Type members


Phase that prints the trees in all loaded compilation units.

Phase that prints the trees in all loaded compilation units.


Nicolas Stucki

class IDEDecompilerDriver(val settings: List[String]) extends Driver

Decompiler to be used with IDEs

Decompiler to be used with IDEs

object Main extends Driver

Main class of the dotc -decompiler decompiler.

Main class of the dotc -decompiler decompiler.


Nicolas Stucki

Partial TASTYDecompiler that doesn't execute the backendPhases allowing to control decompiler output by manually running it on the CompilationUnits

Partial TASTYDecompiler that doesn't execute the backendPhases allowing to control decompiler output by manually running it on the CompilationUnits

Compiler from tasty to user readable high text representation of the compiled scala code.

Compiler from tasty to user readable high text representation of the compiled scala code.


Nicolas Stucki