
trait Showable
class Any
class Tree[T]
trait TypTree[T]
class TypeTree[T]
trait TermTree[T]
class This[T]
class Super[T]
class Apply[T]
class TypeApply[T]
class Literal[T]
class New[T]
class Typed[T]
class Assign[T]
class If[T]
class InlineIf[T]
class Closure[T]
class Match[T]
class InlineMatch[T]
class Return[T]
class WhileDo[T]
class Try[T]
trait PatternTree[T]
class Bind[T]
class Alternative[T]
class UnApply[T]
class NameTree[T]
class RefTree[T]
class Ident[T]
class Select[T]
class MemberDef[T]
class ValOrDefDef[T]
class ValDef[T]
class EmptyValDef[T]
class DefDef[T]
class TypeDef[T]
class ModuleDef
class Labeled[T]
trait DefTree[T]
class Template[T]
class Import[T]
class Export[T]
class ProxyTree[T]
class PackageDef[T]
class Annotated[T]
class Parens
class NamedArg[T]
class Block[T]
class XMLBlock
class CaseDef[T]
class SeqLiteral[T]
class Inlined[T]
class Thicket[T]
class EmptyTree[T]
class OpTree
class InfixOp
class PostfixOp
class PrefixOp
class Function
class Tuple
class GenFrom
class GenAlias
class MacroTree
class Hole
class Constant
class Name
class TermName
class TypeName
class Scope
object EmptyScope
class Symbol
object NoSymbol
class Type
class AndOrType
class AndType
class OrType
class ClassInfo
object NoType
object NoPrefix
class ViewProto
class NamedType
class TermRef
class TypeRef
class ThisType
class SuperType
class RecType
class ExprType
class HKLambda
class BoundType
class ParamRef
class RecThis
class TypeVar
class MatchType
class TypeAlias
class TypeProxy
class LazyRef
class LazyType
class NoLoader
class StubInfo
class Completer
class Completer
class PolyType
class FlexType
class ErrorType
class FunProto
class PolyProto
trait TypeType
trait TermType
trait ValueType
trait ProtoType

Value members

Abstract methods

def toText(printer: Printer): Text

The text representation of this showable element. This normally dispatches to a pattern matching method in Printers.

The text representation of this showable element. This normally dispatches to a pattern matching method in Printers.

Concrete methods

def fallbackToText(printer: Printer): Text

A fallback text representation, if the pattern matching in Printers does not have a case for this showable element

A fallback text representation, if the pattern matching in Printers does not have a case for this showable element

def show(using Context): String

The string representation of this showable element.

The string representation of this showable element.

def showIndented(margin: Int)(using Context): String

The string representation with each line after the first one indented by the given given margin (in spaces).

The string representation with each line after the first one indented by the given given margin (in spaces).

def showSummary(depth: Int)(using Context): String

The summarized string representation of this showable element. Recursion depth is limited to some smallish value. Default is Config.summarizeDepth.

The summarized string representation of this showable element. Recursion depth is limited to some smallish value. Default is Config.summarizeDepth.