
abstract class ScannerCommon(source: SourceFile)(using `x$2`: Context) extends CharArrayReader with TokenData
trait TokenData
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited classlikes

Value members

Abstract methods

def nextToken(): Unit
def toToken(name: SimpleName): Token

The token for given name. Either IDENTIFIER or a keyword.

The token for given name. Either IDENTIFIER or a keyword.

Concrete methods

def error(msg: String, off: Offset): Unit

Generate an error at the given offset

Generate an error at the given offset

def finishNamed(idtoken: Token, target: TokenData): Unit

Clear buffer and set name and token If target is different from this, don't treat identifiers as end tokens

Clear buffer and set name and token If target is different from this, don't treat identifiers as end tokens

signal an error where the input ended in the middle of a token

signal an error where the input ended in the middle of a token

protected def putChar(c: Char): Unit

append Unicode character to "litBuf" buffer

append Unicode character to "litBuf" buffer

def setStrVal(): Unit

Clear buffer and set string

Clear buffer and set string

Inherited methods

Inherited from
protected def decodeUni: Boolean

Switch whether unicode should be decoded

Switch whether unicode should be decoded

Inherited from
def getc(): Char
Inherited from

Is current token first one after a newline?

Is current token first one after a newline?

Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from

Is token a COLON, after having converted COLONEOL to COLON? The conversion means that indentation is not significant after : anymore. So, warning: this is a side-effecting operation.

Is token a COLON, after having converted COLONEOL to COLON? The conversion means that indentation is not significant after : anymore. So, warning: this is a side-effecting operation.

Inherited from
def isIdent(name: Name): Boolean
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from

Is last character a unicode escape \uxxxx?

Is last character a unicode escape \uxxxx?

Inherited from
Inherited from

A new reader that takes off at the current character position

A new reader that takes off at the current character position

Inherited from
final def nextChar(): Unit

Advance one character; reducing CR;LF pairs to just LF

Advance one character; reducing CR;LF pairs to just LF

Inherited from
final def nextRawChar(): Unit

Advance one character, leaving CR;LF pairs intact. This is for use in multi-line strings, so there are no "potential line ends" here.

Advance one character, leaving CR;LF pairs intact. This is for use in multi-line strings, so there are no "potential line ends" here.

Inherited from
protected def startFrom: Int
Inherited from

Concrete fields

val buf: Array[Char]

the last error offset

the last error offset

protected val litBuf: CharBuffer

A character buffer for literals

A character buffer for literals

Inherited fields

var base: Int

the base of a number

the base of a number

Inherited from
var ch: Char

the last read character

the last read character

Inherited from

The offset one past the last read character

The offset one past the last read character

Inherited from

The offset before the last read character

The offset before the last read character

Inherited from

the offset of the character following the token preceding this one

the offset of the character following the token preceding this one

Inherited from

the offset of the newline immediately preceding the token, or -1 if token is not preceded by a newline.

the offset of the newline immediately preceding the token, or -1 if token is not preceded by a newline.

Inherited from

The start offset of the current line

The start offset of the current line

Inherited from

the name of an identifier

the name of an identifier

Inherited from

the offset of the first character of the current token

the offset of the first character of the current token

Inherited from

the string value of a literal

the string value of a literal

Inherited from
var token: Token

the next token

the next token

Inherited from