
class Translator(resultType: Type, thisPhase: MiniPhase)(using `x$3`: Context)

The pattern matching translator. Its general structure is a pipeline:

Match tree ---matchPlan---> Plan ---optimize---> Plan ---emit---> Tree

The pipeline consists of three steps:

  • build a plan, using methods matchPlan, caseDefPlan, patternPlan.
  • optimize the plan, using methods listed in optimization,
  • emit the translated tree, using methods emit, collectSwitchCases, emitSwitchCases, and emitCondition.

A plan represents the underlying decision graph. It consists of tests, let bindings, labeled blocks, return from said labeled blocks and code blocks. It's represented by its own data type. Plans are optimized by merging common tests and eliminating dead code.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case class EqualTest(tree: Tree) extends Test
case object GuardTest extends Test
case class LabeledPlan(sym: TermSymbol, var expr: Plan) extends Plan
case class LengthTest(len: Int, exact: Boolean) extends Test
case class LetPlan(sym: TermSymbol, var body: Plan) extends Plan
case object NonEmptyTest extends Test
case object NonNullTest extends Test
sealed abstract class Plan

The different kinds of plans

The different kinds of plans

class PlanTransform extends Plan => Plan

A superclass for plan transforms

A superclass for plan transforms

case class ResultPlan(var tree: Tree) extends Plan
case class ReturnPlan(var label: TermSymbol) extends Plan
case class SeqPlan(var head: Plan, var tail: Plan) extends Plan
sealed abstract class Test

The different kinds of tests

The different kinds of tests

case class TestPlan(test: Test, var scrutinee: Tree, span: Span, var onSuccess: Plan) extends Plan
object TestPlan
case class TypeTest(tpt: Tree, trusted: Boolean) extends Test

Value members

Concrete methods

def mergeTests(plan: Plan): Plan

Merge identical consecutive tests.

Merge identical consecutive tests.

When we have the following shape:

if (testA) plan1 if (testA) plan2 nextPlan?

transform it to

if (testA) { plan1 plan2 } nextPlan?

Similarly, when we have equivalent let bindings:

let x1 = rhs1 in plan1 let x2 = rhs2 in plan2 nextPlan?

and rhs1 and rhs2 are equivalent, transform it to

let x1 = rhs1 in { plan1 plan2[x1/x2] }

where plan2[x1/x2] means substituting x1 for x2 in plan2.

There are some tricks to "ignore" non-patmat-generated let bindings, i.e., captures written in the source code, while identifying common subplans.

def show(plan: Plan): String

Pretty-print plan; used for debugging

Pretty-print plan; used for debugging

Translate pattern match to sequence of tests.

Translate pattern match to sequence of tests.

Concrete fields