER - Static variable in class UnitConversion
1 foot-pound = UnitConversion.FOOT_POUND_TO_NEWTON_METER newton-meters
FOOT_TO_METER - Static variable in class UnitConversion
footPoundsToNewtonMeters(double) - Static method in class UnitConversion
Converts foot-pounds to newton-meters.
force - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsBody
The current force
force - Variable in class Force
The force to apply
Force - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics
Represents a force.
Force() - Constructor for class Force
Default constructor.
Force(double, double) - Constructor for class Force
Creates a new Force using the x and y components.
Force(Force) - Constructor for class Force
Copy constructor.
Force(Vector2) - Constructor for class Force
Creates a new Force using the given Vector2.
ForceCollisionTimeOfImpactSolver<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics.contact
Represents a position solver for a pair of Bodys who came in contact during a time step but where not detected by the discrete collision detectors.
ForceCollisionTimeOfImpactSolver() - Constructor for class ForceCollisionTimeOfImpactSolver
forces - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsBody
The force accumulator
friction - Variable in class BodyFixture
The coefficient of friction
friction - Variable in class ContactConstraint
The coefficient of friction
FrictionJoint<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Implementation of a friction joint.
FrictionJoint(T, T, Vector2) - Constructor for class FrictionJoint
Minimal constructor.


generate(List<Vector2>) - Method in class AbstractHullGenerator
generate(List<Vector2>) - Method in interface HullGenerator
Returns a convex hull generated from the given point set in counter-clockwise point order.
generate(Vector2...) - Method in class DivideAndConquer
generate(Vector2...) - Method in class GiftWrap
generate(Vector2...) - Method in class GrahamScan
generate(Vector2...) - Method in interface HullGenerator
Returns a convex hull generated from the given point set in counter-clockwise point order.
generate(Vector2...) - Method in class MonotoneChain
Geometry - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Contains static methods to perform standard geometric operations.
Geometry() - Constructor for class Geometry
getAABB(T) - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Returns the AABB for the given object.
getAABB(T) - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
getAABB(T) - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
getAABB(T) - Method in interface CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector
Returns an AABB for the given CollisionBody by taking the union of all the fixture AABBs attached to the body.
getAABB(T) - Method in class CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter
getAABB(T) - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
getAABB(T) - Method in class Sap
getAABB(T, E) - Method in interface CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector
Returns the AABB for the given CollisionBody Fixture.
getAABB(T, E) - Method in class CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter
getAABBExpansionMethod() - Method in class AbstractBroadphaseDetector
getAABBExpansionMethod() - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Returns the AABBExpansionMethod used by this broad-phase detector.
getAABBExpansionMethod() - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
getAABBProducer() - Method in class AbstractBroadphaseDetector
getAABBProducer() - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Returns the AABBProducer used by this broad-phase detector.
getAABBProducer() - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
getAccumulatedForce() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
getAccumulatedForce() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns the total force currently stored in the force accumulator.
getAccumulatedTime() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getAccumulatedTime() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns the current accumulated time.
getAccumulatedTorque() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
getAccumulatedTorque() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns the total torque currently stored in the torque accumulator.
getAnchor() - Method in class PinJoint
Returns the anchor point on the body in world space.
getAnchor1() - Method in class DistanceJoint
Returns the world-space anchor point on the first body.
getAnchor1() - Method in class FrictionJoint
Returns the anchor point in world space on the first PhysicsBody.
getAnchor1() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
The original anchor point on body1 in world space.
getAnchor1() - Method in class PulleyJoint
Returns the world space anchor point on the first body.
getAnchor1() - Method in class RevoluteJoint
The anchor point in world space on the first body.
getAnchor1() - Method in class WeldJoint
Returns the world space anchor point for the first body.
getAnchor1() - Method in class WheelJoint
The anchor point in world coordinates for the frame (body1).
getAnchor2() - Method in class DistanceJoint
Returns the world-space anchor point on the second body.
getAnchor2() - Method in class FrictionJoint
Returns the anchor point in world space on the second PhysicsBody.
getAnchor2() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
The original anchor point on body2 in world space.
getAnchor2() - Method in class PulleyJoint
Returns the world space anchor point on the second body.
getAnchor2() - Method in class RevoluteJoint
The anchor point in world space on the second body.
getAnchor2() - Method in class WeldJoint
Returns the world space anchor point for the second body.
getAnchor2() - Method in class WheelJoint
The anchor point in world coordinates for the wheel (body2).
getAngleBetween(double) - Method in class Vector2
Returns the smallest angle between the given Vector2 and the given angle.
getAngleBetween(Vector2) - Method in class Vector2
Returns the smallest angle between the given Vector2s.
getAngularDamping() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
getAngularDamping() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns the angular damping.
getAngularSpeed() - Method in class RevoluteJoint
Returns the relative speed at which the PhysicsBodys are rotating in radians/second.
getAngularSpeed() - Method in class WheelJoint
Returns the current angular speed between the two joined bodies.
getAngularTarget() - Method in class MotorJoint
Returns the desired angle between the bodies.
getAngularTolerance() - Method in class Settings
Returns the angular tolerance.
getAngularToleranceSquared() - Method in class Settings
Returns the angular tolerance squared.
getAngularTranslation() - Method in class RevoluteJoint
Returns the relative angle between the two PhysicsBodys in radians in the range [-π, π].
getAngularTranslation() - Method in class WheelJoint
Returns the current angular translation between the joined bodies.
getAngularVelocity() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
getAngularVelocity() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns the angular velocity.
getArea() - Method in class AABB
Returns the area of this AABB;.
getArea() - Method in class Capsule
getArea() - Method in class Circle
getArea() - Method in class Ellipse
getArea() - Method in class HalfEllipse
getArea() - Method in class Polygon
getArea() - Method in class Segment
Returns the total area of the Shape.
getArea() - Method in interface Shape
Returns the total area of the Shape.
getArea() - Method in class Slice
getAreaWeightedCenter(List<Vector2>) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns the area weighted centroid for the given points.
getAreaWeightedCenter(Vector2...) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns the area weighted centroid for the given points.
getAverageCenter(List<Vector2>) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns the centroid of the given points by performing an average.
getAverageCenter(Vector2...) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns the centroid of the given points by performing an average.
getAxes(Vector2[], Transform) - Method in class Capsule
getAxes(Vector2[], Transform) - Method in class Circle
Returns an array of separating axes to test for this Shape.
getAxes(Vector2[], Transform) - Method in interface Convex
Returns an array of separating axes to test for this Shape.
getAxes(Vector2[], Transform) - Method in class Ellipse
Returns an array of separating axes to test for this Shape.
getAxes(Vector2[], Transform) - Method in class HalfEllipse
Returns an array of separating axes to test for this Shape.
getAxes(Vector2[], Transform) - Method in class Polygon
getAxes(Vector2[], Transform) - Method in class Rectangle
getAxes(Vector2[], Transform) - Method in class Segment
getAxes(Vector2[], Transform) - Method in class Slice
getAxis() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
Returns the axis in which the joint is allowed move along in world coordinates.
getAxis() - Method in class WheelJoint
Returns the axis in world coordinates for the frame (body1).
getBaumgarte() - Method in class Settings
Returns the baumgarte factor.
getBodies() - Method in class AbstractJoint
getBodies() - Method in interface Joint
Returns an unmodifiable list of bodies involved in this joint.
getBodies() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
getBodies() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns an unmodifiable list containing all the bodies in this world.
getBody() - Method in class BasicCollisionItem
getBody() - Method in interface CollisionItem
Returns the CollisionBody.
getBody() - Method in class AbstractSingleBodyJoint
getBody() - Method in interface SingleBodyJoint
Returns the body being constrained.
getBody() - Method in class ConstraintGraphNode
Returns the body at this node.
getBody() - Method in class DetectResult
Returns the body.
getBody(int) - Method in class AbstractJoint
getBody(int) - Method in class AbstractPairedBodyJoint
getBody(int) - Method in class AbstractSingleBodyJoint
getBody(int) - Method in interface Joint
Returns the body at the given index.
getBody(int) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
getBody(int) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns the CollisionBody at the given index.
getBody(CollisionBody<?>) - Method in class ContactConstraint
Returns the body that matches the given body.
getBody1() - Method in class ContactConstraint
Returns the first PhysicsBody.
getBody1() - Method in class AbstractPairedBodyJoint
getBody1() - Method in interface PairedBodyJoint
Returns the first body.
getBody1() - Method in interface BroadphaseCollisionData
Returns the first CollisionBody.
getBody1() - Method in class WorldCollisionData
getBody2() - Method in class ContactConstraint
Returns the second PhysicsBody.
getBody2() - Method in class AbstractPairedBodyJoint
getBody2() - Method in interface PairedBodyJoint
Returns the second body.
getBody2() - Method in interface BroadphaseCollisionData
Returns the second CollisionBody.
getBody2() - Method in class WorldCollisionData
getBodyCount() - Method in class AbstractJoint
getBodyCount() - Method in class AbstractPairedBodyJoint
getBodyCount() - Method in class AbstractSingleBodyJoint
getBodyCount() - Method in interface Joint
Returns the number of bodies involved in this joint.
getBodyCount() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
getBodyCount() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns the number of CollisionBodys in this CollisionWorld.
getBodyIterator() - Method in class AbstractJoint
getBodyIterator() - Method in interface Joint
Returns an iterator for the bodies involved in this joint.
getBodyIterator() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
getBodyIterator() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns an iterator for iterating over the bodies in this world.
getBounds() - Method in class AxisAlignedBounds
Returns the world space Axis-Aligned bounding box for this bounds object.
getBounds() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
getBounds() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns the bounds of this world.
getBoundsListeners() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
getBoundsListeners() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns an unmodifiable list of all the bounds listeners registered to this world.
getBroadphaseCollisionDataFilter() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
getBroadphaseCollisionDataFilter() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns the BroadphaseCollisionDataFilter used when detecting collisions for each time step.
getBroadphaseDetector() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
getBroadphaseDetector() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns the broad-phase collision detection algorithm.
getBroadphaseFilter() - Method in class AbstractBroadphaseDetector
getBroadphaseFilter() - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Returns the BroadphaseFilter used by this broad-phase detector.
getBroadphaseFilter() - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
getCapRadius() - Method in class Capsule
Returns the end cap radius.
getCategory() - Method in class CategoryFilter
Returns the category bits.
getCenter() - Method in class AABB
Returns the center of the AABB.
getCenter() - Method in class AbstractShape
getCenter() - Method in class Mass
Returns the center of mass.
getCenter() - Method in interface Shape
Returns the center/centroid of the Shape in local coordinates.
getChangeInOrientation() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
getChangeInOrientation() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns the change in orientation computed from last frame's transform and this frame's transform.
getChangeInPosition() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
getChangeInPosition() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns the change in position computed from last frame's transform and this frame's transform.
getCircleCenter() - Method in class Slice
Returns the tip of the pie shape.
getCollisionData(T, E, T, E) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
getCollisionData(T, E, T, E) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns the collision data for the given body-fixture pairs.
getCollisionDataIterator() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
getCollisionDataIterator() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns an iterator that can be used to enumerate all the collisions in this world.
getCollisionListeners() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
getCollisionListeners() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns an unmodifiable list of all the collision listeners registered to this world.
getCollisionPair() - Method in class ContactConstraint
Returns the CollisionPair.
getCondition(int) - Method in class FallbackNarrowphaseDetector
Returns the fallback condition at the given index.
getConditionCount() - Method in class FallbackNarrowphaseDetector
Returns the number of fallback conditions.
getConstraintImpulseMixing(double, double, double) - Static method in class AbstractJoint
Returns the constraint impulse mixing parameter.
getContactConstraint() - Method in interface ContactCollisionData
Returns the ContactConstraint.
getContactConstraint() - Method in class WorldCollisionData
getContactConstraints() - Method in class ConstraintGraphNode
Returns the list of contact constraints this body is connected with.
getContactConstraintSolver() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getContactConstraintSolver() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
getContactListeners() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getContactListeners() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns an unmodifiable list of all the contact listeners registered to this world.
getContacts() - Method in class ContactConstraint
Returns an unmodifiable list of SolvableContacts.
getContacts(T) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getContacts(T) - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Returns the ContactConstraints for the given PhysicsBody.
getContacts(T) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns the ContactConstraints for the given PhysicsBody.
getContinuousCollisionDetectionBroadphaseDetector() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getContinuousCollisionDetectionBroadphaseDetector() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns the CCD broad-phase collision detection algorithm.
getContinuousDetectionMode() - Method in class Settings
Returns the continuous collision detection mode.
getConvex1() - Method in class MinkowskiSum
Returns the first Convex Shape.
getConvex2() - Method in class MinkowskiSum
Returns the second Convex Shape.
getCorrectionFactor() - Method in class MotorJoint
Returns the correction factor.
getCorrectionFactor() - Method in class PinJoint
Returns the correction factor.
getCorrectionForce(double) - Method in class PinJoint
Returns the correction force from the last step.
getCost() - Method in class Rotation
Returns the value of cos(θ) for this Rotation.
getCost() - Method in class Transform
Returns the cosine of the angle of rotation of this transform.
getCounterClockwiseEdgeNormals(Vector2...) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns an array of normalized vectors representing the normals of all the edges given the vertices.
getCurrentDistance() - Method in class DistanceJoint
Returns the current distance between the anchor points.
getCurrentLength() - Method in class PulleyJoint
Returns the current length of the pulley "rope."
getCurrentLength1() - Method in class PulleyJoint
Returns the current length from the first pulley anchor point to the anchor point on the first PhysicsBody.
getCurrentLength2() - Method in class PulleyJoint
Returns the current length from the second pulley anchor point to the anchor point on the second PhysicsBody.
getDecoratedBroadphaseDetector() - Method in interface BroadphaseDetectorDecorator
Returns the wrapped BroadphaseDetector.
getDecoratedBroadphaseDetector() - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
getDeltaTime() - Method in class TimeStep
Returns the elapsed time since the last time step in seconds.
getDeltaTimeRatio() - Method in class TimeStep
Returns the ratio of the last elapsed time to the current elapsed time.
getDensity() - Method in class BodyFixture
Returns the density of this shape in kg/m2.
getDepth() - Method in class ManifoldPoint
Returns the collision depth of the manifold point.
getDepth() - Method in class Penetration
Returns the penetration depth.
getDepth() - Method in interface Contact
Returns the penetration depth of this point.
getDestructionListeners() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getDestructionListeners() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns an unmodifiable list of all the destruction listeners registered to this world.
getDetectEpsilon() - Method in class Gjk
Returns the Gjk detect epsilon.
getDirection() - Method in class Ray
Returns the direction of this ray in radians.
getDirection() - Method in class Vector2
Returns the direction of this Vector2 as an angle in radians.
getDirectionVector() - Method in class Ray
Returns the direction.
getDistance() - Method in class Raycast
Returns the distance from the start of the Ray to the hit point.
getDistance() - Method in class Separation
Returns the separation distance.
getDistanceDetector() - Method in class ConservativeAdvancement
Returns the DistanceDetector that is used.
getDistanceEpsilon() - Method in class ConservativeAdvancement
Returns the distance epsilon used to determine when a sufficient solution has been found.
getDistanceEpsilon() - Method in class Epa
Returns the distance epsilon.
getDistanceEpsilon() - Method in class Gjk
Returns the Gjk distance epsilon.
getEdge() - Method in class EdgeFeature
Returns the vector representing this edge in counter-clockwise winding.
getEdgeVector() - Method in class Segment
Returns a normalized edge vector for this segment pointing from the first vertex to the second.
getEllipseCenter() - Method in class HalfEllipse
Returns the center of the ellipse.
getErrorReductionParameter(double, double, double) - Static method in class AbstractJoint
Returns the error reduction parameter.
getEstimatedCollisionPairs(int) - Static method in class Collisions
Returns an estimate on the number of collision pairs based on the number objects being simulated.
getEstimatedCollisionsPerObject() - Static method in class Collisions
Returns an estimate on the number of collisions per object.
getEstimatedRaycastCollisions(int) - Static method in class Collisions
Returns an estimate on the number of raycast collisions given the total number of objects to collide with.
getExpanded(double) - Method in class AABB
Returns a new AABB of this AABB expanded by half the given expansion in both the x and y directions.
getExpanded(double) - Method in class Interval
Returns a new Interval of this interval expanded by half the given amount in both directions.
getExpansion() - Method in class StaticValueAABBExpansionMethod
Returns the static expansion value.
getFallbackNarrowphaseDetector() - Method in class FallbackNarrowphaseDetector
Returns the fallback NarrowphaseDetector.
getFarthestFeature(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Capsule
getFarthestFeature(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Circle
Returns the Feature farthest in the direction of the given vector.
getFarthestFeature(Vector2, Transform) - Method in interface Convex
Returns the Feature farthest in the direction of the given vector.
getFarthestFeature(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Ellipse
getFarthestFeature(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class HalfEllipse
getFarthestFeature(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Polygon
getFarthestFeature(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Segment
Returns the feature farthest in the direction of n.
getFarthestFeature(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Slice
getFarthestFeature(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Transform) - Static method in class Segment
Returns the farthest feature on the given segment.
getFarthestPoint(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Capsule
getFarthestPoint(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Circle
getFarthestPoint(Vector2, Transform) - Method in interface Convex
Returns the point farthest in the direction of the given vector.
getFarthestPoint(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Ellipse
getFarthestPoint(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class HalfEllipse
getFarthestPoint(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Polygon
getFarthestPoint(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Segment
getFarthestPoint(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Slice
getFarthestPoint(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Transform) - Static method in class Segment
Returns the farthest point on the given segment.
getFilter() - Method in class Fixture
Returns the collision filter for this fixture.
getFilter() - Method in class DetectFilter
Returns the fixture-level filter.
getFirst() - Method in class BasicCollisionPair
getFirst() - Method in interface CollisionPair
Returns the first object.
getFixture() - Method in class BasicCollisionItem
getFixture() - Method in interface CollisionItem
Returns the Fixture.
getFixture() - Method in class DetectResult
Returns the fixture.
getFixture(int) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
getFixture(int) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns the Fixture at the given index.
getFixture(CollisionBody<?>) - Method in class ContactConstraint
Returns the fixture for the body that matches the given body.
getFixture(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
getFixture(Vector2) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns the first Fixture in this CollisionBody, determined by the order in which they were added, that contains the given point.
getFixture1() - Method in class ContactConstraint
Returns the first PhysicsBody's BodyFixture.
getFixture1() - Method in interface BroadphaseCollisionData
Returns the first Fixture.
getFixture1() - Method in class WorldCollisionData
getFixture2() - Method in class ContactConstraint
Returns the second PhysicsBody's BodyFixture.
getFixture2() - Method in interface BroadphaseCollisionData
Returns the second Fixture.
getFixture2() - Method in class WorldCollisionData
getFixtureCount() - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
getFixtureCount() - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns the number of Fixtures attached to this CollisionBody object.
getFixtureIterator() - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
getFixtureIterator() - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns an iterator for this body's fixtures.
getFixtureModificationHandler() - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
getFixtureModificationHandler() - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns the FixtureModificationHandler for this body.
getFixtures() - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
getFixtures() - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns an unmodifiable list containing the Fixtures attached to this CollisionBody.
getFixtures(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
getFixtures(Vector2) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns all the Fixtures in this CollisionBody that contain the given point.
getFoci(Transform) - Method in class Capsule
getFoci(Transform) - Method in class Circle
getFoci(Transform) - Method in interface Convex
Returns an array of world space foci points for circular curved edges.
getFoci(Transform) - Method in class Ellipse
Returns an array of world space foci points for circular curved edges.
getFoci(Transform) - Method in class HalfEllipse
Returns an array of world space foci points for circular curved edges.
getFoci(Transform) - Method in class Polygon
Returns an array of world space foci points for circular curved edges.
getFoci(Transform) - Method in class Segment
Returns an array of world space foci points for circular curved edges.
getFoci(Transform) - Method in class Slice
Returns an array of world space foci points for circular curved edges.
getForce() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
getForce() - Method in class Force
Returns the force vector.
getForce() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns the force applied in the last iteration.
getFrequency(double) - Static method in class AbstractJoint
Returns the frequency given the natural frequency.
getFriction() - Method in class BodyFixture
Returns the coefficient of friction.
getFriction() - Method in class ContactConstraint
Returns the coefficient of friction for this contact constraint.
getFriction(BodyFixture, BodyFixture) - Method in interface ContactUpdateHandler
Returns the coefficient of friction given the two BodyFixtures in contact.
getGravity() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getGravity() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns the acceleration due to gravity.
getGravityScale() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
getGravityScale() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns the gravity scale.
getHalfHeight() - Method in class Ellipse
Returns the half height.
getHalfWidth() - Method in class Ellipse
Returns the half width.
getHalfWidth() - Method in class HalfEllipse
Returns the half width.
getHashCode(Object, Object) - Static method in class AbstractCollisionPair
Returns the hashcode for a pair of objects assuming order doesn't matter.
getHashCode(CollisionBody<?>, Fixture) - Static method in class AbstractCollisionItem
Returns the hashcode for a collision item.
getHashCode(CollisionBody<?>, Fixture, CollisionBody<?>, Fixture) - Static method in class AbstractCollisionPair
Returns the hashcode for a collision pair.
getHeight() - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Returns the maximum depth of the tree.
getHeight() - Method in class AxisAlignedBounds
Returns the height of the bounds.
getHeight() - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
Returns the height of the tree.
getHeight() - Method in class AABB
Returns the height of this AABB.
getHeight() - Method in class Ellipse
Returns the height.
getHeight() - Method in class HalfEllipse
Returns the height.
getHeight() - Method in class Rectangle
Returns the height.
getId() - Method in class ManifoldPoint
Returns the id for this manifold point.
getId() - Method in interface Contact
Returns the ManifoldPointId for this contact.
getIncidentEdgeIndex() - Method in class IndexedManifoldPointId
Returns the incident edge index of this manifold on the other Shape.
getIncidentVertexIndex() - Method in class IndexedManifoldPointId
Returns the index of the deepest collision point of the incident edge of this manifold on the other Shape.
getInContactBodies(T, boolean) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getInContactBodies(T, boolean) - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Returns a list of all PhysicsBodys that are in contact with the given PhysicsBody.
getInContactBodies(T, boolean) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns a list of all PhysicsBodys that are in contact with the given PhysicsBody.
getIndex() - Method in class Feature
Returns the edge index.
getInertia() - Method in class Mass
Returns the inertia tensor.
getInitialDirection(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform) - Method in class Gjk
Returns a vector for the initial direction for the GJK algorithm in world coordinates.
getIntersection(AABB) - Method in class AABB
Performs the intersection of this AABB and the given AABB returning the result in a new AABB.
getIntersection(Interval) - Method in class Interval
Returns the intersection of the given Interval and this Interval.
getIntersection(Polygon, Transform, Polygon, Transform) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns the intersection Polygon for the given Polygons or returns null if there's no intersection.
getIntersection(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class Bayazit
Returns true if the given lines intersect and returns the intersection point in the p parameter.
getInverse() - Method in class Matrix22
Returns a new Matrix22 containing the inverse of this Matrix22.
getInverse() - Method in class Matrix33
Returns a new Matrix33 containing the inverse of this Matrix33.
getInversed() - Method in class Rotation
Negates this rotation and returns a new rotation.
getInverseDeltaTime() - Method in class TimeStep
Returns the inverse of the elapsed time (in seconds) since the last time step.
getInverseInertia() - Method in class Mass
Returns the inverse inertia tensor.
getInverseMass() - Method in class Mass
Returns the inverse mass.
getInverseTransformed(Vector2) - Method in class Transform
Inverse transforms the given Vector2 and returns a new Vector2 containing the result.
getInverseTransformed(Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class Transform
Inverse transforms the given Vector2 and returns the result in the destination Vector2.
getInverseTransformedR(Vector2) - Method in class Transform
Inverse transforms the given Vector2 only by the rotation and returns a new Vector2 containing the result.
getInverseTransformedR(Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class Transform
Transforms the given Vector2 only by the rotation and returns the result in the destination Vector2.
getJoinedBodies(T) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getJoinedBodies(T) - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Returns the PhysicsBodys joined to the given PhysicsBody via Joints.
getJoinedBodies(T) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns the PhysicsBodys joined to the given PhysicsBody via Joints.
getJoint(int) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getJoint(int) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns the Joint at the given index.
getJointAngle() - Method in class AngleJoint
Returns the relative angle between the two PhysicsBodys in radians in the range [-π, π].
getJointCount() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getJointCount() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns the number of Joints in this World.
getJointIterator() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getJointIterator() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns an iterator for iterating over the joints in this world.
getJoints() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getJoints() - Method in class ConstraintGraphNode
Returns the list of joints this body is connected with.
getJoints() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns an unmodifiable list containing all the joints in this world.
getJoints(T) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getJoints(T) - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Returns the Joints the given PhysicsBody is a member of.
getJoints(T) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns the Joints the given PhysicsBody is a member of.
getLeftHandOrthogonalVector() - Method in class Vector2
Returns the left-handed normal of this vector.
getLength() - Method in class PulleyJoint
Returns the target total length of the pulley "rope."
getLength() - Method in class Capsule
Returns the length of the capsule.
getLength() - Method in class Interval
Returns the length of this interval from its min to its max.
getLength() - Method in class Segment
Returns the length of the line Segment.
getLimitsReferenceAngle() - Method in class AngleJoint
getLimitsReferenceAngle() - Method in interface AngularLimitsJoint
Returns the limits reference angle.
getLimitsReferenceAngle() - Method in class RevoluteJoint
getLimitsReferenceAngle() - Method in class WeldJoint
getLinearDamping() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
getLinearDamping() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns the linear damping.
getLinearSpeed() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
Returns the current joint speed.
getLinearSpeed() - Method in class WheelJoint
Returns the linear speed along the axis between the two joined bodies
getLinearTarget() - Method in class MotorJoint
Returns the desired linear distance along the x and y coordinates from body1's world center.
getLinearTolerance() - Method in class Settings
Returns the linear tolerance.
getLinearToleranceSquared() - Method in class Settings
Returns the linear tolerance squared.
getLinearTranslation() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
Returns the current joint translation.
getLinearTranslation() - Method in class WheelJoint
Returns the current linear translation along the joint axis.
getLinearVelocity() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
getLinearVelocity() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns the linear velocity.
getLinearVelocity(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
getLinearVelocity(Vector2) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns the velocity of this body at the given world space point.
getLineIntersection(Segment) - Method in class Segment
Returns the line intersection of the given Segment and this Segment.
getLineIntersection(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class Segment
Returns the intersection point of the two lines or null if they are parallel or coincident.
getLocalCenter() - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns the center for this CollisionBody in local coordinates.
getLocalCenter() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
getLocalPoint(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
getLocalPoint(Vector2) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns a new point in local coordinates of this CollisionBody given a point in world coordinates.
getLocalVector(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
getLocalVector(Vector2) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns a new vector in local coordinates of this CollisionBody given a vector in world coordinates.
getLocation(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class RobustGeometry
Robust side-of-line test.
getLocation(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class Segment
Determines where the point is relative to the given line.
getLowerLimit() - Method in class AngleJoint
getLowerLimit() - Method in interface AngularLimitsJoint
Returns the lower angular limit in radians.
getLowerLimit() - Method in class DistanceJoint
getLowerLimit() - Method in interface LinearLimitsJoint
Returns the lower limit in meters.
getLowerLimit() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
getLowerLimit() - Method in class RevoluteJoint
getLowerLimit() - Method in class WeldJoint
getLowerLimit() - Method in class WheelJoint
getMagnitude() - Method in class Vector2
Returns the magnitude of this Vector2.
getMagnitude() - Method in class Vector3
Returns the magnitude of this Vector3.
getMagnitudeSquared() - Method in class Vector2
Returns the magnitude of this Vector2 squared.
getMagnitudeSquared() - Method in class Vector3
Returns the magnitude of this Vector3 squared.
getMajorNumber() - Static method in class Version
Returns the major version number.
getManifold() - Method in interface ManifoldCollisionData
Returns the Manifold of the collision.
getManifold() - Method in class WorldCollisionData
getManifold(Penetration, Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform, Manifold) - Method in class ClippingManifoldSolver
getManifold(Penetration, Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform, Manifold) - Method in interface ManifoldSolver
Returns true if there exists a valid contact manifold between the two Convex Shapes.
getManifoldSolver() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
getManifoldSolver() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns the manifold solver.
getMask() - Method in class CategoryFilter
Returns the mask bits.
getMass() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
getMass() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns this PhysicsBody's mass information.
getMass() - Method in class Mass
Returns the mass.
getMax() - Method in class Interval
Returns the maximum value for this Interval.
getMaxDetectIterations() - Method in class Gjk
Returns the maximum number of iterations the Gjk collision detection algorithm will perform before returning that two convex shapes are not overlapping.
getMaxDistanceIterations() - Method in class Gjk
Returns the maximum number of iterations the Gjk distance algorithm will perform before returning the distance between two separated convex shapes.
getMaximum() - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Returns the maximum value of the tree.
getMaximum() - Method in class EdgeFeature
Returns the maximum point.
getMaximumAngularCorrection() - Method in class Settings
Returns the maximum angular correction.
getMaximumAngularCorrectionSquared() - Method in class Settings
Returns the maximum angular correction squared.
getMaximumAtRestAngularVelocity() - Method in class Settings
Returns the maximum at-rest angular velocity.
getMaximumAtRestAngularVelocitySquared() - Method in class Settings
Returns the maximum at-rest angular velocity squared.
getMaximumAtRestLinearVelocity() - Method in class Settings
Returns the maximum at-rest linear velocity.
getMaximumAtRestLinearVelocitySquared() - Method in class Settings
Returns the maximum at-rest linear velocity squared.
getMaximumCorrectionForce() - Method in class PinJoint
Returns the maximum correction force this constraint will apply in newtons.
getMaximumForce() - Method in class FrictionJoint
Returns the maximum force this constraint will apply in newtons.
getMaximumForce() - Method in class MotorJoint
Returns the maximum force this constraint will apply in newtons.
getMaximumLinearCorrection() - Method in class Settings
Returns the maximum linear correction.
getMaximumLinearCorrectionSquared() - Method in class Settings
Returns the maximum linear correction squared.
getMaximumMotorForce() - Method in interface LinearMotorJoint
Returns the maximum force the motor can apply to the joint to achieve the target speed.
getMaximumMotorForce() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
getMaximumMotorTorque() - Method in interface AngularMotorJoint
Returns the maximum torque the motor can apply to the joint to achieve the target speed.
getMaximumMotorTorque() - Method in class RevoluteJoint
getMaximumMotorTorque() - Method in class WheelJoint
getMaximumRotation() - Method in class Settings
Returns the maximum rotation a PhysicsBody can have in one time step.
getMaximumRotationSquared() - Method in class Settings
Returns the max rotation squared.
getMaximumSpringForce() - Method in class DistanceJoint
getMaximumSpringForce() - Method in interface LinearSpringJoint
Returns the maximum spring force that will be applied.
getMaximumSpringForce() - Method in class PinJoint
getMaximumSpringForce() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
getMaximumSpringForce() - Method in class WheelJoint
getMaximumSpringTorque() - Method in interface AngularSpringJoint
Returns the maximum spring torque in Newton-meters.
getMaximumSpringTorque() - Method in class WeldJoint
getMaximumTorque() - Method in class FrictionJoint
Returns the maximum torque this constraint will apply in newton-meters.
getMaximumTorque() - Method in class MotorJoint
Returns the maximum torque this constraint will apply in newton-meters.
getMaximumTranslation() - Method in class Settings
Returns the maximum translation a PhysicsBody can have in one time step.
getMaximumTranslationSquared() - Method in class Settings
Returns the maximum translation squared.
getMaximumWarmStartDistance() - Method in class Settings
Returns the maximum warm start distance.
getMaximumWarmStartDistanceSquared() - Method in class Settings
Returns the maximum warm start distance squared.
getMaxIterations() - Method in class ConservativeAdvancement
Returns the maximum number of iterations that will be performed by the root finder.
getMaxIterations() - Method in class Epa
Returns the maximum number of iterations the algorithm will perform before exiting.
getMaxRaycastIterations() - Method in class Gjk
Returns the maximum number of iterations the Gjk raycast algorithm will perform before returning that the ray and the convex are not overlapping.
getMaxX() - Method in class AABB
Returns the maximum x extent.
getMaxY() - Method in class AABB
Returns the maximum y extent.
getMin() - Method in class Interval
Returns the minimum value for this Interval.
getMinimum() - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Returns the minimum value of the tree.
getMinimumAtRestTime() - Method in class Settings
Returns the minimum time that a PhysicsBody is motionless before being flagged as at-rest.
getMinkowskiPenetrationSolver() - Method in class Gjk
Returns the MinkowskiPenetrationSolver used to obtain the penetration vector and depth.
getMinorNumber() - Static method in class Version
Returns the minor version number.
getMinX() - Method in class AABB
Returns the minimum x extent.
getMinY() - Method in class AABB
Returns the minimum y extent.
getMotorForce(double) - Method in interface LinearMotorJoint
Returns the applied motor force.
getMotorForce(double) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
getMotorSpeed() - Method in interface AngularMotorJoint
Returns the target motor speed in radians / second.
getMotorSpeed() - Method in interface LinearMotorJoint
Returns the target motor speed in meters / second.
getMotorSpeed() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
getMotorSpeed() - Method in class RevoluteJoint
getMotorSpeed() - Method in class WheelJoint
getMotorTorque(double) - Method in interface AngularMotorJoint
Returns the applied motor torque.
getMotorTorque(double) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
getMotorTorque(double) - Method in class WheelJoint
getNarrowphaseDetector() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
getNarrowphaseDetector() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns the narrow-phase collision detection algorithm.
getNarrowphasePostProcessor() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
getNarrowphasePostProcessor() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns the narrow-phase post processing algorithm.
getNaturalFrequency(double) - Static method in class AbstractJoint
Returns the natural frequency of the given frequency.
getNaturalFrequency(double, double) - Static method in class AbstractJoint
Returns the natural frequency given the spring stiffness and mass.
getNegative() - Method in class Vector2
Returns a Vector2 which is the negative of this Vector2.
getNegative() - Method in class Vector3
Returns a Vector3 which is the negative of this Vector3.
getNext() - Method in class Link
Returns the next link in the chain.
getNode(T) - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Returns the node for the given body on the graph.
getNormal() - Method in class Manifold
Returns the normal.
getNormal() - Method in class Penetration
Returns the penetration normal.
getNormal() - Method in class Raycast
Returns the normal at the hit point.
getNormal() - Method in class Separation
Returns the separation normal.
getNormal() - Method in class ContactConstraint
Returns the collision normal.
getNormalImpulse() - Method in interface SolvedContact
Returns the accumulated normal impulse applied at this point.
getNormalIterator() - Method in class Polygon
getNormalIterator() - Method in class Segment
getNormalIterator() - Method in interface Wound
Returns an iterator for the normals.
getNormalized() - Method in class Vector2
Returns a unit Vector2 of this Vector2.
getNormalized() - Method in class Vector3
Returns a unit Vector3 of this Vector3.
getNormals() - Method in class Polygon
getNormals() - Method in class Segment
getNormals() - Method in interface Wound
Returns the array of edge normals in local coordinates.
getOtherBody(CollisionBody<?>) - Method in class ContactConstraint
Returns the body that does not match the given body.
getOtherBody(CollisionBody<?>) - Method in class AbstractPairedBodyJoint
getOtherBody(CollisionBody<?>) - Method in interface PairedBodyJoint
Returns the body that does not match the given body.
getOtherFixture(CollisionBody<?>) - Method in class ContactConstraint
Returns the fixture for the body that does not match the given body.
getOverlap(Interval) - Method in class Interval
Returns the amount of overlap between this Interval and the given Interval.
getOwner() - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
getOwner() - Method in class AbstractJoint
getOwner() - Method in interface Ownable
Returns the owner for this body.
getPair() - Method in interface BroadphaseCollisionData
Returns the collision pair.
getPair() - Method in class WorldCollisionData
getPenetration() - Method in interface NarrowphaseCollisionData
Returns the Penetration.
getPenetration() - Method in class ConvexDetectResult
Returns the penetration data.
getPenetration() - Method in class WorldCollisionData
getPenetration(List<Vector2>, MinkowskiSum, Penetration) - Method in class Epa
getPenetration(List<Vector2>, MinkowskiSum, Penetration) - Method in interface MinkowskiPenetrationSolver
Returns the penetration vector and depth in the given Penetration object
getPerimeter() - Method in class AABB
Returns the perimeter of this AABB.
getPerimeterRatio() - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
Returns a quality metric for the tree.
getPoint() - Method in class ManifoldPoint
Returns the contact point.
getPoint() - Method in class MinkowskiSumPoint
Returns the Minkowski sum point given the two support points.
getPoint() - Method in class Raycast
Returns the hit point.
getPoint() - Method in interface Contact
Returns the world space collision point.
getPoint() - Method in class PointFeature
Returns the point.
getPoint0() - Method in class Link
Returns the last vertex of the previous segment.
getPoint1() - Method in class Separation
Returns the closest point on the first Convex Shape.
getPoint1() - Method in class Segment
Returns point1 in local coordinates.
getPoint2() - Method in class Separation
Returns the closest point on the second Convex Shape.
getPoint2() - Method in class Segment
Returns point2 in local coordinates.
getPoint3() - Method in class Link
Returns the first vertex of the next segment.
getPointOnLineClosestToPoint(Vector2) - Method in class Segment
Returns the point on the line that this Segment defines closest to the given point.
getPointOnLineClosestToPoint(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class Segment
Returns the point on the given line closest to the given point.
getPointOnSegmentClosestToPoint(Vector2) - Method in class Segment
Returns the point on this Segment closest to the given point.
getPointOnSegmentClosestToPoint(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class Segment
Returns the point on the given line segment closest to the given point.
getPoints() - Method in class Manifold
Returns the list of manifold points.
getPositionConstraintSolverIterations() - Method in class Settings
Returns the number of iterations used to solve position constraints.
getPrevious() - Method in class Link
Returns the previous link in the chain.
getPreviousInverseDeltaTime() - Method in class TimeStep
Returns the previous frame's inverse elapsed time (in seconds).
getPreviousTransform() - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
getPreviousTransform() - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns the transform of the last iteration.
getPrevousDeltaTime() - Method in class TimeStep
Returns the previous frame's elapsed time in seconds.
getPrimaryNarrowphaseDetector() - Method in class FallbackNarrowphaseDetector
Returns the primary NarrowphaseDetector.
getPulleyAnchor1() - Method in class PulleyJoint
Returns the pulley anchor point for the first PhysicsBody in world coordinates.
getPulleyAnchor2() - Method in class PulleyJoint
Returns the pulley anchor point for the second PhysicsBody in world coordinates.
getRadius() - Method in class AbstractShape
getRadius() - Method in interface Shape
Returns the maximum radius of the shape from the center.
getRadius(Vector2) - Method in class Capsule
getRadius(Vector2) - Method in class Circle
getRadius(Vector2) - Method in class Ellipse
getRadius(Vector2) - Method in class HalfEllipse
getRadius(Vector2) - Method in class Polygon
getRadius(Vector2) - Method in class Segment
getRadius(Vector2) - Method in interface Shape
Returns the radius of the shape if the given point was the center for this shape.
getRadius(Vector2) - Method in class Slice
getRatio() - Method in class AngleJoint
Returns the angular velocity ratio between the two bodies.
getRatio() - Method in class PulleyJoint
Returns the pulley ratio.
getRaycast() - Method in class RaycastResult
Returns the raycast information.
getRaycastDetector() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
getRaycastDetector() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns the raycast detector.
getRaycastEpsilon() - Method in class Gjk
Returns the Gjk raycast epsilon.
getReactionForce(double) - Method in class AngleJoint
Returns the force applied to the PhysicsBodys in order to satisfy the constraint in newtons.
getReactionForce(double) - Method in class DistanceJoint
getReactionForce(double) - Method in class FrictionJoint
getReactionForce(double) - Method in interface Joint
Returns the force applied to the PhysicsBodys in order to satisfy the constraint in newtons.
getReactionForce(double) - Method in class MotorJoint
getReactionForce(double) - Method in class PinJoint
getReactionForce(double) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
getReactionForce(double) - Method in class PulleyJoint
getReactionForce(double) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
getReactionForce(double) - Method in class WeldJoint
getReactionForce(double) - Method in class WheelJoint
getReactionTorque(double) - Method in class AngleJoint
getReactionTorque(double) - Method in class DistanceJoint
Returns the torque applied to the PhysicsBodys in order to satisfy the constraint in newton-meters.
getReactionTorque(double) - Method in class FrictionJoint
getReactionTorque(double) - Method in interface Joint
Returns the torque applied to the PhysicsBodys in order to satisfy the constraint in newton-meters.
getReactionTorque(double) - Method in class MotorJoint
getReactionTorque(double) - Method in class PinJoint
Returns the torque applied to the PhysicsBodys in order to satisfy the constraint in newton-meters.
getReactionTorque(double) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
getReactionTorque(double) - Method in class PulleyJoint
Returns the torque applied to the PhysicsBodys in order to satisfy the constraint in newton-meters.
getReactionTorque(double) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
getReactionTorque(double) - Method in class WeldJoint
getReactionTorque(double) - Method in class WheelJoint
getReducedInertia() - Method in class AbstractPairedBodyJoint
Returns the reduced inertia of this pair of bodies.
getReducedMass() - Method in class AbstractPairedBodyJoint
Returns the reduced mass of this pair of bodies.
getReferenceAngle() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
Returns the reference angle.
getReferenceEdgeIndex() - Method in class IndexedManifoldPointId
Returns the reference edge index of this manifold on the Shape.
getRestDistance() - Method in class DistanceJoint
Returns the rest distance between the two constrained PhysicsBodys in meters.
getRestitution() - Method in class BodyFixture
Returns the coefficient of restitution.
getRestitution() - Method in class ContactConstraint
Returns the coefficient of restitution for this contact constraint.
getRestitution(BodyFixture, BodyFixture) - Method in interface ContactUpdateHandler
Returns the coefficient of restitution given the two BodyFixtures in contact.
getRestitutionVelocity() - Method in class BodyFixture
Returns the minimum velocity required to apply restitution.
getRestitutionVelocity() - Method in class ContactConstraint
Returns the minimum velocity required for restitution to be applied.
getRestitutionVelocity(BodyFixture, BodyFixture) - Method in interface ContactUpdateHandler
Returns the minimum velocity to apply restitution given the two BodyFixtures in contact.
getRevisionNumber() - Static method in class Version
Returns the revision number.
getRightHandOrthogonalVector() - Method in class Vector2
Returns the right-handed normal of this vector.
getRoot() - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Returns the root of the tree.
getRotated(double) - Method in class Rotation
Rotates this rotation by the given angle and returns a new rotation.
getRotated(double, double) - Method in class Rotation
Internal method that return a new Rotation representing this Rotation after being rotated by an angle θ.
getRotated(Rotation) - Method in class Rotation
Rotates this rotation by the given rotation and returns a new rotation.
getRotated135() - Method in class Rotation
Rotates this rotation 135 degrees and returns a new rotation.
getRotated180() - Method in class Rotation
Rotates this rotation 180 degrees and returns a new rotation.
getRotated225() - Method in class Rotation
Rotates this rotation 225 degrees and returns a new rotation.
getRotated270() - Method in class Rotation
Rotates this rotation 270 degrees and returns a new rotation.
getRotated315() - Method in class Rotation
Rotates this rotation 315 degrees and returns a new rotation.
getRotated45() - Method in class Rotation
Rotates this rotation 45 degrees and returns a new rotation.
getRotated90() - Method in class Rotation
Rotates this rotation 90 degrees and returns a new rotation.
getRotation() - Method in class Capsule
getRotation() - Method in class Ellipse
getRotation() - Method in class HalfEllipse
getRotation() - Method in class Rectangle
getRotation() - Method in class Slice
getRotation() - Method in class Transform
getRotationAngle() - Method in class Capsule
Returns the rotation about the local center in radians in the range [-π, π].
getRotationAngle() - Method in class Ellipse
Returns the rotation about the local center in radians.
getRotationAngle() - Method in class HalfEllipse
Returns the rotation about the local center in radians.
getRotationAngle() - Method in class Rectangle
Returns the rotation about the local center in radians in the range [-π, π].
getRotationAngle() - Method in class Slice
Returns the rotation about the local center in radians.
getRotationAngle() - Method in class Transform
Returns the rotation.
getRotationBetween(Rotation) - Method in class Rotation
Returns the angle between this and the given Rotation represented as a new Rotation.
getRotationBetween(Vector2) - Method in class Rotation
Returns the angle between this Rotation and the given Vector2 represented as a new Rotation.
getRotationDiscRadius() - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
getRotationDiscRadius() - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns the maximum radius of the disk that the CollisionBody creates if rotated 360 degrees about its center.
getRotationRadius(Vector2...) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns the maximum radius of the given vertices rotated about the origin.
getRotationRadius(Vector2, Vector2...) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns the maximum radius of the given vertices rotated about the given center.
getRotationTransform() - Method in class Transform
Returns a new Transform including only the rotation of this Transform.
getSecond() - Method in class BasicCollisionPair
getSecond() - Method in interface CollisionPair
Returns the second object.
getSegmentIntersection(Segment) - Method in class Segment
Returns the intersection of the given Segment and this Segment.
getSegmentIntersection(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class Segment
Returns the intersection point of the two line segments or null if they are parallel, coincident or don't intersect.
getSegmentIntersection(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, boolean) - Static method in class Segment
Returns the intersection point of the two line segments or null if they are parallel, coincident or don't intersect.
getSeparation() - Method in class TimeOfImpact
Returns the separation at the time of impact.
getSettings() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getSettings() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns the settings for this world.
getShape() - Method in class Fixture
The Convex Shape representing the geometry of this fixture.
getSint() - Method in class Rotation
Returns the value of sin(θ) for this Rotation.
getSint() - Method in class Transform
Returns the sine of the angle of rotation of this transform.
getSliceRadius() - Method in class Slice
Returns the slice radius.
getSortIndex() - Method in class AbstractFallbackCondition
getSortIndex() - Method in interface FallbackCondition
Returns the sort index for this condition.
getSpringDampingCoefficient(double, double, double) - Static method in class AbstractJoint
Returns the spring damping coefficient.
getSpringDampingRatio() - Method in interface AngularSpringJoint
Returns the damping ratio for the spring's damper.
getSpringDampingRatio() - Method in class DistanceJoint
getSpringDampingRatio() - Method in interface LinearSpringJoint
Returns the damping ratio for the spring's damper.
getSpringDampingRatio() - Method in class PinJoint
getSpringDampingRatio() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
getSpringDampingRatio() - Method in class WeldJoint
getSpringDampingRatio() - Method in class WheelJoint
getSpringForce(double) - Method in class DistanceJoint
getSpringForce(double) - Method in interface LinearSpringJoint
Returns the force in netwons applied by the spring in the last timestep.
getSpringForce(double) - Method in class PinJoint
getSpringForce(double) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
getSpringForce(double) - Method in class WheelJoint
getSpringFrequency() - Method in interface AngularSpringJoint
Returns the spring frequency.
getSpringFrequency() - Method in class DistanceJoint
getSpringFrequency() - Method in interface LinearSpringJoint
Returns the spring frequency.
getSpringFrequency() - Method in class PinJoint
getSpringFrequency() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
getSpringFrequency() - Method in class WeldJoint
getSpringFrequency() - Method in class WheelJoint
getSpringMode() - Method in interface AngularSpringJoint
Returns the current spring mode.
getSpringMode() - Method in class DistanceJoint
getSpringMode() - Method in interface LinearSpringJoint
Returns the current spring mode.
getSpringMode() - Method in class PinJoint
getSpringMode() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
getSpringMode() - Method in class WeldJoint
getSpringMode() - Method in class WheelJoint
getSpringRestOffset() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
Returns the spring's rest offset.
getSpringRestOffset() - Method in class WheelJoint
Returns the spring's rest offset.
getSpringStiffness() - Method in interface AngularSpringJoint
Returns the spring stiffness.
getSpringStiffness() - Method in class DistanceJoint
getSpringStiffness() - Method in interface LinearSpringJoint
Returns the spring stiffness.
getSpringStiffness() - Method in class PinJoint
getSpringStiffness() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
getSpringStiffness() - Method in class WeldJoint
getSpringStiffness() - Method in class WheelJoint
getSpringStiffness(double, double) - Static method in class AbstractJoint
Returns the spring stiffness, k, from Hooke's Law.
getSpringTorque(double) - Method in interface AngularSpringJoint
Returns the torque applied to by the spring in the last step.
getSpringTorque(double) - Method in class WeldJoint
getStart() - Method in class Ray
Returns the start point.
getStepFrequency() - Method in class Settings
Returns the step frequency of the dynamics engine in seconds.
getStepListeners() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getStepListeners() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns an unmodifiable list of all the step listeners registered to this world.
getSupportPoint(Vector2) - Method in class MinkowskiSum
Returns the farthest point in the Minkowski sum given the direction.
getSupportPoint1() - Method in class MinkowskiSumPoint
Returns the support point for the first Convex Shape.
getSupportPoint2() - Method in class MinkowskiSumPoint
Returns the support point for the second Convex Shape.
getSupportPoints(Vector2) - Method in class MinkowskiSum
Returns the farthest point, and the support points in the shapes, in the Minkowski sum given the direction.
getTangent() - Method in class ContactConstraint
Returns the collision tangent.
getTangentialImpulse() - Method in interface SolvedContact
Returns the accumulated tangential impulse applied at this point.
getTangentSpeed() - Method in class ContactConstraint
Returns the surface speed of the contact constraint.
getTarget() - Method in class PinJoint
Returns the target point in world coordinates
getTheta() - Method in class Slice
Returns the angular extent of the slice in radians.
getTime() - Method in class TimeOfImpact
Returns the time of impact in the range [0, 1].
getTimeOfImpact() - Method in class ConvexCastResult
Returns the TimeOfImpact data.
getTimeOfImpact(Convex, Transform, Vector2, double, Convex, Transform, Vector2, double, double, double, TimeOfImpact) - Method in class ConservativeAdvancement
getTimeOfImpact(Convex, Transform, Vector2, double, Convex, Transform, Vector2, double, double, double, TimeOfImpact) - Method in interface TimeOfImpactDetector
Detects whether the given Convex Shapes collide given their current positions and orientation and the rate of change their position and orientation in the time range of [t1, t2] and returning the time of impact within an epsilon.
getTimeOfImpact(Convex, Transform, Vector2, double, Convex, Transform, Vector2, double, TimeOfImpact) - Method in class ConservativeAdvancement
getTimeOfImpact(Convex, Transform, Vector2, double, Convex, Transform, Vector2, double, TimeOfImpact) - Method in interface TimeOfImpactDetector
Detects whether the given Convex Shapes collide given their current positions and orientation and the rate of change their position and orientation, returning the time of impact within an epsilon.
getTimeOfImpactDetector() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
getTimeOfImpactDetector() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns the time of impact detector.
getTimeOfImpactListeners() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getTimeOfImpactListeners() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns an unmodifiable list of all the time of impact listeners registered to this world.
getTimeOfImpactSolver() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getTimeOfImpactSolver() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns the TimeOfImpactSolver.
getTimeStep() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getTimeStep() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns the TimeStep object used to advance the simulation.
getTorque() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
getTorque() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns the torque applied in the last iteration.
getTorque() - Method in class Torque
Returns the torque value.
getTransform() - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
getTransform() - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns the local to world space Transform of this CollisionBody.
getTransform1() - Method in class MinkowskiSum
Returns the first Convex Shape's Transform.
getTransform2() - Method in class MinkowskiSum
Returns the second Convex Shape's Transform.
getTransformed(Vector2) - Method in class Transform
Transforms the given Vector2 and returns a new Vector2 containing the result.
getTransformed(Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class Transform
Transforms the given Vector2 and returns the result in dest.
getTransformedR(Vector2) - Method in class Transform
Transforms the given Vector2 only by the rotation and returns a new Vector2 containing the result.
getTransformedR(Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class Transform
Transforms the given Vector2 only by the rotation and returns the result in the destination Vector2.
getTransformedX(Vector2) - Method in class Transform
Transforms only the x coordinate of the given Vector2 and returns the result.
getTransformedY(Vector2) - Method in class Transform
Transforms only the y coordinate of the given Vector2 and returns the result.
getTranslated(Vector2) - Method in class AABB
Returns a new AABB of this AABB translated by the given translation amount.
getTranslation() - Method in class AbstractBounds
getTranslation() - Method in interface Bounds
Returns the translation of the bounds.
getTranslation() - Method in class Transform
Returns the translation Vector2.
getTranslationTransform() - Method in class Transform
Returns a new Transform including only the translation of this Transform.
getTranslationX() - Method in class Transform
Returns the x translation.
getTranslationY() - Method in class Transform
Returns the x translation.
getTranspose() - Method in class Matrix22
Returns the the transpose of this Matrix22 in a new Matrix22.
getTranspose() - Method in class Matrix33
Returns the the transpose of this Matrix33 in a new Matrix33.
getType() - Method in class SingleTypedFallbackCondition
Returns the type for this fallback condition.
getType() - Method in class Mass
Returns the mass type.
getType1() - Method in class PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition
Returns the first type for this fallback condition.
getType2() - Method in class PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition
Returns the second type for this fallback condition.
getUnion(AABB) - Method in class AABB
Performs a union of this AABB and the given AABB returning a new AABB containing the result.
getUnion(Interval) - Method in class Interval
Returns the union of the given Interval and this Interval.
getUpperLimit() - Method in class AngleJoint
getUpperLimit() - Method in interface AngularLimitsJoint
Returns the upper angular limit in radians.
getUpperLimit() - Method in class DistanceJoint
getUpperLimit() - Method in interface LinearLimitsJoint
Returns the upper limit in meters.
getUpperLimit() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
getUpperLimit() - Method in class RevoluteJoint
getUpperLimit() - Method in class WeldJoint
getUpperLimit() - Method in class WheelJoint
getUserData() - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
getUserData() - Method in class Fixture
getUserData() - Method in interface DataContainer
Gets the custom user data.
getUserData() - Method in class AbstractJoint
getUserData() - Method in class AbstractShape
getUserData() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
getValueMixer() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
getValueMixer() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns the ValueMixer.
getValues() - Method in class Transform
Returns the values stored in this transform.
getVelocityConstraintSolverIterations() - Method in class Settings
Returns the number of iterations used to solve velocity constraints.
getVersion() - Static method in class Version
Returns the version as a string.
getVersionNumbers() - Static method in class Version
Returns the version numbers in an array of ints.
getVertex1() - Method in class EdgeFeature
Returns the first vertex of the edge.
getVertex2() - Method in class EdgeFeature
Returns the second vertex of the edge.
getVertexIterator() - Method in class Polygon
getVertexIterator() - Method in class Segment
getVertexIterator() - Method in interface Wound
Returns an iterator for the vertices.
getVertices() - Method in class Polygon
getVertices() - Method in class Segment
getVertices() - Method in interface Wound
Returns the array of vertices in local coordinates.
getWidth() - Method in class AxisAlignedBounds
Returns the width of the bounds.
getWidth() - Method in class AABB
Returns the width of this AABB.
getWidth() - Method in class Ellipse
Returns the width.
getWidth() - Method in class HalfEllipse
Returns the width.
getWidth() - Method in class Rectangle
Returns the width.
getWinding(List<Vector2>) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns the winding, Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise, for the given list of points of a polygon.
getWinding(Vector2...) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns the winding, Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise, for the given array of points of a polygon.
getWorldCenter() - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
getWorldCenter() - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns the center for this CollisionBody in world coordinates.
getWorldCenter() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
getWorldPoint(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
getWorldPoint(Vector2) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns a new point in world coordinates given a point in the local coordinates of this CollisionBody.
getWorldVector(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
getWorldVector(Vector2) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns a new vector in world coordinates given a vector in the local coordinates of this CollisionBody.
getXComponent() - Method in class Vector2
Returns the x component of this Vector2.
getXComponent() - Method in class Vector3
Returns the x component of this Vector3.
getYComponent() - Method in class Vector2
Returns the y component of this Vector2.
getYComponent() - Method in class Vector3
Returns the y component of this Vector3.
getZComponent() - Method in class Vector3
Returns the z component of this Vector3.
GiftWrap - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry.hull
Implementation of the Gift Wrapping convex hull algorithm.
GiftWrap() - Constructor for class GiftWrap
Gjk - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Implementation of the Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi (GJK) algorithm for collision detection.
Gjk() - Constructor for class Gjk
Default constructor.
Gjk(MinkowskiPenetrationSolver) - Constructor for class Gjk
Optional constructor.
GrahamScan - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry.hull
Implementation of the Graham Scan convex hull algorithm.
GrahamScan() - Constructor for class GrahamScan
gravity - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
The world gravity vector
gravityScale - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsBody
The per body gravity scale factor


HalfEllipse - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Implementation of an Half-Ellipse Convex Shape.
HalfEllipse(double, double) - Constructor for class HalfEllipse
Minimal constructor.
handleAllFixturesRemoved(T) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
Handler for all fixture removal.
handleAllFixturesRemoved(T) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
handleFixtureAdded(T, E) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
Handler for fixture addition.
handleFixtureRemoved(T, E) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
Handler for fixture removal.
handleFixtureRemoved(T, BodyFixture) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
hashCode() - Method in class BasicCollisionItem
hashCode() - Method in class BasicCollisionPair
hashCode() - Method in class CategoryFilter
hashCode() - Method in class IndexedManifoldPointId
hashCode() - Method in class AABB
hashCode() - Method in class Mass
hashCode() - Method in class Matrix22
hashCode() - Method in class Matrix33
hashCode() - Method in class Rotation
hashCode() - Method in class Vector2
hashCode() - Method in class Vector3
hashCode() - Method in class Reference
headIterator(E) - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Returns the in-order (ascending) iterator.
HullGenerator - Interface in org.dyn4j.geometry.hull
Represents an algorithm used to create a convex hull of a given point set.


id - Variable in class ManifoldPoint
The id for this manifold point
identity() - Method in class Matrix22
Sets this Matrix22 to an identity Matrix22.
identity() - Method in class Matrix33
Sets this Matrix33 to an identity Matrix33.
identity() - Method in class Transform
Sets this Transform to the identity.
incidentEdgeIndex - Variable in class IndexedManifoldPointId
The index of the edge on the incident convex
incidentVertexIndex - Variable in class IndexedManifoldPointId
The index of the vertex on the incident convex
includesExclusive(double) - Method in class Interval
Returns true if the given value is within this Interval exlcuding the maximum and minimum.
includesInclusive(double) - Method in class Interval
Returns true if the given value is within this Interval including the maximum and minimum.
includesInclusiveMax(double) - Method in class Interval
Returns true if the given value is within this Interval including the maximum and excluding the minimum.
includesInclusiveMin(double) - Method in class Interval
Returns true if the given value is within this Interval including the minimum and excluding the maximum.
IndexedManifoldPointId - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.manifold
Represents a ManifoldPointId that uses edge indexing.
IndexedManifoldPointId(int, int, int) - Constructor for class IndexedManifoldPointId
Optional constructor.
IndexedManifoldPointId(int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class IndexedManifoldPointId
Full constructor.
Indicates that the mass is infinite (rate of rotation and translation should not change)
initialize(List<ContactConstraint<T>>, TimeStep, Settings) - Method in interface ContactConstraintSolver
Performs initialization of the contact constraints.
initialize(List<ContactConstraint<T>>, TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class SequentialImpulses
initializeConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class AngleJoint
initializeConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class DistanceJoint
initializeConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class FrictionJoint
initializeConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in interface Joint
Performs any initialization of the velocity and position constraints.
initializeConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class MotorJoint
initializeConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class PinJoint
initializeConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
initializeConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class PulleyJoint
initializeConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
initializeConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class WeldJoint
initializeConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class WheelJoint
inOrderIterator() - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Returns a new iterator for traversing the tree in order.
insert(E) - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Inserts the given comparable into this binary tree.
insertSubtree(BinarySearchTree<E>) - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Inserts the given subtree into this binary tree.
integratePosition(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
integratePosition(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Integrates the linear and angular velocities to update the position and rotation of this body
integrateVelocity(Vector2, TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
integrateVelocity(Vector2, TimeStep, Settings) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Integrates the forces, torques, and gravity to update the linear and angular velocity of this body.
intersection(AABB) - Method in class AABB
Performs the intersection of this AABB and the given AABB placing the result into this AABB and then returns this AABB.
intersection(AABB, AABB) - Method in class AABB
Performs the intersection of the given AABBs and places the result into this AABB and then returns this AABB.
intersection(Interval) - Method in class Interval
Sets this Interval to the intersection of this Interval and the given Interval.
intersects(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class AbstractSimplifier
Returns true if the given segments intersect each other.
Interval - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Represents a one dimensional numeric Interval.
Interval(double, double) - Constructor for class Interval
Full constructor.
Interval(Interval) - Constructor for class Interval
Copy constructor.
INV_3 - Static variable in class Geometry
The value of 1/3
INV_SQRT_3 - Static variable in class Geometry
The value of the inverse of the square root of 3; 1/sqrt(3)
InvalidIndexException - Exception in org.dyn4j.exception
Represents an exception when a out of bounds index is used.
InvalidIndexException(int) - Constructor for exception InvalidIndexException
Minimal constructor.
invdt - Variable in class TimeStep
The inverse elapsed time
invdt0 - Variable in class TimeStep
The last inverse elapsed time
inverse() - Method in class Rotation
Negates this rotation and returns this rotation.
inverseRotate(double) - Method in class Vector2
Rotates about the origin by the inverse angle -ϑ.
inverseRotate(double, double, double) - Method in class Vector2
Rotates about the given coordinates by the inverse angle -ϑ.
inverseRotate(double, Vector2) - Method in class Vector2
Rotates the Vector2 about the given point by the inverse angle -ϑ.
inverseRotate(Rotation) - Method in class Vector2
Rotates about the origin by the inverse angle -ϑ.
inverseRotate(Rotation, double, double) - Method in class Vector2
Rotates about the given coordinates by the inverse angle -ϑ.
inverseRotate(Rotation, Vector2) - Method in class Vector2
Rotates the Vector2 about the given point by the inverse angle -ϑ.
inverseTransform(Vector2) - Method in class Transform
Inverse transforms the given Vector2 and places the result in the given Vector2.
inverseTransformR(Vector2) - Method in class Transform
Transforms the given Vector2 only by the rotation and returns the result in the given Vector2.
invert() - Method in class Matrix22
Performs the inverse of this Matrix22 and places the result in this Matrix22.
invert() - Method in class Matrix33
Performs the inverse of this Matrix33 and places the result in this Matrix33.
invert(Matrix22) - Method in class Matrix22
Performs the inverse of this Matrix22 and places the result in the given Matrix22.
isAContainedInB() - Method in class Containment
Returns true if A is contained in B.
isAllowed(CollisionItem<T, E>, CollisionItem<T, E>) - Method in class CollisionItemBroadphaseFilter
isAllowed(Filter) - Method in class CategoryFilter
Returns true if the given Filter and this Filter allow the objects to interact.
isAllowed(Filter) - Method in interface Filter
Returns true if the given Filter and this Filter allow the objects to interact.
isAllowed(Filter) - Method in class TypeFilter
Returns true under the following conditions: If this filter is the same type as the given filter. If this filter type is a descendant of the given filter's type. If the given filter's type is a descendant of this filter's type. If the given filter is not of type TypeFilter then false is returned.
isAllowed(T, E) - Method in class DetectFilter
Returns true if the given CollisionBody and Fixture is allowed to be in the results of the query.
isAllowed(T, E, T, E) - Method in interface BroadphaseCollisionDataFilter
Returns true if this result should be added to the results list.
isAllowed(T, E, T, E) - Method in class BroadphaseCollisionDataFilterAdapter
isAllowed(T, E, T, E) - Method in class CollisionBodyBroadphaseCollisionDataFilter
isAllowed(T, BodyFixture, T, BodyFixture) - Method in class PhysicsBodyBroadphaseCollisionDataFilter
isAllowed(T, T) - Method in interface BroadphaseFilter
Returns true if the detection of the objects should proceed.
isAllowed(T, T) - Method in class CollisionBodyBroadphaseFilter
isAtRest() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
isAtRest() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns true if this PhysicsBody is at-rest.
isAtRestDetectionEnabled() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
isAtRestDetectionEnabled() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns true if this PhysicsBody can participate in automatic at-rest detection.
isAtRestDetectionEnabled() - Method in class Settings
Returns true if the engine automatically flags PhysicsBodys as at-rest.
isBContainedInA() - Method in class Containment
Returns true if B is contained in A.
isBroadphaseCollision() - Method in interface CollisionData
Returns true if the CollisionPair is a broadphase collision.
isBroadphaseCollision() - Method in class WorldCollisionData
isBullet() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
isBullet() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns true if this PhysicsBody is a bullet.
isCollisionAllowed() - Method in class AbstractJoint
isCollisionAllowed() - Method in interface Joint
Returns true if collision between the joined PhysicsBodys is allowed.
isCollisionAllowed() - Method in class PinJoint
isComplete(double) - Method in class Force
Returns true if this force should be removed.
isComplete(double) - Method in class Torque
Returns true if this torque should be removed.
isContactConstraintCollision() - Method in interface ContactCollisionData
Returns true if the CollisionPair is a contact constraint collision.
isContactConstraintCollision() - Method in class WorldCollisionData
isDegenerate() - Method in class AABB
Returns true if this AABB is degenerate.
isDegenerate() - Method in class Interval
Returns true if this Interval is degenerate.
isDegenerate(double) - Method in class AABB
Returns true if this AABB is degenerate given the specified error.
isDegenerate(double) - Method in class Interval
Returns true if this Interval is degenerate given the allowed error.
isDynamic() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
isDynamic() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns true if this body's mass type is NOT MassType.INFINITE.
isEmpty() - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Returns true if this tree is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
isEmpty() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
isEmpty() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns true if this world doesn't contain any bodies or joints.
isEnabled() - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
isEnabled() - Method in interface CollisionBody
Returns true if this CollisionBody is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class ContactConstraint
Returns true if this contact constraint is enabled for processing by the collision resolution step.
isEnabled() - Method in class AbstractJoint
isEnabled() - Method in class AbstractPairedBodyJoint
isEnabled() - Method in class AbstractSingleBodyJoint
isEnabled() - Method in interface Joint
Returns true if this Joint is enabled.
isFallbackRequired(Convex, Convex) - Method in class FallbackNarrowphaseDetector
Returns true if the fallback NarrowphaseDetector should be used rather than the primary.
isFlipped() - Method in class IndexedManifoldPointId
Returns true if the reference edge and incident edges were swapped.
isIdentity() - Method in class Rotation
Returns true if this rotation is an identity rotation.
isIdentity() - Method in class Transform
Returns true if this Transform is an identity transform.
isIdentity(double) - Method in class Rotation
Returns true if this rotation is an identity rotation within the given error.
isIgnored() - Method in interface Contact
Returns true if this contact will be ignored during contact solving.
IsIgnoreDisabledEnabled() - Method in class DetectFilter
Returns true if disabled bodies should be ignored.
isIgnoreSensorsEnabled() - Method in class DetectFilter
Returns true if sensor fixtures should be ignored.
isInContact(T, T) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
isInContact(T, T) - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Returns true if the given PhysicsBodys are currently in collision.
isInContact(T, T) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns true if the given PhysicsBodys are currently in collision.
isInfinite() - Method in class Mass
Returns true if this Mass object is of type MassType.INFINITE.
isJoined(T, T) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
isJoined(T, T) - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Returns true if the two PhysicsBodys are joined via a Joint.
isJoined(T, T) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns true if the two PhysicsBodys are joined via a Joint.
isJointCollisionAllowed(T, T) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
isJointCollisionAllowed(T, T) - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Returns true if the two PhysicsBodys are joined by at least one Joint where the collision allowed property is true.
isJointCollisionAllowed(T, T) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns true if the two PhysicsBodys are joined by at least one Joint where the collision allowed property is true.
isKinematic() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
isKinematic() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns true if this body's mass type is MassType.INFINITE and either the linear or angular velocity are NOT zero (i.e.
Island<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.world
Used to solve the contact constraints and joints for a group of interconnected bodies.
Island() - Constructor for class Island
Default constructor.
Island(int, int) - Constructor for class Island
Full constructor.
isLimitsEnabled() - Method in class AngleJoint
isLimitsEnabled() - Method in interface AngularLimitsJoint
Returns true if the angular limits are enabled.
isLimitsEnabled() - Method in class RevoluteJoint
isLimitsEnabled() - Method in class WeldJoint
isLowerLimitEnabled() - Method in class DistanceJoint
isLowerLimitEnabled() - Method in interface LinearLimitsJoint
Returns true if the lower limit is enabled.
isLowerLimitEnabled() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
isLowerLimitEnabled() - Method in class WheelJoint
isManifoldCollision() - Method in interface CollisionData
Returns true if the CollisionPair is a manifold collision.
isManifoldCollision() - Method in class WorldCollisionData
isMatch(Class<? extends Convex>, Class<? extends Convex>) - Method in class PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition
isMatch(Class<? extends Convex>, Class<? extends Convex>) - Method in class SingleTypedFallbackCondition
isMatch(Class<? extends Convex>, Class<? extends Convex>) - Method in class TypedFallbackCondition
Returns true if the given types match this condition.
isMatch(Convex, Convex) - Method in interface FallbackCondition
Returns true if this condition matches the given input.
isMatch(Convex, Convex) - Method in class TypedFallbackCondition
isMaximumMotorForceEnabled() - Method in interface LinearMotorJoint
Returns true if the maximum motor force is enabled.
isMaximumMotorForceEnabled() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
isMaximumMotorTorqueEnabled() - Method in interface AngularMotorJoint
Returns true if the maximum motor torque is enabled.
isMaximumMotorTorqueEnabled() - Method in class RevoluteJoint
isMaximumMotorTorqueEnabled() - Method in class WheelJoint
isMaximumSpringForceEnabled() - Method in class DistanceJoint
isMaximumSpringForceEnabled() - Method in interface LinearSpringJoint
Returns true if the spring force is limited to the maximum.
isMaximumSpringForceEnabled() - Method in class PinJoint
isMaximumSpringForceEnabled() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
isMaximumSpringForceEnabled() - Method in class WheelJoint
isMaximumSpringTorqueEnabled() - Method in interface AngularSpringJoint
Returns true if the maximum spring torque is enabled.
isMaximumSpringTorqueEnabled() - Method in class WeldJoint
isMember(CollisionBody<?>) - Method in class AbstractJoint
isMember(CollisionBody<?>) - Method in class AbstractPairedBodyJoint
isMember(CollisionBody<?>) - Method in class AbstractSingleBodyJoint
isMember(CollisionBody<?>) - Method in interface Joint
Returns true if the given body is a member of this joint.
isMotorEnabled() - Method in interface AngularMotorJoint
Returns true if the motor is enabled.
isMotorEnabled() - Method in interface LinearMotorJoint
Returns true if the motor is enabled.
isMotorEnabled() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
isMotorEnabled() - Method in class RevoluteJoint
isMotorEnabled() - Method in class WheelJoint
isNarrowphaseCollision() - Method in interface CollisionData
Returns true if the CollisionPair is a narrowphase collision.
isNarrowphaseCollision() - Method in class WorldCollisionData
isOrthogonal(double, double) - Method in class Vector2
Returns true if the given Vector2 is orthogonal (perpendicular) to this Vector2.
isOrthogonal(double, double, double) - Method in class Vector3
Returns true if the given Vector3 is orthogonal (perpendicular) to this Vector3.
isOrthogonal(Vector2) - Method in class Vector2
Returns true if the given Vector2 is orthogonal (perpendicular) to this Vector2.
isOrthogonal(Vector3) - Method in class Vector3
Returns true if the given Vector3 is orthogonal (perpendicular) to this Vector3.
isOutside(CollisionBody<?>) - Method in class AxisAlignedBounds
isOutside(CollisionBody<?>) - Method in interface Bounds
Returns true if the given CollisionBody is fully outside the bounds.
isOutside(AABB) - Method in class AxisAlignedBounds
isOutside(AABB) - Method in interface Bounds
Returns true if the given AABB is fully outside the bounds.
isOutside(AABB, Transform, Fixture) - Method in class AxisAlignedBounds
isOutside(AABB, Transform, Fixture) - Method in interface Bounds
Returns true if the given AABB or Fixture is fully outside the bounds.
isReflex(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class Bayazit
Returns true if the given vertex, b, is a reflex vertex.
isSelfBalancing() - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Returns true if this tree is self balancing.
isSelfIntersectionProduced(SimplePolygonVertex, SegmentTree) - Method in class AbstractSimplifier
Returns true if removing the given vertex will generate a line segment that causes self intersection.
isSelfIntersectionProduced(SimplePolygonVertex, SimplePolygonVertex, SegmentTree) - Method in class AbstractSimplifier
Returns true if the given segment will generate a self-intersection assuming all vertices between the two given vertices are removed.
isSensor() - Method in class Fixture
Returns true if this fixture is a sensor.
isSensor() - Method in class ContactConstraint
Returns true if this ContactConstraint is a sensor.
isSlackEnabled() - Method in class PulleyJoint
Returns true if slack in the rope is enabled.
isSolved() - Method in interface SolvedContact
Returns true if this contact was solved.
isSpringDamperEnabled() - Method in interface AngularSpringJoint
Returns true if the damper is enabled for the spring.
isSpringDamperEnabled() - Method in class DistanceJoint
isSpringDamperEnabled() - Method in interface LinearSpringJoint
Returns true if the damper is enabled for the spring.
isSpringDamperEnabled() - Method in class PinJoint
isSpringDamperEnabled() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
isSpringDamperEnabled() - Method in class WeldJoint
isSpringDamperEnabled() - Method in class WheelJoint
isSpringEnabled() - Method in interface AngularSpringJoint
Returns true if the spring is enabled.
isSpringEnabled() - Method in class DistanceJoint
isSpringEnabled() - Method in interface LinearSpringJoint
Returns true if the spring is enabled.
isSpringEnabled() - Method in class PinJoint
isSpringEnabled() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
isSpringEnabled() - Method in class WeldJoint
isSpringEnabled() - Method in class WheelJoint
isStatic() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
isStatic() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Returns true if this body's mass type is MassType.INFINITE and the linear and angular velocity are close to zero (as determined by Epsilon.E.
isStrict() - Method in class SingleTypedFallbackCondition
Returns true if this condition uses a strict type comparison.
isStrict1() - Method in class PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition
Returns true if this condition uses a strict type comparison for the first type.
isStrict2() - Method in class PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition
Returns true if this condition uses a strict type comparison for the second type.
isUpdated(T) - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Returns true if the given object is marked as updated in this broad-phase.
isUpdated(T) - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
isUpdated(T) - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
isUpdated(T) - Method in interface CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector
Returns true if any of the Fixtures on the given CollisionBody are included in the updated list.
isUpdated(T) - Method in class CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter
isUpdated(T) - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
isUpdated(T) - Method in class Sap
isUpdated(T, E) - Method in interface CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector
Returns true if the given Fixture is included in the updated list.
isUpdated(T, E) - Method in class CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter
isUpdateRequired() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
isUpdateRequired() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Returns true if upon the next time step the contacts must be updated.
isUpdateTrackingEnabled() - Method in class AbstractBroadphaseDetector
isUpdateTrackingEnabled() - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Returns true if this broad-phase is tracking updated items.
isUpdateTrackingEnabled() - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
isUpdateTrackingEnabled() - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
isUpdateTrackingSupported() - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Returns whether this particular BroadphaseDetector supports update tracking.
isUpdateTrackingSupported() - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
isUpdateTrackingSupported() - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
isUpdateTrackingSupported() - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
isUpdateTrackingSupported() - Method in class Sap
isUpperLimitEnabled() - Method in class DistanceJoint
isUpperLimitEnabled() - Method in interface LinearLimitsJoint
Returns true if the upper limit is enabled.
isUpperLimitEnabled() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
isUpperLimitEnabled() - Method in class WheelJoint
isWarmStartingEnabled() - Method in class Settings
Returns true if warm starting of contacts is enabled.
isZero() - Method in class Vector2
Returns true if this Vector2 is the zero Vector2.
isZero() - Method in class Vector3
Returns true if this Vector3 is the zero Vector3.
iterator() - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Returns the in-order (ascending) iterator.


Joint<T extends PhysicsBody> - Interface in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Represents constrained motion between PhysicsBodys.
joints - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
The Joint list
joints - Variable in class ConstraintGraphNode
The joints connecting this body and other bodies
jointsUnmodifiable - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
The unmodifiable Joint list
jointsUnmodifiable - Variable in class ConstraintGraphNode
An unmodifiable view of the joints list


KILOGRAM_TO_POUND - Static variable in class UnitConversion
KILOGRAM_TO_SLUG - Static variable in class UnitConversion
kilogramsToPounds(double) - Static method in class UnitConversion
Converts kilograms to pound-mass.
kilogramsToSlugs(double) - Static method in class UnitConversion
Converts kilograms to slugs.


left() - Method in class Vector2
Sets this vector to the left-handed normal of this vector.
left(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class Bayazit
Returns true if the given point p is to the left of the line created by a-b.
leftOn(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class Bayazit
Returns true if the given point p is to the left or on the line created by a-b.
lerp(Transform, double) - Method in class Transform
Interpolates this transform linearly by alpha towards the given end transform.
lerp(Transform, double, Transform) - Method in class Transform
Interpolates linearly by alpha towards the given end transform placing the result in the given transform.
lerp(Vector2, double, double) - Method in class Transform
Interpolates this transform linearly, by alpha, given the change in position (Δp) and the change in angle (Δa).
lerp(Vector2, double, double, Transform) - Method in class Transform
Interpolates this transform linearly, by alpha, given the change in position (Δp) and the change in angle (Δa) and places it into result.
lerped(Transform, double) - Method in class Transform
Interpolates linearly by alpha towards the given end transform returning a new transform containing the result.
lerped(Vector2, double, double) - Method in class Transform
Interpolates this transform linearly, by alpha, given the change in position (Δp) and the change in angle (Δa) and returns the result.
limitsEnabled - Variable in class AngleJoint
Whether the limits are enabled
limitsEnabled - Variable in class RevoluteJoint
Whether the Joint limits are enabled or not
limitsEnabled - Variable in class WeldJoint
Whether the Joint limits are enabled or not
linearDamping - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsBody
The AbstractPhysicsBody's linear damping
LinearLimitsJoint - Interface in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Represents a joint that has a single set of linear limits.
LinearMotorJoint - Interface in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Represents a joint with a linear motor.
LinearSpringJoint - Interface in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Represents a linear spring joint.
linearTarget - Variable in class MotorJoint
The linear target distance from body1's world space center
linearVelocity - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsBody
The current linear velocity
Link - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
This class is a specialization of the Segment class that provides smooth sliding across a chain of line segments.
Link(Vector2, Vector2) - Constructor for class Link
Creates a new link.
LinkPostProcessor - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
A NarrowphasePostProcessor specifically for the Link class to solve the internal edge problem when using a chain of segments.
LinkPostProcessor() - Constructor for class LinkPostProcessor
localAnchor - Variable in class PinJoint
The local anchor point for the body
localAnchor1 - Variable in class DistanceJoint
The local anchor point on the first PhysicsBody
localAnchor1 - Variable in class FrictionJoint
The local anchor point on the first PhysicsBody
localAnchor1 - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
The local anchor point on the first PhysicsBody
localAnchor1 - Variable in class PulleyJoint
The local anchor point on the first PhysicsBody
localAnchor1 - Variable in class RevoluteJoint
The local anchor point on the first PhysicsBody
localAnchor1 - Variable in class WeldJoint
The local anchor point on the first PhysicsBody
localAnchor1 - Variable in class WheelJoint
The local anchor point on the first PhysicsBody
localAnchor2 - Variable in class DistanceJoint
The local anchor point on the second PhysicsBody
localAnchor2 - Variable in class FrictionJoint
The local anchor point on the second PhysicsBody
localAnchor2 - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
The local anchor point on the second PhysicsBody
localAnchor2 - Variable in class PulleyJoint
The local anchor point on the second PhysicsBody
localAnchor2 - Variable in class RevoluteJoint
The local anchor point on the second PhysicsBody
localAnchor2 - Variable in class WeldJoint
The local anchor point on the second PhysicsBody
localAnchor2 - Variable in class WheelJoint
The local anchor point on the second PhysicsBody
lowerLimit - Variable in class AngleJoint
The lower limit
lowerLimit - Variable in class DistanceJoint
The minimum distance between the two world space anchor points
lowerLimit - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
the lower limit in meters
lowerLimit - Variable in class RevoluteJoint
The lower limit of the Joint
lowerLimit - Variable in class WeldJoint
The lower limit of the Joint
lowerLimit - Variable in class WheelJoint
the lower limit in meters
lowerLimitEnabled - Variable in class DistanceJoint
Whether the minimum distance is enabled
lowerLimitEnabled - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
True if the lower limit is enabled
lowerLimitEnabled - Variable in class WheelJoint
True if the lower limit is enabled


m00 - Variable in class Matrix22
The element at 0,0
m00 - Variable in class Matrix33
The element at 0,0
m01 - Variable in class Matrix22
The element at 0,1
m01 - Variable in class Matrix33
The element at 0,1
m02 - Variable in class Matrix33
The element at 0,2
m10 - Variable in class Matrix22
The element at 1,0
m10 - Variable in class Matrix33
The element at 1,0
m11 - Variable in class Matrix22
The element at 1,1
m11 - Variable in class Matrix33
The element at 1,1
m12 - Variable in class Matrix33
The element at 1,2
m20 - Variable in class Matrix33
The element at 2,0
m21 - Variable in class Matrix33
The element at 2,1
m22 - Variable in class Matrix33
The element at 2,2
main(String[]) - Static method in class Version
Main class to print the version to the console.
Manifold - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.manifold
Represents a contact Manifold for a collision between two Convex Shapes.
Manifold() - Constructor for class Manifold
Default constructor.
Manifold(Vector2, List<ManifoldPoint>) - Constructor for class Manifold
Full constructor.
ManifoldCollisionData<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Interface in org.dyn4j.world
Represents a manifold collision.
ManifoldPoint - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.manifold
Represents a single contact point in a contact Manifold.
ManifoldPoint(ManifoldPointId) - Constructor for class ManifoldPoint
Optional constructor.
ManifoldPoint(ManifoldPointId, Vector2, double) - Constructor for class ManifoldPoint
Full constructor.
ManifoldPointId - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision.manifold
Represents the identification of a specific contact point of a Manifold.
manifoldSolver - Variable in class AbstractCollisionWorld
ManifoldSolver - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision.manifold
Finds a contact Manifold for two given Convex Shapes that are in collision.
mask - Variable in class CategoryFilter
The categories this object can collide with
mass - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsBody
The Mass information
Mass - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Represents Mass data for an object about a given point.
Mass() - Constructor for class Mass
Default constructor.
Mass(Mass) - Constructor for class Mass
Copy constructor.
Mass(Vector2, double, double) - Constructor for class Mass
Full Constructor.
MassType - Enum in org.dyn4j.geometry
Enumeration for special Mass types.
Matrix22 - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Represents a 2x2 Matrix.
Matrix22() - Constructor for class Matrix22
Default constructor.
Matrix22(double[]) - Constructor for class Matrix22
Full constructor.
Matrix22(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class Matrix22
Full constructor.
Matrix22(Matrix22) - Constructor for class Matrix22
Copy constructor.
Matrix33 - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Represents a 3x3 Matrix.
Matrix33() - Constructor for class Matrix33
Default constructor.
Matrix33(double[]) - Constructor for class Matrix33
Full constructor.
Matrix33(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class Matrix33
Full constructor.
Matrix33(Matrix33) - Constructor for class Matrix33
Copy constructor.
max - Variable in class Interval
The maximum value
maxDetectIterations - Variable in class Gjk
The maximum number of collision detection iterations
maxDistanceIterations - Variable in class Gjk
The maximum number of distance check iterations
maximumForce - Variable in class FrictionJoint
The maximum force the constraint can apply
maximumForce - Variable in class MotorJoint
The maximum force the constraint can apply
maximumMotorForce - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
The maximum force the motor can apply in newtons
maximumMotorForceEnabled - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
True if the motor force should be limited
maximumTorque - Variable in class FrictionJoint
The maximum torque the constraint can apply
maximumTorque - Variable in class MotorJoint
The maximum torque the constraint can apply
maxIterations - Variable in class ConservativeAdvancement
The maximum number of iterations of the root finder
maxIterations - Variable in class Epa
The maximum number of Epa iterations
maxRaycastIterations - Variable in class Gjk
The maximum number of raycast iterations
maxX - Variable in class AABB
The maximum extent along the x-axis
maxY - Variable in class AABB
The maximum extent along the y-axis
METER_TO_FOOT - Static variable in class UnitConversion
metersPerSecondToFeetPerSecond(double) - Static method in class UnitConversion
Converts meters per second to feet per second.
metersToFeet(double) - Static method in class UnitConversion
Converts meters to feet.
min - Variable in class Interval
The minimum value
minkowskiPenetrationSolver - Variable in class Gjk
The penetration solver; defaults to Epa
MinkowskiPenetrationSolver - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Interface representing a sub algorithm for finding the penetration vector and depth using properties of the MinkowskiSum and the Gjk termination information.
minkowskiSum(E, E) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns the Minkowski Sum of the given convex shapes.
minkowskiSum(Circle, Polygon, int) - Static method in class Geometry
Performs the Minkowski Sum of the given Polygon and Circle.
minkowskiSum(Polygon, double, int) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns a new polygon that has been radially expanded.
minkowskiSum(Polygon, Circle, int) - Static method in class Geometry
Performs the Minkowski Sum of the given Polygon and Circle.
MinkowskiSum - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Represents the Minkowski sum of the given Convex Shapes.
MinkowskiSum(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform) - Constructor for class MinkowskiSum
Full constructor.
MinkowskiSumPoint - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Represents a point in the MinkowskiSum.
MinkowskiSumPoint(Vector2, Vector2) - Constructor for class MinkowskiSumPoint
Full constructor.
minX - Variable in class AABB
The minimum extent along the x-axis
minY - Variable in class AABB
The minimum extent along the y-axis
mixFriction(double, double) - Method in interface ValueMixer
Method used to mix the coefficients of friction of two BodyFixtures.
mixRestitution(double, double) - Method in interface ValueMixer
Method used to mix the coefficients of restitution of two BodyFixtures.
mixRestitutionVelocity(double, double) - Method in interface ValueMixer
Method used to mix the restitution velocity of two BodyFixtures.
MonotoneChain - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry.hull
Implementation of the Andrew's Monotone Chain convex hull algorithm.
MonotoneChain() - Constructor for class MonotoneChain
motorEnabled - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
Whether the motor is enabled or not
motorEnabled - Variable in class RevoluteJoint
Whether the motor for this Joint is enabled or not
motorEnabled - Variable in class WheelJoint
Whether the motor is enabled or not
MotorJoint<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Implementation a motor joint.
MotorJoint(T, T) - Constructor for class MotorJoint
Minimal constructor.
motorMaximumTorque - Variable in class RevoluteJoint
The maximum torque the motor can apply
motorMaximumTorque - Variable in class WheelJoint
The maximum torque the motor can apply in newton-meters
motorMaximumTorqueEnabled - Variable in class RevoluteJoint
True if the motor maximum torque has been enabled
motorMaximumTorqueEnabled - Variable in class WheelJoint
True if the motor maximum torque is enabled
motorSpeed - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
The target velocity in meters / second
motorSpeed - Variable in class RevoluteJoint
The target motor speed; in radians / second
motorSpeed - Variable in class WheelJoint
The target velocity in radians / second
multiply(double) - Method in class Matrix22
Multiplies this Matrix22 by the given scalar and places the result in this Matrix22.
multiply(double) - Method in class Matrix33
Multiplies this Matrix33 by the given scalar and places the result in this Matrix33.
multiply(double) - Method in class Vector2
Multiplies this Vector2 by the given scalar.
multiply(double) - Method in class Vector3
Multiplies this Vector3 by the given scalar.
multiply(Matrix22) - Method in class Matrix22
Multiplies this Matrix22 by the given matrix Matrix22 returning this Matrix22.
multiply(Matrix33) - Method in class Matrix33
Multiplies this Matrix33 by the given matrix Matrix33 returning this Matrix33.
multiply(Vector2) - Method in class Matrix22
Multiplies this Matrix22 by the given Vector2 and places the result in the given Vector2.
multiply(Vector3) - Method in class Matrix33
Multiplies this Matrix33 by the given Vector3 and places the result in the given Vector3.
multiplyT(Vector2) - Method in class Matrix22
Multiplies the given Vector2 by this Matrix22 and places the result in the given Vector2.
multiplyT(Vector3) - Method in class Matrix33
Multiplies the given Vector3 by this Matrix33 and places the result in the given Vector3.
MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN - Static variable in exception ValueOutOfRangeException
Greater than
MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Static variable in exception ValueOutOfRangeException
Greater than or equal
MUST_BE_LESS_THAN - Static variable in exception ValueOutOfRangeException
Less than
MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Static variable in exception ValueOutOfRangeException
Less than or equal


NarrowphaseCollisionData<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Interface in org.dyn4j.world
Represents a narrowphase collision.
narrowphaseDetector - Variable in class AbstractCollisionWorld
NarrowphaseDetector - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Represents an algorithm to detect whether two Convex Shapes are penetrating/overlapping each other.
narrowphasePostProcessor - Variable in class AbstractCollisionWorld
NarrowphasePostProcessor - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Interface used to modify the narrow-phase collision information before being sent to listeners.
negate() - Method in class Vector2
Negates this Vector2.
negate() - Method in class Vector3
Negates this Vector3.
NEWTON_METER_TO_FOOT_POUND - Static variable in class UnitConversion
1 newton-meter = UnitConversion.NEWTON_METER_TO_FOOT_POUND foot-pounds
NEWTON_TO_POUND - Static variable in class UnitConversion
1 newton = UnitConversion.NEWTON_TO_POUND pound-force
newtonMetersToFootPounds(double) - Static method in class UnitConversion
Converts newton-meters to foot-pounds.
newtonsToPounds(double) - Static method in class UnitConversion
Converts newtons to pound-force.
NONE - ContinuousDetectionMode
CCD is not performed at all
norm1() - Method in class Matrix22
Returns the 1-norm of this matrix.
normal - Variable in class Manifold
The penetration normal
normal - Variable in class Penetration
The normalized axis of projection
normal - Variable in class Raycast
The normal at the hit point
normal - Variable in class Separation
The normalized axis of separation
normal - Variable in class ContactConstraint
The penetration normal
NORMAL - MassType
Indicates a normal mass
normalize() - Method in class Vector2
Converts this Vector2 into a unit Vector2 and returns the magnitude before normalization.
normalize() - Method in class Vector3
Converts this Vector3 into a unit Vector3 and returns the magnitude before normalization.
normFrobenius() - Method in class Matrix22
Returns the frobenius-norm of this matrix.
normInfinity() - Method in class Matrix22
Returns the infinity-norm of this matrix.
normMax() - Method in class Matrix22
Returns the max-norm of this matrix.
NOT_INDEXED - Static variable in class Feature
Index for non-indexed vertices
NullAABBExpansionMethod<T> - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
Exapansion method that does nothing to the given AABB.
NullAABBExpansionMethod() - Constructor for class NullAABBExpansionMethod
NullElementException - Exception in org.dyn4j.exception
Represents an exception when a collection has a null element.
NullElementException(String) - Constructor for exception NullElementException
Minimal constructor.
NullElementException(String, int) - Constructor for exception NullElementException
Constructor when the index is know.


ObjectAlreadyExistsException - Exception in org.dyn4j.exception
Represents an exception when an object has already been added to another object.
ObjectAlreadyExistsException(String, Object, Object) - Constructor for exception ObjectAlreadyExistsException
Minimal constructor.
ObjectAlreadyOwnedException - Exception in org.dyn4j.exception
Represents an exception when an object is added to an object, but is already owned by another object.
ObjectAlreadyOwnedException(String, Object, Object) - Constructor for exception ObjectAlreadyOwnedException
Minimal constructor.
of(double) - Static method in class Rotation
Alternative way to create a new Rotation from a given angle.
of(double, double) - Static method in class Rotation
Static method to create a Rotation from a pair of values that lie on the unit circle; That is a pair of values (x, y) such that x = cos(θ), y = sin(θ) for some value θ This method is provided for the case where the cos and sin values are already computed and the overhead can be avoided.
of(Transform) - Static method in class Rotation
Creates a new Rotation representing the same rotation of a Transform object.
of(Vector2) - Static method in class Rotation
Static method to create a Rotation object from the direction of a given Vector2.
ofDegrees(double) - Static method in class Rotation
Alternative way to create a new Rotation from a given angle, in degrees.
onAllFixturesRemoved() - Method in interface FixtureModificationHandler
Called when all Fixtures have been removed from a CollisionBody.
onFixtureAdded(T) - Method in interface FixtureModificationHandler
Called when a Fixture has been added to a CollisionBody.
onFixtureRemoved(T) - Method in interface FixtureModificationHandler
Called when a Fixture has been removed from a CollisionBody.
optimize() - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Attempts to optimize the broad-phase based on the current state.
optimize() - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
optimize() - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
optimize() - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
optimize() - Method in class Sap
org.dyn4j - module org.dyn4j
org.dyn4j - package org.dyn4j
Main package containing general classes used by the library.
org.dyn4j.collision - package org.dyn4j.collision
Package containing supporting classes to detect collisions between Convex Shapes.
org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase - package org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
Sub package of the Collision package handling broad-phase collision detection.
org.dyn4j.collision.continuous - package org.dyn4j.collision.continuous
Sub package of the Collision package handling continuous collision detection.
org.dyn4j.collision.manifold - package org.dyn4j.collision.manifold
Sub package of the Collision package handling contact manifold generation.
org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase - package org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Sub package of the Collision package handling narrow-phase collision detection, distance checking, and raycasting.
org.dyn4j.dynamics - package org.dyn4j.dynamics
Package containing classes that handle physical interaction.
org.dyn4j.dynamics.contact - package org.dyn4j.dynamics.contact
Sub package of the Dynamics package handling contacts.
org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint - package org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Sub package of the Dynamics package containing joints.
org.dyn4j.exception - package org.dyn4j.exception
org.dyn4j.geometry - package org.dyn4j.geometry
This package contains geometric and mathematical constructs.
org.dyn4j.geometry.decompose - package org.dyn4j.geometry.decompose
This package contains algorithms to decompose polygons into Convex pieces.
org.dyn4j.geometry.hull - package org.dyn4j.geometry.hull
This package contains algorithms used to create convex hulls of point clouds.
org.dyn4j.geometry.simplify - package org.dyn4j.geometry.simplify
This package contains algorithms to simplify simple polygons without holes with the intent for better performance and stability within dyn4j.
org.dyn4j.world - package org.dyn4j.world
Package containing the dynamics engine.
org.dyn4j.world.listener - package org.dyn4j.world.listener
Package contains the listeners used in the CollisionWorld and PhysicsWorld classes to notify a user of events occurring in the engine.
org.dyn4j.world.result - package org.dyn4j.world.result
Package containing the result classes for static queries against the CollisionWorld.
outside(T) - Method in interface BoundsListener
Method called when a CollisionBody is outside the Bounds of a simulation.
outside(T) - Method in class BoundsListenerAdapter
overlaps(AABB) - Method in class AABB
Returns true if the given AABB and this AABB overlap.
overlaps(Interval) - Method in class Interval
Returns true if the two Intervals overlap.
Ownable - Interface in org.dyn4j
Represents an object that can be owned by a single owner.
owner - Variable in class AbstractCollisionBody
User for ownership by another object
owner - Variable in class AbstractJoint
The joint owner


pair - Variable in class ContactConstraint
The collision pair
PairedBodyJoint<T extends PhysicsBody> - Interface in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Represents constrained motion between two PhysicsBodys.
PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Represents a TypedFallbackCondition that filters on a particular pair of types.
PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition(Class<? extends Convex>, boolean, Class<? extends Convex>, boolean) - Constructor for class PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition
Optional constructor.
PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition(Class<? extends Convex>, boolean, Class<? extends Convex>, boolean, int) - Constructor for class PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition
Full constructor.
PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition(Class<? extends Convex>, Class<? extends Convex>) - Constructor for class PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition
Minimal constructor.
PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition(Class<? extends Convex>, Class<? extends Convex>, boolean) - Constructor for class PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition
Optional constructor.
PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition(Class<? extends Convex>, Class<? extends Convex>, boolean, int) - Constructor for class PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition
Optional constructor.
PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition(Class<? extends Convex>, Class<? extends Convex>, int) - Constructor for class PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition
Optional constructor.
penetration - Variable in class ConvexDetectResult
The penetration data
Penetration - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Represents a Penetration of one Convex Shape into another.
Penetration() - Constructor for class Penetration
Default constructor.
Penetration(Vector2, double) - Constructor for class Penetration
Full constructor.
persist(Contact, Contact) - Method in interface ContactUpdateHandler
Called when the given contact was persisted.
persist(ContactCollisionData<T>, Contact, Contact) - Method in interface ContactListener
Called when two BodyFixtures remain in contact.
persist(ContactCollisionData<T>, Contact, Contact) - Method in class ContactListenerAdapter
PhysicsBody - Interface in org.dyn4j.dynamics
Represents a physical PhysicsBody.
PhysicsBodyBroadphaseCollisionDataFilter<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.world
Encapsulates logic used to filter the broadphase pairs based on filters, body state, etc.
PhysicsBodyBroadphaseCollisionDataFilter(PhysicsWorld<T, ?>) - Constructor for class PhysicsBodyBroadphaseCollisionDataFilter
Minimal constructor.
PhysicsBodySweptAABBProducer<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.world
AABBProducer specifically for CollisionBodys producing swept AABBs via the PhysicsBody.computeSweptAABB(AABB) methods.
PhysicsBodySweptAABBProducer() - Constructor for class PhysicsBodySweptAABBProducer
PhysicsWorld<T extends PhysicsBody,​V extends ContactCollisionData<T>> - Interface in org.dyn4j.world
Represents a CollisionWorld that resolves collision using Newton's laws of physics.
PinJoint<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Implementation of a pin joint.
PinJoint(T, Vector2) - Constructor for class PinJoint
Full constructor.
point - Variable in class ManifoldPoint
The point in world coordinates
point - Variable in class Raycast
The hit point
point1 - Variable in class Separation
The closest point on the first Convex Shape to the second
point2 - Variable in class Separation
The closest point on the second Convex Shape to the first
PointFeature - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Implementation of a point Feature of a Shape.
PointFeature(Vector2) - Constructor for class PointFeature
Optional constructor.
PointFeature(Vector2, int) - Constructor for class PointFeature
Full constructor.
points - Variable in class Manifold
The ManifoldPoint in world space
Polygon - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Implementation of an arbitrary polygon Convex Shape.
Polygon(Vector2...) - Constructor for class Polygon
Full constructor.
postSolve(TimeStep, PhysicsWorld<T, ?>) - Method in interface StepListener
Called after the world has been solved but before new contacts are found.
postSolve(TimeStep, PhysicsWorld<T, ?>) - Method in class StepListenerAdapter
postSolve(ContactCollisionData<T>, SolvedContact) - Method in interface ContactListener
Called after contacts have been solved.
postSolve(ContactCollisionData<T>, SolvedContact) - Method in class ContactListenerAdapter
POUND_TO_KILOGRAM - Static variable in class UnitConversion
1 pound-mass = UnitConversion.POUND_TO_KILOGRAM kilograms
POUND_TO_NEWTON - Static variable in class UnitConversion
1 pound-force = UnitConversion.POUND_TO_NEWTON newtons
poundsToKilograms(double) - Static method in class UnitConversion
Converts pound-mass to kilograms.
poundsToNewtons(double) - Static method in class UnitConversion
Converts pound-force to newtons.
preSolve(ContactCollisionData<T>, Contact) - Method in interface ContactListener
Called before contact constraints are solved.
preSolve(ContactCollisionData<T>, Contact) - Method in class ContactListenerAdapter
primaryNarrowphaseDetector - Variable in class FallbackNarrowphaseDetector
PrismaticJoint<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Implementation of a prismatic joint.
PrismaticJoint(T, T, Vector2, Vector2) - Constructor for class PrismaticJoint
Minimal constructor.
process(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform, Penetration) - Method in class LinkPostProcessor
process(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform, Penetration) - Method in interface NarrowphasePostProcessor
Performs post processing on the narrow-phase collision detection information.
process(Link, Penetration) - Method in class LinkPostProcessor
Attempts to use the connectivity information to determine if the normal found in the narrow-phase is valid.
processCollisions(Iterator<V>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
This method should process the collisions returned by the given iterator.
processCollisions(Iterator<V>) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
product(double) - Method in class Matrix22
Multiplies this Matrix22 by the given scalar returning a new Matrix22 containing the result.
product(double) - Method in class Matrix33
Multiplies this Matrix33 by the given scalar returning a new Matrix33 containing the result.
product(double) - Method in class Vector2
Multiplies this Vector2 by the given scalar returning a new Vector2 containing the result.
product(double) - Method in class Vector3
Multiplies this Vector3 by the given scalar returning a new Vector3 containing the result.
product(Matrix22) - Method in class Matrix22
Returns a new Matrix22 that is the product of this Matrix22 and the given Matrix22.
product(Matrix33) - Method in class Matrix33
Returns a new Matrix33 that is the product of this Matrix33 and the given Matrix33.
product(Vector2) - Method in class Matrix22
Multiplies this Matrix22 by the given Vector2 returning the result in a new Vector2.
product(Vector3) - Method in class Matrix33
Multiplies this Matrix33 by the given Vector3 returning the result in a new Vector3.
productT(Vector2) - Method in class Matrix22
Multiplies the given Vector2 by this Matrix22 returning the result in a new Vector2.
productT(Vector3) - Method in class Matrix33
Multiplies the given Vector3 by this Matrix33 returning the result in a new Vector3.
project(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractShape
project(Vector2) - Method in interface Shape
Returns the Interval of this Shape projected onto the given Vector2 given the Transform.
project(Vector2) - Method in class Vector2
Projects this Vector2 onto the given Vector2.
project(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Capsule
project(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Circle
project(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Ellipse
project(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class HalfEllipse
project(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Polygon
project(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Rectangle
project(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Segment
project(Vector2, Transform) - Method in interface Shape
Returns the Interval of this Shape projected onto the given Vector2 given the Transform.
project(Vector2, Transform) - Method in class Slice
project(Vector3) - Method in class Vector3
Projects this Vector3 onto the given Vector3.
pulleyAnchor1 - Variable in class PulleyJoint
The world space pulley anchor point for the first PhysicsBody
pulleyAnchor2 - Variable in class PulleyJoint
The world space pulley anchor point for the second PhysicsBody
PulleyJoint<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Implementation of a pulley joint.
PulleyJoint(T, T, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Constructor for class PulleyJoint
Minimal constructor.


quotient(double) - Method in class Vector2
Divides this Vector2 by the given scalar returning a new Vector2 containing the result.


radius - Variable in class AbstractCollisionBody
The the rotation disk radius
radius - Variable in class AbstractShape
The maximum radius
ratio - Variable in class AngleJoint
The angular velocity ratio
ratio - Variable in class PulleyJoint
The pulley ratio for modeling a block-and-tackle
Ray - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Implementation of a ray.
Ray(double) - Constructor for class Ray
Creates a ray from the origin in the given direction.
Ray(Vector2) - Constructor for class Ray
Creates a ray from the origin in the given direction.
Ray(Vector2, double) - Constructor for class Ray
Creates a ray from the given start point in the given direction.
Ray(Vector2, Vector2) - Constructor for class Ray
Creates a ray from the given start point in the given direction.
raycast - Variable in class RaycastResult
The raycast result
raycast(Ray, double) - Method in class AbstractBroadphaseDetector
raycast(Ray, double) - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Performs a raycast over all the objects in this broad-phase and returns the items that intersect.
raycast(Ray, double) - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
raycast(Ray, double, Circle, Transform, Raycast) - Static method in class CircleDetector
Performs a ray cast against the given circle.
raycast(Ray, double, Convex, Transform, Raycast) - Method in class Gjk
raycast(Ray, double, Convex, Transform, Raycast) - Method in interface RaycastDetector
Performs a ray cast given a Ray and a Convex Shape returning true if the ray passes through the convex shape.
raycast(Ray, double, Segment, Transform, Raycast) - Static method in class SegmentDetector
Performs a ray cast against the given segment.
raycast(Ray, double, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
raycast(Ray, double, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns a list of RaycastResults containing all the body-fixtures that overlap with the given Ray using the current state of the BroadphaseDetector.
raycast(Ray, double, T, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
raycast(Ray, double, T, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns a list of RaycastResults containing all the body-fixtures that overlap with the given Ray only testing against the given CollisionBody.
Raycast - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Represents the result of a Ray cast against (intersecting with) a Convex Shape.
Raycast() - Constructor for class Raycast
Default constructor.
Raycast(Vector2, Vector2, double) - Constructor for class Raycast
Full constructor.
raycastClosest(Ray, double, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
raycastClosest(Ray, double, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns the closest RaycastResult that overlaps with the given Ray using the current state of the BroadphaseDetector.
raycastClosest(Ray, double, T, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
raycastClosest(Ray, double, T, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns the closest RaycastResult that overlaps with the given Ray only testing against the given CollisionBody.
raycastDetector - Variable in class AbstractCollisionWorld
RaycastDetector - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Represents an algorithm for determining whether a Ray and a Convex Shape intersect, given the ray's maximum length and the Convex Shape's Transform.
raycastEpsilon - Variable in class Gjk
The raycast check epsilon in meters
raycastIterator(Ray, double) - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Performs a raycast over all the objects in the broad-phase and returns the items that intersect.
raycastIterator(Ray, double) - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
raycastIterator(Ray, double) - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
raycastIterator(Ray, double) - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
raycastIterator(Ray, double) - Method in class Sap
raycastIterator(Ray, double, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
raycastIterator(Ray, double, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns an iterator of RaycastResults containing all the body-fixtures that overlap with the given Ray using the current state of the BroadphaseDetector.
raycastIterator(Ray, double, T, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
raycastIterator(Ray, double, T, DetectFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Returns an iterator of RaycastResults containing all the body-fixtures that overlap with the given Ray only testing against the given CollisionBody.
RaycastResult<T extends CollisionBody<E>,​E extends Fixture> - Class in org.dyn4j.world.result
Represents a reusable DetectResult for raycast detection.
RaycastResult() - Constructor for class RaycastResult
Default constructor.
RaycastResult(T, E, Raycast) - Constructor for class RaycastResult
Full constructor.
Rectangle - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Implementation of a Rectangle Convex Shape.
Rectangle(double, double) - Constructor for class Rectangle
Full constructor.
Reference<T> - Class in org.dyn4j
A generic mutable wrapper for primitive types.
Reference() - Constructor for class Reference
The default constructor
Reference(T) - Constructor for class Reference
Full constructor.
referenceAngle - Variable in class AngleJoint
The initial angle between the two bodies
referenceAngle - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
The initial angle between the two PhysicsBodys
referenceAngle - Variable in class RevoluteJoint
The initial angle between the two PhysicsBodys
referenceAngle - Variable in class WeldJoint
The initial angle between the two PhysicsBodys
referenceEdgeIndex - Variable in class IndexedManifoldPointId
The index of the edge on the reference convex
remove(E) - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Removes the comparable object from the tree returning true if the comparable was found and removed
remove(T) - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Removes the given object from this broad-phase.
remove(T) - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
remove(T) - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
remove(T) - Method in interface CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector
Removes the given CollisionBody from the broad-phase.
remove(T) - Method in class CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter
remove(T) - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
remove(T) - Method in class Sap
remove(T, E) - Method in interface CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector
Removes the given Fixture for the given CollisionBody from the broad-phase and returns true if it was found.
remove(T, E) - Method in class CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter
removeAllBodies() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
removeAllBodies() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeAllBodies() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Removes all bodies from this world.
removeAllBodies(boolean) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeAllBodies(boolean) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
This is a convenience method for the PhysicsWorld.removeAllBodiesAndJoints(boolean) method since all joints will be removed when all bodies are removed anyway.
removeAllBodiesAndJoints() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeAllBodiesAndJoints() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Removes all the joints and bodies from this world.
removeAllBodiesAndJoints(boolean) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeAllBodiesAndJoints(boolean) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Removes all the joints and bodies from this world.
removeAllBoundsListeners() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
removeAllBoundsListeners() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Removes all bounds listeners from this world.
removeAllCollisionListeners() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
removeAllCollisionListeners() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Removes all collision listeners from this world.
removeAllContactConstraints() - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Removes all edges in the graph related to contact constraints.
removeAllContactListeners() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeAllContactListeners() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Removes all contact listeners from this world.
removeAllDestructionListeners() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeAllDestructionListeners() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Removes all destruction listeners from this world.
removeAllFixtures() - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
removeAllFixtures() - Method in interface CollisionBody
Removes all fixtures from this CollisionBody and returns them.
removeAllJoints() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeAllJoints() - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Removes all edges in the graph related to joints.
removeAllJoints() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Removes all Joints from this World.
removeAllJoints(boolean) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeAllJoints(boolean) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Removes all Joints from this World.
removeAllListeners() - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
removeAllListeners() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeAllListeners() - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Removes all listeners from this world.
removeAllStepListeners() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeAllStepListeners() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Removes all step listeners from this world.
removeAllTimeOfImpactListeners() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeAllTimeOfImpactListeners() - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Removes all time of impact listeners from this world.
removeBody(int) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
removeBody(int) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeBody(int) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Removes the CollisionBody at the given index from this CollisionWorld.
removeBody(int, boolean) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeBody(int, boolean) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Removes the CollisionBody at the given index from this CollisionWorld.
removeBody(T) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
removeBody(T) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeBody(T) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Removes the given CollisionBody from this CollisionWorld.
removeBody(T) - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Removes the given body from the graph.
removeBody(T, boolean) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeBody(T, boolean) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Removes the given CollisionBody from this CollisionWorld.
removeBoundsListener(BoundsListener<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
removeBoundsListener(BoundsListener<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Removes the given bounds listener from this world and returns true if it was removed.
removeCollisionListener(CollisionListener<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
removeCollisionListener(CollisionListener<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Removes the given collision listener from this world and returns true if it was removed.
removeCondition(FallbackCondition) - Method in class FallbackNarrowphaseDetector
Removes the given condition to the list of fallback conditions and returns true if the operation was successful.
removeContactConstraint(ContactConstraint<T>) - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Removes the given contact constraint from the graph.
removeContactListener(ContactListener<T>) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeContactListener(ContactListener<T>) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Removes the given contact listener from this world and returns true if it was removed.
removeDestructionListener(DestructionListener<T>) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeDestructionListener(DestructionListener<T>) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Removes the given destruction listener from this world and returns true if it was removed.
removeFixture(int) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
removeFixture(int) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Removes the Fixture at the given index.
removeFixture(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
removeFixture(Vector2) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Removes the first Fixture in this CollisionBody, determined by the order in which they were added, that contains the given point and returns it.
removeFixture(T) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
removeFixture(T) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Removes the given Fixture from this CollisionBody.
removeFixtures(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
removeFixtures(Vector2) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Removes all the Fixtures in this CollisionBody that contain the given point and returns them.
removeJoint(int) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeJoint(int) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Removes the Joint at the given index from this World.
removeJoint(Joint<T>) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeJoint(Joint<T>) - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Removes the given joint from the graph.
removeJoint(Joint<T>) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Removes the given Joint from this World.
removeMaximum() - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Removes the maximum value node from this tree.
removeMinimum() - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Removes the minimum value node from this tree.
removeStepListener(StepListener<T>) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeStepListener(StepListener<T>) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Removes the given step listener from this world and returns true if it was removed.
removeSubtree(E) - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Removes the node containing the given value and the corresponding subtree from this tree.
removeTimeOfImpactListener(TimeOfImpactListener<T>) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
removeTimeOfImpactListener(TimeOfImpactListener<T>) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Removes the given time of impact listener from this world and returns true if it was removed.
reset() - Method in class Settings
Resets the settings back to defaults.
reset() - Method in interface CollisionData
Resets the data in this object to prepare for use in the next detection step.
reset() - Method in class WorldCollisionData
restDistance - Variable in class DistanceJoint
The rest distance
restitution - Variable in class BodyFixture
The coefficient of restitution
restitution - Variable in class ContactConstraint
The coefficient of restitution
restitutionVelocity - Variable in class BodyFixture
The minimum velocity to apply restitution
restitutionVelocity - Variable in class ContactConstraint
The minimum velocity at which to apply restitution
reverseOrderIterator() - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Returns a new iterator for traversing the tree in reverse order.
reverseWinding(List<Vector2>) - Static method in class Geometry
Reverses the order of the polygon points within the given list.
reverseWinding(Vector2...) - Static method in class Geometry
Reverses the order of the polygon points within the given array.
RevoluteJoint<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Implementation of a pivot joint.
RevoluteJoint(T, T, Vector2) - Constructor for class RevoluteJoint
Minimal constructor.
right() - Method in class Vector2
Sets this vector to the right-handed normal of this vector.
right(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class Bayazit
Returns true if the given point p is to the right of the line created by a-b.
rightOn(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class Bayazit
Returns true if the given point p is to the right or on the line created by a-b.
RobustGeometry - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
This class provides geometric routines that have guarantees about some properties of their floating point results and operations.
RobustGeometry() - Constructor for class RobustGeometry
Rotatable - Interface in org.dyn4j.geometry
Interface representing an object that can be rotated.
rotate(double) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
rotate(double) - Method in class AbstractShape
rotate(double) - Method in interface Rotatable
Rotates the object about the origin.
rotate(double) - Method in class Rotation
Rotates this rotation by the given angle and returns this rotation.
rotate(double) - Method in class Transform
rotate(double) - Method in class Vector2
Rotates about the origin.
rotate(double, double, double) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
rotate(double, double, double) - Method in class AbstractShape
rotate(double, double, double) - Method in class Link
rotate(double, double, double) - Method in interface Rotatable
Rotates the object about the given coordinates.
rotate(double, double, double) - Method in class Transform
rotate(double, double, double) - Method in class Vector2
Rotates the Vector2 about the given coordinates.
rotate(double, Vector2) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
rotate(double, Vector2) - Method in class AbstractShape
rotate(double, Vector2) - Method in interface Rotatable
Rotates the object about the given point.
rotate(double, Vector2) - Method in class Transform
rotate(double, Vector2) - Method in class Vector2
Rotates the Vector2 about the given point.
rotate(Rotation) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
rotate(Rotation) - Method in class AbstractShape
rotate(Rotation) - Method in interface Rotatable
Rotates the object about the origin.
rotate(Rotation) - Method in class Rotation
Rotates this rotation by the given rotation and returns this rotation.
rotate(Rotation) - Method in class Transform
rotate(Rotation) - Method in class Vector2
Rotates about the origin.
rotate(Rotation, double, double) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
rotate(Rotation, double, double) - Method in class AbstractShape
rotate(Rotation, double, double) - Method in class Capsule
rotate(Rotation, double, double) - Method in class Ellipse
rotate(Rotation, double, double) - Method in class HalfEllipse
rotate(Rotation, double, double) - Method in class Polygon
rotate(Rotation, double, double) - Method in interface Rotatable
Rotates the object about the given point.
rotate(Rotation, double, double) - Method in class Segment
rotate(Rotation, double, double) - Method in class Slice
rotate(Rotation, double, double) - Method in class Transform
rotate(Rotation, double, double) - Method in class Vector2
Rotates the Vector2 about the given coordinates.
rotate(Rotation, Vector2) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
rotate(Rotation, Vector2) - Method in class AbstractShape
rotate(Rotation, Vector2) - Method in interface Rotatable
Rotates the object about the given point.
rotate(Rotation, Vector2) - Method in class Transform
rotate(Rotation, Vector2) - Method in class Vector2
Rotates the Vector2 about the given point.
rotate135() - Method in class Rotation
Rotates this rotation 135 degrees and returns this rotation.
rotate180() - Method in class Rotation
Rotates this rotation 180 degrees and returns this rotation.
rotate225() - Method in class Rotation
Rotates this rotation 225 degrees and returns this rotation.
rotate270() - Method in class Rotation
Rotates this rotation 270 degrees and returns this rotation.
rotate315() - Method in class Rotation
Rotates this rotation 315 degrees and returns this rotation.
rotate45() - Method in class Rotation
Rotates this rotation 45 degrees and returns this rotation.
rotate90() - Method in class Rotation
Rotates this rotation 90 degrees and returns this rotation.
rotateAboutCenter(double) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
rotateAboutCenter(double) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Rotates the CollisionBody about its center.
rotateAboutCenter(double) - Method in class AbstractShape
rotateAboutCenter(double) - Method in interface Shape
Rotates the Shape about it's center.
Rotation - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
This class represents a rotation (in 2D space).
Rotation() - Constructor for class Rotation
Default constructor.
Rotation(double) - Constructor for class Rotation
Creates a Rotation from the given angle.
Rotation(double, double) - Constructor for class Rotation
Internal constructor that directly sets the cost and sint fields of the Rotation without additional validation.
Rotation(Rotation) - Constructor for class Rotation
Copy constructor.
rotation0() - Static method in class Rotation
Creates a new Rotation of 0 degrees.
rotation135() - Static method in class Rotation
Creates a new Rotation of 135 degrees.
rotation180() - Static method in class Rotation
Creates a new Rotation of 180 degrees.
rotation225() - Static method in class Rotation
Creates a new Rotation of 225 degrees.
rotation270() - Static method in class Rotation
Creates a new Rotation of 270 degrees.
rotation315() - Static method in class Rotation
Creates a new Rotation of 315 degrees.
rotation45() - Static method in class Rotation
Creates a new Rotation of 45 degrees.
rotation90() - Static method in class Rotation
Creates a new Rotation of 90 degrees.


SameObjectException - Exception in org.dyn4j.exception
Represents an exception when two arguments are the same object.
SameObjectException(String, String, Object) - Constructor for exception SameObjectException
Minimal constructor.
Sap<T> - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
Implementation of the Sweep and Prune broad-phase collision detection algorithm.
Sap(BroadphaseFilter<T>, AABBProducer<T>, AABBExpansionMethod<T>) - Constructor for class Sap
Default constructor.
Sap(BroadphaseFilter<T>, AABBProducer<T>, AABBExpansionMethod<T>, int) - Constructor for class Sap
Full constructor.
Sat - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Implementation of the Separating Axis Theorem (SAT) for collision detection.
Sat() - Constructor for class Sat
scale(Capsule, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns a scaled version of the given capsule.
scale(Circle, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns a scaled version of the given circle.
scale(Ellipse, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns a scaled version of the given ellipse.
scale(HalfEllipse, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns a scaled version of the given half-ellipse.
scale(Polygon, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns a scaled version of the given polygon.
scale(Segment, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns a scaled version of the given segment.
scale(Slice, double) - Static method in class Geometry
Returns a scaled version of the given slice.
search(T) - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Performs a binary search on this tree given the criteria.
Segment - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Implementation of a Line Segment Convex Shape.
Segment(Vector2, Vector2) - Constructor for class Segment
Full constructor.
SegmentDetector - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Class devoted to improving performance of Segment detection queries.
sensor - Variable in class Fixture
Whether the fixture only senses contact
sensor - Variable in class ContactConstraint
Whether the contact is a sensor contact or not
separation - Variable in class TimeOfImpact
The separation at the time of impact
Separation - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Represents a Separation of one Convex Shape between another.
Separation() - Constructor for class Separation
Default constructor.
Separation(Vector2, double, Vector2, Vector2) - Constructor for class Separation
Full constructor.
SequentialImpulses<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics.contact
Represents an impulse based rigid PhysicsBody physics collision resolver.
SequentialImpulses() - Constructor for class SequentialImpulses
set(double) - Method in class Torque
Sets this Torque to the given torque value.
set(double) - Method in class Rotation
Sets this Rotation to the given angle.
set(double, double) - Method in class Force
Sets this Force to the given components.
set(double, double) - Method in class Vector2
Sets this Vector2 to the given Vector2.
set(double, double, double) - Method in class Vector3
Sets this Vector3 to the given Vector3.
set(Force) - Method in class Force
Sets this Force to the given Force.
set(Torque) - Method in class Torque
Sets this Torque to the given Torque.
set(AABB) - Method in class AABB
Sets this aabb to the given aabb's value and returns this AABB.
set(Rotation) - Method in class Rotation
Sets this Rotation to the given Rotation.
set(Transform) - Method in class Transform
Sets this transform to the given transform.
set(Vector2) - Method in class Force
Sets this Force to the given force Vector2.
set(Vector2) - Method in class Vector2
Sets this Vector2 to the given Vector2.
set(Vector3) - Method in class Vector3
Sets this Vector3 to the given Vector3.
setAccumulatedTime(double) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
setAccumulatedTime(double) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Sets the current accumulated time.
setAContainedInB(boolean) - Method in class Containment
Sets if A is contained in B.
setAngularDamping(double) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
setAngularDamping(double) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Sets the angular damping.
setAngularTarget(double) - Method in class MotorJoint
Sets the desired angle between the bodies.
setAngularTolerance(double) - Method in class Settings
Sets the angular tolerance.
setAngularVelocity(double) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
setAngularVelocity(double) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Sets the angular velocity in radians per second
setAtRest(boolean) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
setAtRest(boolean) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Sets whether this PhysicsBody is at-rest or not.
setAtRestDetectionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
setAtRestDetectionEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Determines whether this PhysicsBody can participate in automatic at-rest detection.
setAtRestDetectionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class Settings
Sets whether the engine automatically flags PhysicsBodys as at-rest.
setBaumgarte(double) - Method in class Settings
Sets the baumgarte factor.
setBContainedInA(boolean) - Method in class Containment
Sets if B is contained in A.
setBody(T) - Method in class DetectResult
Sets the body.
setBounds(Bounds) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
setBounds(Bounds) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Sets the bounds of this CollisionWorld.
setBroadphaseCollision(boolean) - Method in interface CollisionData
Set to true if the CollisionPair was detected by the BroadphaseDetector and it was allowed to continue to the NarrowphaseDetector stage.
setBroadphaseCollision(boolean) - Method in class WorldCollisionData
setBroadphaseCollisionDataFilter(BroadphaseCollisionDataFilter<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
setBroadphaseCollisionDataFilter(BroadphaseCollisionDataFilter<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Sets the BroadphaseCollisionDataFilter used when detecting collisions for each time step.
setBroadphaseDetector(CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector<T, E>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
setBroadphaseDetector(CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector<T, E>) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Sets the broad-phase collision detection algorithm.
setBullet(boolean) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
setBullet(boolean) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Sets the bullet flag for this PhysicsBody.
setCollisionAllowed(boolean) - Method in class AbstractJoint
setCollisionAllowed(boolean) - Method in class AbstractPairedBodyJoint
setCollisionAllowed(boolean) - Method in interface Joint
Sets whether collision is allowed between the joined PhysicsBodys.
setContactConstraintCollision(boolean) - Method in interface ContactCollisionData
Set to true if the CollisionPair created a ContactConstraint and interaction edge.
setContactConstraintCollision(boolean) - Method in class WorldCollisionData
setContactConstraintSolver(ContactConstraintSolver<T>) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
setContactConstraintSolver(ContactConstraintSolver<T>) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Sets the ContactConstraintSolver for this world.
setContinuousCollisionDetectionBroadphaseDetector(BroadphaseDetector<T>) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
setContinuousCollisionDetectionBroadphaseDetector(BroadphaseDetector<T>) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Sets the CCD broad-phase collision detection algorithm.
setContinuousDetectionMode(ContinuousDetectionMode) - Method in class Settings
Sets the continuous collision detection mode.
setCorrectionFactor(double) - Method in class MotorJoint
Sets the correction factor.
setCorrectionFactor(double) - Method in class PinJoint
Sets the correction factor.
setDensity(double) - Method in class BodyFixture
Sets the density of this shape in kg/m2.
setDepth(double) - Method in class ManifoldPoint
Sets the collision depth of the manifold point.
setDepth(double) - Method in class Penetration
Sets the penetration depth.
setDetectEpsilon(double) - Method in class Gjk
The minimum distance to determine that two shapes are not colliding.
setDirection(double) - Method in class Ray
Sets the direction of this ray in radians.
setDirection(double) - Method in class Vector2
Sets the direction of this Vector2.
setDirection(Vector2) - Method in class Ray
Sets the direction.
setDistance(double) - Method in class Raycast
Sets the distance from the start of the Ray to the hit point.
setDistance(double) - Method in class Separation
Sets the separation distance.
setDistanceDetector(DistanceDetector) - Method in class ConservativeAdvancement
Sets the DistanceDetector to be used.
setDistanceEpsilon(double) - Method in class ConservativeAdvancement
Sets the distance epsilon used to determine when a sufficient solution has been found.
setDistanceEpsilon(double) - Method in class Epa
The minimum distance between two iterations of the algorithm.
setDistanceEpsilon(double) - Method in class Gjk
The minimum distance between two iterations of the Gjk distance algorithm.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Sets the CollisionBody enabled or not.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ContactConstraint
Sets the enabled flag.
setFilter(Filter) - Method in class Fixture
Sets the collision filter for this fixture.
setFixture(E) - Method in class DetectResult
Sets the fixture.
setFixtureModificationHandler(FixtureModificationHandler<T>) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
setFixtureModificationHandler(FixtureModificationHandler<T>) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Sets the FixtureModificationHandler for this body.
setFriction(double) - Method in class BodyFixture
Sets the coefficient of friction.
setFriction(double) - Method in class ContactConstraint
Removed in 5.0.1. Set the body friction coefficients instead.
setFromPoints(double, double, double, double, AABB) - Static method in class AABB
Method to create the valid AABB defined by the two points A(point1x, point1y) and B(point2x, point2y) and places the result in the given AABB.
setFromPoints(Vector2, Vector2, AABB) - Static method in class AABB
Method to create the valid AABB defined by the two points point1 and point2 and places the result in the given AABB.
setGravity(double, double) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
setGravity(double, double) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Sets the acceleration due to gravity.
setGravity(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
setGravity(Vector2) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Sets the acceleration due to gravity.
setGravityScale(double) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
setGravityScale(double) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Sets the gravity scale.
setIdentity() - Method in class Rotation
Sets this Rotation to be the identity.
setLength(double) - Method in class PulleyJoint
Sets the total length of the pulley "rope."
setLimits(double) - Method in class AngleJoint
setLimits(double) - Method in interface AngularLimitsJoint
Sets both the lower and upper limits to the given limit.
setLimits(double) - Method in class DistanceJoint
Sets both the lower and upper limits to the given limit.
setLimits(double) - Method in interface LinearLimitsJoint
Sets both the lower and upper limits to the given limit.
setLimits(double) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setLimits(double) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
setLimits(double) - Method in class WeldJoint
setLimits(double) - Method in class WheelJoint
setLimits(double, double) - Method in class AngleJoint
setLimits(double, double) - Method in interface AngularLimitsJoint
Sets the upper and lower angular limits.
setLimits(double, double) - Method in class DistanceJoint
Sets both the lower and upper limits.
setLimits(double, double) - Method in interface LinearLimitsJoint
Sets both the lower and upper limits.
setLimits(double, double) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setLimits(double, double) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
setLimits(double, double) - Method in class WeldJoint
setLimits(double, double) - Method in class WheelJoint
setLimitsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class AngleJoint
setLimitsEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface AngularLimitsJoint
Enables or disables the angular limits.
setLimitsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class DistanceJoint
setLimitsEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface LinearLimitsJoint
Enables or disables both the lower and upper limits.
setLimitsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setLimitsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
setLimitsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class WeldJoint
setLimitsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class WheelJoint
setLimitsEnabled(double) - Method in class AngleJoint
setLimitsEnabled(double) - Method in interface AngularLimitsJoint
Sets both the lower and upper limits to the given limit and enables them.
setLimitsEnabled(double) - Method in class DistanceJoint
Sets both the lower and upper limits to the given limit and enables both.
setLimitsEnabled(double) - Method in interface LinearLimitsJoint
Sets both the lower and upper limits to the given limit and enables both.
setLimitsEnabled(double) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setLimitsEnabled(double) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
setLimitsEnabled(double) - Method in class WeldJoint
setLimitsEnabled(double) - Method in class WheelJoint
setLimitsEnabled(double, double) - Method in class AngleJoint
setLimitsEnabled(double, double) - Method in interface AngularLimitsJoint
Sets both the lower and upper limits and enables them.
setLimitsEnabled(double, double) - Method in class DistanceJoint
Sets both the lower and upper limits and enables both.
setLimitsEnabled(double, double) - Method in interface LinearLimitsJoint
Sets both the lower and upper limits and enables both.
setLimitsEnabled(double, double) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setLimitsEnabled(double, double) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
setLimitsEnabled(double, double) - Method in class WeldJoint
setLimitsEnabled(double, double) - Method in class WheelJoint
setLimitsReferenceAngle(double) - Method in class AngleJoint
setLimitsReferenceAngle(double) - Method in interface AngularLimitsJoint
Sets the limits reference angle.
setLimitsReferenceAngle(double) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
setLimitsReferenceAngle(double) - Method in class WeldJoint
setLinearDamping(double) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
setLinearDamping(double) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Sets the linear damping.
setLinearTarget(Vector2) - Method in class MotorJoint
Sets the desired linear distance along the x and y coordinates from body1's world center.
setLinearTolerance(double) - Method in class Settings
Sets the linear tolerance.
setLinearVelocity(double, double) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
setLinearVelocity(double, double) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Sets the linear velocity.
setLinearVelocity(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
setLinearVelocity(Vector2) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Sets the linear velocity.
setLowerLimit(double) - Method in class AngleJoint
setLowerLimit(double) - Method in interface AngularLimitsJoint
Sets the lower angular limit.
setLowerLimit(double) - Method in class DistanceJoint
Sets the lower limit in meters.
setLowerLimit(double) - Method in interface LinearLimitsJoint
Sets the lower limit in meters.
setLowerLimit(double) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setLowerLimit(double) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
setLowerLimit(double) - Method in class WeldJoint
setLowerLimit(double) - Method in class WheelJoint
setLowerLimitEnabled(boolean) - Method in class DistanceJoint
setLowerLimitEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface LinearLimitsJoint
Sets whether the lower limit is enabled.
setLowerLimitEnabled(boolean) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setLowerLimitEnabled(boolean) - Method in class WheelJoint
setMagnitude(double) - Method in class Vector2
Sets the magnitude of the Vector2.
setMagnitude(double) - Method in class Vector3
Sets the magnitude of the Vector3.
setManifoldCollision(boolean) - Method in interface CollisionData
Set to true if the CollisionPair was detected by the ManifoldSolver.
setManifoldCollision(boolean) - Method in class WorldCollisionData
setManifoldSolver(ManifoldSolver) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
setManifoldSolver(ManifoldSolver) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Sets the manifold solver.
setMass(Mass) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
setMass(Mass) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Explicitly sets this PhysicsBody's mass information.
setMass(MassType) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
setMass(MassType) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
This method should be called after fixture modification is complete.
setMassType(MassType) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
setMassType(MassType) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Sets the MassType of this PhysicsBody.
setMax(double) - Method in class Interval
Sets the maximum for this interval.
setMaxDetectIterations(int) - Method in class Gjk
Sets the maximum number of iterations the Gjk collision detection algorithm will perform when before return that two convex shapes are not overlapping.
setMaxDistanceIterations(int) - Method in class Gjk
Sets the maximum number of iterations the Gjk distance algorithm will perform when determining the distance between two convex shapes.
setMaximumAngularCorrection(double) - Method in class Settings
Sets the maximum angular correction.
setMaximumAtRestAngularVelocity(double) - Method in class Settings
Sets the maximum at-rest angular velocity.
setMaximumAtRestLinearVelocity(double) - Method in class Settings
Sets the maximum at-rest linear velocity.
setMaximumCorrectionForce(double) - Method in class PinJoint
Sets the maximum correction force this constraint will apply in newtons.
setMaximumForce(double) - Method in class FrictionJoint
Sets the maximum force this constraint will apply in newtons.
setMaximumForce(double) - Method in class MotorJoint
Sets the maximum force this constraint will apply in newtons.
setMaximumLinearCorrection(double) - Method in class Settings
Sets the maximum linear correction.
setMaximumMotorForce(double) - Method in interface LinearMotorJoint
Sets the maximum force the motor can apply to the joint to achieve the target speed.
setMaximumMotorForce(double) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setMaximumMotorForceEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface LinearMotorJoint
Sets whether the maximum motor force is enabled.
setMaximumMotorForceEnabled(boolean) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setMaximumMotorTorque(double) - Method in interface AngularMotorJoint
Sets the maximum torque the motor can apply to the joint to achieve the target speed.
setMaximumMotorTorque(double) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
setMaximumMotorTorque(double) - Method in class WheelJoint
setMaximumMotorTorqueEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface AngularMotorJoint
Sets whether the maximum motor torque is enabled.
setMaximumMotorTorqueEnabled(boolean) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
setMaximumMotorTorqueEnabled(boolean) - Method in class WheelJoint
setMaximumRotation(double) - Method in class Settings
Sets the maximum rotation a PhysicsBody can have in one time step.
setMaximumSpringForce(double) - Method in class DistanceJoint
setMaximumSpringForce(double) - Method in interface LinearSpringJoint
Sets the maximum force the spring can apply.
setMaximumSpringForce(double) - Method in class PinJoint
setMaximumSpringForce(double) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setMaximumSpringForce(double) - Method in class WheelJoint
setMaximumSpringForceEnabled(boolean) - Method in class DistanceJoint
setMaximumSpringForceEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface LinearSpringJoint
Sets whether the spring force is limited to the maximum.
setMaximumSpringForceEnabled(boolean) - Method in class PinJoint
setMaximumSpringForceEnabled(boolean) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setMaximumSpringForceEnabled(boolean) - Method in class WheelJoint
setMaximumSpringTorque(double) - Method in interface AngularSpringJoint
Sets the maximum spring torque the spring is allowed to exert.
setMaximumSpringTorque(double) - Method in class WeldJoint
setMaximumSpringTorqueEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface AngularSpringJoint
Sets whether the spring torque is limited to a maximum torque.
setMaximumSpringTorqueEnabled(boolean) - Method in class WeldJoint
setMaximumTorque(double) - Method in class FrictionJoint
Sets the maximum torque this constraint will apply in newton-meters.
setMaximumTorque(double) - Method in class MotorJoint
Sets the maximum torque this constraint will apply in newton-meters.
setMaximumTranslation(double) - Method in class Settings
Sets the maximum translation a PhysicsBody can have in one time step.
setMaximumWarmStartDistance(double) - Method in class Settings
Sets the maximum warm start distance.
setMaxIterations(int) - Method in class ConservativeAdvancement
Sets the maximum number of iterations that will be performed by the root finder.
setMaxIterations(int) - Method in class Epa
Sets the maximum number of iterations the algorithm will perform before exiting.
setMaxRaycastIterations(int) - Method in class Gjk
Sets the maximum number of iterations the Gjk raycast algorithm will perform when checking whether the ray intersects the convex.
setMin(double) - Method in class Interval
Sets the minimum for this interval.
setMinimumAtRestTime(double) - Method in class Settings
Sets the minimum at-rest time.
setMinkowskiPenetrationSolver(MinkowskiPenetrationSolver) - Method in class Gjk
Sets the MinkowskiPenetrationSolver used to obtain the penetration vector and depth.
setMotorEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface AngularMotorJoint
Enables or disables the motor.
setMotorEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface LinearMotorJoint
Enables or disables the motor.
setMotorEnabled(boolean) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setMotorEnabled(boolean) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
setMotorEnabled(boolean) - Method in class WheelJoint
setMotorSpeed(double) - Method in interface AngularMotorJoint
Sets the target motor speed.
setMotorSpeed(double) - Method in interface LinearMotorJoint
Sets the target motor speed.
setMotorSpeed(double) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setMotorSpeed(double) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
setMotorSpeed(double) - Method in class WheelJoint
setNarrowphaseCollision(boolean) - Method in interface CollisionData
Set to true if the CollisionPair was detected by the NarrowphaseDetector and it was allowed to continue to the ManifoldSolver stage.
setNarrowphaseCollision(boolean) - Method in class WorldCollisionData
setNarrowphaseDetector(NarrowphaseDetector) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
setNarrowphaseDetector(NarrowphaseDetector) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Sets the narrow-phase collision detection algorithm.
setNarrowphasePostProcessor(NarrowphasePostProcessor) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
setNarrowphasePostProcessor(NarrowphasePostProcessor) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Sets the narrow-phase post processing algorithm.
setNext(Link) - Method in class Link
Sets the next link in the chain.
setNormal(Vector2) - Method in class Manifold
Sets the manifold normal.
setNormal(Vector2) - Method in class Penetration
Sets the penetration normal.
setNormal(Vector2) - Method in class Raycast
Sets the normal at the hit point.
setNormal(Vector2) - Method in class Separation
Sets the separation normal.
setOwner(Object) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
setOwner(Object) - Method in class AbstractJoint
setOwner(Object) - Method in interface Ownable
Sets the owner of this body.
setPenetration(Penetration) - Method in class ConvexDetectResult
Sets the penetration data.
setPoint(Vector2) - Method in class ManifoldPoint
Sets the contact point.
setPoint(Vector2) - Method in class Raycast
Sets the hit point.
setPoint1(Vector2) - Method in class Separation
Sets the closest point on the first Convex Shape.
setPoint2(Vector2) - Method in class Separation
Sets the closest point on the second Convex Shape.
setPoints(List<ManifoldPoint>) - Method in class Manifold
Sets the point list of this Manifold.
setPositionConstraintSolverIterations(int) - Method in class Settings
Sets the number of iterations used to solve position constraints.
setPrevious(Link) - Method in class Link
Sets the previous link in the chain.
setRatio(double) - Method in class AngleJoint
Sets the angular velocity ratio between the two bodies.
setRatio(double) - Method in class PulleyJoint
Sets the pulley ratio.
setRaycast(Raycast) - Method in class RaycastResult
Sets the raycast information.
setRaycastDetector(RaycastDetector) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
setRaycastDetector(RaycastDetector) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Sets the raycast detector.
setRaycastEpsilon(double) - Method in class Gjk
The minimum distance between the ray and convex for the Gjk raycast algorithm.
setReferenceAngle(double) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
Sets the reference angle.
setRestDistance(double) - Method in class DistanceJoint
Sets the rest distance between the two constrained PhysicsBodys in meters.
setRestitution(double) - Method in class BodyFixture
Sets the coefficient of restitution.
setRestitution(double) - Method in class ContactConstraint
Removed in 5.0.1. Set the body restitution coefficients instead.
setRestitutionVelocity(double) - Method in class BodyFixture
Sets the minimum velocity required to apply restitution.
setRestitutionVelocity(double) - Method in class ContactConstraint
Removed in 5.0.1. Set the body restitution velocity instead.
setRotation(double) - Method in class Transform
Sets the rotation and returns the previous rotation.
setRotation(Rotation) - Method in class Transform
Sets the rotation and returns the previous rotation.
setRotationDiscRadius(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
Computes the rotation disc for this AbstractCollisionBody.
setSelfBalancing(boolean) - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Sets whether this tree should self balance.
setSensor(boolean) - Method in class Fixture
Toggles this fixture as a sensor fixture.
setSensor(boolean) - Method in class ContactConstraint
Removed in 5.0.1. Set the body fixture sensor flag instead.
setSeparation(Separation) - Method in class TimeOfImpact
Sets the separation at the time of impact.
setSettings(Settings) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
setSettings(Settings) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Sets the dynamics settings for this world.
setSlackEnabled(boolean) - Method in class PulleyJoint
Toggles the slack in the rope.
setSpringDamperEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface AngularSpringJoint
Sets whether the spring's damper is enabled or not.
setSpringDamperEnabled(boolean) - Method in class DistanceJoint
setSpringDamperEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface LinearSpringJoint
Sets whether the spring's damper is enabled or not.
setSpringDamperEnabled(boolean) - Method in class PinJoint
setSpringDamperEnabled(boolean) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setSpringDamperEnabled(boolean) - Method in class WeldJoint
setSpringDamperEnabled(boolean) - Method in class WheelJoint
setSpringDampingRatio(double) - Method in interface AngularSpringJoint
Sets the damping ratio.
setSpringDampingRatio(double) - Method in class DistanceJoint
setSpringDampingRatio(double) - Method in interface LinearSpringJoint
Sets the damping ratio.
setSpringDampingRatio(double) - Method in class PinJoint
setSpringDampingRatio(double) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setSpringDampingRatio(double) - Method in class WeldJoint
setSpringDampingRatio(double) - Method in class WheelJoint
setSpringEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface AngularSpringJoint
Sets whether the spring is enabled or not.
setSpringEnabled(boolean) - Method in class DistanceJoint
setSpringEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface LinearSpringJoint
Sets whether the spring is enabled or not.
setSpringEnabled(boolean) - Method in class PinJoint
setSpringEnabled(boolean) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setSpringEnabled(boolean) - Method in class WeldJoint
setSpringEnabled(boolean) - Method in class WheelJoint
setSpringFrequency(double) - Method in interface AngularSpringJoint
Sets the spring frequency.
setSpringFrequency(double) - Method in class DistanceJoint
setSpringFrequency(double) - Method in interface LinearSpringJoint
Sets the spring frequency.
setSpringFrequency(double) - Method in class PinJoint
setSpringFrequency(double) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setSpringFrequency(double) - Method in class WeldJoint
setSpringFrequency(double) - Method in class WheelJoint
setSpringRestOffset(double) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
Set's the spring rest offset.
setSpringRestOffset(double) - Method in class WheelJoint
Set's the spring rest offset.
setSpringStiffness(double) - Method in interface AngularSpringJoint
Sets the spring stiffness.
setSpringStiffness(double) - Method in class DistanceJoint
setSpringStiffness(double) - Method in interface LinearSpringJoint
Sets the spring stiffness.
setSpringStiffness(double) - Method in class PinJoint
setSpringStiffness(double) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setSpringStiffness(double) - Method in class WeldJoint
setSpringStiffness(double) - Method in class WheelJoint
setStart(Vector2) - Method in class Ray
Sets the start point.
setStepFrequency(double) - Method in class Settings
Sets the step frequency of the dynamics engine.
setTangentSpeed(double) - Method in class ContactConstraint
Sets the target surface speed of the contact constraint.
setTarget(Vector2) - Method in class PinJoint
Returns the target point in world coordinates.
setTime(double) - Method in class TimeOfImpact
Sets the time of impact.
setTimeOfImpact(TimeOfImpact) - Method in class ConvexCastResult
Sets the time of impact data.
setTimeOfImpactDetector(TimeOfImpactDetector) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
setTimeOfImpactDetector(TimeOfImpactDetector) - Method in interface CollisionWorld
Sets the time of impact detector.
setTimeOfImpactSolver(TimeOfImpactSolver<T>) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
setTimeOfImpactSolver(TimeOfImpactSolver<T>) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Sets the TimeOfImpactSolver for this world.
settings - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
The dynamics settings for this world
Settings - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics
Responsible for housing all of the dynamics engine's settings.
Settings() - Constructor for class Settings
Default constructor
setTransform(Transform) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
setTransform(Transform) - Method in interface CollisionBody
Sets this CollisionBody's local to world space Transform.
setTranslation(double, double) - Method in class Transform
Sets the translation.
setTranslation(Vector2) - Method in class Transform
Sets the translation.
setTranslationX(double) - Method in class Transform
Sets the translation along the x axis.
setTranslationY(double) - Method in class Transform
Sets the translation along the y axis.
setType(MassType) - Method in class Mass
Sets the mass type.
setUpdated(T) - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
This method forces this broad-phase to include the given object in the updated list to ensure they are checked in the updated-only detection routine.
setUpdated(T) - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
setUpdated(T) - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
setUpdated(T) - Method in interface CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector
This method is intended to force the broad-phase to include this CollisionBody's Fixtures in the updated list to ensure they are checked in the updated-only detection routine.
setUpdated(T) - Method in class CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter
setUpdated(T) - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
setUpdated(T) - Method in class Sap
setUpdated(T, E) - Method in interface CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector
This method is intended to force the broad-phase to include the Fixture in the updated list to ensure they are checked in the updated-only detection routine.
setUpdated(T, E) - Method in class CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter
setUpdateRequired(boolean) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
setUpdateRequired(boolean) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Sets the update required flag.
setUpdateTrackingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class AbstractBroadphaseDetector
setUpdateTrackingEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Sets the update tracking to the given flag.
setUpdateTrackingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
setUpdateTrackingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
setUpdateTrackingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
setUpdateTrackingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class Sap
setUpperLimit(double) - Method in class AngleJoint
setUpperLimit(double) - Method in interface AngularLimitsJoint
Sets the upper angular limit.
setUpperLimit(double) - Method in class DistanceJoint
Sets the upper limit in meters.
setUpperLimit(double) - Method in interface LinearLimitsJoint
Sets the upper limit in meters.
setUpperLimit(double) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setUpperLimit(double) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
setUpperLimit(double) - Method in class WeldJoint
setUpperLimit(double) - Method in class WheelJoint
setUpperLimitEnabled(boolean) - Method in class DistanceJoint
setUpperLimitEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface LinearLimitsJoint
Sets whether the upper limit is enabled.
setUpperLimitEnabled(boolean) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
setUpperLimitEnabled(boolean) - Method in class WheelJoint
setUserData(Object) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
setUserData(Object) - Method in class Fixture
setUserData(Object) - Method in interface DataContainer
Sets the custom user data to the given data.
setUserData(Object) - Method in class AbstractJoint
setUserData(Object) - Method in class AbstractShape
setUserData(Object) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
setValueMixer(ValueMixer) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
setValueMixer(ValueMixer) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Sets the ValueMixer.
setVelocityConstraintSolverIterations(int) - Method in class Settings
Sets the number of iterations used to solve velocity constraints.
setWarmStartingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class Settings
Sets the warm starting of contacts to enabled.
shape - Variable in class Fixture
The convex shape for this fixture
Shape - Interface in org.dyn4j.geometry
Represents a geometric Shape.
shift(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractBounds
shift(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
shift(Vector2) - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
shift(Vector2) - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
shift(Vector2) - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
shift(Vector2) - Method in class Sap
shift(Vector2) - Method in class Manifold
shift(Vector2) - Method in class ManifoldPoint
shift(Vector2) - Method in class Penetration
shift(Vector2) - Method in class Raycast
shift(Vector2) - Method in class Separation
shift(Vector2) - Method in class ContactConstraint
shift(Vector2) - Method in class AngleJoint
shift(Vector2) - Method in class DistanceJoint
shift(Vector2) - Method in class FrictionJoint
shift(Vector2) - Method in class MotorJoint
shift(Vector2) - Method in class PinJoint
shift(Vector2) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
shift(Vector2) - Method in class PulleyJoint
shift(Vector2) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
shift(Vector2) - Method in class WeldJoint
shift(Vector2) - Method in class WheelJoint
shift(Vector2) - Method in interface Shiftable
Translates the object to match the given coordinate shift.
shift(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractCollisionWorld
shift(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
shift(Vector2) - Method in class WorldCollisionData
Shiftable - Interface in org.dyn4j.geometry
Represents an object that can be shifted in the x and y plane.
Simplifier - Interface in org.dyn4j.geometry.simplify
Represents a simple polygon (without holes) simplification algorithm.
simplify(List<Vector2>) - Method in class DouglasPeucker
simplify(List<Vector2>) - Method in interface Simplifier
Simplifies the given simple polygon and returns a new simplified simple polygon.
simplify(List<Vector2>) - Method in class VertexClusterReduction
simplify(List<Vector2>) - Method in class Visvalingam
simplify(Vector2...) - Method in class AbstractSimplifier
simplify(Vector2...) - Method in interface Simplifier
Simplifies the given simple polygon and returns a new simplified simple polygon.
SingleBodyJoint<T extends PhysicsBody> - Interface in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Represents constrained motion with a single PhysicsBody.
SingleTypedFallbackCondition - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Represents a TypedFallbackCondition that filters on a single type.
SingleTypedFallbackCondition(Class<? extends Convex>) - Constructor for class SingleTypedFallbackCondition
Minimal constructor.
SingleTypedFallbackCondition(Class<? extends Convex>, boolean) - Constructor for class SingleTypedFallbackCondition
Optional constructor.
SingleTypedFallbackCondition(Class<? extends Convex>, int) - Constructor for class SingleTypedFallbackCondition
Optional constructor.
SingleTypedFallbackCondition(Class<? extends Convex>, int, boolean) - Constructor for class SingleTypedFallbackCondition
Full constructor.
sint - Variable in class Rotation
The sine of the angle described by this Rotation
sint - Variable in class Transform
the sine of the rotation angle
size - Variable in class ContactConstraint
The number of contacts to solve
size() - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Returns the number of elements in the tree.
size() - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Returns the number of objects managed in this broad-phase.
size() - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
size() - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
size() - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
size() - Method in class Sap
size() - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Returns the number of nodes in the graph.
slackEnabled - Variable in class PulleyJoint
True if slack in the rope is enabled
Slice - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Implementation of a Slice Convex Shape.
Slice(double, double) - Constructor for class Slice
Full constructor.
SLUG_TO_KILOGRAM - Static variable in class UnitConversion
slugsToKilograms(double) - Static method in class UnitConversion
Converts slugs to kilograms.
solve(ContactConstraintSolver<T>, Vector2, TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class ConstraintGraph
Solves the interation graph constraints (Joints/Contacts) by splitting the graph into Islands.
solve(ContactConstraintSolver<T>, Vector2, TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class Island
Integrates the PhysicsBodys, solves all ContactConstraints and Joints, and attempts to sleep motionless PhysicsBodys.
solve(Vector2) - Method in class Matrix22
Solves the system of linear equations:
solve(T, T, TimeOfImpact, Settings) - Method in class ForceCollisionTimeOfImpactSolver
solve(T, T, TimeOfImpact, Settings) - Method in interface TimeOfImpactSolver
Handles the missed collision between the given bodies using the given time of impact.
solve22(Vector2) - Method in class Matrix33
Solves the system of linear equations:
solve33(Vector3) - Method in class Matrix33
Solves the system of linear equations:
SolvedContact - Interface in org.dyn4j.dynamics.contact
Represents a contact that has been solved.
solvePositionConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class AngleJoint
solvePositionConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class DistanceJoint
solvePositionConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class FrictionJoint
solvePositionConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in interface Joint
Solves the position constraints.
solvePositionConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class MotorJoint
solvePositionConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class PinJoint
solvePositionConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
solvePositionConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class PulleyJoint
solvePositionConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
solvePositionConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class WeldJoint
solvePositionConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class WheelJoint
solvePositionContraints(List<ContactConstraint<T>>, TimeStep, Settings) - Method in interface ContactConstraintSolver
Solves the ContactConstraints on the position level.
solvePositionContraints(List<ContactConstraint<T>>, TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class SequentialImpulses
solveTOI(ContinuousDetectionMode) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
Solves any Time-of-Impact events (collision events that were missed by the discrete collision detection algorithms).
solveTOI(T, List<T>, List<TimeOfImpactListener<T>>) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
Solves the time of impact for the given PhysicsBody.
solveVelocityConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class AngleJoint
solveVelocityConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class DistanceJoint
solveVelocityConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class FrictionJoint
solveVelocityConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in interface Joint
Solves the velocity constraints.
solveVelocityConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class MotorJoint
solveVelocityConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class PinJoint
solveVelocityConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class PrismaticJoint
solveVelocityConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class PulleyJoint
solveVelocityConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class RevoluteJoint
solveVelocityConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class WeldJoint
solveVelocityConstraints(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class WheelJoint
solveVelocityContraints(List<ContactConstraint<T>>, TimeStep, Settings) - Method in interface ContactConstraintSolver
Solves the ContactConstraints on the velocity level.
solveVelocityContraints(List<ContactConstraint<T>>, TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class SequentialImpulses
SPRING_MODE_FREQUENCY - Static variable in interface Joint
Mode indicating that the current frequency should be used to calculate the spring stiffness
SPRING_MODE_STIFFNESS - Static variable in interface Joint
Mode indicating that the current stiffness should be used to calculate the spring frequency
springDamperEnabled - Variable in class DistanceJoint
True if the spring's damper is enabled
springDamperEnabled - Variable in class PinJoint
True if the spring's damper is enabled
springDamperEnabled - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
True if the spring-damper is enabled
springDamperEnabled - Variable in class WeldJoint
True if the spring-damper is enabled
springDamperEnabled - Variable in class WheelJoint
True if the spring-damper is enabled
springDampingRatio - Variable in class DistanceJoint
The damping ratio
springDampingRatio - Variable in class PinJoint
The damping ratio
springDampingRatio - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
The damping ratio
springDampingRatio - Variable in class WeldJoint
The damping ratio
springDampingRatio - Variable in class WheelJoint
The damping ratio
springEnabled - Variable in class DistanceJoint
True if the spring is enabled
springEnabled - Variable in class PinJoint
True if the spring is enabled
springEnabled - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
True if the spring is enabled
springEnabled - Variable in class WeldJoint
True if the spring is enabled
springEnabled - Variable in class WheelJoint
True if the spring is enabled
springFrequency - Variable in class DistanceJoint
The oscillation frequency in hz
springFrequency - Variable in class PinJoint
The oscillation frequency in hz
springFrequency - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
The oscillation frequency in hz
springFrequency - Variable in class WeldJoint
The oscillation frequency in hz
springFrequency - Variable in class WheelJoint
The oscillation frequency in hz
springMaximumForce - Variable in class DistanceJoint
The maximum force the spring can apply
springMaximumForce - Variable in class PinJoint
The maximum force the spring can apply
springMaximumForce - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
The maximum force the spring will apply
springMaximumForce - Variable in class WheelJoint
The maximum force the spring will apply
springMaximumForceEnabled - Variable in class DistanceJoint
True if the spring maximum force is enabled
springMaximumForceEnabled - Variable in class PinJoint
True if the spring maximum force is enabled
springMaximumForceEnabled - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
True if the spring maximum force is enabled
springMaximumForceEnabled - Variable in class WheelJoint
True if the spring maximum force is enabled
springMaximumTorque - Variable in class WeldJoint
The maximum force the spring will apply
springMaximumTorqueEnabled - Variable in class WeldJoint
True if the spring maximum force is enabled
springMode - Variable in class DistanceJoint
The current spring mode
springMode - Variable in class PinJoint
The current spring mode
springMode - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
The spring mode (frequency or stiffness)
springMode - Variable in class WeldJoint
The spring mode (frequency or stiffness)
springMode - Variable in class WheelJoint
The spring mode (frequency or stiffness)
springRestOffset - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
The rest offset of the spring
springRestOffset - Variable in class WheelJoint
The rest offset of the spring
springStiffness - Variable in class DistanceJoint
The stiffness (k) of the spring
springStiffness - Variable in class PinJoint
The stiffness (k) of the spring
springStiffness - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
The stiffness of the spring
springStiffness - Variable in class WeldJoint
The stiffness of the spring
springStiffness - Variable in class WheelJoint
The stiffness of the spring
start - Variable in class Ray
The start point
StaticValueAABBExpansionMethod<T> - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.broadphase
Expands AABBs by a static amount using the AABB.expand(double) method.
StaticValueAABBExpansionMethod(double) - Constructor for class StaticValueAABBExpansionMethod
Minimal constructor.
step() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
Performs a full step of the engine.
step(int) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
step(int) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Performs the given number of simulation steps using the step frequency in Settings.
step(int, double) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
step(int, double) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Performs the given number of simulation steps using the given elapsed time for each step.
StepListener<T extends PhysicsBody> - Interface in org.dyn4j.world.listener
Listener notified before and after a simulation step by the PhysicsWorld.
StepListenerAdapter<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.world.listener
Convenience class for implementing the StepListener interface.
StepListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class StepListenerAdapter
stepListeners - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
The list of StepListeners
stepListenersUnmodifiable - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
The unmodifiable list of StepListeners
subsetIterator(E, E) - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Returns the in-order (ascending) iterator.
subtract(double, double) - Method in class Vector2
Subtracts the given Vector2 from this Vector2.
subtract(double, double, double) - Method in class Vector3
Subtracts the given Vector3 from this Vector3.
subtract(Matrix22) - Method in class Matrix22
Subtracts the given Matrix22 from this Matrix22 returning this Matrix22.
subtract(Matrix33) - Method in class Matrix33
Subtracts the given Matrix33 from this Matrix33 returning this Matrix33.
subtract(Vector2) - Method in class Vector2
Subtracts the given Vector2 from this Vector2.
subtract(Vector3) - Method in class Vector3
Subtracts the given Vector3 from this Vector3.
sum(double, double) - Method in class Vector2
Adds this Vector2 and the given Vector2 returning a new Vector2 containing the result.
sum(double, double, double) - Method in class Vector3
Adds this Vector3 and the given Vector3 returning a new Vector3 containing the result.
sum(Matrix22) - Method in class Matrix22
Returns a new Matrix22 that is the sum of this Matrix22 and the given Matrix22.
sum(Matrix33) - Method in class Matrix33
Returns a new Matrix33 that is the sum of this Matrix33 and the given Matrix33.
sum(Vector2) - Method in class Vector2
Adds this Vector2 and the given Vector2 returning a new Vector2 containing the result.
sum(Vector3) - Method in class Vector3
Adds this Vector3 and the given Vector3 returning a new Vector3 containing the result.
SweepLine - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry.decompose
Implementation of the Sweep convex decomposition algorithm for simple polygons.
SweepLine() - Constructor for class SweepLine


tailIterator(E) - Method in class BinarySearchTree
Returns the in-order (ascending) iterator starting from the given node.
tangent - Variable in class ContactConstraint
The tangent of the normal
tangentSpeed - Variable in class ContactConstraint
The surface speed of the contact patch
target - Variable in class PinJoint
The world space target point
time - Variable in class TimeOfImpact
The time of impact in the range [0, 1]
time - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
The accumulated time
timeOfImpact - Variable in class ConvexCastResult
The time of impact data
TimeOfImpact - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.continuous
Represents the time of impact information between two objects.
TimeOfImpact() - Constructor for class TimeOfImpact
Default constructor.
TimeOfImpact(double, Separation) - Constructor for class TimeOfImpact
Full constructor.
timeOfImpactDetector - Variable in class AbstractCollisionWorld
TimeOfImpactDetector - Interface in org.dyn4j.collision.continuous
Interface representing a time of impact algorithm.
TimeOfImpactListener<T extends PhysicsBody> - Interface in org.dyn4j.world.listener
Interface to listen for time of impact events.
TimeOfImpactListenerAdapter<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.world.listener
Convenience class for implementing the TimeOfImpactListener interface.
TimeOfImpactListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class TimeOfImpactListenerAdapter
timeOfImpactListeners - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
timeOfImpactListenersUnmodifiable - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
The unmodifiable list of TimeOfImpactListeners
timeOfImpactSolver - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
TimeOfImpactSolver<T extends PhysicsBody> - Interface in org.dyn4j.dynamics.contact
Represents a position solver for a pair of PhysicsBodys who came in contact during a time step but where not detected by the discrete collision detectors.
timeStep - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
The TimeStep used by the dynamics calculations
TimeStep - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics
Class encapsulating the timestep information.
TimeStep(double) - Constructor for class TimeStep
Default constructor.
to(double, double) - Method in class Vector2
Creates a Vector2 from this Vector2 to the given Vector2.
to(double, double, double) - Method in class Vector3
Creates a Vector3 from this Vector3 to the given Vector3.
to(Vector2) - Method in class Vector2
Creates a Vector2 from this Vector2 to the given Vector2.
to(Vector3) - Method in class Vector3
Creates a Vector3 from this Vector3 to the given Vector3.
toDegrees() - Method in class Rotation
Returns the angle in degrees for this Rotation.
toRadians() - Method in class Rotation
Returns the angle in radians for this Rotation.
torque - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsBody
The current torque
torque - Variable in class Torque
The point where the Force is applied in world coordinates
Torque - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics
Represents a torque about the z-axis.
Torque() - Constructor for class Torque
Default constructor.
Torque(double) - Constructor for class Torque
Creates a Torque using specified torque value.
Torque(Torque) - Constructor for class Torque
Copy constructor.
torques - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsBody
The torque accumulator
toString() - Method in class BinarySearchTree
toString() - Method in class AxisAlignedBounds
toString() - Method in class CategoryFilter
toString() - Method in class TimeOfImpact
toString() - Method in class Fixture
toString() - Method in class IndexedManifoldPointId
toString() - Method in class Manifold
toString() - Method in class ManifoldPoint
toString() - Method in class Containment
toString() - Method in class MinkowskiSum
toString() - Method in class MinkowskiSumPoint
toString() - Method in class PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition
toString() - Method in class Penetration
toString() - Method in class Raycast
toString() - Method in class Separation
toString() - Method in class SingleTypedFallbackCondition
toString() - Method in class TypeFilter
toString() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
toString() - Method in class BodyFixture
toString() - Method in class ContactConstraint
toString() - Method in class Force
toString() - Method in class AbstractJoint
toString() - Method in class AngleJoint
toString() - Method in class DistanceJoint
toString() - Method in class FrictionJoint
toString() - Method in class MotorJoint
toString() - Method in class PinJoint
toString() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
toString() - Method in class PulleyJoint
toString() - Method in class RevoluteJoint
toString() - Method in class WeldJoint
toString() - Method in class WheelJoint
toString() - Method in class Settings
toString() - Method in class TimeStep
toString() - Method in class Torque
toString() - Method in class AABB
toString() - Method in class AbstractShape
toString() - Method in class Capsule
toString() - Method in class Circle
toString() - Method in class EdgeFeature
toString() - Method in class Ellipse
toString() - Method in class HalfEllipse
toString() - Method in class Interval
toString() - Method in class Link
toString() - Method in class Mass
toString() - Method in class Matrix22
toString() - Method in class Matrix33
toString() - Method in class PointFeature
toString() - Method in class Polygon
toString() - Method in class Ray
toString() - Method in class Rectangle
toString() - Method in class Rotation
toString() - Method in class Segment
toString() - Method in class Slice
toString() - Method in class Transform
toString() - Method in class Triangle
toString() - Method in class Vector2
toString() - Method in class Vector3
toString() - Method in class Reference
toVector() - Method in class Rotation
Returns this Rotation as a unit length direction vector.
toVector(double) - Method in class Rotation
Returns this Rotation as a direction vector with the given magnitude.
transform - Variable in class AbstractBounds
transform - Variable in class AbstractCollisionBody
The current Transform
transform(Vector2) - Method in class Transform
Transforms the given Vector2 and places the result in the given Vector2.
Transform - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Represents a transformation matrix.
Transform() - Constructor for class Transform
Default public constructor
Transform(Transform) - Constructor for class Transform
Public copy constructor constructor
transform0 - Variable in class AbstractCollisionBody
The previous Transform
Transformable - Interface in org.dyn4j.geometry
Represents an object that is both Rotatable and Translatable.
transformR(Vector2) - Method in class Transform
Transforms the given Vector2 only by the rotation and returns the result in the given Vector2.
transformX(Vector2) - Method in class Transform
Transforms only the x coordinate of the given Vector2 and places the result in the x field of the given Vector2.
transformY(Vector2) - Method in class Transform
Transforms only the y coordinate of the given Vector2 and places the result in the y field of the given Vector2.
Translatable - Interface in org.dyn4j.geometry
Represents an object that can be translated or moved in the x-y plane.
translate(double, double) - Method in class AbstractBounds
translate(double, double) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
translate(double, double) - Method in class AABB
translate(double, double) - Method in class AbstractShape
translate(double, double) - Method in class Capsule
translate(double, double) - Method in class HalfEllipse
translate(double, double) - Method in class Link
translate(double, double) - Method in class Polygon
translate(double, double) - Method in class Segment
translate(double, double) - Method in class Slice
translate(double, double) - Method in class Transform
translate(double, double) - Method in interface Translatable
Translates the object the given amounts in the respective directions.
translate(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractBounds
translate(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
translate(Vector2) - Method in class AABB
translate(Vector2) - Method in class AbstractShape
translate(Vector2) - Method in class Transform
translate(Vector2) - Method in interface Translatable
Translates the object along the given vector.
translateToOrigin() - Method in class AbstractCollisionBody
translateToOrigin() - Method in interface CollisionBody
Translates the center of the CollisionBody to the world space origin (0,0).
transpose() - Method in class Matrix22
Sets this Matrix22 to the transpose of this Matrix22.
transpose() - Method in class Matrix33
Sets this Matrix33 to the transpose of this Matrix33.
Triangle - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
Implementation of a Triangle Convex Shape.
Triangle(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Constructor for class Triangle
Full constructor.
triangulate(Vector2...) - Method in class EarClipping
triangulate(Vector2...) - Method in class SweepLine
triangulate(Vector2...) - Method in interface Triangulator
Performs the triangulation on the given polygon returning a list of Triangles.
Triangulator - Interface in org.dyn4j.geometry.decompose
Represents an algorithm to triangulate a given polygon (as a list of points) into Triangles.
tripleProduct(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class Vector2
The triple product of Vector2s is defined as:
tripleProduct(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) - Static method in class Vector3
The triple product of Vector3s is defined as:
TWO_PI - Static variable in class Geometry
2 * PI constant
TypedFallbackCondition - Class in org.dyn4j.collision.narrowphase
Represents a FallbackCondition that uses the Convex's class type to determine which pairs will be detected by the fallback NarrowphaseDetector.
TypedFallbackCondition() - Constructor for class TypedFallbackCondition
Default constructor.
TypedFallbackCondition(int) - Constructor for class TypedFallbackCondition
Optional constructor.
TypeFilter - Class in org.dyn4j.collision
A base implementation of a class hierarchy Fixture Filter.
TypeFilter() - Constructor for class TypeFilter
TYPICAL_FIXTURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface CollisionBody
Number of fixtures typically attached to a CollisionBody


union(AABB) - Method in class AABB
Performs a union of this AABB and the given AABB placing the result of the union into this AABB and then returns this AABB
union(AABB, AABB) - Method in class AABB
Performs a union of the given AABBs and places the result into this AABB and then returns this AABB.
union(Interval) - Method in class Interval
Sets this Interval to the union of this Interval and the given Interval.
UnitConversion - Class in org.dyn4j
Class used to convert units.
update() - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Updates all the currently stored objects AABBs based on their current state, the AABBProducer, and the AABBExpansionMethod.
update() - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
update() - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
update() - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
update() - Method in class Sap
update(double) - Method in class TimeStep
Updates the current TimeStep using the new elapsed time.
update(double) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
update(double) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Updates the PhysicsWorld.
update(double, double) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
update(double, double) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Updates the World.
update(double, double, int) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
update(double, double, int) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Updates the World.
update(double, int) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
update(double, int) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Updates the World.
update(Manifold, Settings, ContactUpdateHandler) - Method in class ContactConstraint
Updates this ContactConstraint with the new Manifold information and reports begin, persist, and end events to the handler.
update(T) - Method in interface BroadphaseDetector
Updates the broad-phase representation of the given object.
update(T) - Method in class BroadphaseDetectorDecoratorAdapter
update(T) - Method in class BruteForceBroadphase
update(T) - Method in interface CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector
Updates all the Fixtures on the given CollisionBody.
update(T) - Method in class CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter
update(T) - Method in class DynamicAABBTree
update(T) - Method in class Sap
update(T, E) - Method in interface CollisionItemBroadphaseDetector
Updates the given CollisionBody's Fixture.
update(T, E) - Method in class CollisionItemBroadphaseDetectorAdapter
updateAtRestTime(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
updateAtRestTime(TimeStep, Settings) - Method in interface PhysicsBody
Updates the at-rest time for this body based on the given timestep and returns the current at-rest time.
updateMass() - Method in class AbstractPhysicsBody
updateMass() - Method in interface PhysicsBody
This is a shortcut method for the PhysicsBody.setMass(org.dyn4j.geometry.MassType) method that will use the current mass type as the mass type and then recompute the mass from the body's fixtures.
updatePerformed(TimeStep, PhysicsWorld<T, ?>) - Method in interface StepListener
Called after collision detection and contact updates have been performed due to a call to the PhysicsWorld.setUpdateRequired(boolean) passing true.
updatePerformed(TimeStep, PhysicsWorld<T, ?>) - Method in class StepListenerAdapter
updateRequired - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
True if an update to the collision data or interaction graph is needed before a step of the engine
updateSpringCoefficients() - Method in class DistanceJoint
Computes the spring coefficients from the current state of the joint.
updateSpringCoefficients() - Method in class PinJoint
Computes the spring coefficients from the current state of the joint.
updateSpringCoefficients() - Method in class PrismaticJoint
Computes the spring coefficients from the current state of the joint.
updateSpringCoefficients() - Method in class WeldJoint
Computes the spring coefficients from the current state of the joint.
updateSpringCoefficients() - Method in class WheelJoint
Computes the spring coefficients from the current state of the joint.
updateTrackingEnabled - Variable in class AbstractBroadphaseDetector
True if update tracking is enabled
updatev(double) - Method in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
updatev(double) - Method in interface PhysicsWorld
Updates the World.
upperLimit - Variable in class AngleJoint
The upper limit
upperLimit - Variable in class DistanceJoint
The maximum distance between the two world space anchor points
upperLimit - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
the upper limit in meters
upperLimit - Variable in class RevoluteJoint
The upper limit of the Joint
upperLimit - Variable in class WeldJoint
The upper limit of the Joint
upperLimit - Variable in class WheelJoint
the upper limit in meters
upperLimitEnabled - Variable in class DistanceJoint
Whether the maximum distance is enabled
upperLimitEnabled - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
True if the upper limit is enabled
upperLimitEnabled - Variable in class WheelJoint
True if the upper limit is enabled
userData - Variable in class AbstractCollisionBody
The user data associated to this CollisionBody
userData - Variable in class Fixture
The user data
userData - Variable in class AbstractJoint
The user data
userData - Variable in class AbstractShape
Custom user data object
userData - Variable in class AbstractCollisionWorld
The user data


value - Variable in class Reference
The value
valueMixer - Variable in class AbstractPhysicsWorld
ValueMixer - Interface in org.dyn4j.world
Interface used to customize the way friction and restitution coefficients are mixed.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ContinuousDetectionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum MassType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
ValueOutOfRangeException - Exception in org.dyn4j.exception
Represents an exception when two arguments are the same object.
ValueOutOfRangeException(String, double) - Constructor for exception ValueOutOfRangeException
Minimal constructor.
ValueOutOfRangeException(String, double, String, double) - Constructor for exception ValueOutOfRangeException
Minimal constructor.
ValueOutOfRangeException(String, double, String, String, double) - Constructor for exception ValueOutOfRangeException
Minimal constructor.
ValueOutOfRangeException(String, int) - Constructor for exception ValueOutOfRangeException
Minimal constructor.
ValueOutOfRangeException(String, int, String, int) - Constructor for exception ValueOutOfRangeException
Minimal constructor.
ValueOutOfRangeException(String, int, String, String, int) - Constructor for exception ValueOutOfRangeException
Minimal constructor.
values() - Static method in enum ContinuousDetectionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum MassType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Vector2 - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
This class represents a vector or point in 2D space.
Vector2() - Constructor for class Vector2
Default constructor.
Vector2(double) - Constructor for class Vector2
Creates a unit length vector in the given direction.
Vector2(double, double) - Constructor for class Vector2
Optional constructor.
Vector2(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class Vector2
Creates a Vector2 from the first point to the second point.
Vector2(Vector2) - Constructor for class Vector2
Copy constructor.
Vector2(Vector2, Vector2) - Constructor for class Vector2
Creates a Vector2 from the first point to the second point.
Vector3 - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry
This class represents a vector or point in 3D space.
Vector3() - Constructor for class Vector3
Default constructor.
Vector3(double, double, double) - Constructor for class Vector3
Optional constructor.
Vector3(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class Vector3
Creates a Vector3 from the first point to the second point.
Vector3(Vector3) - Constructor for class Vector3
Copy constructor.
Vector3(Vector3, Vector3) - Constructor for class Vector3
Creates a Vector3 from the first point to the second point.
Version - Class in org.dyn4j
The version of the engine.
VertexClusterReduction - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry.simplify
Simple polygon (without holes) simplifier that reduces the number of vertices by inspecting the distance between adjacent vertices.
VertexClusterReduction(double) - Constructor for class VertexClusterReduction
Minimal constructor.
Visvalingam - Class in org.dyn4j.geometry.simplify
Simple polygon (without holes) simplifier that reduces the number of vertices by inspecting the area created by adjacent vertices.
Visvalingam(double, double) - Constructor for class Visvalingam
Minimal constructor.


warmStart(List<ContactConstraint<T>>, TimeStep, Settings) - Method in class SequentialImpulses
Performs warm-starting of the contact constraints.
WeldJoint<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Implementation of a weld joint.
WeldJoint(T, T, Vector2) - Constructor for class WeldJoint
Minimal constructor.
WheelJoint<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.dynamics.joint
Implementation of a wheel joint.
WheelJoint(T, T, Vector2, Vector2) - Constructor for class WheelJoint
Minimal constructor.
World<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.world
Full implementation of both the CollisionWorld and PhysicsWorld interfaces.
World() - Constructor for class World
Default constructor.
World(int, int) - Constructor for class World
Optional constructor.
WorldCollisionData<T extends PhysicsBody> - Class in org.dyn4j.world
Represents the collision data for the World class.
WorldCollisionData(CollisionPair<CollisionItem<T, BodyFixture>>) - Constructor for class WorldCollisionData
Minimal constructor.
WorldEventListener - Interface in org.dyn4j.world.listener
Marker interface for world listeners.
Wound - Interface in org.dyn4j.geometry
Represents a shape that is defined by vertices with line segment connections with counter-clockwise winding.


x - Variable in class Transform
The x translation
x - Variable in class Vector2
The magnitude of the x component of this Vector2
x - Variable in class Vector3
The magnitude of the x component of this Vector3
xAxis - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
The axis representing the allowed line of motion
xAxis - Variable in class WheelJoint
The local space x axis representing the allowed linear motion


y - Variable in class Transform
The y translation
y - Variable in class Vector2
The magnitude of the y component of this Vector2
y - Variable in class Vector3
The magnitude of the y component of this Vector3
yAxis - Variable in class PrismaticJoint
The perpendicular axis of the line of motion
yAxis - Variable in class WheelJoint
The local space y axis representing the constrained linear motion


z - Variable in class Vector3
The magnitude of the z component of this Vector3
zero() - Method in class AABB
Sets this AABB to a degenerate zero AABB.
zero() - Method in class Vector2
Sets the Vector2 to the zero Vector2
zero() - Method in class Vector3
Sets the Vector3 to the zero Vector3
ZERO_GRAVITY - Static variable in interface PhysicsWorld
Zero gravity constant
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